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Spiricore 03-16-2006 01:34 AM

ProfitUI Reborn [Help & Feedback]
The title says it all. Let's keep the main thread as clean as possible and post all the questions/feedback/suggestions here, which I can then move over to the main thread as I see fit. I'll format this thing a little bit once we get the transition from the old post (and the even older post, sorry guys!) out of the way and people posting here.

Spiricore 03-16-2006 02:46 AM

You can find the Main thread for Profit UI for the download link, installation instructions, addons, fixes and so forth

>> Here <<

Please keep comments on that thread minimal or, more preferrably, non-existant and instead post here.

Siniac 03-16-2006 05:03 AM

I have searched through the forums but since I don't really know much about custom interfaces my search terms were probably lacking so if this is answered elsewhere please forgive me and just point me in the right direction.

I just loaded up Profit UI and I love it. The only problem is the Chat window. For some reason every time I right click and select Chat Options my client locks up. Its a bit of a pain since its hard to change chat windows and I cannot change text size.

I am happy enough with the default chat window so I would like to just us that one. How do I use Profit except for the Profit Chat window.

I am hoping that going back to the default chat window will solve my lock up problem.



Pixi 03-16-2006 05:28 AM

Try moving (or deleting it) the following file from the Profit18 folder:


See if that helps. :)

gm9 03-16-2006 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Siniac
I am hoping that going back to the default chat window will solve my lock up problem.

Sorry if that's a stupid question, but did everything work fine before installing ProfitUI? I don't think that the chat options window is modified in ProfitUI, that's why I ask (I'll check though).

Anyway, do as Pixi suggested, and please let us know whether it works. I'll be doing some changes to the chat window anyway, so maybe the next version will help solve your problem.

Siniac 03-16-2006 06:54 AM

Yup there is a mainchat file in the ProfitUi Folder. Deleted it and it sent me back to the default chat window. Unfortunatly it still locks up the client when I go to Chat Options.

Did it work before? Well at some point it did but I have to admit that I have not needed to adjust it for a fairly long time. It could have been broken before I installed the Ui but I am not sure.

Now since I am paranoid I backed up my entire EQ2 directory before I started fiddling around with Profit. I suppose I could revert to that to test it out. Or maybe I only need to move a few files to check.


gm9 03-16-2006 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Siniac
Or maybe I only need to move a few files to check.

Basically all you need to change is the eq2.ini file in the main EQ2 directory.

Pixi 03-16-2006 06:58 AM

The next step I'd take is to remove any custom UI's and clean out all the .ini files. Make sure it works at bare-bone, so to speak. If that does the trick you can add Profit again (preferably straight from a newly downloaded zip to make sure you get "fresh" files that aren't corrupted by some hickup or other) and see if that's the reason you lock up.

Siniac 03-16-2006 07:03 AM

Ok I will try and clear it out, test my default and then reinstall.

I put a fair bit of work into moving elements around and setting up hot bars. Is there a way to save that so that I dont have to do it again when I reinstall Profit?

Thanks for all the fast help btw


Pixi 03-16-2006 07:07 AM

Well, there's always /save_uisettings but I'm not sure where it stores the info.

Most likely in your server_toon_uisettings.ini file. Do a save in-game and make a backup of the ini and you should be set. But don't curse at me if it fails. :p

Siniac 03-16-2006 07:16 AM

Ok working on that now. Doing a full file scan too just for good measure. Will let you know what happens.


Siniac 03-16-2006 07:22 AM

Well thats depressing. Back to the default. Click chat options. Lock up :(

Current plan is to delete the UI folder, and the config files. Repatch and see what happens. If that fails I may have to do a full reinstall :( oh the horror.


Pixi 03-16-2006 07:33 AM

Yeah, it doesn't look good - I'll give you that. Repatching the whole game from a fresh install is not a fun prospect. :(

Siniac 03-16-2006 08:03 AM

Well reloading the default UI fixed the chat window. Reinstalled Profit and the chat window worked. So far so good.

Copied my server_toon_uisettings.ini file back to see if I could get my window positioning back and what do you know. Chat options crash. Delete that file and it works again. So at least now we know where the problem was.

Going to set everything up again the way I had it and test the chat window every once in a while to see if I can isolate it but I am not holding out much hope. At least it appears to be working now.

Thanks for the help.


Pixi 03-16-2006 08:10 AM

Woot. At least you didn't have to do a complete reinstall and repatch. :nana:

Hope it stays functional from now on hehe.

gm9 03-16-2006 08:28 AM

Good to hear that it works!

A quick explanation on the /save_uisettings command.

Without arguments it saves to the server_toon_uisettings.ini of the toon you have currently logged on. You can also provide a file path and name to save to a different file. You can restore those settings using the /load_uisettings command.

There's a default settings file provided in Spiricore's post on the main thread either as a separate download or as part of the 18f zip. Might save you some time positioning the windows unless that file is the one that got corrupted :eek:.

Zervun 03-16-2006 02:12 PM

I am so happy that Profit is back in the works! incredible

I have both a 2405fpw (1920x1200) and a 2005fpw (1680x1050) so i will work on getting some default ui settings files for those resolutions for the project

My only suggestions for this ui so far is

1. A tradeskill window like this - it is an absoulte must for hard core tradeskillers - was going to try the dropin tonight of it to see if it works

2. Add a follow clicky button on the group window next to the clicky cures

3. This startbutton http://www.eq2interface.com/download...fo.php?id=4172

4. Maybe a option for larger effects window (not buffs but in combat effects)

Keep up the good work!

gm9 03-17-2006 04:11 AM

Zervun, thanks for your feedback.
  1. The tradeskill window you linked looks interesting, although I don't see the point in having the buffs in the tradeskill window itself, since you can't use keyboard shortcuts for them that way. Also, I already have a working version of an expandable tradeskill window that shows the recipes while you craft (to be released with v2.0). However, I think I'll take up the idea from the link you posted to add a power bar to it.
  2. There are already follow buttons on the group window: Just click the number left of the group member's name you want to follow. ;)
  3. The start button was already suggested by aigor. I'll check it out.
  4. Do you mean in combat effects on yourself or on the target? I actually love that it doesn't take much space, but if I get to it I'll add the option to make it larger. Should be easy.

Talking about the start button, does anybody ever use the different levels for complex shaders on Profit's button? All I ever use is the minimum or the maximum and I don't even see a difference between the other settings on my system. So I was thinking about keeping just the min and max options unless people are using the others.

Zervun 03-17-2006 06:22 PM

I actually pasted that tradeskill window in and it works perfectly (except for the fact it doesn't have alchemist buttons) - what I like is that in the window when you are crafting you can click on the buttons - but more importantly they are fairly large and you can see the refresh timer on them clearly since the hotbar hotkey refresh shading is somewhat soft - the recipes on the side are great - but I do love seeing everything in that one spot ie mana/buttons refreshing

thats great that follow is there! didn't even notice it

the player effects or whatnot at that small size isn't a big deal - I find though on the pvp server I pay alot more attention to what is going on to when my spells are running out on targets etc

Zervun 03-17-2006 06:25 PM

And in all actuallity I actually like the fetish tradeskill window a little bit better (It's cleaner than the one I linked) but it doesn't have recipes on the side - it's really only downside - I don't need the clicky tradeskill counter buttons - just need to see the refreshing on them - which fetish does have

Spiricore 03-17-2006 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zervun
And in all actuallity I actually like the fetish tradeskill window a little bit better (It's cleaner than the one I linked) but it doesn't have recipes on the side - it's really only downside - I don't need the clicky tradeskill counter buttons - just need to see the refreshing on them - which fetish does have

I'm gonna agree with that. I've been using the tradeskill window you linked for quite awhile simply because I don't know squat about xml and skinning - it would be nice to see something similar coded into ProfitUI. I could do without the counter buttons unless they were quicker to reference (the effects).

Xser 03-18-2006 09:49 AM


I just downloaded and installed the 1.8f version and everything works like charm except, of course, one thing.

The map.

I grabbed the MiniMap addon and installed it. The problem is when I click the Minimize button to get the MiniMap, all I get is a black window with a few buttons on the top left corner. Any ideas what I can do to sort this out? EQ2MAP works nicely in normal window size and get the POI's and whatnot - it's just the MiniMap that is acting up and going all black on me.

Other than that, though, this is by far the best UI I've seen to date. I used to play way back when and only just got back into the fray since I wanted to check out all the changes. Keep it up guys.
Well, I have this problem, as described by pixi in the last discussion.

I have copied _FetishStyles.xml and _FetishStyleSamples.xml (from FetishMap pieces) in the main profit directory and <include> them in eq2ui.xml.

Now I have some minor issues like FetishDock or plugin_4 buttons but normal and minimap seems working without problems.

Hope this can help someone in some way... ;)
Keep it up

Pixi 03-18-2006 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Xser

I have copied _FetishStyles.xml and _FetishStyleSamples.xml (from FetishMap pieces) in the main profit directory and <include> them in eq2ui.xml.

Woot, that did the trick. :nana:

The only slight problem with the map now is when you go out of the mini map mode (and minimize/maximize to get it to normal size) the right hand side if the frame around the big map is missing. The map still works, though, so it's just a minor issue.

Thanks so much for the tip on that, Xser. :)

Dyslexic keyboard /nod

jonathn2875 03-18-2006 11:40 AM

ok love this UI and I am really really glad that you are working on this for us! I just downloaded ver F and I love everything but how small the hotkeys are. How the heck do I make them bigger? like the ones in the pic below: (yes that is a SOE G< trying to kill me :) )

I have tried to do the resize option in game but my icons get all cut off and jacked up. Please help as xml is some weird language from the planet X. thanks

Droiyan7 03-18-2006 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by jonathn2875
ok love this UI and I am really really glad that you are working on this for us! I just downloaded ver F and I love everything but how small the hotkeys are. How the heck do I make them bigger? like the ones in the pic below: (yes that is a SOE G< trying to kill me :) )

I have tried to do the resize option in game but my icons get all cut off and jacked up. Please help as xml is some weird language from the planet X. thanks

1. Right click hotkeys and chose resize icon. Chose preferred size
2. After than, drag edge of hotkey windows(it is common way to resize windows)
- If you can't find edge of hotkey windows, use F10 key, it will be help(for return to nomal, use F10 again and again)

It will really works :)

jonathn2875 03-19-2006 09:27 AM

Thanks, hhee I didnt even think of the f10 yesterday. So I got it to work, on a side note I would not recomend doing this in the middle of Ant on Venekor hehe almost died!

Montoyafan 03-19-2006 09:40 AM


Big Thanx Guys for keeping ProfitUI alive :cool:

labrat 03-19-2006 11:51 AM

mini map problems
K i have installed the items from the zip file. I am getting a black window when i go to use the minimap. I looked for the fetish styles in the zip file but dont see them. Can some one give a detailed explanation of what files they added into profit directory and what they added to the equi.xml file if any? Thanks for any help

Eloora 03-19-2006 02:45 PM

Is the group window fixed yet so that the effects icons next to your own name correctly cure you?

gm9 03-20-2006 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Eloora
Is the group window fixed yet so that the effects icons next to your own name correctly cure you?

Oh, sweet impatience. :p

Yes, v2.0 is basically finished. I was, however, busy playtesting it yesterday. :D The group window self cures are working correctly and got added to the player window as well, hotbar scaling is made easier and somewhat automated, there's an expandable crafting window with recipes and power bar, etc. - in short, there's something for everyone.

Just don't expect the MiniMap feature to be included. I won't be using it and therefore wouldn't support it. Maybe somebody else here is going to do it.

I should be able to upload to upload the full release tonight (GMT).

Dechau 03-20-2006 11:20 AM

I'm not sure how this self cure works, can someone explain it ot me plz..

I play Bard, but with the new group window, will I be able to cure myself anyway ??

gm9 03-20-2006 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dechau
I play Bard, but with the new group window, will I be able to cure myself anyway ??

Only if you have the ability to cure yourself already, which I don't think Bards do. We can only change the user interface, not change game functionality. ;)

Eloora 03-20-2006 02:49 PM

Sorry I figured waiting a week for a mod you thought you had working already seemed like enuogh time :p.

Xser 03-20-2006 05:49 PM

Ok, iv found easier and better way to get minimap work.

Just use Talyns minimap plugin, dload here , unzip and overwrite in your main profit dir.
Dont use others plugin (like the one posted by spiricore or the fetishmap) if you have trouble with the minimap.

This is a temporary solution, im waiting gm9 version of the ui, but now minimap work well, there is only one problem - when you resize the map from mini to normal, some button should disappear, just minimize and then restore to have everything perfect again.

Hope this will work for anyone ;)

Spiricore 03-20-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by Xser
Ok, iv found easier and better way to get minimap work.

Just use Talyns minimap plugin, dload here , unzip and overwrite in your main profit dir.
Dont use others plugin (like the one posted by spiricore or the fetishmap) if you have trouble with the minimap.

This is a temporary solution, im waiting gm9 version of the ui, but now minimap work well, there is only one problem - when you resize the map from mini to normal, some button should disappear, just minimize and then restore to have everything perfect again.

Hope this will work for anyone ;)

Those are the exact same files I provided in the zip file on the main page, so I'm not entirely sure why "my" version wouldn't work while that would except the fact that I used the latest version of fetish nightfall as the base for it. I even went so far as to contact Zonx and ask him specifically what files are needed to get it working. Dunno beyond that. :\

gm9 03-20-2006 07:54 PM

Ok, I zipped everything up and put it up on the main thread as v2.0. I hope I forgot nothing and it works for everybody.

No changelog yet. It's rather late here and I'm just coming from work, so that'll have to wait.

And to Eloora: It's not what you ask, it's how you do it. :p

aigor 03-21-2006 06:39 AM

Hy i've downloaded version 2.0 everything it's fine but there's a little problem:
1) i play in 1280x1064 but i don't see the bottom bar
2) it's normal the on experience bar if i put mouse over i see only run and status point, before it was possible to see my stats like int, wis str etc....
3) in other version on hot key in "Size hot key" there was a numbers for a semplification to size hot key, in this version i don't see it

Drunder40 03-21-2006 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by gm9
Ok, I zipped everything up and put it up on the main thread as v2.0. I hope I forgot nothing and it works for everybody.

No changelog yet. It's rather late here and I'm just coming from work, so that'll have to wait.

And to Eloora: It's not what you ask, it's how you do it. :p

HI, I cannot find the v2.0.. Where is the main thread? I went to every thread I can find and cannot seem to locate the new v2.0..

Thanks again for making this by far the best EQ2 UI in existance.. I for one really appreciate it :-)

aigor 03-21-2006 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Drunder40
HI, I cannot find the v2.0.. Where is the main thread? I went to every thread I can find and cannot seem to locate the new v2.0..

Thanks again for making this by far the best EQ2 UI in existance.. I for one really appreciate it :-)

enjoy :)

gm9 03-21-2006 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by aigor
Hy i've downloaded version 2.0 everything it's fine but there's a little problem:
1) i play in 1280x1064 but i don't see the bottom bar
2) it's normal the on experience bar if i put mouse over i see only run and status point, before it was possible to see my stats like int, wis str etc....
3) in other version on hot key in "Size hot key" there was a numbers for a semplification to size hot key, in this version i don't see it

1) hmm, if you had the bar set to be visible before, I might have put in a bugged file. Hit the blue button on the start button for the new control center, you can also enable/disable the bottom bar from there. I'll check the file and upload a new version if necessary
2) I put those stats on the bottom bar, as I thought they were more in context there. I haven't quite decided yet what to put on the top bar, that's why it's rather empty. If you prefer the old bar there, just let me know, I'm always open to suggestions.
3) The new control center has a much improved option to resize hotbars. If you prefer the old version: I think you used depechenode's slider mod, which should be linked by Spiricore in the main thread.

Sorry, I know I should (and will) explain these changes in some release notes. It's just that I don't have a lot of free-time to do this.

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