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uberfuzzy 02-20-2007 01:21 AM

Uberfuzzy Support/Comment Thread
i have no idea, seemed like a good idea, everyone else was doing it...

magik 07-11-2007 02:13 AM

Can't see % ! Why? But haven't errors in game.

Nalos 08-02-2007 10:32 AM

After GU37 the health % is blacked out and unreadable. Oddly the power % is still normal.

uberfuzzy 08-02-2007 01:45 PM

re: missing hp %
i had the same issue, i had not changed anything. it seems to have resolved it self, i think it might have been on the soe engine side. try running the patcher. if problem still there, i dunno, try re-downloading the zip

Nalos 08-02-2007 02:53 PM

Installed the newer version and problem was resolved. Thanks

Nalos 09-07-2007 02:20 PM

Equipped items don't show up. I just show everything as blank. Any idea's, maybe another ui conflicting with it?

uberfuzzy 09-07-2007 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Nalos (Post 62289)
Equipped items don't show up. I just show everything as blank. Any idea's, maybe another ui conflicting with it?

if your talking about the inventory mod, it wont work until LU38 goes live. to make the 2 sets of gear work, they have to change how the icons get filled in on the server side, there isnt anything i can do about it. thats why i changed the version number to LU38.

Nalos 09-08-2007 12:24 AM

Thanks for the quick response. I guess I am waiting for GU38 then.

uberfuzzy 09-08-2007 12:26 AM

well, theres nothing new about this one, only LU38 upgrades, if you wanted to use this before then, grab the older non-38 one.

abbelyn 09-21-2007 06:34 AM

was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. I use VertUI, and have to change alot of the mods I use on it due to scrollbar problems. I have changed the scrollbar in the Market UI, but I still seem to have no scrollbars in the pulldowns on the advanced section. If you can let me know what I need to mod, or put out a patch, I would be greatly appreciative. The Scrollbar style vert uses mostly is "/t_Styles.default_vscroll" however it also seems to work with "/ScrollStyles.default_vscroll" on other windows.

a little lost

uberfuzzy 09-21-2007 06:41 AM

i'll take a look and see what i can do.

do you have a link to where i can get that VertUI? seeing what your working with/aiming towards helps.

abbelyn 09-23-2007 04:11 AM

I've added alot of windows here and there, and noticed alot of the CommonElements based scrollbars seem broken in Vert, so I just go into the XML, mod the scrollbar style to the one listed above, and it works fine. Probably due to the custom styles for the UI. I know very very little about xml, though I'm mediocre with html

reddaz 09-25-2007 08:35 AM

Would it be possible for you to post a target & implied target window in the classic UI style without fancy mode (wings etc) on?

uberfuzzy 09-27-2007 01:29 AM

targeting and broker
1 Attachment(s)
ok, i THINK i got the %'s added to the "simple" target mode, i'm sans game right now, but i had a copy of the ui editor stashed online so i did the best i could. let me know if it works ok, if it does, i'll upload it as the standard file.

as for the VertUI and the broker stuff, i dont know whats causing it, i didnt change any of the scrollbar styles. i started with the basic default UI and added some things, but mostly just moved things around. try doing it with the base default soe version, if it does work there but not on mine, i'll look further into it

repsac 09-28-2007 04:53 AM

yes, allraght. i see percent hp and mp.
tnx for work.

abbelyn 09-30-2007 04:11 AM

I found the scrollbar style differences, but there are way too many for me to change (due to SoE using multiple different scrollstyles in the same XML) so I just reverted the broker to the Vert UI one. Just for others, you can still click on the pulldowns and manually move them up and down with the arrow keys, there is just no actual scrollbars with this mod and Vert Reborn. I'm fairly sure this can be fixed, however your looking at alot of modding, and I for one do not have enough understanding of XML to do so =)

mysteriousdrake 11-02-2007 08:02 PM

for the Market UI mod you did..
I just recently reinstalled it... Gotta say, I really love it.

But, I noticed one "bug", if it's even fair to call it that. With the market interface mod installed, the market/broker window now no longer closes itself when I hit the Escape key. :(

So, I dunno how that's fixed... but I was wondering if you would be willing to look into it and see if you can get the ESC key to close the window again.

ALSO, sometimes (I dunno why) I can't get the "Buy" button to change to "Buy (Stack)" or "Buy Quantity". Either (A) would it be possible to add small "Stack" or "Quantity" button (honestly, small, just those words, tiny buttons stacked on top of each other) next to the "Buy" button?? Or (B) can you suggest a mod I should look into that already does this function??

Thanks, Uberfuzzy.

uberfuzzy 11-03-2007 03:39 PM

i think i know what the ESC thing is, i think i overrode ESC closing the window to instead hit the 'clear' button, not sure, i'll check in a minute, not a biggie.
update: yeah, i did do that.
here's how to undo that, go open your folder with your custom ui files, find "eq2ui_inventory_market.xml", thats the broker ui. open it with your favorite text editor (i suggest notepad). do a find for IsCancelButton="true" (to the right of it should be LocalText="Clear") delete the IsCancelButton="true", and save.

as for the buttons, make sure you have clicked on an item and that the text cursor still isnt in the text field blinking. while the focus is in the textbox, ctrl and shift are hooked by the input for things like paste (ctrl+v) and shift (for caps, not that it matters on the broker...), but if its else where, like on an item, it controls the changing of the buy button

Avek 12-03-2007 06:09 AM

could you make this please.
Hi Uberfuzzy.

I use your target and implied target window and i think its great. I am hopeing you can make a simple and small interface for me.

I am a guardian so i cannot cure myself with anything except potions when i get a noxious, trama, elemental effect ect on me.

I have potions but they all look like the same bottle that is the same color and it makes it confusing to get the right potion when an effect is on me.

I have hotkeyed these potions so it is just a click but what i would love is a hotbar that has the same spell icons that the healers cures are.

I am not sure this is possible but can you make a seperate hotbar like hotbar 10 and the last 4 box's to have the spell cure icons in them. Then allow us to be able to drop a potion on that icon and it will use that type of potion from your inventory.

The reason i am asking that it allows us to drop the type of potion onto it is because there are common cure potions and then there is rare cure potions which raiders mainly use.

Thank you for your time.

uberfuzzy 12-03-2007 09:29 AM

hmm, i think you would be better off starting with one of the many "click to cure" mods, and changing the "buttons" from casting spell to use potions

plus, i'm currently taking a break from the game due to the holidays and travel, so i dont have an active account to test things with.

i wish i could be more help. :(

Sacraed 02-21-2008 06:44 PM

Market Window Request
I use this mod and I'm happy with its size and function except for one thing. I would like to see a "Buy Quantity" button. A button that say "My Class/Level" would be nice too.



uberfuzzy 02-22-2008 10:08 AM

the market window already has a buy quantity button, as does sony's. see my post in the comments on the broker page http://www.eq2interface.com/download...sMarketUI.html

as for the "my class/level", the standard broker saved searches would do this just fine.

i've got updated versions of my stuff (including the new effect search of LU42), just have to take out the debugging code/buttons and repackage them and get them up here, i'll try to get that done this weekend.

kool25 03-06-2008 09:37 AM

your market-mod
Hello was wondering if you could have both buy and sell side by side? or make and addon for the market window for it?


Lexi357 03-12-2008 01:05 PM

Your Clock/Compass mods
First i wanna say Terrific mod!
I like to see just what I need at a glance without all that frilly stuff in the way and your mod is perfect in that respect.


I was wondering IF there a way to bump up the font sizes and or maybe bold them? It's mostly the Norrath time, it's very hard to see (especially at 1680x1050 or 1600x900) which are the resolutions I play at. If nothing else maybe darken the backround and lighten the text (or vice versa :D) so it stands out a bit more.
Thanks in advance!

Jim737 10-03-2009 08:20 AM

AA star
Hail could U pls add that AA STAR indicator for namedsto your TARGET UI pls ?

Jim737 10-16-2010 04:49 PM

Hail mate with GU58 SoE added new bar for NPCs so U can actualy see when they are casting could U update it pls ?


Ebarel 01-07-2013 11:53 AM

could you please update the target/implied to add range indicators. I am so used to this ui part i cant switch to sth else ;)

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