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Drumstix42 02-25-2010 07:08 PM

[DrumsUI] Individual pieces support
Just finished uploading most of the updates to all the necessary individual pieces of the DrumsUI. These updates include pretty much everything needed post-Sentinel's Fate.

For any support, questions, suggestions, etc.... Please post them here!

For anything pertaining to the Full UI Release or Updater, please use their associated topics!


chriswebstar 02-26-2010 09:47 AM

I've noticed that when you have the player window display numbers instead of percentages, this doesn't save across sessions.

Also, I'm not sure on why the player window doesn't have ability buttons like the group window. I'm of the opinion that there should probably just be a "self" entry in the group window.

Drumstix42 02-26-2010 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by chriswebstar (Post 88804)
I've noticed that when you have the player window display numbers instead of percentages, this doesn't save across sessions.

Also, I'm not sure on why the player window doesn't have ability buttons like the group window. I'm of the opinion that there should probably just be a "self" entry in the group window.

More than likely, I shall be putting a "self" member in the group window. I know at least one person here on eq2interface has requested and a few in-game tells :)

chriswebstar 02-26-2010 06:05 PM

Could you also add those percentage/number thingies from the player window into the group window? Even if it's just an option or something. *puppyeyes*

Drumstix42 02-26-2010 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by chriswebstar (Post 88819)
Could you also add those percentage/number thingies from the player window into the group window? Even if it's just an option or something. *puppyeyes*

Aye, I should be able to do this :)
Might be a few days though. A little worn out from the weekend and all the updates I put out yesterday!

chriswebstar 02-26-2010 06:43 PM

Take your time, I'm happy to know that you're considering it.

chriswebstar 03-02-2010 12:54 PM

Aye, me again buggin.

For the chat window, I was wondering whether there'd be a chance of getting an option to set the scroll bar side (left/right), and maybe to make it disappear independently of the tabs. I once had a chat window mod that got rid of it completely, and you could only scroll with the mouse wheel. This would also work, as long as you can claim the space back for text.

valesai 03-03-2010 09:37 PM

Odd stuff.
Two things.

1.) The download doesn't include the add_poi.xml and have you come up with a way for EQ2Maps to not over-write that file when it is run?

2.) I am not getting it to save the settings for the detriment effects or the macro buttons. When you relog it resets back to default and you have to re-enter your settings again.

Edit: The eq2map ignore file was missing. I took it from the full release package you made and it fixed that issue. The only thing I am still looking into is the not saving of the setup info.

Drumstix42 03-03-2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by valesai (Post 88993)
Two things.

1.) The download doesn't include the add_poi.xml and have you come up with a way for EQ2Maps to not over-write that file when it is run?

2.) I am not getting it to save the settings for the detriment effects or the macro buttons. When you change zones or relog it resets back to default.

Dunno which window you're referring to exactly, but I figured it's either the raid/group/player window.

Yeah I seemed to leave out 2 files for these individual packs. Unfortunately I was just doing too much in one day as far as compiling UI pieces. I'll have these updated soon.

valesai 03-04-2010 02:30 AM

Doh I forgot to mention which piece lol. Yeah the group/raid.

So file #1 was the eq2map ignore. What was file two so I can "borrow" it from the full install. I am guessing that's what's causing the not saving issue?

Drumstix42 03-04-2010 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by valesai (Post 89001)
Doh I forgot to mention which piece lol. Yeah the group/raid.

So file #1 was the eq2map ignore. What was file two so I can "borrow" it from the full install. I am guessing that's what's causing the not saving issue?

The main problem that exists is that the Player window has the initialization code for both the Self Cures and the Party Cures (raid/group). I had forgotton I placed the code in the same spot and it makes it not work individually (currently that is).

You'll need:
eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml (loads initialization)
eq2ui_popup_addpoi.xml (allows you to save "properly")
/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml (file needs to exist to save to, else it'll be created in the Default UI folder)

I think those are the only extra one's you'll need to grab.
Sorry for the oversight. I'll be updating the downloads to include independent code, and all of the necessary files. Hope to have them up by Thursday evening.

chriswebstar 03-04-2010 07:50 AM

With your latest update you added a "self" entry in the group window (big thanks!), but the cure buttons don't show any icons but a grey box when a detrimental lands on self. Not an issue, really, mainly aesthetic. I think it doesn't show a detrimental counter either.

valesai 03-04-2010 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 89003)
The main problem that exists is that the Player window has the initialization code for both the Self Cures and the Party Cures (raid/group). I had forgotton I placed the code in the same spot and it makes it not work individually (currently that is).

You'll need:
eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml (loads initialization)
eq2ui_popup_addpoi.xml (allows you to save "properly")
/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml (file needs to exist to save to, else it'll be created in the Default UI folder)

I think those are the only extra one's you'll need to grab.
Sorry for the oversight. I'll be updating the downloads to include independent code, and all of the necessary files. Hope to have them up by Thursday evening.

Don't forget the eq2map ignore file. =]

Drumstix42 03-04-2010 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by chriswebstar (Post 89008)
With your latest update you added a "self" entry in the group window (big thanks!), but the cure buttons don't show any icons but a grey box when a detrimental lands on self. Not an issue, really, mainly aesthetic. I think it doesn't show a detrimental counter either.

Aye, this one I have noted, and a fix already in progress. IMO it's broken dynamicdata, because the Player window uses the same data and it display fine. So will have to create a style and have it show up correctly. Fix coming soon :)

chriswebstar 03-04-2010 05:14 PM

You're the best :D

Mareid 03-10-2010 10:33 AM

Love the Tradeskill window
Dear Drums,

I love the tradeskill ap and I have a rquest...could you also add a timer for rush orders, please. Thanks so much.

chriswebstar 03-10-2010 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mareid (Post 89205)
Dear Drums,

I love the tradeskill ap and I have a rquest...could you also add a timer for rush orders, please. Thanks so much.

This was mentioned elsewhere. SOE crapped up and it's not possible right now. We need to wait for a fix on their side first.

shadowdrummer46 03-14-2010 01:46 AM

Hey guys, new to EQ2 and EQ2i, so "Hello" to everyone. Great work Dumstix, coming from a fellow drummer :nana:

I would just like to say I dont have the ability to move my hotbar around freely (like with the "+"arrows under the cursor) I have to drag the bar one way until it is one box big, then drag it the other way to expand it.

I dont know if its something I have done but I thought I would bring it up.

Also are the casting icons over groupbars programable to be used as buffs instead of just healing? For instance; to cast Iceshield on a Group member. Also the ability to Move those icons from directly above the player heath bars would be great.

I think some of this (if not all) is already being done, I just havent figured it out yet.

Thanks in Advance for any Replies!

chriswebstar 03-14-2010 07:12 AM

If you right click on any given hotbar, and click "hotbar options" in the popping menu, you'll get to to configure it some. If you click the "show spinner" option, you can use the appearing "spinner" to drag hotbars around. After dragging them, you can tick it off again safely.

As to buttons appearing over group member's health, it sounds like you just have to move your windows around a little ;)

Drumstix42 03-14-2010 11:43 AM

What he said about the spinners ^

As far as the buttons, you can configure them to basically anything you want. One time I set up 5 target macros for a fight we were doing in raid one night.
They're able to be customized anyway, the two supplied variables just make it so you can cast spells on other players/yourself without typing their name :)

And as far as the buttons being moved to a place other than above the health bars, this is something that may be looked into in the future. Possibly a window where the buttons are off to the side ,or something like that.

chriswebstar 03-14-2010 12:01 PM

Ah, he meant those buttons :D

shadowdrummer46 03-14-2010 12:02 PM

Wow...Thanks both of you for the perfect replies so fast.

chriswebstar 03-14-2010 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by shadowdrummer46 (Post 89330)
Wow...Thanks both of you for the perfect replies so fast.

No probs at all. We spend 5 hours a day spamming F5 in hopes someone posts something :p

Zubglub 03-15-2010 03:11 PM

Include statement?
I primarily use ProfitUI.. however there are some pieces of your that are completely awesome! I would do the full interface switch but been using Profit for so long it feels wierd.

I know i read somewhere on these forums a way to include pieces from multiple UI's via modifying the eq2.ini file. Can answer this one for me?

chriswebstar 03-15-2010 03:30 PM

Profit is a weird breed. Pieces are anything but independent. By design, you can just take DrumsUI files and overwrite the corresponding ProfitUI files, and this would get you the corresponding DrumsUI piece in-game. But as I said above, Profit is quite weaved, so the chances of breaking something are rather high.

Drumstix42 03-15-2010 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Zubglub (Post 89351)
I primarily use ProfitUI.. however there are some pieces of your that are completely awesome! I would do the full interface switch but been using Profit for so long it feels wierd.

I know i read somewhere on these forums a way to include pieces from multiple UI's via modifying the eq2.ini file. Can answer this one for me?

Yes, there is a large selection of individual DrumsUI mods to download, in which you just plop into any UI folder that you're currently using.
I recommend waiting about another day before using any of the individual DrumsUI pieces as I'm (currently in the process of) updating them shortly :)

You won't have to edit your eq2.ini when doing this, but only when completely switching to a different UI.


Drumstix42 03-19-2010 01:00 AM

Uploaded another fix to initialization code for the Group and Raid windows. If I could get some feedback on the status of these changes for these mods, that would be great :)

I think everything is working now. The quick buttons were saving, but not loading properly after re-logging. All should be fixed to be working just like the Full UI now. Apologies for the "half-fix" previous to tonight :rolleyes:

Drumstix42 03-19-2010 02:44 PM

Updated again!

For both the raid and group window...
They did not have the correct updated /DrumsUI/Settings/DrumsUI_PartyClickWindow.xml.
Zip files updated, hopefully that fixes it finally :)

chriswebstar 03-29-2010 12:45 PM

Does that include the omg smaller raid window? Cos I've been compulsively opening and closing the updater all day and nothing :D

Drumstix42 03-29-2010 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by chriswebstar (Post 89635)
Does that include the omg smaller raid window? Cos I've been compulsively opening and closing the updater all day and nothing :D

The post above yours is about 10 days old. The individual raid window will indeed be updated. :)

chriswebstar 03-29-2010 10:56 PM

:D Not sure why I thought it was new post...

Conandar 04-14-2010 06:31 PM

I started using the full release of DrumsUI, and generally I like it. There are two things that bother me, though.

First, in the tradeskill window, the first time I open it I get the recepies box checked. I can, of course, uncheck it...but the next time I play the game it is back to being checked again. Personally, I prefer it off.

Second, I am having problems with the C2C buttons in the self cure section. Some of them work fine, but others do not and say something about "only while crafting". This happens on my 90 brigand using Focused cures and my 88 Bruiser using Dedicated cures. I would try to fix it myself, but I am not sure where to get the itemvdl numbers.

It is probably something easy that I have missed, but there you go.

Oh, I also use the auto-updater to stay update.


chriswebstar 04-14-2010 06:57 PM

You can copy item links into an external program, like notepad, and copy the numbers out, or you can google for it. For example, there's some info on flames.

EDIT: There's a sticky here in these forums, drumsui section. /facepalm

Drumstix42 04-15-2010 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Conandar (Post 89855)
I started using the full release of DrumsUI, and generally I like it. There are two things that bother me, though.

First, in the tradeskill window, the first time I open it I get the recepies box checked. I can, of course, uncheck it...but the next time I play the game it is back to being checked again. Personally, I prefer it off.

Second, I am having problems with the C2C buttons in the self cure section. Some of them work fine, but others do not and say something about "only while crafting". This happens on my 90 brigand using Focused cures and my 88 Bruiser using Dedicated cures. I would try to fix it myself, but I am not sure where to get the itemvdl numbers.

It is probably something easy that I have missed, but there you go.

Oh, I also use the auto-updater to stay update.


I may be able to make the checkbox save. Or I can include an alternative version with it default to off.

If you edit the potions in the player window options, the first line is the T9 Focused potions, and the 2nd line is the T8 Dedicated potions.
Edit them accordingly.

When you're lower toon hits 90 and needs to use T9 potions, use the "Set Default" button and you'll get both lines back and can 'nix the T8 potion line.


flutieflakes 04-15-2010 10:46 AM

Maintained window error message and problems
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Originally posted by flutieflakes
First, thanks Drums, for such awesome mods for the game! Secondly, I've installed this an re-installed this particular item more than once into my game. Everytime I do, I get a message from the game that it's incompatible with the tooltips and it needs to be updated. If I leave it in, I lose all mouse-over capability to see what items are in my bags, hotbars, etc. They just won't display the names/types of items anymore and I end up having to remove it because I can't remember all that stuff off the top of my head. Is there a way to fix this? I would try myself, but I'm not what you would call programming/modding literate. I have the UI Builder downloaded and installed on my computer, but everytime I try to fiddle with it, I get worried I'm gonna ruin my game, so i've just taken to leaving it alone.

Oh, I'm using this in conjunction with some Profit items as well.

Is there any fixes or updates coming to this window anytime soon, including reduced icon size?

Drumstix42 04-15-2010 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by flutieflakes (Post 89865)
Server: Blackburrow
Forum posts: 1884
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Originally posted by flutieflakes
First, thanks Drums, for such awesome mods for the game! Secondly, I've installed this an re-installed this particular item more than once into my game. Everytime I do, I get a message from the game that it's incompatible with the tooltips and it needs to be updated. If I leave it in, I lose all mouse-over capability to see what items are in my bags, hotbars, etc. They just won't display the names/types of items anymore and I end up having to remove it because I can't remember all that stuff off the top of my head. Is there a way to fix this? I would try myself, but I'm not what you would call programming/modding literate. I have the UI Builder downloaded and installed on my computer, but everytime I try to fiddle with it, I get worried I'm gonna ruin my game, so i've just taken to leaving it alone.

Oh, I'm using this in conjunction with some Profit items as well.

Is there any fixes or updates coming to this window anytime soon, including reduced icon size?

I think you're referring to the maintained window. It must be an incompatibility with one of the Profit things you are using. There's nothing in the mod alone to cause this to happen.

gm9 04-15-2010 01:30 PM

never heard of incompatible tooltips tbh but I can't see what part of ProfitUI should be responsible, either.

Drumstix42 04-15-2010 02:20 PM

No ideas here then. :confused:

Conandar 04-16-2010 02:02 PM

I am still having problems with the self C2C. I did check according to the stickied post instrutions and the macro configuration looks fine. However, I still get a fail message when trying to cure myself in combat - it says I either can not do that except when crafting, or I need a potion in my bags - the thing is, I have t9 / t8 cure potions in my bags! I still have my old pre-Drums hotkeys for clicking cure pots, so I can tell at a glance that I still have plenty of them left. I was hoping that Drums would help by preventing the selection of the wrong cure in error, but if I can't fix this error I guess its back to the old way.


Drumstix42 04-16-2010 02:16 PM

The only when crafting should be because the Cure Spell is still selected in the Player cure options (because you're not a priest).

As far as it not casting you potions at all, I'm not sure why you're having problem with that. I'd say double check you have the latest files, or try a re-install at worst.

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