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Ranot 05-02-2006 09:18 PM

Vert Reborn [Bugs/Suggestions/Comments]
Well, after many many version of beta testing (heck it should of been released versions ago, but i'm a slacker for realizing when a project is finished..) I'm proud to release the First Version of Vert UI outside of beta!

This Thread is for the UI so, please keep it clean, and post any questions comments or bug reports you might find..

You can find the download over at http://www.eq2interface.com/download...fo.php?id=4166

- Ranot

Ranot 05-02-2006 09:20 PM

V2.4 Changelog
I apologize to everyone for taking so long to release this bugfix, I've really lost interest in actually playing the game.. and as such, lost interest in updating the Mod... Someone pointed out to me it's not fair to you the users to be punished for my lack of interest in the game, so hopefully the updates will keep coming, and i'll keep working on it. And now onto the updates!

Changelog v2.4
Bad Bad Evil Vert! No Cookies for you until you clean up tradeskills...
- well.. that's done now, any aspect of EQ2Macro should be gone, I apologize for it being there, tho it originated in the UI before I took the project over.

I'm lonely, yes I'm mr. Lonely.. Nobody shows up, in my LFG window....
- Fear Not! The LFG window is now back and working as it should!

Tisk Tisk, Your Books is such a mess! how do you learn anything???
- Sort Button Is Now In Place On The Knowledge Window.

Psst, your an addict.. and now you'll know it!
- Account Age Is Now In The Persona Window.

RavenFeather75 05-05-2006 10:27 PM

Great interface :)
When I found out Nyar went on hiatus from the game I finally gave up the ghost and went in search of a lu 21/22 compatiable ui and found vert and I am loving it so far.

Only issues I have and these aren't bugs just humble requests from the xml uninitiated :) There were some features in Nyar's I'd love to see in vert.

Maintained Spells Window:
Buffs and Debuffs / Effects would show the target they landed on's name which helped when casting single target buffs on group members and debuffs on particualr mobs.

Experience Bar
Bar had an additional digit read out of the experience level accurate to 2 decimel places (though I believe he had some display issues with this) and also xp debt.

Target / Implied Target
Displayed icon of current buffs / debuffs cast on current target. Basic icons no text but was great for when grouped with my healer I was able to tell at a glance who needed a poison or trauma cure etc.

These are just minor things and liveable without them just hoping if at all possible they are considered for a future update. Again great UI and thanks for reading this. :)


RavenFeather75 05-09-2006 12:11 PM

Checked on a few toons and these do seem to be bugs:
Guild Bank Log doesnt show anything.
Unable to page forward or back through Skills window (no next / previous buttons).

kekewinr 05-10-2006 02:36 PM

Hey there, I just recently bought EQ2 and couldn't stand the default UI so I downloaded this one. I've got everything set up perfectly except I got a couple minor problems.

1: The buff window is still the same as the default UI, just shows the icons, no spell name, duration etc. But like I said I just bought the game so maybe that's something I enable in game or something =p.

Anyways that's all. Awsome UI and thanks for your time =).

edit: removed first question as I saw it was already answered.

edit#2: removed 2nd question as well =p. After a bit of detective work I figured that out also.

Ranot 05-10-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by RavenFeather75
Checked on a few toons and these do seem to be bugs:
Guild Bank Log doesnt show anything.
Unable to page forward or back through Skills window (no next / previous buttons).

Still can't figure out why the bank log isn't showing... I took the tab from the default UI and transfered it... i'll look into it more tonight, as for the page back and forward I discovered that myself last night much to my dismay... guess that's one reason why you shouldn't work on UI's if you don't play *laughs* but it's been fixed now, and had a revamp at the same time so it's always t-kings spell window showing, and forward back will be done by clicking on the edge of the book on the left or right sides... if i don't find the problem behind bank logs tonight i'll upload it with the knowledge book fixed at least.

Ranot 05-10-2006 08:56 PM

Change Log v2.5
Changes in v2.5

I sacrified a few young virgins to the gods of the bank log... the result... BANK LOGS!
- Yes, finally I figured out why they wern't working and the glorious logs are here, hopefully to stay.

Spell book page 1... Spell book page 1... Spell book page 1... ummm where's my other pages?
- Knowledge window has had a complete overhaul, along with the fix for pages and blank sort button. Now every tab uses the tking spell book, and clicking on the left or right side of the book will cause the pages to flip back or forth.

ericb45696 05-11-2006 01:17 PM

haha. thanks again for updating and the work involved, and answering my question from previous thread.

quick question that I already kinda know the answer to, but I was hoping against hope you might have better answer.

can I just download the latest update? or do I need to uninstall and re-install the UI?

Kraki 05-12-2006 05:54 AM

I've tried searching through the forums, but I couldn't find a recent post about this. I know origionally the Vert UI split off fromt he Tablets II UI. Unfortuanately Tablets II has fallen by the wayside. I know someone had mentioned something somewhere about having the Tablets II be a simple graphical mod to the Vert UI. Any plans on this aymore?

Ranot 05-14-2006 12:01 PM

I'm not the originial author of vert, or tablets.. so really no idea about that one unfortunitly. I've never heard anything about it.

Ranot 05-14-2006 12:03 PM


can I just download the latest update? or do I need to uninstall and re-install the UI?
for minor versions (2.2 2.3 etc) you can just overwrite the files.. when i go to 3.0, is when you would need to delete everything and start over... tho now that i think about it 2.4 should of been a complete re-install since otherwise you'd still have the icon packages from macrocraft.

Ranot 05-14-2006 12:09 PM


Maintained Spells Window:
Buffs and Debuffs / Effects would show the target they landed on's name which helped when casting single target buffs on group members and debuffs on particualr mobs.
The maintained window use to show that aswell, but when i added the graphic there wasn't enough spacing to keep it and the timer, however it does show the info if you hover over the spell.


Experience Bar
Bar had an additional digit read out of the experience level accurate to 2 decimel places (though I believe he had some display issues with this) and also xp debt.

Target / Implied Target
Displayed icon of current buffs / debuffs cast on current target. Basic icons no text but was great for when grouped with my healer I was able to tell at a glance who needed a poison or trauma cure etc.
Havn't seen this myself.. but I can look into it for possible additions in the future.

Nrea 05-14-2006 12:11 PM

Disappearing peices
I love the Ui but peices seem to vanish on me after I log out one session. When I return the little information box that had all my clicks on it was gone from all characters UI's an the maintained spells would only show for my conjuere

saldach 05-22-2006 06:39 PM

sound volume changes
Great UI, Thank you for all your hard work in creating and keeping it up... just one question... everytime i log my sound options change and i have to reset them everytime i log back in, mostly the main game music and master sound volumes lower themselves.. any ideas what to do?

Ranot 05-23-2006 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by saldach
Great UI, Thank you for all your hard work in creating and keeping it up... just one question... everytime i log my sound options change and i have to reset them everytime i log back in, mostly the main game music and master sound volumes lower themselves.. any ideas what to do?

Unfortunitly there is no way to save those settings from login to login, there should be a subdirectory named video settings, inside there is an xml file you can edit in any text editor to set your default sound values.

saldach 05-24-2006 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ranot
Unfortunitly there is no way to save those settings from login to login, there should be a subdirectory named video settings, inside there is an xml file you can edit in any text editor to set your default sound values.

okay, found the file but I have no idea at what settings everything should be at... I just know that I have to raise my master sound back up all the way and my game music (not combat music) up to 3/4. could I just change the 0.500 to 1.00 and the music to 0.750 and leave the other settings in the file alone? just don't want to mess with it til I have an idea.

Ranot 05-27-2006 01:19 PM

yep that's percisely what you would do :)

aslocum 06-01-2006 04:39 AM

i also have some sound problems
i changed the files to this:

<Sliderbar Location="3,15" Master_Volume="1.000"

<Sliderbar Combat_music_Volume="0.50"

<Sliderbar Location="3,15" music_Volume="0.500"

but every time i restart eq the default settings from you are used...?
tried to save in options but no success

DasanW 06-04-2006 07:47 AM

Ranot - Thanks for the hard work on this!!!

Is there a 'spell casting' graphic? or am I just missing something?


Ranot 06-06-2006 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by DasanW
Ranot - Thanks for the hard work on this!!!

Is there a 'spell casting' graphic? or am I just missing something?


Spell casting graphic? exlain more :)

As for the sound issue's i'm looking into it.. not sure why it dosn't work just editing the file anymore most likely an include missing somewhere :P

madlordofmilk 06-06-2006 03:57 PM

* Petition window doesn't scroll with the middle mousewheel, and there's no scrollbar. Real pain when you've got a long petition going :)
* Pretty sure faction doesn't scroll either (have to extend the window)

I'd offer to take over updating the UI seeing as you lost interest in eq2 but:
a.)I'm lazy when it comes to projects like this
b.)It'd fall like 5 LUs behind :rolleyes:

Ranot 06-14-2006 10:34 PM

This may be the last update I do to vert, I had to cancel my account
due to monitary reasons.. I will try with the next update to still do one
but without having ingame access I can't really test so can't make any
promises... I'm truely sorry for this and wish there was another way.
Anyways.. onto the update....

Gold got a little lift to stop droopage
- Gold on inventory is aligned with the rest

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's on to LU 24 we go!
- Changes to Quest Journal, and The New Market Window Are In Place

ericb45696 06-15-2006 11:58 AM

Thanks again then Ranot. I was bummed about the broken broker thing last night but happy now that i see this, and that it should work once i get home and uninstall and redownload new version.

hope you can come back to the game if you still enjoy it and $ turns better for you.

DasanW 06-16-2006 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ranot
Spell casting graphic? exlain more :)

As for the sound issue's i'm looking into it.. not sure why it dosn't work just editing the file anymore most likely an include missing somewhere :P

Not sure if you can do it now, but maybe if someone else pick's up the ball...

Spell/ability casting - as from DracoKyn's UI, the orbs on both the char and group "fill" as the spell/ability is casting. As of right now, only the icon's grey out during this.

Just an idea to add this. There are times that I am queing and timing my next based on a visual timer of the current spell/ability being cast.

AzureMystery 06-16-2006 10:32 PM

infocenter doesn't show up in my journal
This is the first time I've used this mod, so maybe I screwed something up. None of the non-standard (infocenter) tabs are showing up in the Quest Journal window.

Any ideas?

Ranot 06-17-2006 06:57 PM

there is no info center tabs inside the quest journal, if you hide then show the start button, there's a flock of useful buttons that appear surrounding it, one of which is to start the info center.

ericb45696 07-13-2006 10:33 PM

what to do..what to do..
is it time to move on? I hope not.
deleting inventory_inventory.xml file and Hoping Ranot is still with us and working on a fix for latest patch.

If not.
thanks for the hard work anyways man.

it was fun while it lasted.

Findarato 07-16-2006 12:38 PM

No Vert Can Never Die!

ericb45696 07-17-2006 12:35 PM

well someone fix it!! haha.
I can make photoshops of my girlfriends face on carmen electras body all day long ,but i cant program for poop!!

Ranot 07-18-2006 07:50 AM

I'll do what I can based on the compare they put up here at eq2interface, but I can't even get the latest default files without a valid login much less test the changes i make so there's no guarantee's at all.

gm9 07-18-2006 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by ericb45696
I can make photoshops of my girlfriends face on carmen electras body all day long

:eek: :eek:

ericb45696 07-18-2006 05:15 PM

what? like no one else does that too? haha.

oh well. again. thanks for the hard work you have already put into it Ranot.

maybe somebody else can pick up the torch.

Findarato 07-18-2006 06:04 PM

Do people actually use this UI?

if the demand is high enough I will update it, even though I dont use it =) Profit FOR LIFE!

ericb45696 07-19-2006 08:54 AM

I mainly like the ability to change my graphics settings and the info center that came with this UI. I'm sure I'm not the only one that likes this UI, just maybe one of the many that actually checks here sometimes.. I have tried a few others, but I really liked this one for some reason.

So hey, if you want to update it..great! If not...I'll probably check out another more popular one soon. probably will anyways.


Ranot 07-20-2006 09:31 PM

2.7 Patch Notes
Well, i've made the changes, lets pray they work.. I'm more then willing to get it up and running so long as you the users are willing to try out the beta versions, and tell me what goes wrong if anything does.

Ranot 07-23-2006 10:17 PM

Ok, so i'm paying for my account again just to fix the mod... if you appreciate it and are on antonia bayle donations would be appreciated :P

Vert 2.7.1
Danger Danger Will Robinson, Inventory Won't Load.
- yeah there was an error, but it wasn't the inventory, it was the start button addon causing it which is now fixed.

No Prison Bars Can Hold Me In!!!
- Resize is now permitted on most windows, your no longer forced to keep the style i created it in.

OMG is that really an addon??
- Maint window addon is now available to reverse direction it's all displayed in.

ericb45696 07-25-2006 01:14 PM

ack. I'm on butcherblock.

but wow. I was making do without the inventory.xml file but I really missed a few features. cant wait to go home and try it tonight.

ericb45696 07-26-2006 01:53 PM

hey Ranot, or anyone else.. I downloaded the zip file and unzipped it into my ui file and it didnt change anything?
do I need to undo anything because I deleted the inventory.xml file as per the eq2interface instructions to get the ui to function when lu25 came out.

any suggestions?

Ranot 07-26-2006 08:13 PM

best suggestion would be to delete any trace of vert from your UI directory then try downloading it again... I just did a test of downloading and installing it and everything seems in order.

On a side note 2.7.2 is in the works, known bugs so far that are fixed in the release are inventory buttons in the start bar not the same one activated when clicked (clicking food activates charm 1 for example) and the missing grid outline on inspect screens neither of which are serious bugs so i'm not rushing the release until further testing is done.

ericb45696 07-27-2006 03:07 PM

aahh. okies. I didnt do that before because I saw the file was called something different.
I'll try that tonight.

glad your back !

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