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Laffs 05-29-2005 01:52 PM

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As sugested by Madhog..

Basicly its a cut down version of Laffs alt etc etc

So using this slot here to develop / test it out.. More info and some screenshots a bit later..

Oks lets get on with it.... Madhog,
I redone the effects window, it should size in every direction correctly now also there should be no "run off" with the icons

Changed spell font in the player window (still not quite happy with this font size either)

Also by the looks of your screenshot in other thread the target window can be reduced in size to line up with hotkey banks... but the player window wont go any smaller.

The zip has the updated files for you to test / comment on

Madhog 05-29-2005 04:06 PM

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Ok, not sure what difference there is to the group box, it still works, its still smaller and its still fine *giggle*

Effects box is much better, can adjust length and it retains its graphics. Nice! Id still like to see a vertical version... :D

Been thinking about the layout of the bottom, I wasnt sure you could slice enough off the player box to allow the lot to be shrunk, so, Ive rearranged the layout, putting 2 hotbars on the top right (screeny attached). I used Perds like this for a long time tbh and its easy to use like this. This leaves me with the problem of the start button.

Options for this seem to be to:

1. Shrink the width of the various elements on the top so it can fit in the top.

2. Put the start button on one of the other elements. This seems to be most sensible, in fact, dare I suggest that we lose the paper doll and put it there? *giggle*. I seriously like this idea. My suggestion would be to put the start button here along with either icons or text for Shd on, Shd Off, Bags, Notes and harvest. Ive seen it done with icons which would take up less space than text.

I dont know if you noticed but I am using the default inventory, I just prefer that view, I find just the boxes confusing.

Madhog 05-29-2005 04:13 PM

Doh Im a dumb ass, I even read your post too.

Yes the text in the player window looks better, well it looks ok to me. I dont have any skills as a ranger that take up much room tho hehe.

Yes the effects box can resize up and down *blush* Actually now Ive just seen the effects vertically, I hate it, its much better horizontal and along the top of the chat box etc, tho, I can see times when Id want it vertically *ahem*. Yes, I like the mod to this element now and it works fine, Ive cast 4 buffs and resized it all kindsa ways, the icons seem to stack correctly which ever way you stretch it, nice work!

Implied target box same shape and height as this in horizontal mode would be fab! :D

Btw other place you can use to add start button, icons, etc is the 2nd layer of the clock as its possible to display that and have a 3rd row of hotbars along the top, this fits nicely too.

Laffs 05-29-2005 06:35 PM

Lol slow down.....

Oks there is a trick with the damn effects box you only need to set the 1st effects position then they all snap to the window size after that no matter what .. Damn things but in this version it works well :)

Imp target same size... Oks but you do know the bars are going to be... Oh hang on.. yeh I can size that down np and have the same style :p

With the spell name stuff over the player name ... dump all your bags in bank and fill up your 6 Inv slots and go harvest somthing to get an overflow and then have a look at the text on display and tell me if its ok or not (please) Or even equip somthing thats not attuned .. that should cause the text to go into 2 lines

The start button where the paperdoll is sounds like the best bet me... also room for those 3 buttons in there nicely...

Havent looked at your SS as yet.... Just poped in here during a bit game downtime for bud to catch up with a quest lol

Also I am starting to like this as well, made a few changes to the standard variations also .. but will put them in 'alt' folders when done I guess

Expect an update tomorrow somtime


Sorry just had quick look at the SS ... OMG hotbars up there yups a real pain in the aspectus... Gotta try and shrink target window rather i thinks.. Player cant shrink as the maintained wouldnt pull up far enough to display all 30 icons if needed to.

dc_roenfanz 05-29-2005 11:39 PM

1) In order to install Laffs Lite, do I need a previous install of Laffs Tyejae?
2) Where are the effects for the groupmembers?
(not asking those questions for myself, but for everyone :p )

Not necessarily for Laffs Lite alone:
1) Loose the paperdoll ;) That thing is so small you can't even discern what it is anyway. I'd rather see the "alt" startbutton in that spot anyway.
2) make the experience bar look like the others. Not super important.
3) Reskin ger's HO to look more like your version of TyeJae. That black marble doesnt go well.
4) Create an alt group window that doesnt have that " ,,,,/''''' " look to it.
5) Make startbutton 3/4 size if its not already.
Start button extra essentials: Notes & Harvest. Bags are unnecessary, unless that also opens bank bags (when interacting with bank) Shd's not needed (for me)

Madhog 05-30-2005 03:25 AM

Sorry Laffs was just tryin to be helpful *giggle*

Fanz - Erm its based on LAFFSV8, with the modifications done in this thread and from the other thread. If you got LAFFSV8 then copied in the UI files I posted, then copied in Laffs latest mods to them, you should be close to where we are heh. I cant copy up my whole UI folder cos theres a limit of file size here :(

Madhog 05-30-2005 03:31 AM

Here is the last version of the UI, although you need to copy the images file from LAFFSV8 and run the eq2map updater too.

I have a different HO wheel then Laffs put in, different bags and I dont use the inventory one cos I like a paperdoll in there.

Madhog 05-30-2005 05:18 AM

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*blush* sorry forgot to add the file into my post! You will need my last ui file I posted too.

Madhog 05-30-2005 05:20 AM

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I put on an unattuned item, and, the text looked fine, clear and easy to read.

adamscott255 05-30-2005 08:43 AM

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hi all

first post ever! woohoo!
first things first love the UI i did use nightfall to begin with but i much prefer Laffs stuff!

Ive come across a glitch with the heroic opportunity, it happens when u hit the second phase.

check the screen shot.

PS how the hell do i make the widescreen to say high!! it always comes back down to where u can see it in the screenshot!

Madhog 05-30-2005 12:19 PM

erm your missing the image file for the HO mod hehe. I didnt post my entire UI folder cos it was too big.

Go to the downloads section, in fact go RIGHT HERE

Just download that and put the lot into your UI folder, overwriting as neccessary.

Im sure soon Laffs will post a proper entire UI file hehe.

Laffs feel free to throw out the HO wheel Im using, even the bag one if you wanna, I can get them back meself when we done with this.

Oh for your widescreen problem...edit your eq2.ini file in text editor, I assume your using the one that sets letterbox, just delete the 2 lines that refer to it, I find mine with just:


cl_ui_skinname LAFFSV8
cl_ui_subdir UI/
works just great. The file is in the root of your eq2 directory.

Laffs 05-30-2005 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by adamscott255
hi all

first post ever! woohoo!
first things first love the UI i did use nightfall to begin with but i much prefer Laffs stuff!

Ive come across a glitch with the heroic opportunity, it happens when u hit the second phase.

check the screen shot.

PS how the hell do i make the widescreen to say high!! it always comes back down to where u can see it in the screenshot!

If your using Laffs alt perdition , I have the letterbox settings in the eq2.ini file if you open it with notepad remove the last 2 lines in there that should sort it..

As for the HO window thats from Perdition BottomV8 and looks like your missing an image file.

Hey up, Dc is back again trying to break my stuff :p My 'Hide dc_roenfanz' button must have broke after LU9, Gotta get that working again real quick Lol

I like the ,,,,/''''' of the group window :p
The effects for the group members are actualy over the top of the mana bar for want of a better placement,
But surpose I could make an alt version but it will probably look like any other group window in the end...

Eventualy there will be the whole UI here so for now yes you do need some variation of Laffs UI if your wanting to try this as Madhog has explained already.

No update as of yet, me ended up going to a party that went on till 8am so been in bed all day, lol going to work on some of this again now...

Madhog 05-30-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Laffs
I like the ,,,,/''''' of the group window :p

Me too! Dont change it!! :D

Laffs 05-30-2005 02:53 PM

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Exp window been shrunk down to fit new start button at the side of it..

More changes to come for these 2 windows but have a look at them for starters :)

Madhog 05-30-2005 06:49 PM

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Yes that works. Ive changed the layout back to hotbars at the bottom right and combat chat window to top right.

The bag icon seems stretched. But it works. The Shd on/off works great too!

That element with the start button on is completetly resizable, which helped fit it in where I did.

Its starting to look great! Just need reskinning soon.... :D

adamscott255 05-30-2005 07:15 PM

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cheers for the info peeps

this is how i got mine setup so far

which files do i need to copy over for the top left to have the money showing and the start bar with extra buttons?

Laffs 05-30-2005 08:19 PM

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Originally Posted by adamscott255
cheers for the info peeps

this is how i got mine setup so far

which files do i need to copy over for the top left to have the money showing and the start bar with extra buttons?

That SS looking good ... Me trying to maintain flexablity with the windows still so you can arrange stuff like you have

Most of this is not working correctly at the moment as its still work in progress I have a big list of stuff i need to change / do beside me now lol

Have a look at my SS below..

The triangles need sorting out I know, so does loads of other stuff

changes pending now are,

1 Exp needs option for coin page
2 little filler triangle needs reversed
3 new stats page below group window
4 health where the power gauge is in the SS
5 Casting where the health gauge is in the SS
6 Power where the health gauge is in the SS now
7 switch on the left triangle to expand the triangle and the effects window to show all 30 effects .. and vice versa
8 more icon buttons to add in below the start button..... Notes/harvesting will be one of them, I may even set it up as pages again so you can have what ones you want on display, Just see how it go's I guess

The bottom of the UI is still quite tall , but I dont see a way to change that as yet, But we do have quite a bit of screen area gain at the top now and that does make a big diff, Well to me it seems to anyway ;)

All windows will be resizeable whilst in beta so that we can make them fit in where we want them, and once done I guess I will set the default sizes to my set up and place some sensible size restrictions after that on the windows like min / max

As you see the target is going to be centered up now, That is somthing that always bugged me for some reason lol.... Problem is its a bit more of a move for the mouse to get to the other hotkey banks on the right when in combat but a change in spell locations should cure that I guess / we will get used to it lol

Long way from a re-skin as yet likes Madhog lol... Also I will need to have at lest 2 bottles of red wine before I even think about loading up photoshop to do that lmao ;)

Madhog 05-31-2005 01:23 AM

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Ok heres my screeny that goes with that last ini I posted, but Ill repost here for clarity.

I have an idea for the dip above the 2 bars on the right, Ill post more when Im at work, cos, Im nearly late now *giggle*

Madhog 05-31-2005 03:26 AM

Ok, what I thought was, and I dont know if its possible...

When you use only 2 hotbars bottom right, you get a small gap above in relation to the other elements. Is it possible to do another element that would fit there and put on it say, bag open, map, notes in text or icon format?

If possible I would have thought it could be used to fill in that gap as text could be sized to make sure a rectangle box wouldnt be too high.

Just a thought!

adamscott255 05-31-2005 04:30 AM

i suppose its all about taste of placement

bets bet i think, is to skin the whole thing with a standard texture, not just a plain boring colour but yes a texture, but one that doesnt really affect where you put things.

every1 is always going to have a different idea of where they want things, its so versitile at the moment as it is, there are 3 of us who already have our own arangements as we can see in the screenshots.

the idea of having all sections resizable is a great idea cos then we can all have our own setups, thats what makes this UI "THE BEST" cos nomater where u put things, it always looks solid and nothing looks out of place!

adamscott255 05-31-2005 04:35 AM

oh and another thing. ill put 2 screen shots if i get the chance, as i come across a cool idea which was actually a fault of the letterbox always reverting to the standard hight.

it made the stats at the top left only 1 bar, but when u put your mouse over it, the money section on the second bar faded in, which in affect was like a mouseover style. as in it was set to "frame" (i think) but it was showing "none", u get me?????

Madhog 05-31-2005 05:35 AM

Erm the last thing Laffs is likely to do is to skin it, I was teasing him, its the hardest part hehe.

I might have a look myself tbh, if I can figure out which parts are used to affect the UI, I am ashamed to admit Im an advanced Photoshop User and I have the dds plugin :o

Laffs just thought, you notice that the > part on the right edge of the exp bar is cut off? I havent put my start button element over it, its just missing!! :confused:

adamscott255 05-31-2005 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Madhog
Laffs just thought, you notice that the > part on the right edge of the exp bar is cut off? I havent put my start button element over it, its just missing!! :confused:

im not sure which bit u mean?

Laffs 05-31-2005 01:05 PM

Its the overflow gem that gets cut off yups I know about it ;)

Madhog it is perdigraphics.dss thats what you need to be looking at for the skin, If you going to have a shot at this..

Coin page, yups when I was told about that, I am thinking about having it mouse over.... maybe frame and titlebar enabled makes it mouse over.... frame only visible all the time and none it dont show at all ... or somthing to that effect that way it keeps everyone happy :)

Going to work on some of this list now....

adamscott255 05-31-2005 01:13 PM

keep it up laffs, excelent work

and much apreciated

Laffs 05-31-2005 06:49 PM

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Thanks adamscott255 :)

Oks stuff on my list been done....

The exp window now when set to "Frame" will show the coin page on mouseover
When set to "frame and titlebar" will show coin page all the time
And "None" no coin page

Notice the stats bar right at the bottom now.... Also the change of locations for the player bars....

The switch above the health bar expands and contracts the Effects window ... but it sizes it down :( .. not sure exactly how to get round this so that one is pending for now I guess..

If your testing this you may have to toggle "alt+g" to get the new stats bar to show up at the moment... failing that type in /show_window MainHUD.StatsPage....

The mouse over on the bags icon now changes opacity (for some reason that change wouldnt save in the Ui builder at all !! I have to keep putting it back in via notepad... so when I come to work some more on that window and if it dont change it's coz I forgot to add the opacity for mouseover back in lol)

On a whole its starting to come together more now...

I dont have another list as yet... spent hours upon hours messing with my last todo list on this...

Not quite happy with the group window likes.... looks fine etc but the location of the negitive effects icons is over the top of the power bar.. Havent seen what this will look like in game as of yet... But I have a feeling its not going to be very good :(
... Not quite sure where else to place them in there? was going to shrink them and place them to the right where the 2 bars split... but then they would be so small you wouldnt be able to see what they was.. Hmmm

Any ideas?

Madhog 06-01-2005 03:39 AM

I havent tested the last one yet cos Im at work, but last night saw the negative effects on the group bar...


First 1 or 2 negative icons, not bad, they appear on the right hand side, bit big but ok. 3rd one and 4th etc all go under the bar and you cant see them, not good :(

Not sure about your stat bar on the bottom btw, might need to resize the group window down again so we can see the negative effects unless you can think of something different to do to them. I dont think we can put them anywhere else apart from the bottom of the window in the old place tbh.

Why have you switched round the gauges?? It took me ages to get used to your last layout, though, like you said, I did *giggle*.

Ill post more this evening once Ive had a chance to play with this update!

Madhog 06-01-2005 11:42 AM

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Ok spent some time making the perdigraphics thingy an even grey colour, gonna tidy it up a little more before I inflict it on you!

Had a look round the new mods and have some points for ya.

1. The effects toggle works wierd. It makes the bar expand downwards, which is upside down. With the effects window bottom left above that chat bar, means if you click it, it expands down onto the chat box. Can you reverse it?

2. Also on the effects box, if you use the toggle, the bar resizes to the same size every time, which is like 1cm from the edge, kinda wierd it is. Why?? :D

3. Any chance of making a hotbar without the toggle? Make it so theres no numbers on the buttons? I love it without the Alt1, Alt2 etc on, but everytime I do anything at all to a bar, drag stuff, get new stuff etc, they reappear!

4. The righthand rightangle corner thingy, which butts up against the hotbars, how about throwing me a link / icon on there to open my notes up?? :nana:

Ive put a screeny on with this of the layout as is, and with my slightly changed colour scheme. You'll notice Ive gone back to 3 hotbars on the right, just seems to make best use of the layout.

Laffs 06-01-2005 11:54 AM

Lol... Well actualy all the gauges have moved locations as for as the code is concerned.... BUT it only the casting bar that has actualy moved from a visual point of view and the rest is just moved over if you like ..... Look again and think about it lol

As for the group window.. Yeh I thought that was going to be its downfall.. I need to have a bit think about it.

To suit my play style I need to be able to see some stats either all the time or very quickly ... Its a habit from Eq1 where you had that many buffs placed on you during a raid I found it impossible to know exactly what one had dropped from me untill I looked at my stats and seen a drop in str for example, Thats why I added the stats to the side of one of Lodi Dodi's windows on display all the time... And guess what my toon started to live a bit longer :D

A mouse over for the stats would do me likes or even place them in the effects window, but that will make that window bigger etc...... Hmmm this is all a catch 22 situation.... Thinking caps on guys :)

Laffs 06-01-2005 12:00 PM

Where your compass go?

1 and 2 yes I know about .. working on that

3 easy np

4 get stuffed... notes button is going up beside the start menu :p (Unles you can give me at least 100 good reasons why it should go on the little triangle filler)

More soon :D

Madhog 06-01-2005 01:08 PM

Omg wheres my compass?!? I hadnt noticed it was gone!!


Ok just finished an idea I had for the perdi graphic file. Not sure it will work but if it does, it will be great! I aint holding my breath tho hehe.

Gonna test out my new graphic now, damn you for making me interested enough to start messing with dds files!

New post and screeny inc soon!

Laffs 06-01-2005 01:35 PM

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Start Button window
Effects window and the damn switch been messed with... Untested !!
Group window still the same for now

Re: Background,
Yeh well about time you got off your ass and did some work ;)


Madhog 06-01-2005 02:12 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Effects window working ok now, it aint snapping to a preset size! YAY!

Notes icon works! YAY! Oh, make the background transparent if you can pls! (you will see from the screeny why heh)

Compass back! YAY! (Ctrl-N /giggle)

Oh, attached is new dds, screeny and my ini. Please feel free to make suggestions for the dds. Once its ok, Ive seperated all the elements and have a psd of it, so its easy to change colours, patterns etc etc. *sob*.

Regarding the group bar, negative effects and you wanting to see stats for your own reasons....we might have an obvious solution heh.

Take out the stat bar you added in. Put the negative effects back where they was, the size of that group box wont be an issue now. Turn on the other layers at the top, where you still got stats.


How about moving the LFG and Search for LFG buttons to the other end of the group window, say, at the F5 position, just above the .../ line. Get the UI to display the negative effects above the .../ line too, might need smaller icons if thats possible. If you get a full group, the LFG and search icons disappear I think so thats not an issue for the last player to join a group.

Anyhow, lemme know what you think and I look forward to yer next update *giggle*

Madhog 06-01-2005 02:17 PM

Erm I lied. The effects box works in larger mode, ie the extended version, but, if its in single ling mode, when you cast a buff, they go on the upper level, which isnt really there so you get an icon floating above the box. Wierd. I tried removing all my buffs and recasting but that didnt help.

Madhog 06-01-2005 02:28 PM

Ok wierd effects box heh.

If you resize it, even a little, say, length ways, the icons kinda snap move to the right place and you can have it in single row mode with the buff icons where they should be.

Not sure its not working now, it looks just fine lol..,, :confused:

Laffs 06-01-2005 02:40 PM

background looking good far as I can see....

yups I just found that out with effects box also... You see its realy only the 1st icon that needs its position set as all the others will snap to the right of it and use up all the space untill either there is none left or they have room to drop down a line....
What you seen was them following there old route from the last time the window was modded... by resizing it you forced them to snap back to the location of the 1st one again.. Not an easy task makeing that window look as if it is resizing up when you hit the switch!

Got a couple of ideas going to try.. And will dump the old group window back in the zip also

adamscott255 06-01-2005 03:43 PM

guys what can i say!

Efin Beautifull!

i feel kinda shocking cos im using both yur work and im not contributing anything but info, wish i had the knowledge to do somit :(

The new skin in superb, vertical lines is a class act, much better than just plain colours and little subtle hints hear and there will match where ever u place each section

im going to start testing it now, see how it goes and put up a few ideas of placements so im not just getting all the pleasure for nothin

Laffs 06-01-2005 04:03 PM

Yeh could use a few ideas likes :p

adamscott255 06-01-2005 04:12 PM

just testing it now, first problem i had was that when i right click to bring the window settings up it just brings up a blank vertical line and i dont get any text on the menu logout/inventory bar

Laffs 06-01-2005 04:40 PM

You will have to drop all the files in that zip into a copy of the LaffsV8 folder for them to work bud.. This is not the whole UI just the windows I have been modding ;)

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