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Landiin 02-21-2006 01:08 PM

eXtremeUI AutoUpdate
Going to go ahead and put this in open beta for eXtremeUI users or who ever to test out.

I'ed like to think them that prebeta tested, I would of never seen some of the things you all found.

You can download the beta installer here . ( Link changed to point to the download section as this is now released) I'll get some doc out on it ASAP. For the most part is all up front and should be easy to understand what to do.

There is one setting I should note. In the settings tab, you can click on advanced options to set your uisettings and also set up an exclude list of files that will not be updated. The exclude list come preset with un_notes.xml ( your notes) and sb_buttons.xml ( the quick log buttons ) and guildlogo.dds ( your guild logo ).

Be sure to make a backup of your current eXtreme directory and any uisetting files.

Put it through the works and please send me any feed back on bugs, misspellings or ideas you think would make it more helpful.

Raesoth 02-27-2006 01:30 PM

Int the new beta patcher .. its downloading both maps and UI files at the same time where before I had the option not to have maps update same time the UI is.

I'm trying it out on a 2nd box as I've had little issues with this on my main computer

Only real issue is the speed/performance hit when I have it parsing on launch. If I have that selected and a log file open I can't play.. I'm at like 1 frame a second and takes a good 10-15 minutes to load the game .. and I'm not running a slouch of a computer either. Guess some homework for you is to try to speed up the parsing reading speed (no idea how tho)

So right now I'm not parsing and not using the music atm .. if you need me to play with it I'll see what I can do ...

Other then that .. its great .. love it

Landiin 02-27-2006 03:32 PM

The map and ui updater now run in their own thread insted of the main thread and thats why they are bouth updating at the same time now. I'll add in a way to stop the map from updating untill the ui is done. The newest beta i think I fixed where it would update no matter what setting you had to update map check box set at.

How large is your log file? It may do this if it is really big I thing. What it does when it 1st starts parsing is read the entire log file then starts parsing if it sees a new line. I may have to have it split the log into a temp file if over so many bytes.

Raesoth 02-27-2006 03:40 PM

Had a very noticable slow down when it was trying to update both threads at the same time.. also I've noticed when the CP updated itself you needed to exit out then reload it so it then update the UI files and maps ..

I've tried log files of ungainly huge to starting out fresh .. no matter what one I do if I parse at the start game barely loads (amd64 2800+ 2gb ddr ram radeon 9800pro 256mb)

Landiin 02-27-2006 05:48 PM

Hm I havn't had any trouble with the parser slowing my fps. What OS are you using and what is your HD speed. You can replay in a PM if you wish.

Raesoth 02-27-2006 11:56 PM

Sata 7200RMP 160gb drive with XP Home SP2 all the updates

Only get it if I parse at launch .. I'll play with it some more this week .. new log files and such

could be my playlist too .. its over 500 files

Landiin 03-01-2006 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Raesoth
Sata 7200RMP 160gb drive with XP Home SP2 all the updates

Only get it if I parse at launch .. I'll play with it some more this week .. new log files and such

could be my playlist too .. its over 500 files

Yes it could be the play list. 500 files WOW! But that's only 500 lines of text really so should be an issue. I just used Jedi's play list control I'll look into making my own and see if that help.

The newest release I have changed what log file it parsers. Seems now that eq2 writes two log files. One is EVERY thing and gets frakken huge fast and one is just you inputs ( things you type). So I changed it to just parse the one that logs you typing. They are prefixed with eq2Input_. Any way, try out the new one and see how it goes.

BadIronTree 03-01-2006 09:56 AM

not a realy bug but a request

the new market window is very nice but sell window is missing the search!
do you need someone to upload the LU 19 file with the files you lost?

Landiin 03-01-2006 11:08 PM

19a the last version it showed up in? I'll just extract it from the exe.

BadIronTree 03-02-2006 12:36 PM

thanks for the market search

but there is a bug
if you select an item the hole bar lose the color and the text and you cant see what you marked - selected to search...

must be a LU 20 thing with the new pop up info bug

Raesoth 03-03-2006 08:57 PM

I see that 3.20.1 is out but my CP at the bottom is reading 3.20.0 so what version am I running??

I see it downloading the CP and the filelist but never did seem to get the other files

Is there a log file for what files I've downloaded? If not do you think its possible to get one to see what files did actually come down the thread?


BornAgainst 03-04-2006 07:09 AM

Hi Landiin
great work on new CP
now my guild members can stop asking me to many questions about update and they problems :)

but i have 1 question
in 'Settings' under 'Control Panel Settings' --> 'App 1: Lauch aling with EverQuest 2'
i opening ventrilo software but still need connect manually to ventrilo server,
can be possible to connect directly to server with address: ( ventrilo:// ) ?
this address will connect automatically to ventrilo server from browser

thank you

BornAgainst 03-04-2006 01:44 PM

Hi again

i was try to go around that ventrilo to connect me to server directly
so i created shortcut file 'Ventrilo-MyGuild.url' with ventrilo link but CP will give me error 'The above file name is invalid.' when i try to add that file to start up with CP
that shortcut works perfect when i run from desktop
any how can i fix that problem?

thank you

Landiin 03-04-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by BadIronTree
but there is a bug
if you select an item the hole bar lose the color and the text and you cant see what you marked - selected to search...

Yea I noticed that all so, not sure why its doing that. I haven't had time to look at it but I will :)


Originally Posted by Raesoth
I see that 3.20.1 is out but my CP at the bottom is reading 3.20.0 so what version am I running??

I see it downloading the CP and the filelist but never did seem to get the other files

Is there a log file for what files I've downloaded? If not do you think its possible to get one to see what files did actually come down the thread?

The CP reads the eq2ui_skininfo.xml file to get the UI version. If i forget to update that file it will report the last version number. ( and I did forget )

It use to save a list of all activity and I do plan on adding it back in but I took it out because the way I did it could of hogged a lot of memory if ran a long time.

[quote=BornAgainst]i was try to go around that ventrilo to connect me to server directly
so i created shortcut file 'Ventrilo-MyGuild.url' with ventrilo link but CP will give me error 'The above file name is invalid.' when i try to add that file to start up with CP
that shortcut works perfect when i run from desktop
any how can i fix that problem?[quote]

Yea it will not execute a .url file, their just basically a ini file that windows reads data from and responds to the data in them. I'll add in a prem field so you can pas prem to the .exe.

BornAgainst 03-04-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin
I'll add in a prem field so you can pas prem to the .exe.

Hi Landiin
thank you for great news, can't wait for update :)


Raesoth 03-04-2006 04:31 PM

The search info is probably a fore ground and background colors set the same .. been playing around with some of this xml and can see that its easy to do :)

I tried running ACT (parsing program) to load when I start eq and I can't seem to get it to start up ... I selected the exe in its folder and have the check box checked but no program runs .. any idea do I need some other flags or something checked??

BornAgainst 03-05-2006 08:22 PM


Raesoth, '.exe' programs starting up with out problem
i did add application dir, restart CP and then i ticked ON to open that application and restart again and all start working.

now i have question :)
in Character log file' what will be my log file ?
it will be that one? '\EverQuest II\logs\Najena\eq2log_Kret.txt'
and what that function do any way ?


Landiin 03-05-2006 08:28 PM

The log file that the CP reads are eq2input_*.txt

BornAgainst 03-05-2006 08:52 PM

Hi Landiin

i did search in game dir for any 'eq2input' files but is nothing there :(
any idea ?

Landiin 03-06-2006 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by BornAgainst
Hi Landiin

i did search in game dir for any 'eq2input' files but is nothing there :(
any idea ?

Hmm there isn't one in you log directory? Maybe it is an option you have to turn on but I never turned any one.. when I do /log I get a message saying the game is logging. Then when I type something i get another message saying my inputs is being sent to eq2input_*.txt.

I've be super buys last week and this weekend and haven't got a lot done. I did manage to find a pesky bug what was stopping the AUCP from patching its self :). Funny thing is I wasn't even trying to fix it then, I just woke up in the middle of the night and it came to me look at something and wow it was it.

BornAgainst 03-06-2006 07:07 AM

i did '/log' it say: Logging to 'logs/Najena/eq2log_Kret.txt' is now *ON*
when i say some thing it say in chat will say: Logging input to 'logs/Najena/eq2log_Kret.txt' is now *ON*

when i looked in dir there was created new .txt fille 'logs\Najena\eq2input_Kret.txt'

i think that what must be the one :)

thanx for tip

BornAgainst 03-09-2006 09:10 AM

Hi Landiin

when CP update i will get this error

Preparing eXtremeUI_CP.exe for patching.
Patching eXtremeUI_CP.exe
Error removing E:\Games\EverQuest II\UI\eXtreme\eXtremeUI_CP.exe
Patch Failed!

i think is my OS, i use winxp64bit
so for me to update CP i need delate 'eXtremeUI_CP.exe' file and install on top latest v of CP

BornAgainst 03-09-2006 11:35 AM

Hi Landiin

be nice to have in CP server status

Server Name
Server Online
Server Locked
Server Offline

Landiin 03-09-2006 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by BornAgainst
Hi Landiin

when CP update i will get this error

Preparing eXtremeUI_CP.exe for patching.
Patching eXtremeUI_CP.exe
Error removing E:\Games\EverQuest II\UI\eXtreme\eXtremeUI_CP.exe
Patch Failed!

i think is my OS, i use winxp64bit
so for me to update CP i need delate 'eXtremeUI_CP.exe' file and install on top latest v of CP

Na that was a bug I created when I added the only allow one instance code. Sadly that bug will not let the CP update it self. Go download the installer form the download page and it will install a good copy for you.

Landiin 03-09-2006 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by BornAgainst
Hi Landiin

be nice to have in CP server status

Server Name
Server Online
Server Locked
Server Offline

I'll see what I can find out if their servers will retrun that information if requested.

rcaryl 03-12-2006 08:42 AM

Health HUD Problem?
First, let me say that this UI is just awesome from a technical point-of-view. I say that as a veteran of 20 years in the software design and programming field, and as a user of XML for many purposes in my software. The job you've done with this is just great.

Now for my little bug report (and this may just turn out to be a description of what I lovingly refer to in my stuff as a "feature.")

Here goes: When toggled on, I am unable to move the "health HUD" window from its location at the central bottom of the screen. No movement cursor ever appears for this guy, no matter what I do.

Any suggestions?

rcaryl 03-12-2006 09:03 AM

Please disregard my previous post
/em rcaryl slaps his forehead in disgust! :eek:

I found out how to move the health HUD window not five minutes after making my previous post. Please disregard the bug part of the post, but my comments about the UI in general still stand.


wraithsguard 03-15-2006 04:04 PM

run time error
hello upon update i am getting a runtime error..then a prompt that extreme cp needs to shutdown . then it initializes an update/patch..and gets an patch failed message...

Frisco 03-15-2006 07:20 PM

Run time error
I two am Getting a run time eror :) :)

rice319 03-16-2006 07:30 AM

Can't put any thang in rang slot
I can not put any itom in the rang slot it just kicks my secondary and it go's there. Is there a fix for this

BornAgainst 03-16-2006 07:13 PM

if u got error on patching cp
download latest cp installer from here

it will update your cp and will fix that problem patching error problem.
fixed mine

Landiin 03-17-2006 02:40 AM

wraithsguard & Frisco, Doing what BornAgainst posted should fix the issue you two are having.

rcaryl, Thanks for the complement:)

naokaji 03-18-2006 10:03 AM

only a small bug, if the exp bar is set to show the tradeskill exp it shows craftsman instead of provisioner, otherwise everything works great

audabon 04-02-2006 03:38 PM

Cant Get Window Back!!
the window with the bag toggle and the guild/aa/crafter adventure exp bars has dissappeared from my window i have gone into options to look up what key brings it back and nothing has worked.. any tricks to getting this window back? i have to raid in an hour!! :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Xathrax 04-04-2006 07:21 PM

Foreign Files
1 Attachment(s)
Why are all these files listed as foreign?
I put them in the zip file.

Thx for the great UI.

Landiin 04-05-2006 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Xathrax
Why are all these files listed as foreign?
I put them in the zip file.

Thx for the great UI.

Because they are no longer part of the UI.

Landiin 04-05-2006 08:45 AM

This has long gone live, prob best if any one has questions to post in the released eXtreme post.

Landiin 04-05-2006 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by naokaji
only a small bug, if the exp bar is set to show the tradeskill exp it shows craftsman instead of provisioner, otherwise everything works great

I have no control over what is displayed, thats all populated by SOE.

Landiin 04-05-2006 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by audabon
the window with the bag toggle and the guild/aa/crafter adventure exp bars has dissappeared from my window i have gone into options to look up what key brings it back and nothing has worked.. any tricks to getting this window back? i have to raid in an hour!! :( :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Thats youe exp bar window, so if the shot cut key combo does make it visible I'ed have to guess its off screen. The only way I know to fix this is to reset ui settings in options, or delete your uisettings.ini file.

michsageman242 04-06-2006 04:46 PM

Ran out of System Resources
Keep getting this error: Ran out of System Resources when switching tabs in the control panel or trying to update. Nothing else is running including no virus software. Nothing shows up on Quick Login tab either and no help or debug window. Also does not change Eq2ui.ini file. Had to manually change still which needs to be noted somewhere for end user. Nice install package though. Love the control panel. Would be nice to have this availabe for all the UIs out there. Definately makes it far more easier for end user to instally everything properly. Have any plans on posting in forums or developers area???


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