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Faetyl 10-22-2006 12:36 AM

ThorUI Beta Mods for GU29
8 Attachment(s)
Here's some mods to test out for the changes in test.
Note: Although the changes have made test they may change even more before they hit live.

Please reply to this post with any issues with these attachments.

Note: I'm working on a bags revision and will post it as soon as I get a revision that is closer to a finished product than what I have now.

-Edit- 200610-22 12:30PM
-Including Updated Inventory Window:
Latest update broke the show/hide toggle button so I decided to get rid of it entirely.

-Included (a work in progress) Resizable Bag Window:
I'm hoping to get this fine tuned a bit. I've tested it and it does save size and location correctly (IF) you start over on your characters window placment file. Note: I wouldn't mess with this yet unless you have the patience for it as it will be changing... (I've included a "quick/incomplete" window settings file to try it out) If you don't know how to use it, i recommend you don't use it... "Wait till it goes live"

-Edit- 200610-22 1:50PM
-Revised Resizable Bag Window:
This one looks like its complete, but test it and give me your feedback.
It's a 32 on iconsize,with 6 on initial horizontal icon count, and user resizable.
This looks like its the first modded bag that's been posted so I don't have any other author's work to compare to at the moment. Hopefully we will see more soon, I know there's a lot of great talent out there.

-Edit- 200610-25 9:10PM
-Revised Hotkey Window:
This one should be 100% so let me know if you see anything wrong with it.

-Revised Bag Window:
Removed resize option until someone smarter than me figures it out or I grow a few more brain cells and figure it out.
Note: The 30 slot bag is showing an extra lines worth of space for some reason... (Still working on that...)

Edit- 200611-01 6:51PM
-Revised MainChat Window
SOE decided to change some items around so I had to recode this one from scratch. Let me know if you have any issues with it. Note: I'd look for SOE to update theirs again because it needs some work... Mine should be good unless they change something drastic again.

Edit- 200611-03 3:46PM
-Uploaded Persona Window
I forgot to upload this earlier.
Thanks for those of you that let me know.

Faetyl 10-22-2006 06:12 PM

Bag Mod doesn't auto resize correctly if the bag is less than 6 slots.
Only way to fix this would be to resize the initial bag size to accomodate the 4 slot bags which I don't plan on doing any time soon. ;)
Just drag the bag out and resize to your preference and it will save correctly.

Niinnod 10-24-2006 12:59 PM

Hey Faetyl-

Just wanted to say thanks for these kick ass mods you do. You rock... keep up the excellent work! :D

Damagemann 10-24-2006 02:46 PM

I downloaded the patches, put them in the betaeq2 directory and thorui directory under it, and still getting a message that the mod is still incompatible. I know it's a user problem (usually is), but can't figure it out.


Faetyl 10-24-2006 09:04 PM

betaeq2directory/UI/thorui/ place files here

I'll double check and make sure my version info is correct on these tonight and reply soon.
I goof up plenty myself so may be me. :)

burgeswe 10-25-2006 03:40 PM

I loved the mods!

Sadly, though, the new hotkey stuff was taken out, and now if you use the ThorUI parts you posted, all your hotbars are solid black.

And I really really liked the resizable bags, too.. but that seems to not be working after they reverted the changes as well.

Faetyl 10-25-2006 07:37 PM

ah thanks for the heads up.
I haven't been in for a couple days so i'll be sure to log in and see what's going on.

Faetyl 10-25-2006 08:04 PM

I logged in to beta and everything still works.
I'm assuming you are refering to test so i'll log over there and check it out.

Faetyl 10-25-2006 08:24 PM

wow yup not working in test.
We'll have to wait and see where they are going with this.
The original thorui mods do work in test so use those for now.

thepriz 10-25-2006 08:28 PM

I probably am doing something wrong but everytime I drag something out of the bags it resizes to the original size (which in some cases covers up some of the bag slots).

The hotbars work great, but it would be nice if they could use the hide spinner feature in the context menu to hide the bank selector.

Faetyl 10-25-2006 08:48 PM

Thanks for those points i had no idea.

I'll try and see what's preventing the "hide spinner" from working.
The issue with the bags resizing may not be resolvable but i'll poke around on it some more and see what I can come up with. (I'm assuming the whole "resizable feature" may be the issue and we may need to go back to a set width without the resize feature.)

Faetyl 10-25-2006 09:45 PM

Hotkey updated and should be 100% (Re-download from list above)
Give it a try and let me know if I goofed again. :p

Working on Bags now:
Looks like the system automatically resizes the bag based on the 6 slot width that I set in the initial bag size.
Therefore if you resize to 4 slot width and move an item in the bag; the bag will resize thinking you actually have the width set to a 6 slot bag.
This leaves me to believe the in game resizing option won't work until the devs code it in and with all they are working on now I think they have their hands full.

I'll work on setting up my typical 6 slot non-"in game"resizable bag for now to get something stable, then poke at it some more later.

Faetyl 10-25-2006 11:07 PM

Bag Window Revised to the non-resizable option (See edit notes above)

Someone smarter than me will have to figure this one out if its even possible.

Damagemann 10-26-2006 07:06 PM

Downloaded the new files, no more errors, yet.



Damagemann 11-01-2006 10:29 AM

Well, I have not been able to log in to beta for the last 2 days, the game crashes when I pick a toon from the character select screen, I deleted the beta_toon-name_uisettings.ini for each toon, but still crashes.

Could it be the ui?


Faetyl 11-01-2006 10:49 AM

It could indeed.

Rename eq2.ini to oldeq2.ini or anything that you will remember.
Then try and log in game.
That will "disable" the ThorUI

I'll log in today and see what's going on.

Damagemann 11-01-2006 11:13 AM

Yeah, that fixed the problem.



Faetyl 11-01-2006 09:55 PM

Found the changes regarding the MainChat window and just posted my complete recode of that window (see first post in this thread) "eq2ui_mainhud_mainchat.xml"
Let me know if you see any issues with it.

Note: This resolves the crash at character load issue.

FoxRoshak 11-02-2006 05:59 PM

I have posted on the EoF board..I assumed that was the proper place due to our EULA. Was I wrong in tis thinking?

Faetyl 11-02-2006 06:05 PM

You were correct.
I replied there in turn just now.

FoxRoshak 11-02-2006 07:39 PM

total awesome work man..trying to redo this as i still get crashes..see you on the other boards..I know how horrible covered up you must be with 3 servers and all the forums :)

FoxRoshak 11-03-2006 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Damagemann
Ok, I downloaded and installed the new main chat window in my beta directory, but when I issue the command /loadui and pick the thorui, the game crashes.


remove the eq2.ini file and start over :) thats what was doing it for me.

FoxRoshak 11-03-2006 06:26 PM

ok my quote post went above his post wierd...anyways made a post on the beta boards about the persona window...i get a non-compatable error..no game crash thankfully just a error saying my persona window isn't compatable

Faetyl 11-03-2006 06:44 PM

I'm a numbskull and forgot to upload it.
Was the first window I fixed and as such forgot it was an issue. :p
Anyways, I just uploaded it so give it a try.

As for the /loadui issue.
I see all sorts of posts about how that still doesn't work and not to use it...
If you have the eq2.ini file (which comes with the full ThorUI AU install) you shouldn't need to use /loadui

Also, to the poster of the /loadui issue.
Check your forum and computer times.
It appears to be off.

Damagemann 11-03-2006 10:47 PM

Ok, I downloaded and installed the new main chat window in my beta directory, but when I issue the command /loadui and pick the thorui, the game crashes.


Bolvaar 11-05-2006 06:53 PM

Working good =)
Installed the changed UI mods today and everything is working fine for me, thank you! Just wanted to request a persona window that has the Diety choice showing in it, and the guild exp bar needs to go to 60 as this has changed.

Again, thanks for your hard work, you have no idea how much we appreciate decent bags and hotbars after weeks of default UI =P

Faetyl 11-06-2006 01:13 AM

Updating Persona Window now.
It should be available shortly.

As for guild lvl 60, what are you refering to?
The XP bar info is sent from SOE so if your guild is 60 it should show that.

Let me know so I can track down the issue and resolve it.

Thanks in advance,

Damagemann 11-14-2006 10:18 AM

Is it safe to put copy these files to our EQ directory now that EoF has gone live?


Faetyl 11-14-2006 10:33 AM

Yes you can but the best thing to do would be to just run the ThorUI AU.

It will pull all updates down to your Live Folder.

If for some reason it doesn't, don't forget the 1st step to try and fix it...
1.) Delete the ui\thorui folder and relaunch the ThorUI AI so it can pull everything down fresh.

Bolvaar 11-14-2006 01:44 PM

Should have checked this thread sooner, sorry for the delay in answering. Our guild was buffed to 60 on beta, but the guild exp bar was still saying 50, and (I can't look now, beta is closed) I believe it was saying it had 10% exp into 50. I know nothing about this stuff, so hope that info helps.

Faetyl 11-14-2006 02:32 PM

The ThorUI doesn't modify the guild window in any way.
If you are refering to the XP bar that data is pushed from SOE and the issue should be reported to SOE as a in game bug.
I'd recommend checking the default UI first though.;)

Monkums 11-14-2006 08:10 PM

Resizing Bags
Just got into EQ2 and am unable to resize my bags with the latest update. I have a 12 slot bag but only six will show. I can't get the double headed arrow to drag and resize. Any suggestions?

autumnal00 11-14-2006 08:29 PM

I've had the same problem so I copied over the eq2ui_inventory_bag.xml file from the UI/default directory into the ThorUI directory to plod along with that if that helps any for the time being.

oh just to let you know disabling the bag option in the Advanced tab wouldn't fix it nor uninstallng and reupdating so I did that file copy over to get all the slots back if that makes sense.

Faetyl 11-14-2006 09:00 PM

Bags are NOT resizable.
Also, please note your window placements file may be to blame.
Back it up and use the Fullscreen one I provide or make your own.
If you want to use mine just type /load_uisettings in game and then choose the 1280x1024 fullscreen option.
That should get you close enough and you can move things around from there.

Only issue I have with bags is that I have an extra blank row on my 36slots.
But that's been there and I haven't had a chance to resolve it yet.

FoxRoshak 11-14-2006 09:32 PM

whelp half my guild is into tears..the message about you not keeping this UI is disturbing and upsetting...while there are many UIs out there none are as simplistic and unobtrusive as this one...this is a sad sad day for me ;(

autumnal00 11-14-2006 09:52 PM

oh hey there and thank you for the info.

I tried importing the 1200 settings from within the game (i use the 1000 settings usually from within the ThorUI AU options) - once I'd imported those 1200 settings I used the Open All bags from the Inventory window and it opened all the bags showing all the slots and a lot of blue area on all the bags from where more slots would be for the larger sized bags. I closed all bags and reopened them and back were the Six slot only views. Tried it with the other settings listed from Thor in the uisettings window and got the same result. I reload the 1200 settings opend the bags back to that full size for all and moved them around, closed and reopened and again just the six slot windows showed.

Thanks much for posting that info and thanks most kindly for all the hard work you've put into this UI, I tried a couple of others today lookin for my bags back but none of them were worth giving up the grace and elegant minimalism of Thor's - the cumbersome default bags I can put up with to enjoy the rest of the UI.

Whatever the wonky conflict/corruption there is in my settings somewhere hehe

Damagemann 11-14-2006 09:53 PM

Fox, I to am very sad. Althought the other ui's are "ok", this ui "rocks" for all the points you mentioned.


Faetyl 11-15-2006 06:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I am getting reports of some having issues with my bag mod and some not having any issues, so i'm not sure what's going on there.
Until the issue is worked out, ProfitUI Reborn by gm9 has working 4width bags.
I'll attach them here.

ttredraider 11-15-2006 10:26 AM

Dropping updates to UI
I read that and was very sad over this news. I am not a great techno whiz and this mod has been a timesaver for me in the past year and couple months that I have been running it. I have tried all the others you have named and they just do not compare. They are buggy and do not have the features and ease of use yours does. You are a godsend and I want to Thank You.

autumnal00 11-15-2006 12:41 PM

Thank you for attention on this Faetyl for sure.

I found in this thread EoF Changes (bag UI) where Mysteran had posted a resizable inventory_bag. The smaller sizing of the new icons I guess is making the one row only issue maybe (I'm new to the game so I'm clueless of course =) -

Resizing the bag with the xml file from that thread won't keep the rows between opening and closing of the bags but if I resize the bag across (one row of 12 slots) it will keep showing all the bag slots between opening and closings.

Now that the servers are back up was able to use the one here and works like a charm---just seems that, for me least ways, the six slot rows just won't work, thanks a ton for the file!

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