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-   -   auto attack bar for profit ? (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12611)

xamoth 03-31-2009 03:59 PM

auto attack bar for profit ?
i currently use the auto updating version of profit ui and i wanna get the auto attack back cause act gets annoying lol
i am having trouble trying to get teh auto attack bar add on with this . can i or no? if so how?

gm9 03-31-2009 04:19 PM

razieh kindly offered that his bar could be distributed with ProfitUI, I'm adding that in atm.

xamoth 03-31-2009 05:28 PM

thank you ! i am now having problems seeing the auto attack bar after i updated . i dunno why but my friend updated his and is seeing his perfectly. im currently not able to see mine. help!

Silvermice 03-31-2009 06:23 PM

issues with it not staying gone when you turn it off in eq2 control panel

primamezzo 04-01-2009 12:44 AM

What exactly do you have to change in the file to get it to not show up.

uamien 04-01-2009 12:50 AM

Yeah Id like to know how to turn it off. There is no "x" on the box that I can see. I tried to hit the same button on the control box I used to open it and it didnt close. Is there another way Im missing
Vibeth Befallen

samejima 04-01-2009 01:00 AM

I can modify it really easy if GM9 wants me to, as it is now when you enter combat it does /show_window attack. So if he did not edit it, there is technically no way to keep it from constantly reappearing.

SOE-Rothgar 04-01-2009 01:21 AM

Hi guys. I was just wondering if the auto-attack window that comes with Profit is using the new dynamic data we added in GU51. I'm noticing that when I pull a mob with a bow, it shows ranged autoattack. Then when I start melee combat it just stays stuck on ranged and often doesnt switch to Melee.

I also have a G15 keyboard and have the LCD panel on the last page where we added progress bars for the auto attack meters. This is properly showing my primary and secondary aa values, so I know the dynamic data is working properly. It just appears to be something wrong with the window.

samejima 04-01-2009 01:41 AM

Yes its using the dynamic data, its due to switching between melee and ranged at the just the right time. I have a test window too, I can upload if you want to help me determine what is wrong. If all three are always shown, it still runs into the same problem, thus I believe its a problem with the way the dynamic data works. Though I could be completely wrong, I had talked to Zoltaroth about this and he changed the dynamic data so if melee is going ranged CANT be shown. I think its something to do with the server delay and you switching in that little window.

What I suggested being changed, is to revert to the initial dynamic data then change the visibility only become visible once they start filling up. That way its as simple as a OnShow event. Currently they become visible if you toggle auto attack, which if you think about it, can causes a lot of problems.

I would be happy to talk to you more about it using private messeages, AIM, MSN or what ever.

gm9 04-01-2009 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by primamezzo (Post 81869)
What exactly do you have to change in the file to get it to not show up.

<Text Name="ShowOnLogin">true</Text>
Change the bold part to false

gm9 04-01-2009 04:40 AM

...or for a temporary solution use the new checkbox on the control center which is now on the updater.

PS: Training through a zone I noticed that the ranged auto attack bar came visible when NPCs attacked me even though I was not fighting back. This was on a character without a bow.

Ldarax 04-01-2009 05:58 AM

After the latest update the autoattack bar stoped showing for me, it worked fine yesterday but not after patching profitui today.

it is set to true in the coresponding txt file.

gm9 04-01-2009 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Ldarax (Post 81892)
After the latest update the autoattack bar stoped showing for me, it worked fine yesterday but not after patching profitui today.

it is set to true in the coresponding txt file.

yeah I'm a noob (forgot that checkbox events are broken if the checkbox is toggled via script). Fixed. :p

Ldarax 04-01-2009 07:00 AM

Thanks :) You are doing a great job :)

Ldarax 04-01-2009 07:20 AM

Ops think i spoke to early its still not showing, i know the window are there since i can move it and it dont matter what settings i use on it it still wont show :(

apesoccer 04-01-2009 09:21 AM

I've uninstalled and renamed my profit ui folder, then reinstalled the autoupdater and updated... But my autoattack bar isn't showing up either.

Edit: Additional info...I don't have a checkbox in my pui ctrl panel either...=/
- something else possibly worth mentioning...I have to scroll over my bottom bar with the mouse to get anything to show up...once i scroll over it, everything shows up...

Heh...doing what i should have from the begining...A clean install (er reinstall...)...

Same issue with the checkbox and the bar not showing up, however the bottombar is now showing as it should.

gm9 04-01-2009 10:00 AM

Something interesting I noted with the bars is that with weapons with different delays according to the bars (and the underlying dynamic data) the weapons always swing at the same time regardless according to the shorter delay for the second and all following swings. Is that a bug or do I simply not understand the mechanics involved?


Originally Posted by Ldarax (Post 81896)
Ops think i spoke to early its still not showing, i know the window are there since i can move it and it dont matter what settings i use on it it still wont show :(

If that is the case right click it and check the opacity sliders.


Originally Posted by apesoccer (Post 81900)
I've uninstalled and renamed my profit ui folder, then reinstalled the autoupdater and updated... But my autoattack bar isn't showing up either.

Edit: Additional info...I don't have a checkbox in my pui ctrl panel either...=/
- something else possibly worth mentioning...I have to scroll over my bottom bar with the mouse to get anything to show up...once i scroll over it, everything shows up...

Red line in my sig which in your case means: empty your ignore list.

samejima 04-01-2009 01:23 PM

There are tons of quarks with auto attack(at least what I have learned from the dynamic data) Far as I can tell, if they are within roughly .3 seconds, it waits to swing both.

Also if you switch weapons mid swing your ranged delay becomes that of the weapon you switched in.

As far as the not switching thing, I have pretty much tied it down to this(tell me if it makes sense!). There is a small server lag window anywhere from none to .2 seconds, as far as Zoltaroth said theres nothing they can do about that(which is understandable). Now what happens from time to time is you can hit .2 seconds early, you do a combat art or attack and it starts the bar. Both of them are going at the same time now(technically), though because the way the dynamic data is no two bars can be shown at the same time. Your original bar ends, the second bar doesn't know what to do.

I have a few friends running my test window at the moment to pin point the problem even further.

gm9 04-01-2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by samejima (Post 81926)
There are tons of quarks with auto attack(at least what I have learned from the dynamic data) Far as I can tell, if they are within roughly .3 seconds, it waits to swing both.

yeah, only that I'm seeing just the opposite, it swings both as soon as one bar reaches 0 (with the other one being at only about 75%). Not for the first swing, but for all others. Anyway, that's not a UI issue.

As to the switching problem, looking over your code it may still be from the time before Zoltaroth changed the DD as you explained above? Otherwise I'm not sure why the checks in RangedCheck (and MeleeCheck) are needed.

Also considering the strange behaviour I described above with the bar resetting before it reaches 100% that might just be where your checks fail at the <.99 parts. Have fun figuring it out, glad I don't need to. ;)

Ldarax 04-01-2009 02:03 PM

I fixed mine by loading ui settings from another char, guess i messed up the first one :)

samejima 04-01-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 81931)
yeah, only that I'm seeing just the opposite, it swings both as soon as one bar reaches 0 (with the other one being at only about 75%). Not for the first swing, but for all others. Anyway, that's not a UI issue.

As to the switching problem, looking over your code it may still be from the time before Zoltaroth changed the DD as you explained above? Otherwise I'm not sure why the checks in RangedCheck (and MeleeCheck) are needed.

Also considering the strange behaviour I described above with the bar resetting before it reaches 100% that might just be where your checks fail at the <.99 parts. Have fun figuring it out, glad I don't need to. ;)

Ill play with it tonight probably and just clean it up(you are right that its before he changed it). Though that still wont fix all the bugs as there is still problems with the dynamic data.

samejima 04-02-2009 01:12 AM

Dynamic data has changed a tad since I last tested(keep in mind I am a priest!). Though(HAVE NOT FULLY TESTED) I think the occasional hiccup is coming from some type of miss, riposte, deflect ect. Will have a new patch out soon that should fix most bugs.

EDIT: Posted the new files, it should fix any problems. SOME Misses are infact causing it to bug out, hopefully that can be fixed Rothgar :) Since it works the same if you miss a double attack I would also check AoE auto attacks, flurries and all special attacks.

apesoccer 04-02-2009 07:54 AM

Heya thx for the feedback.

I tried removing the bottombar from my ignore list earlier, but it only succeeded in resetting my bottombar. ;-) To reaffirm, I currently have nothing on my ignore list.

It has to be something i've done, because my 3 machines at home work fine, it's just my work machine here that doesn't work (when i say "it", i mean the autoattack bar not showing up).

Edit: i've now have about 10 things that can't be updated at this time...or something along those lines. Going to dl it manually and substitute the files.

apesoccer 04-02-2009 08:27 AM

downloading it manually and putting the files in fixed my issue. Thx guys/

webin 04-02-2009 10:23 AM

Rangergasm. I really love this new bar samejima. I've been using ACT beeps to time my autoattacks for years, and being able to actually see how much time I have left is 100 times better. It's the PERFECT tool for someone who depends on hitting every AA on time, like the ranger.


znoopy 04-02-2009 01:32 PM

The auto attack bar wont show up for me, the box is checked to view it. I tried to reinstall profit again and that was a no go. Anyone has a solution for me ?

Berekona 04-02-2009 02:33 PM

Mine's the same thing it was working fine on patch day then I patched to the april 2nd profit ui and since then the auto attack bar isn't showing yet it says its being displayed according to the UI control panel any tips?

Darwa 04-02-2009 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Berekona (Post 82025)
Mine's the same thing it was working fine on patch day then I patched to the april 2nd profit ui and since then the auto attack bar isn't showing yet it says its being displayed according to the UI control panel any tips?

Same here. I imagine there's be an update to fix the update soon though :)

samejima 04-02-2009 04:00 PM

Until he patchs it for those of you having problems type

/show_window Custom.Attack

Darwa 04-02-2009 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by samejima (Post 82032)
Until he patchs it for those of you having problems type

/show_window Custom.Attack

Someone just told me about this in game and I was headed here to pass it on. Hehe.

Thanks :D

samejima 04-02-2009 05:38 PM

Okay Let me clear some things up, the window should be working fine now. Dynamic data seems to be alright, after testing it for roughly two hours I think I know exactly what happens. It seems that with different delay weapons they swing at the same time. Now each time the difference is set aside until it amounts to be one full swing. Then it skips a swing to make up for that, this is what is causing the anomalies.

So basically I was wrong before! Everything should be working fine now please continue to feed back though if there are any more problems.

Zart 04-02-2009 06:40 PM

I am new to this whole UI thing.

However, i hit U to bring up the guild window and the bar across the bottom reads "level 20". My guild is level 80.

Maelya 04-02-2009 07:16 PM

I love this auto-attack bar, but have one problem.

Yesterday the bar would hide when not in combat, today it's either there, or not there, and the check box in the control center does nothing. I would prefer to hide it when I'm not in combat (or better, when auto-attack is not even on). I know it was like that yesterday, and today its not. I have to use the / command given above to even see it now, and it never goes away.

azarcherarcher 04-02-2009 11:38 PM

Thanks GM9
You are doing an awesome job and appreciate the work you do for the UI and for all of us. But I do have a noob question I have the autoattack bar but don't quite understand how it works can someone explain it to me? lol


gm9 04-03-2009 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by samejima (Post 82032)
Until he patchs it for those of you having problems type

/show_window Custom.Attack

Had already patched it, and just so you know for the auto attack bar integrated into ProfitUI the above command will not work, you must use the checkbox in the control center. If the above command works and not the checkbox then I'll refer you to the red line in my sig because you messed something up. ;)

gm9 04-03-2009 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by azarcherarcher (Post 82071)
You are doing an awesome job and appreciate the work you do for the UI and for all of us. But I do have a noob question I have the autoattack bar but don't quite understand how it works can someone explain it to me? lol

Cheers, but for the auto attack bar you need to thank samejima, it's entirely his work. The bar basically shows a countdown until your next auto attack (so you can time your CAs to not delay your auto attack).

wody 04-03-2009 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 82083)
Had already patched it, and just so you know for the auto attack bar integrated into ProfitUI the above command will not work, you must use the checkbox in the control center. If the above command works and not the checkbox then I'll refer you to the red line in my sig because you messed something up. ;)

Are you sure? I do have the same Problem and have the latest Version of ProfitUI. Your AutoAttackBar.xml says:

<Page eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="806,591" MaximumSize="361,50" MinimumSize="150,50" Name="Attack"

So Custom.Attack will aktually work here.
I renamed it to ProfitUI_AutoAttackBar, but once OOC it fades forever, since you have this hide_windows command in there.

Im not sure how it was supposed to work :)

Thanks for your hard work on this wonderful UI!

gm9 04-03-2009 07:40 AM

lol wtf, in that case I messed up and forgot to rename the new version, thanks man. :)

Fixing it now.

PS: It works in conjunction with the control center which injects the code needed to make it visible.

samejima 04-03-2009 02:39 PM

Wrong Thread!!!

Berekona 04-04-2009 08:32 PM

Not sure if anyone else is getting this but my bar doesn't show up I have it checked in the box in profit saying to use the bar the only way it will show is if I type in the /show_window Custom.ProfitUI_AutoAttackBar but once the fight is over the bar disappears then I have to do the same thing over again.

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