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Eloa 03-21-2005 04:12 PM

maps.eq2interface.com Comments and Suggestions
Please post all information, comments, and suggestions concerning maps.eq2interface.com here.

urkraft 03-22-2005 11:03 AM

I have a bit of suggestion - and i am not sure it's possible at all what i have in mind - but what would be absolutely great it would be to have the possibility, after entering the numeric loc in the loc box, to show a temporary POI at those coord. - very similar to what has been implemented on the web maps with the "show loc" button.

ger 03-22-2005 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by urkraft
I have a bit of suggestion - and i am not sure it's possible at all what i have in mind - but what would be absolutely great it would be to have the possibility, after entering the numeric loc in the loc box, to show a temporary POI at those coord. - very similar to what has been implemented on the web maps with the "show loc" button.

Not possible. There's no way to split the location into top/left, and no way to merge top/left into a valid location.

Eloa 03-22-2005 12:07 PM

Wait a minute, I may have read your post wrong. Do you mean ingame?
I thought you meant after you submit, but after rereading I see that wasn't said like I thought it was.
That has been implemented.
If you do mean ingame, it is possible, and I have a way to do it, it just needs to be put in...

ger 03-22-2005 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Eloa
Wait a minute, I may have read your post wrong. Do you mean ingame?
I thought you meant after you submit, but after rereading I see that wasn't said like I thought it was.
That has been implemented.
If you do mean ingame, it is possible, and I have a way to do it, it just needs to be put in...

You figured out how to dynamicly position a PoI in-game based on input in the PathFindLocation textbox? Ooh, cool. Share! :D

urkraft 03-22-2005 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Eloa
Wait a minute, I may have read your post wrong. Do you mean ingame?
I thought you meant after you submit, but after rereading I see that wasn't said like I thought it was.
That has been implemented.
If you do mean ingame, it is possible, and I have a way to do it, it just needs to be put in...

Indeed i meant ingame ;) And yes, it would require to dynamically allocate a POI to be mapped to something you type on the pathfinding box (with all the complication of incomplete typing, erroneous loc, wrong format, etc. that might happen when typing a loc). That's why i wonder whatever might be possible at all or not.

Still it would be a pretty cool feature, sometimes you type a loc you want to go to and even if you can more or less figure out the general area in the map still don't have a visual representation.

P.S. sorry if i am not clear enough when i write - not english mother tongue

IsmeldaLasombra 03-25-2005 04:12 AM

My suggestion would be to allow a POI submitter to change some data in their submission. I just posted 4 POI before realizing that was not the name of my character i needed to put in the Name line but the name of the POI. :(

Bigjoe 03-27-2005 08:18 PM

Missing person on map
In Greystone yard at 874,-223,-171 is Hargen Icethaw he is one of the 2 people you see for fighter training Part 1 and is not on map thanks i love the maps. Bigjoe

Warwick 03-28-2005 02:10 PM

I love the maps!

Only 1 thing I would love to see implimented:

I love to explore and see places and find things on my own, as do many of my friends and guildmates.

How about an option to turn on/off the POI's from the maps?

(a second probally impossible thing would be to put a fog setting on dungeons or places that didnt have maps)

Thanks for all that hard work!

Quib 03-28-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Warwick
How about an option to turn on/off the POI's from the maps?

(a second probally impossible thing would be to put a fog setting on dungeons or places that didnt have maps)

Thanks for all that hard work!

We're working on a system to toggle the POIs. There's a rough POI toggle plugin in the EQ2MAP downloads section already though.

We cannot add fog to zones. Sorry.

You're welcome!


jgok 03-29-2005 11:12 PM

A most excellent tool, and one that I use daily... Thanks to all who have worked on this!

Suggestion... remove the entries for the instanced zones (pirate's hidden stash, rumbler caves, Vallon hoarding halls, etc). These zones are random spawns, and once used, disappear. Currently, all they do is clutter up the maps, as they're at the stated location less than half the time when you go there.

tacs 04-06-2005 10:48 AM

Why do you guys keep using works like "impossible" and "can't" when somebody asks for a change? Is there some sort of API which you guys have to follow forbidding some segments of code?

Adding fog seems relativly easy to me, create fog which cover the whole map, as a character's location changes remove fog from the area within a certain radius of their location.

My suggestion would be to allow adding of your own hotkey points ingame to the map.

Another idea is to add in the location next to the mouse as it moves over the map, so that we can see the location on that section of the map, rather than just at the given points on hte map.

Wavecutter 04-06-2005 10:59 AM

Glowing trail
It seems that the glowing trail I get from clicking POI's dissapears when I close the map. I'm running my interface at 1280x1024 so I don't have enough screen realestate to keep it open. Is this a known problem?

Razondirk 04-06-2005 11:41 AM

Places that already has a POI
Hi guys, i'm just wondering if there's a list of places that has been already put in for POI, but haven't been implemented in the maps. I'm asking because I'd like to help out by listing some POI in high end zones like CT, LS, EF and whatnot, but I don't really want to post a POI that has already been submitted. Thanks.

Eloa 04-06-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by tacs
Why do you guys keep using works like "impossible" and "can't" when somebody asks for a change? Is there some sort of API which you guys have to follow forbidding some segments of code?

Adding fog seems relativly easy to me, create fog which cover the whole map, as a character's location changes remove fog from the area within a certain radius of their location.

My suggestion would be to allow adding of your own hotkey points ingame to the map.

Another idea is to add in the location next to the mouse as it moves over the map, so that we can see the location on that section of the map, rather than just at the given points on hte map.

Look here, YOU go add fog to the maps ok? Release it for public use, then get everyone banned for modifying the game. You will have to create an application to modify the fog.

It might be easy to do if there was any type of programming whatsoever that we could do, but theres not. We modify static XML files to do every bit of this. XML Files which do not let us add fog, or move fog around, or change fog.

Doesnt seem too hard to put the location next to the mouse? Maybe not if you wrote the game and can edit the code for that kind of thing...

Adding in your own points huh? Guess what! We dont have access to that either.


Eloa 04-06-2005 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Wavecutter
It seems that the glowing trail I get from clicking POI's dissapears when I close the map. I'm running my interface at 1280x1024 so I don't have enough screen realestate to keep it open. Is this a known problem?

Yes we know about this, Quib is currently working on a fix for this. I think it may have been discovered that if you use the M hotkey instead of the X on the window that it doesnt get rid of the trail...it might have been the other way around. When we do find a resolution for the issue, we will post the news and you will see the new files immediately.

Eloa 04-06-2005 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Razondirk
Hi guys, i'm just wondering if there's a list of places that has been already put in for POI, but haven't been implemented in the maps. I'm asking because I'd like to help out by listing some POI in high end zones like CT, LS, EF and whatnot, but I don't really want to post a POI that has already been submitted. Thanks.

There's not currently a list. And since this can and does change daily it probably wont be put up. If its not put up on the website or ingame, I would suggest that if you would like to, go ahead and do it. If its already done, maybe it will even be better than ours.

Quib 04-06-2005 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by tacs
Why do you guys keep using works like "impossible" and "can't" when somebody asks for a change? Is there some sort of API which you guys have to follow forbidding some segments of code?

Adding fog seems relativly easy to me, create fog which cover the whole map, as a character's location changes remove fog from the area within a certain radius of their location.

My suggestion would be to allow adding of your own hotkey points ingame to the map.

Another idea is to add in the location next to the mouse as it moves over the map, so that we can see the location on that section of the map, rather than just at the given points on hte map.

There is no API, we aren't even doing any programming as far as the in-game UI is concerned (the updater taco-man made and the EQ2MAP website aren't included in this "no programming" statement), we're simply modifying some XML files that EQ2 uses to determine where to show info. We have very limited ability to pick-and-choose what is and isn't shown.

The fog is a magical image layer that we can't reference in XML, that the game draws through some hardcoded routine that we know very little about.

The location arrow is controlled by EQ2, and we can't constantly modify data based on its location on the map.

Your location is best retrieved in real-time by holding your mouse over the compass. Any other loc display updates significantly more slowly.

We've really racked our brains on how we could use an in-game system to add POIs to the map, but there just isn't any possible way. The in-game HTML window isn't robust enough to format and send the info to the EQ2MAP website and there's no other way with the UI to even interact with outside files, let alone the internet.


atmosfearraven 04-11-2005 06:43 AM

group member on map not work on this ui
i have noticed that the new show the group members on the map dose no work with this ui can you add it so that it work like the default u so i can see my group members on the map

thank you

50 necro/46 alkimisti

Eloa 04-11-2005 07:50 AM

Not only does this pertain to the mod itself, and not the website, to which this thread pertains, but we are working on it, plus you did fine without these group members on the map before the update. Patience is Virtue. There are a few posts saying that this in in the works, if you want your own personal reply I suggest that you post a new topic in the EQ2MAP forum.

taco-man 04-11-2005 09:11 AM

the group members work fine with the mod, perhaps he has a really old version. go download the updater and run it to get the newest version.

Janl 04-11-2005 11:07 AM

The group member icons were working, however I've noticed that they stopped showing yesterday, and I run the updater everytime before I log in, so I have an up-to-date copy.

Nitefang 04-11-2005 03:14 PM

Small suggestion
Hi all - first just wanna say that I love the EQ2Map mod - its become an indespensable tool that has increased my gameplay competence immensly - as a Guild Officer, its been a huge help in cutting down the amount of time I spend guiding my guildies with various tasks - you make me look good ;)

the only real suggestion I have has nothing to do with the program at all - but for the website - I've noticed that you get a lot of comments for features that are just not possible to impliment - was thinking the FAQ could be updated with a detailed "what we cant do" section, might help cut down on all the comments you keep getting that are so frustrating and time consuming to deal with.

thanks for a great mod - keep it up, it gets better with each release.

Eloa 04-11-2005 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Nitefang
Hi all - first just wanna say that I love the EQ2Map mod - its become an indespensable tool that has increased my gameplay competence immensly - as a Guild Officer, its been a huge help in cutting down the amount of time I spend guiding my guildies with various tasks - you make me look good ;)

the only real suggestion I have has nothing to do with the program at all - but for the website - I've noticed that you get a lot of comments for features that are just not possible to impliment - was thinking the FAQ could be updated with a detailed "what we cant do" section, might help cut down on all the comments you keep getting that are so frustrating and time consuming to deal with.

thanks for a great mod - keep it up, it gets better with each release.

That is a great suggestion that should have already been done, unfortunately it has not yet, but will be done soon. Thanks.

Kelvyn 04-11-2005 06:08 PM

Map now wont run, keeps pointing to default map
I logged on today to find my maps had reverted to default, as if I had just begun the game. I uninstalled then reinstalled all steps for eq2map updater and the microsoft thing. Still nothing. All the files show as there and fine, and completely update. I log on through the updater, and tried not as well. All same result, no maps exacpt my old basics, no POI's, nada. Even lost places I had obviously been. Map has gone back to blackout on those parts. Very odd.


Killarny 04-13-2005 02:20 AM

Hey everyone.. I'm finally back after a month of being deployed.. blech.. nice to be back home now :)

After sifting through all the SOE updates while I was gone, and marvelling over the new clustering in eq2map, I went ingame.

The new map stuff is incredible.. and people have done so many POI submissions that it's amazing. Great job everyone!! :)

One thing makes me wonder though.. why do the POIs list their UID ingame? I assume it's for ease of reporting bad POIs, but it looks sorta unprofessional and 'beta'-ish.. Was this something not meant to be included for public consumption?

Quib 04-13-2005 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Killarny
One thing makes me wonder though.. why do the POIs list their UID ingame? I assume it's for ease of reporting bad POIs...

They were included for exactly that reason. Not much more to say on the matter; I agree with you that it looks sorta tacky, but I think the pros outweigh the cons.

Also, nice to have you back. ^_^

Quite a bit is in the works at the moment, so cross your fingers that I can figure a few things out over the next few days.


diztorded 04-13-2005 07:25 AM

The UID's are a must! I use them constantly to tweek, remove, etc. POI's. Not once have I thought it was tacky. In fact, when I saw that it was included, I said, "Sweet! Man, that Quib is un-stoppable."

One thing that does bug me though.. If the EQ2Updater cannot update for some reason, it will not allow me to launch EQ2 anyway. Why the heck should I be stopped from playing my game because my POI's are not up to date? :confused:

taco-man 04-13-2005 09:14 AM

:) i will change that in the next version of the updater then

Killarny 04-13-2005 12:25 PM

As a compromise, would it be possible to make the UID display a plugin? I suspect not, but it would be helpful.

My girlfriend uses the map mod, and she doesn't care about UIDs, it just looks like useless clutter to her. Me, I care :)

Drumstix42 04-13-2005 12:30 PM

You'd think there would be a way you could have a file which you can set 0's or 1's for off and on for things, and have the base code use IF/ELSE checks for things ;)

Quib 04-13-2005 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42
You'd think there would be a way you could have a file which you can set 0's or 1's for off and on for things, and have the base code use IF/ELSE checks for things ;)

The biggest problem is, we can't concatenate strings, so we'd need two tooltips per POI and then the IF switch to flip between them which would significantly increase the memory overhead.

I won't rule it out an an option, but it's definately not even going to be on my list of stuff to look into until I get a few serious things taken care of. I STILL haven't solved the "glowy trail disappears" bug.

Default map window, you click a POI then click anywhere on the map/click the close button, trail stays; EQ2MAP window, if you click a POI then click ANYWHERE on the window the trail goes away.

I think my new OnLogin event is about ready to push live. It won't affect defaule EQ2MAP users but should be helpful to Zonx's reskinning and will provide benefit to future EQ2MAP mods.


Killarny 04-13-2005 12:40 PM

Not to beat a dead horse here, but another approach to this is through the updater itself..

The website doesn't appear to generate the UID in the XML that it displays for each POI, so if this is somehow being added after the fact, then perhaps the updater could have checkbox to download icon files with UIDs included.

The server could generate two versions of each icon file - it wouldn't cause that much more space usage on the server (I don't think) - the only issue I can see would be processor time on the server.

Maybe someone else who knows exactly how the XML is generated/collected could have a more elegant idea.

Quib 04-13-2005 12:45 PM

A generation/auto-updater end to this would definately be the easiest solution. The website is putting the UID in the generated XML.

The way the clustering code is written, it'd be pretty annoying to recode clusters to not show UIDs on a toggle though.


Quib 04-13-2005 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by diztorded
Sweet! Man, that Quib is un-stoppable.

Hehe, although I love the quote, UIDs are Eloa's brainchild as far as I know. The only other person who I imagine had a hand in them was taco-man. Heck, the compact POI system in-game itself was Eloa's design.


lucindrea 04-14-2005 02:31 AM

well this may not be an inprovement for the site .. more like an error on a map ..

i'm trying to add a npc thats at the docs in east commonlands .. it keeps telling me it's an invalid loc and the loc it's giving me is not what i'm putting in the form .. i'm assuming it's giving me the limit that the form can take and my numbers are higher than it's limit .. anyway .. here is an excerpt from my log .. you may want to look and see if it's so,mthing i'm doing wrong or if their is a problem with the form.

(1113463185)[Thu Apr 14 03:19:36 2005] Logging to 'logs/Splitpaw/eq2log_Lucindrea.txt' is now *ON*
(1113463186)[Thu Apr 14 03:19:42 2005] Your location is -1,040.92, -146.04, -646.48. Your orientation is 112.16, 0.00, 0.00
(1113463187)[Thu Apr 14 03:19:46 2005] You say,"Hail, Brandus Levine"
(1113463188)[Thu Apr 14 03:19:48 2005] Logging to 'logs/Splitpaw/eq2log_Lucindrea.txt' is now *OFF*

Eloa 04-14-2005 06:25 AM

take out the thousands comma. The site looks for 2 commas, which separate three values. You have 3 commas making for values. We have yet to figure out 4d so just take that one out and you'll be golden.

Eloa 04-14-2005 06:28 AM

Here is why I stand. I personally will not take out UIDs, if someone else wants to, go for it but I will not have any hand in it. The reason why: If we make a UID plugin, who the hell is gonna download it? Nobody. Because nobody cares about the UIDs and maintaining the site. The way it is now we shove it in everyones face and it couldnt get any simpler with what we have. IMO, Leave em or the site will prolly goto hell.

Killarny 04-14-2005 10:17 AM

I understand, and I agree on some level, but I would prefer end-result quality to look as close to professional as possible.

Before we had the UIDs showing ingame, I never thought it was difficult to find a bad POI and look on the site to find it and mark it bad.

Ahh well, I'll get used to it.. looks like I'm outnumbered here :P

On another note, the clustering is awesome - what a great idea :)

lucindrea 04-14-2005 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Eloa
take out the thousands comma. The site looks for 2 commas, which separate three values. You have 3 commas making for values. We have yet to figure out 4d so just take that one out and you'll be golden.

duh , didnt even notice that comma .. fixed it

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