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Cantino 10-24-2004 08:24 PM

Need new computer! Suggestions?
Ok, so with the new hype of the release date (if you've read my post there you know where this is going) and all that other stuff, I need to start seriously considering where I'm going with a new computer to actually play the game without killing all the effects. When I'm done putting everything on low I'll be running the game in 2d... *sigh*

So here's my current computer:

2.4Ghz Intel processor on a generic motherboard
GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Onboard soundcard
512MB PC 2700 DDR RAM
One partridge in a pear tree

That's what I'm mostly worried about right now. I need a new monitor too but I've got some great ideas from the discussion on Kudane/Dolby's offices. =P My questions are these:

What type of motherboard should I get? What video card should I get?

I'm pretty confident in my knowledge of RAM after doing enough research on that, and I'm going to shoot for a 3.8Ghz processor at least. As for RAM I'm not sure what grade yet but I want 2 Gigs of something. Thoughts? Suggestions? Rants? Poems?


insomniac 10-24-2004 11:59 PM

what the hell is a "turtle dove" anyway?
my current comp in its incomplete state:
3.2 ghz p4
1Gig ram
Geforce 3 ti 500
onboard sound
2 36 gb 10k rpm raptors in raid 0 :cool:
two turtle doves

it runs eq2 just fine. i have it on "high performance (almost middle)" with some things set a little higher and it looks great. Eq2 graphics settings are less "what do you want to turn on" and more "how far away do you want things to look good"

is your mobo socket 478 or 3..7.. whatever...? if it's a 478 and supports ht i would say keep it.

as for type of video card i would say get an nvidia 6800 (ultra, non ultra, whatever). Dx9c was just patched in and for right now, those optimizations are nvidia only.

oh and definetly get a sound card. a soundblaster audigy 2 is $99 and will take some load off your processor. tho, even on a onboard, the sound in this game rocks.

as for me, i'm getting an audigy 2 and a 6800 ultra and calling it quits. (which is a technical term for starting on building another computer ;))

Edit: oh and more ram... and better speakers.. something thx cerified..oh and one of the new power supplies where you can disconnect any unwanted cables... oh and blacklights.. mmmm blacklights..

Esperant 10-25-2004 12:08 AM

the two things that I think need upgrading is your ram and graphics card. Otherwise I think you're fine.

sithlord111 10-25-2004 12:11 AM

I'm curious to see how my new vid card works out in EQ.

My system is as follows:

2.4ghz pentium cpu.
1GB 2700 ddr ram
Geforce 6800GT Video card
Cable modem.

Alas I have a crappy HD though. only 20GB and only 13 FREE. lol. Defintaly need to get a new one. Since my Mobo supports serial I think that's what I'm going to get.

mistium 10-25-2004 12:19 AM

My husband spent most of our christmas money for eq2.

2 3.0 Ghz p4 ht's
2 6800 GT OC 256 things
1 gig of ram in each
they look all neony

Cantino 10-25-2004 12:20 AM

A new motherboard is a must... I got a really cheap one (478 pins) and I'm pretty sure it's going flaky. My computer likes to restart periodically when I run applications... I've ruled out everything I can except the motherboard.


mistium 10-25-2004 12:22 AM

Are you overclocking? How's the ventilation and the ambient temperature. Temp of the gpu and cpu?

Cantino 10-25-2004 12:30 AM

Yup, checked it. All normal. Checked the cables, the power supply, switched processors, video cards, RAM, even DvD-Rom.... Oh, and cases... =P

mistium 10-25-2004 01:37 AM

I don't know what to tell ya. New motherboard it is then.

Ghimmhala 10-25-2004 01:49 AM

I run
Dell Dimension
XPS T500
GeForce FX 5200 128
640 Ram
Windows XP pro

It runs good on this system but a little lagy but I think that is server issues.

Su-do 10-25-2004 01:50 AM

Ram ram ram...

most programs and games will be much better with 1gb of Ram for sure.

And yes, a newer generation of video card I am sure will make things wonderful.

I am very very curious to see how the ATI cards are stacking up and if there have been any/many visual problems with this.

Two of my friends have newer ATI cards, one just ordered an x800xt or something like that $450.00 ish, while another has a 9800xt Pro both are 256mb video cards. (yes this one is different than the x800) or so im told.

I will be upgrading video cards soon as well.

mistium 10-25-2004 01:56 AM

Yes, Cantino, get at least 1 gig of ram, that should solve some slowdowns in games, (to an extent). About the power cuts, could be a number of things. If you are overclocking at all, set everything back to normal and monitor your pc's behavior. Or hell, could be your outlet. I've had those problems before

Ram will help tho. -Deathlok_22

Also what are your average temps and whats the age of the mobo?
And the wattage of the Power Supply?

Vikan Karo 10-25-2004 03:12 AM

I run

Case: Thermaltake XaserIII (Full case. not that Lanparty thing they made)
PSU: Thermaltake Silent Purepower 480w
MB: Gigabyte GA-7N400 Pro2 Rev.2
CPU: Athlon XP 3200 400Mhz FSB
RAM: 2x512MB Kingston HyperX PC3200 dual channel
Audio: SB Audigy 2 ZS Pro
HD: 2x 80GB WD 7200rpm 8mb cache in RAID 0
Video: GeForce FX 5900

Vikan Karo 10-25-2004 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Cantino

2.4Ghz Intel processor on a generic motherboard
GeForce 4 Ti 4600
Onboard soundcard
512MB PC 2700 DDR RAM


2.4Ghz Intel processor on a generic motherboard - Fine
GeForce 4 Ti 4600 - Ok but you'd need a GeForce FX 5700 or better to see any higher performance
Onboard soundcard - Fine (up to personal preference here)
512MB PC 2700 DDR RAM - 1GB Minimum it'll make a WORLD of difference

Tinr 10-25-2004 09:36 PM

Great thread I am also cought without a computer and 2 weeks to get one build. I have to order all new stuff my old machine isnt salvagable. I build it in 2000 :) played EQlive just fine with everthing turned off. LOL I have to get parts in to build me a new box fast. I have spent all day today researching.

In my case what would you Beta Testers recommend. motherboard chipset video ??? Going P-4 3.2 or 3.4 with 1GB DDR400 and SATA 120GB HD Just not sure what to mount it to.

cdog1388 10-25-2004 10:09 PM

If cost isn't an issue, I say go nuts. But if you are worried about your shiny pennies, I would go with a P4 3.0 Ghz and spend the extra on the MB, and video card. This is also remembering that RAM is the lifeblood of any machine. 1 GB of RAM minimum, I would (and will) go with 2 GB. As far as a HDD is concerned, I would go with a serial ATA for value and a Raptor if I had the cash (which I don't). A SBL Audigy 2 is excellent value and will rock out the sounds.

Where I go a little crazy is with the video card. I think if you have the cash, I would go with the Nvidia 6800. Myself, I do believe that I will go with the Nvidia 6600 when it comes out. It looks like better bang for your buck.

Just my opinion, feel free to comment I would like the feedback.


Dist 10-26-2004 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by sithlord111
I'm curious to see how my new vid card works out in EQ.

My system is as follows:

2.4ghz pentium cpu.
1GB 2700 ddr ram
Geforce 6800GT Video card
Cable modem.

Alas I have a crappy HD though. only 20GB and only 13 FREE. lol. Defintaly need to get a new one. Since my Mobo supports serial I think that's what I'm going to get.

6800GT works great with EQ2. I have one in my box.

Stilletto 10-26-2004 01:51 PM

Hey there all... It's great to hear that for the most part everyone playing beta is having great looking game set in the medium range with todays computers... I'm running a AMD 2600 atm and thinking of upgrading to the 3000 or 3200 because my MB will handle them now...Do you all think that is worth the upgrade or not... got 1 gig ram and ATI 9800 pro 256 meg so I think im ok there... I'm playing EQ 1 at 1280x1024 with everything at max with very little lag cept for when lots of spells are going off 8). I have found that the video card has made the most difference in any of the games I play.
Anyone else running AMD on the beta .. if so hows it workin for ya? Oh ya and wanted to state that the nvidia 5200 256 meg card blows so dont buy it .. spend a little more if ya can! I figured that it had the 8x agp and 256 meg it gotta be better than my 128 meg nvidia ti4200 but the older card still out does it.. JMO tho... dont shoot me down too hard plz :)

Tinr 10-26-2004 06:44 PM

Stilletto I was about to order a build to order computer. You said you didnt like the FX5200 any news on the FX5700 256mb 8x agp. Only ATI they have is 9800 PRO 128mb they dont offer one with 256mb or I would opt for that.
Anyone know if FX5700 256mb would be a good card or should I wait for better>?

Kudane 10-26-2004 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Tinr
Stilletto I was about to order a build to order computer. You said you didnt like the FX5200 any news on the FX5700 256mb 8x agp. Only ATI they have is 9800 PRO 128mb they dont offer one with 256mb or I would opt for that.
Anyone know if FX5700 256mb would be a good card or should I wait for better>?

wait a week.. the GeForce 6600 is coming out, it has all the compatibility of the 6800 with just a little less muscle. its going to be the "work horse" card the price range will be 149.99 to 199.99


zheer 10-26-2004 08:01 PM

my 2 cp
I recommend an abit ICG-7 max III use a p4 HT chip I ( i have a 3.0), atleast 1 gig of ram ( more is better here not a wish), video card spend as much as you can afford and get the best out there , and yes sound card . I have onboard sound and its ok in the surround sound stage, but im gonna get sound card, I want the proformance. Case wise wellll to or three words here ventilation, ventilation, ventilation, oh and looks ,(oops thats four). If your looking at flat panels then make sure it has very fast pixel response times if not stick to CRT's for gameing . I'm useing Nvidia 5700 LE with 256 ram and its way nice. For my next machine im going to 925 chipset and pci xpress myself, I'm just waiting for them ot get the bugs ironed out lol

Zheerisstas; Crusader of the 15th Order, Karouser; Prediator of the 13th Season

Stilletto 10-26-2004 08:43 PM

Hi Tinr, I cant say much for the 5700 good or bad..never messed with one :)
I agree with Kudane on the 6800 tho that seems to be a great card and thats a good price too!!!
Look at www.tomshardware.com they do alot of good benchmarkin. Thats where I decided on the Ati card over the Nvidia..I can actually use the AA and antiso that I couldn't ever touch with my Nvidia cards.. of course the fx 5200 was the newest I had. With the Ati 9800 pro 256 I can turn um up a bit and have virtualy no stairsteppin on IL2 sturmovik while looking at the planes...and other games like EQ run great!! I'm not really bashin Nvidia cards just the 5200 fx... it didnt even have a onboard fan.. kinda thought that was funny for a "new" card!
Anyway good luck its always a chore to shell out the clams on hardware since there is so many choises... just be glad ya dont got a Apple.. haha or maybe ya do! *opens up can of worms* "quick wheres the lid!!!"

Tinr 10-26-2004 08:53 PM

I ordered a build to order computer with p-4 3.2gh 1mb l2 cache :) ht cpu. Got a GB pc4000--80GB sata HD--went ahead and got the FX5700 256mb video card with plans on that going in the computer I am on now and upgrading to that new fx6600 card when it comes out. all in all I think I will be happy with this until I upgrade the video card.
Thanks for the input. Helped me out a lot. Now I can play EQ2 on release thats all that matters.

medjai31 10-26-2004 09:33 PM

I would suggest minimum 1G ram.
Make sure the MB you get has Dual Channel.
Get the Best Video card you can afford. ( MOST IMPORTANT)
get the 6800 Ultra OC with the 256MB DDR II or the equiv ATI
Ram and video card make or break all online games.
Go with Raid set up if you can, load times will be faster.

I have XP 2800
1Gig Dual Channel DDR2700
GF FX 5700 256MB
80Gig WD 8MB cashe

And I can play EQ 2 very well, not much lag with stuff set on High.
I did turn off shadows and went very mild on Floral.
Other than that, everyone on high settings, have a few things on very high.

I do wish for more tho. So beat my system if you want EQ2 to run ultra smoothe.

My plans for upgrading will be very soon and here is what I am going with.
1st: Evga Nvidia GF 6800 GT 256 bit. 256MB GDDR3
2nd: Two 1Gig sticks of DDR2-533 ram ( 240 pin ram)
3rd: AMD 64 3400+ socket 754 1MB L2 Cashe

I need to research which mobo. My hopes is Asus has a good 754 board.
if not I'll look at others.


Great place to shop!

VampDude 10-26-2004 10:21 PM

Yea heard the 6600 might be well worth it if you cant shell out the cash for the 6800. As for RAM, I've got a gig of DDR400 Corsair which seriously hauls butt. Im sticking with my BFG GFFX 5950 Ultra til the gen of cards after these 6800s. Good luck with the upgrade though, hope it all works great.

Kudane 10-27-2004 12:06 AM

here is a great review on the 6600 including a comparison to the 6800


Cantino 10-27-2004 10:56 AM

What's a good response time for a monitor? I've got a really really old one and while it still works, I'm just fed up with it. =P


sultry 10-22-2007 03:50 AM

my 22WS has a response of .5ms and i dont see much motion blurr. Don't go for a cheap lcd buy something worthwhile like what i got

I have a Fujitsu-Siemens Scaleoview L22-3 couldnt be any happier. Also i run a resolution of 1680x1050 @ 60HZ

This one cost 270euro about $380 at the time I bought it should be alittle bit cheaper now

gm9 10-22-2007 04:18 AM

Wow, you must be really bored with your server down if you are necroing a 3 year old post. ;) Impressive. :nana:

sultry 10-22-2007 04:20 AM

it was by accident. When i made my post at the bottom of the screen at first I thought it was for newest topics not revelent topics than i reialized lol well maybe someone will get some use out of it

Ixoa 10-22-2007 07:31 AM

lol and just a tip dont go buying any DX10 enabled Graphic cards DX10.1 is comeing out in jan -march and the DX10's cant run it so you will be waisting your money,info from shop who made my own spec system and i went in for a price for whole new spec machine have been told to wait till march b4 getting a new machine with all the major changes that are gonna happen.


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