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Landiin 06-20-2007 02:19 AM

Goaldan's post got me poking around in this file. My Internet has been off for a week and won't be back on for another 3 so I'm stuck with dial up and can't seem to log in to make more test because of a long update.

Here is a quick note on Goaldan's find.

Offsets 0000-0005: Unknown

Offsets 0006-0009: Total number of custom channels

If there are any chat channels

Offset 000A: The custom channel information starts.

Bytes 0-3: Channel Number. Bytes must be read in reverse order to get the correct decimal value.
Bytes 4-5: Length of the channel name. As before, bytes must be read in reverse order to get the correct decimal value.
Bytes 6+: Name of the channel.

I've managed to extract more information.

After the last byte of chat channel data or at Offset A in the case of no chat channel is a unknown byte. After that byte is where the window data starts.

The way the file stores the window is by module. (inventory, mainhud ect.) Then the windows that has been accessed that are in that module. If a window has never been accessed then its settings will not show up in the settings.ini file.


B# = Byte (8 bits) followed by a note number
W# = Word (16 bits) followed by a note number

The byte structure layout of the ui setting data is as follows:

W1,W2,<model name bytes>,W3,W4,<window name bits>,B5,W6,B7...

Data Notes:

1. Number of modules stored in the settings file.
2. Length of the model name
3. Number of window stored in the model
4. Length of the window name
5. Unknown (buffer byte I guess /shrug) This Byte is always 01
6. Window data Byte count
7. This is the start of the window data. From this point on when I refer to the start of the window data this is the point I mean and I will give it the name Window Data Offset: 0;

After that it, starts over with W4 until you reach the total number of windows that is in W3. After the last Window data Byte it starts over with W2.

There are also 15 Bytes at the end of the file that I am unsure of their use ATM.

Window data offset, these are counting from Window Data Offset 0:

PackLocation: Offset 4, Size Byte
Horizontal Position: Offset 5-9, Size DWord
Vertical Position: Offset 9-12, Size Dword
Width: Offset 13-14, Size Word
Height: Offset 17-18, Size Word
Visible: Offset 21, Size Byte

Landiin 06-20-2007 03:41 AM

Here is a little app I tossed together to explore the settings.ini file.

I do not bleave this breaks any EULA as we modded this file all the time in eq1 and no where have they said not to. If it is let me know and I will promply stop exploring this path any more.

Landiin 06-21-2007 09:52 PM

I added some items to the app to help speed up conversions.
  • Added an ASCII Grid that will reflects the HEX in the data grid.
  • Added a binary display that converts the HEX of the selected cell to binary.
  • Added a Convert selected control that will convert a selected range of cells to Decimal, it will also display the selected range in binary.
This should help in decoding the bit wise changes to Bytes and help find screen X and Y positions.

Landiin 06-25-2007 09:05 AM

Rc 1
Here is RC 1, I think I've added every thing that any one could need to snoop on the data in this file.

Redesigned the Apps layout and added a compare data tab that scans for changes in the selected file and displays them side by side with the one in memory . I'll edit this post later when I have more time for all the details

for now here is the new version.

Leave some feed back if you have any ideas or suggestions.

gm9 06-25-2007 12:04 PM

Pretty cool idea, should be easy enough to decode it based on that. Was a bit confused until I noticed that "open uisettings file" will not load the selected file but rather the first file in the folder.

Another issue I experienced was that for one window in one file the cursor would be set at an incorrect position (middle of window name). The file structure appeared correct, at least the problematic window data started exactly at the position where it should be according to the previous window's data byte count (your W5), so I assume it's an issue with your app. Can give you the file if you want to test it out.

From quickly looking at my default uisettings files for windows where I know the sizes I can tell you the following (position given as decimal byte offset with start of the window data section as byte 1):


Bytes - Contents
14+15 - Window width
18+19 - Window height

Strangely enough I saw no further differences between windows, in particular no location information. Will have to experiment for those.

A really useful function that you should add to your program would be to allow the user to remove module/window information from the file.

In any case thanks for decoding the file so far, this will speed up the process of updating my default settings files a lot! :nana:

Landiin 06-25-2007 01:56 PM

Yes I should relabel that button to open ui setting folder or something other then file.

Yes please give the the settings file that causes the cursor to be placed wrong and what window it is doing it on.

I'll add in the ability to modify the file, I was just using to decode the file, but it'll be easy enough to allow byte changes and the removing of unwanted window settings. Guess While I am at it, I'll go ahead and put in chat channel management too.

gm9 06-26-2007 03:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 60232)
Yes please give the the settings file that causes the cursor to be placed wrong and what window it is doing it on.

Attached are two of them, named after the windows I first noticed to be off - these are in each case Hotbars. However, if you go through the files you will find that other windows are off as well, e.g. some bags, inventory window, etc.

Landiin 06-28-2007 02:56 PM

Fixed what gm9 found and added in the ability to edit the data, delete modules, windows and chat channels.

Posted it in the utility section of the downloads.

gm9 06-28-2007 03:58 PM

Excellent thanks. Now where is that download.... :confused:

Landiin 06-28-2007 04:36 PM

lol I don't know.. The matrix got it:eek:

Here it is untill it gets posted..

gm9 06-28-2007 05:43 PM

Thanks, the matrix released it. Minor bug: deleting modules after first deleting all windows inside of the module throws an error. Minor issue: deleting a window (thanks for adding that, I love it!) deletes the window you have selected, not the window you right click on - even though that changes the selection. But since your confirmation box repeats the window name that's ok I suppose. (Otherwise very minor: A typo that's still there which I forgot to report: It says Binaly instead of Binary in the DataSpy. And Convertd is missing an e.)

Thanks again Landiin, going to clean up my default UI settings files with that one and will post once I decoded more fields of those files with your tool. :)

uberfuzzy 06-29-2007 03:25 AM

omg, many many internets are yours in thanks for this, i was finally able to leave some channels on an alt that i've been stuck in. (2 with corruupted names, and 2 from another toon of a different class/race that got copied when i /load_uisettings a long time ago)

gm9 06-30-2007 09:32 AM

More offsets:
Took another look at the offsets today. Decoded most of it now (location given as decimal byte offset with start of the window data section as byte 1, order of bytes as written):

Data Locations:

PackLocation: 5 (BYTE)
Horizontal Position: 9+8+7+6 (DWORD)
Vertical Position: 13+12+11+10 (DWORD)
Width: 14+15 (WORD)
Height: 18+19 (WORD)

Visible: 22 (BYTE)

Then there are 6 DWORDs pretty much at the end of window data
which are for the opacity sliders.
They are followed by a couple of bytes that I do not understand yet.

Values for PackLocation (IMPORTANT: this is also the Offset for the calculation of Location!):

0: left, top
1: center, top
2: right, top
3: right, center
4: right, bottom
5: center, bottom
6: left, bottom
7: left, center
8: center, center
9: left, top
10: left, center
11: center, center
12-FF: right, bottom

As you can see 9-12/FF appear redundant - I may have overlooked
special functionality associated with those (or not)

Values for Visible:

0: false
1: true

That's probably enough for you Landiin to change your UIsettingsSpy into a full blown UIsettings Editor. Btw I could not use the edit function of your tool, it would not write the correct values into the file (also in adjacent bytes not edited), I ended up doing all the above in my hex editor, was faster anyway.

Landiin 07-01-2007 03:27 AM

Nice work there gm:) Now just need info for title bar, frame and back drop visible and opacity Oh yea and PackSize:/

I'm sure 12-FF on packlocation cover the Fixed, Proportional and then the countless NFN,CPF possibilities.

Wish I could help you out but still no connection other then dial up. My have to load EQ2 on a lap top and go park outside some coffee shop lol. Two patches behind won't be fun on dial-up.

about the editor not using the correct value to file. was it putting the correct value in the editor but when saved it would be the value you entered? Also it treats any value entered as a HEX value could that of been it. I can make it take a DEC value but it'll have to be in the format of #10 for A.

At any rate nice work and I'll get a tab added so one can directly adjust these values:)

gm9 07-01-2007 05:41 AM

Yes I thought about the fff, nnn, etc. notation, didn't think it was that though, that may also just be read from the xml itself. Will have to do some testing with sub-windows to find out. For this test here I was just moving the map window around.

Regarding your editor, first off sorry for my useless bug report. ;) What happens is I edit one byte (editing in hex is perfectly fine, don't need dec) and save. Looks fine on the screen, but in fact your editor will change the adjacent byte as well to a specific value which seems to depend on the value you entered for the first byte. Happens reproducably all the time.

And maybe a word of explanation regarding how location in conjunction with what I call PackLocation works. Say you PackLocation is 2 for right, top. You HPos is 40 and you VPos is 10. The window will then appear at an absolute horizontal position of Screen Width - Window Width + HPos, and an absolute vertical position of 10. So your editor would have to take all those parameters into account. You could then offer options to automatically center a window, for example. If have yet to test it with windows that bring their own definition of PackLocation and PackLocationProp in the XML into play. Judging from modding experience with those I assume they will simply override all settings in the .ini file if any of them is present. For example, if I add a pack location of "cpc, cpc" to the xml and no PackLocationProp, but a Location that is off-center, when displayed the window will nevertheless be exactly centered. Will have to test this to confirm exact mechanics though.

Landiin 07-02-2007 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 60393)
And maybe a word of explanation regarding how location in conjunction with what I call PackLocation works. Say you PackLocation is 2 for right, top. You HPos is 40 and you VPos is 10. The window will then appear at an absolute horizontal position of Screen Width - Window Width + HPos, and an absolute vertical position of 10. So your editor would have to take all those parameters into account. You could then offer options to automatically center a window, for example. If have yet to test it with windows that bring their own definition of PackLocation and PackLocationProp in the XML into play. Judging from modding experience with those I assume they will simply override all settings in the .ini file if any of them is present. For example, if I add a pack location of "cpc, cpc" to the xml and no PackLocationProp, but a Location that is off-center, when displayed the window will nevertheless be exactly centered. Will have to test this to confirm exact mechanics though.

Can you tell if packlocationprop is stored in the settings file? If so I'll probably have to adjust its value if Hpos/vpos is changed. I've always disregarded the property as it's calculated by the client. But if it is the settings file then bla bla more work lol..

You should be able to get a list of all changed bytes by turning on passive scan. I might have to redo that function because it stops scanning when it sees the 1st change.

gm9 07-02-2007 12:14 PM

I haven't yet tried your passive scan function. I was just doing /save_uisettings to separate files and comparing those in my hex editor.

Will check regarding your question, but the answer is likely no since there were not enough "unallocated" bytes left to encode that information.

Landiin 07-02-2007 12:47 PM

Hmm I guess delete really does mean delete :eek: lol.

Regarding packlocation;

Keep in mind that var Left and Top is a shortcut var for NFN, Right and Bottom is a shortcut var for FFF and Center is a shortcut var for NPC.

PackLocation is a record of 3 var, per axis. Child Edge + Relationship + Parents Edge are the var for one axis. The Left, Right, Top, Bottom and Center I've always assumed was added for ease of coding and not a real paclocation variable.

But if they don't store the packLocationprop then it's calculated on fly and I don't need to worry about it, THANK GOODNESS!!

Time for some Advil, I've thought about this way to much..

anfrey 07-02-2007 02:06 PM

i have an issue where one of my 3 chat windows does not show up when i log in. i must press the / key in order to get it to appear. any ideas how i can fix it?

Landiin 07-03-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by anfrey (Post 60418)
i have an issue where one of my 3 chat windows does not show up when i log in. i must press the / key in order to get it to appear. any ideas how i can fix it?

The only thing I can think of ATM is load up that uisetting files and then go through all the chat window clones and make sure offset 21's byte in window data view is set to 01. Other then that I don't know. But it did give me an idea for another feature, Compare clones:P

anfrey 07-03-2007 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 60425)
The only thing I can think of ATM is load up that uisetting files and then go through all the chat window clones and make sure offset 21's byte in window data view is set to 01. Other then that I don't know. But it did give me an idea for another feature, Compare clones:P

i'll take a look around... hex is still a bit daunting for me right now, but i do feel 100% safe with my backed-up ini files

Landiin 07-03-2007 11:22 PM

No need to really understand hex for what you are looking for. All offsets are displayed as decimal. Select your uisetting file then go to data view tab. Expand MainHud in the window tree box and double click on one of the chat clones. This will put the data grid in view window data only mode. Then just mouse over each cell until you reach position 21. If the number at position 21 is 01 then the window has visible set to true if it is a 00 then it is set to not visible. If it is set to 00 double click on position 21s cell and enter 01 and press enter. Do that for each chat clone and then save.

Again I don't know if the window not being set to visible is the cause but it could be.

anfrey 07-04-2007 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 60441)
No need to really understand hex for what you are looking for. All offsets are displayed as decimal. Select your uisetting file then go to data view tab. Expand MainHud in the window tree box and double click on one of the chat clones. This will put the data grid in view window data only mode. Then just mouse over each cell until you reach position 21. If the number at position 21 is 01 then the window has visible set to true if it is a 00 then it is set to not visible. If it is set to 00 double click on position 21s cell and enter 01 and press enter. Do that for each chat clone and then save.

Again I don't know if the window not being set to visible is the cause but it could be.

was easier to use the window edit tab... window visibility was indeed off. however, since i cannot edit from there... well, i used the 'data view' tab, but on the 21st cell, i get a 3F.

Landiin 07-04-2007 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by anfrey
i used the 'data view' tab, but on the 21st cell, i get a 3F

Interesting.. Did you have the data display in window data view mode? you put in that mode by double clicking on the window you want to inspect.

If you don't mind post that setting file and I'll take a look at it. If byte 21 is other then 0 or 1 then there might be more to it then just the windows visibility.

(Begs the powers to be to hurry up and get that wireless tower built, so I can play again)

gm9 07-04-2007 01:52 PM

Yup, post the file please.

Interesting enough I checked the ProfitUI default settings and the chat window should be hidden according to those. Maybe the setting is being overriden by some of the /show_chat_on XXX options, not sure, will have to make some tests.

anfrey 07-04-2007 02:02 PM

here's my ui settings file.. hopefully you guys will have better luck with it than i...

thanks guys

gm9 07-04-2007 02:44 PM

you need to rename the file to .txt or put it in a .zip :)

anfrey 07-04-2007 03:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 60460)
you need to rename the file to .txt or put it in a .zip :)

oops! i thought it went through. lol.. i'm a dummy

gm9 07-04-2007 06:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It's offset 21 alright, you must have jumped a line if you saw a value of 3F. The chat window that has your guild chat was set to invisible. I hope that was the one causing problems. Changed it to visible, see attached. Let us know if it helps please.

anfrey 07-04-2007 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 60464)
It's offset 21 alright, you must have jumped a line if you saw a value of 3F. The chat window that has your guild chat was set to invisible. I hope that was the one causing problems. Changed it to visible, see attached. Let us know if it helps please.

aye that was the one that was hidden... that chat window has a few tabs: npc chat, ooc chat, say/gsay/tells, guildchat..

thanks for the fix, i'll check it out :)

Landiin 07-04-2007 10:11 PM

I just ran through about 15 uisetting files and every one of them have MainChat_clone_0's visible bit set to 0 and the other clones are set to 1. Granted some of them are copies of each other but I know 6 or 7 of them are unique setting files.

gm9 07-05-2007 01:39 AM

I have probably half where it is set to 1, the other half is set to 0. A new uisettings file created by the game has it set to 0 (on Test server at least).

Will definitively need to be investigated.

Vanyari 07-05-2007 09:03 AM

Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to put this.

I downloaded this and was playing with it yesterday. Really impressive btw. All I was messing with was changing channels. For one toon I simply deleted two channels and that worked great. For two other toons I tried to add a channel apiece. Seemed to work fine, but when i then loaded the toons up in game the UIsettings had been completely wiped and reset to defaults. I 'recovered' them by copyping the settings from the toon that was ok, but just wanted to let you all know; seems to be a bit of a bug when adding a channel.

Landiin 07-05-2007 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Vanyari (Post 60487)
Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to put this.

I downloaded this and was playing with it yesterday. Really impressive btw. All I was messing with was changing channels. For one toon I simply deleted two channels and that worked great. For two other toons I tried to add a channel apiece. Seemed to work fine, but when i then loaded the toons up in game the UIsettings had been completely wiped and reset to defaults. I 'recovered' them by copyping the settings from the toon that was ok, but just wanted to let you all know; seems to be a bit of a bug when adding a channel.

Hmm, I'll check out the structure of the file after adding chat channels to make sure it is adding everything in the correct places.

Had the chat channels you where added already been make in-game before hand or where they never joined channels? Reason I ask is I haven't been able to test adding chat channels as I am still not able to update my EQ2. So it could be that the chat channels has to be created in game at some point. I don't know how the whole chat system works.

gm9 07-05-2007 01:37 PM

While we are talking bug reports, I often get "grid" errors, grid out of bounds I think. Can't reproduce it or pin it to specific functions though, so might not help much.

Vanyari 07-05-2007 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin (Post 60492)
Had the chat channels you where added already been make in-game before hand or where they never joined channels?

Thanks for looking into it. They were previously existing channels in that many people on the server use them (RPLFG and RPEvents channels on Antonia Bayle), I just had never added them on those particular characters so figured I'd do that while i was in there.

Landiin 07-05-2007 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin
After the last byte of the chat channel or Offset A if there isn't any chat channels there are 3 unknown bytes. They are most always 01, 07, 00 or 01, 06, 00 for me any ways.

Well figured out what two of the 3 bytes are. The fist byte after the last chat channel data is still unknown, but the next two are the number of modules that is stored in setting files. I can't believe I missed that, it was so obvious. It was sticking out like a sour thumb when I was looking at the adding chat channel issue..

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