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Faetyl 11-17-2005 09:29 PM

ThorUI Help [Need Help with the User Interface? Post here!!!]
Having trouble with the User Interface?
Post all User Interface issues here...

Please check the Frequently Asked Questions thread first!!!
Also ensure you have performed the Troubleshooting Steps as well.

Note: If you don't follow these steps before posting, I reserve the right to make an example of you on the boards for all to see and learn by...

Zinga 11-18-2005 09:18 AM

Am I The first?
I hope this is the correct place to post.

Anyhow. I have noticed a couple of odd things.

I am using the latest auto updating thor ui (downloaded it today) i chose the slim option.

1) When I was in my house and i looked at the my merchant page it had a zero for how much platinum i currently had on me, even though i had 1.
2) I haven't had a chance to try this, but with the last version of thor ui when i was trading with people and a quanity of Platinum was included in the trade, it did not appear in the trade window (even if it showed in the text update in the log at bottom of the screen) maybe there are reference issues to platinum in the ui?

Finally. I love the ui.. i appreciate all the effor that goes in to this...

- Zinga :nana:

thepeartree 11-18-2005 10:12 AM

Character Select all blank?
When you hit the Camp button in the main UI, you go to a Camp/Character Select set of buttons. That's great, but all the Character Select buttons are unassigned and I don't know how to get them to work. I can't find anything in the docs that mentions them.

Faetyl 11-18-2005 10:30 AM

This section is for suggestions by users not questions. :)
I'll reply to your post then copy to the correct thread:

I know you stated you're using the latest version of the ThorUI AU but from what your explaining you may still have old files within the ThorUI.

Please browse to your EverQuest II\UI directory then delete the thorui folder.
Afterwards relaunch the ThorUI AU and it will redownload all files.
This "should" fix your issue. (If not, post in the ThorUI help section)


Originally Posted by Zinga
I hope this is the correct place to post.

Anyhow. I have noticed a couple of odd things.

I am using the latest auto updating thor ui (downloaded it today) i chose the slim option.

1) When I was in my house and i looked at the my merchant page it had a zero for how much platinum i currently had on me, even though i had 1.
2) I haven't had a chance to try this, but with the last version of thor ui when i was trading with people and a quanity of Platinum was included in the trade, it did not appear in the trade window (even if it showed in the text update in the log at bottom of the screen) maybe there are reference issues to platinum in the ui?

Finally. I love the ui.. i appreciate all the effor that goes in to this...

- Zinga :nana:

Faetyl 11-18-2005 10:31 AM

Yes, I will be adding full details and instructions for this window in the features page. (The "..." button)

I haven't had time as of yet but will be getting to this soon.


Originally Posted by thepeartree
When you hit the Camp button in the main UI, you go to a Camp/Character Select set of buttons. That's great, but all the Character Select buttons are unassigned and I don't know how to get them to work. I can't find anything in the docs that mentions them.

Manwaunial 11-19-2005 04:19 PM

Some problems
1. In the Journal under HQ's once I select an HQ to look at the back button for scrolling through the HQ's no longer works.

2. Start Bar the Hide/Show Illusions only worked once. I chose to show illusion then it would no longer hide.

I need to post in the other areas.

Other than that Great Job.

bai 11-19-2005 04:36 PM

Where is my character portrait :)
Hi, and thanks for a great UI.

Ive been away from EQ2 visiting wow for a long while and just came back.
I really like the UI, clean and simple, but I cant find my character portrait to see what kind of armor Im wearing.

Where did you hide it :D ?
(im probably just blind :p)

bai 11-19-2005 05:09 PM

Item overflow
Also, where can I see the items that are in overflow ?

bunnyhop 11-19-2005 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by bai
Also, where can I see the items that are in overflow ?

Expand your inventory interface you will see the overflow items

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:30 AM

Yep, waiting for the author to update
I may update my own version soon though...

As for hide/show illusions and such, SOE changed the code a bit and I need to compensate. It's a known issue and I will be working on it. (just busy)
It's accessable where SOE recoded it... (In the persona window)


Originally Posted by Manwaunial
1. In the Journal under HQ's once I select an HQ to look at the back button for scrolling through the HQ's no longer works.

2. Start Bar the Hide/Show Illusions only worked once. I chose to show illusion then it would no longer hide.

I need to post in the other areas.

Other than that Great Job.

Faetyl 11-20-2005 02:32 AM

Access all inventory via the round button in the top left corner.
Character portrait/paperdoll is also accessable via the persona window (Click and hold down on your name)


Originally Posted by bai
Hi, and thanks for a great UI.

Ive been away from EQ2 visiting wow for a long while and just came back.
I really like the UI, clean and simple, but I cant find my character portrait to see what kind of armor Im wearing.

Where did you hide it :D ?
(im probably just blind :p)

EbonBlade 11-20-2005 06:35 PM

Guild XP Glitch?
Not sure if this is a Sony issue or not but...

Just prior to dinging a guild level, we were showing 100.9% on the guild XP bar. Sort of had us scratching our heads...

Faetyl 11-20-2005 09:09 PM

Yeah, we've been seeing the same thing...
We've been doing guild writs like nuts lately trying to lvl the guild up and we go from 34.4 to 33.1 then to 35.9
I'm looking into it but I'm left scratching my head on how it could be an interface issue.
I could see the 100.9% but the 34 to 33 just doesn't make sense.

I'm off in a couple weeks so plan on some major updates to the UI.
Hopefully test will be well on it's way with the version updates that are coming so I can implement them.


Originally Posted by EbonBlade
Not sure if this is a Sony issue or not but...

Just prior to dinging a guild level, we were showing 100.9% on the guild XP bar. Sort of had us scratching our heads...

dew1960 11-21-2005 10:39 AM

Not Slim?
How do I chose the not-slim version with the autoupdate? I don't want my inventory slimmed down because I can not tell what food and drink I have equipped. Is there an alternate inventory window I can DL?

Lavandel 11-21-2005 11:06 AM

Only big problem I've encountered so far is one of the window-placement files.

Personally I use the 1280x1024 Full Screen Setup.
Then my girlfriend saw the GUI and said: -Hey! I want that too!
So what does a man do?
Well he installs ThorUI on her computer and since her box is not as good as my box she can only run EQ2 in 1024 for the game to be playable, so I decide to use the 1024x768 window setup file.

First off I make all windows return to the original place and the Widescreen border to re-appear in the default location by loading the defaults within the game.
Then exited the game.
Deleted all her former GUI-files (except the Default directory).
Installed ThorUI.
Chose whichever mods she wanted to use (just about everything hehe).
Hit Update and the AutoLoader started downloading all the .xml files.
Ran the 1024x768 window placement file.
Started up EQ2.

Found out to my surprise that all windows are placed way off target when comparing to the screenshot available when clicking the nifty "..." in Advanced options of the AU.

Any ideas on how this should be done?

P.S. I looked at the screenshot on my screen and placed all windows in their respective positions manually on her computer but I would like not to do it that way.

Faetyl 11-21-2005 11:15 AM

The other window placement files are indeed out of date.
I will be updating those soon but since they save frame and background info in them I want to update the last of the other author's mods to the updated frames version first.
I'm off in a couple weeks and will probably be working on the UI (so taking a vacation to get this beast overhauled) not really my idea of a vacation but when your one man...


Originally Posted by Lavandel
Only big problem I've encountered so far is one of the window-placement files.

Personally I use the 1280x1024 Full Screen Setup.
Then my girlfriend saw the GUI and said: -Hey! I want that too!
So what does a man do?
Well he installs ThorUI on her computer and since her box is not as good as my box she can only run EQ2 in 1024 for the game to be playable, so I decide to use the 1024x768 window setup file.

First off I make all windows return to the original place and the Widescreen border to re-appear in the default location by loading the defaults within the game.
Then exited the game.
Deleted all her former GUI-files (except the Default directory).
Installed ThorUI.
Chose whichever mods she wanted to use (just about everything hehe).
Hit Update and the AutoLoader started downloading all the .xml files.
Ran the 1024x768 window placement file.
Started up EQ2.

Found out to my surprise that all windows are placed way off target when comparing to the screenshot available when clicking the nifty "..." in Advanced options of the AU.

Any ideas on how this should be done?

P.S. I looked at the screenshot on my screen and placed all windows in their respective positions manually on her computer but I would like not to do it that way.

Lavandel 11-21-2005 02:10 PM

Thanks, Faetyl.

Have a nice vacation and see ya in about 3 weeks then :)

Here's some banana's for no apparent reason...

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Alakarn 11-23-2005 09:12 AM

sales log
I had a problem after update 16 when when I entered my house and opened my sales log nothing would happen.
the text would say that I had open the log though no window would appear, if i double clicked the message board again it would say I was currently busy but there would be no window pop up.making me unable to set the prices for items in my Locker.
I uninstalled EQ2 and reinstalled, patched, logged in and my slaes log was there.
I then installed Thor UI ran the auto update and now my Sales log has dissapeared again.

Am I missing anything?

Faetyl 11-23-2005 10:37 AM

Mine works great, anyone else have this issue?

When you say you uninstalled the thorui, did you delete the folder in EverQuest II\UI or did you uninstall the Auto Updater?

You should delete the \EverQuest II\UI\thorui folder

ShadowProwler420 11-23-2005 08:07 PM

I, too, am not having any issues with my sales log.

Perhaps the opacity of the window somehow got reversed (making it invisible)? I highly doubt that's the case, seeing that you say it's there when you have the default UI active, but I thought I'd toss it out there.

Kobara 11-23-2005 09:27 PM

Still loving your UI from way back ... one issue I only recently discovered since I never needed it before today ... In the start window where you have your icon to show/hide Headgear, clicking on the icon changes the icon but if I am trying to switch from NOT showing to SHOWING, headgear will not appear on my character. I must type in /showhood to get it visible. I am using your original start button (not the one with the slider bars)

ShadowProwler420 11-24-2005 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kobara
Still loving your UI from way back ... one issue I only recently discovered since I never needed it before today ... In the start window where you have your icon to show/hide Headgear, clicking on the icon changes the icon but if I am trying to switch from NOT showing to SHOWING, headgear will not appear on my character. I must type in /showhood to get it visible. I am using your original start button (not the one with the slider bars)

SOE put alot of the things that the start button mod had toggles for, such as the show/hide hood graphic, into the last tab of the Persona window when they revamped that window. For this reason, those toggles on the start button do not work anymore.

Kobara 11-24-2005 05:38 AM

Thanks for the info, Laz...

Guess only some of the toggles were affected since I can use the icon to hide headgear if I have it visible, and I can use the hide/show illusions icon as well ... the showhood one was really one I use so rarely it wont affect me at all ... thanks again for the info. At least my mind is at ease that I did not screw something up in my UI settings :)

Shade2074 11-25-2005 09:48 AM

Beginning movie completely black
I'm not sure if this is GUI related or perhaps game related. So just in case I will post it here. When I created a new character yesterday, I opted to do all the beginning stuff (start on the boat). The first thing I noticed was that when the movie that tells the background story played the screen background was completely black and all the GUI were jumbled up as they normally would be the first time I install the GUI. I could 'hear' the story being told in the background, but I couldn't see the usual movie that I normally see.

Everything else in the game appears to be working properly though, and when I had the game scan all the files everything appeared to be in place.

Like I said I'm not sure if it is GUI related or perhaps it could be game related. I just figured I would mention it here first just in case - to see if anyone else had this problem.

Eumenides 11-28-2005 12:59 AM

Chat windows Not resizing
I've been using the chat window mod for a while now and I like it. Just tonight I decided to move my UI setup around a bit, which would involve resizing my 2 chat windows, but they won't resize! I deleted the chat mod and went back to default and had no problem. I don't like to use the default though :( Has anyone else had this problem?

Faetyl 11-28-2005 02:23 AM

Everyone I know doesn't have this issue.

Silly question but have to ask, did you unlock it?
If so, did you try "reset to default location and opacity"? (This will resolve some Window settings file issues)

Did you use my window settings wizard to get the initial setup and if not have you ever used another custom mod with your current window settings file? (There are some that will cause a corruption of your window settings file therefore causing an issue to bleed over to your next UI mod.
(This is why I HIGHLY reccomend everyone use my window placement wizard then setup windows how they like them)

Hope this helps
FYI I still need to update my other window placment files.
Only one up to date is the 1280x1024 full screen


Originally Posted by Eumenides
I've been using the chat window mod for a while now and I like it. Just tonight I decided to move my UI setup around a bit, which would involve resizing my 2 chat windows, but they won't resize! I deleted the chat mod and went back to default and had no problem. I don't like to use the default though :( Has anyone else had this problem?

ponno 12-01-2005 01:31 AM

Hey Faetyl,

I'm sure your busy with all the new changes and you probably know this already but I'm gonna post it anyway just in case you don't.

With LU17, the skull and bone revive window can cause the game to crash when you die. I had died in PoF and immediatly crashed to desktop (before seeing the revive window). As soon as I zoned into my character it would crash again, but could log in fine under other characters. I was able to fix this by deleting the file called eq2ui_mainhud_death.xml

kabal1 12-01-2005 08:49 AM

hi Faetyl
i tried to update the ui today.
But the au is getting stuck at 42%
ive tried the ui on 2 pcs just to see if the router is blocking the ports.
Ports are open.
I deleted the ui folder and reinstalled the au
still the same stuck at 42 %

here is the log file
01/12/2003 13:44:06 : Application Launched
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : New version of auto update program has been detected.
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : Updating file...
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : Update operation complete
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : Application Exits

Faetyl 12-01-2005 02:50 PM

This isn't a User Interface issue mate.
Post it in the AU issues thread please ;)
Robert can assist there.


Originally Posted by kabal1
hi Faetyl
i tried to update the ui today.
But the au is getting stuck at 42%
ive tried the ui on 2 pcs just to see if the router is blocking the ports.
Ports are open.
I deleted the ui folder and reinstalled the au
still the same stuck at 42 %

here is the log file
01/12/2003 13:44:06 : Application Launched
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : New version of auto update program has been detected.
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : Updating file...
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : Update operation complete
01/12/2003 13:44:08 : Application Exits

Waleska 12-02-2005 10:01 AM

Not able to scroll in CS Ticket Window
I have enjoyed this UI and would like to say that it is GREAT!

However, I entered a CS Ticket and was not able to scroll up or down within the message. The "Move" was activated on the cursor when I select within the message area. Also, the ablity to increase the size of a window is not easy to terminate once you have selected the size. ;)

ShadowProwler420 12-02-2005 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Waleska
I have enjoyed this UI and would like to say that it is GREAT!

However, I entered a CS Ticket and was not able to scroll up or down within the message. The "Move" was activated on the cursor when I select within the message area. Also, the ablity to increase the size of a window is not easy to terminate once you have selected the size. ;)

I have also had this problem. With some of the other windows that do have a scroll function without a visible scrollbar, a la the Faction tab of the Persona window, I have been able to successfully use my trackball's scroll wheel. However, I am not able to do so with the Help window.

Faetyl 12-02-2005 10:16 AM


The Help Window is way out of date and the original author is MIA for a week or two now.
Needless to say I am in the process of making my own version now.

Can you double check your factions tab though?
This should have been fixed already.

Thanks much,

ShadowProwler420 12-02-2005 12:59 PM

You're right, Faetyl. I saw you updated the window (noticed the AU pulling a new persona window file), but never bothered looking at it until now! :p
(BTW, I like what you've done with it! :nana: )

I guess I was thinking of the 'old' persona window when I made my previous post. :cool:

thordim 12-03-2005 02:39 AM

market window
Is the market window on the list to be updated. I do not see a scroll bar and can only get 8 items to show in the window.

Faetyl 12-03-2005 03:21 AM

Once again it can't be modified as that is data that SOE provides.

All we can to is move buttons and change colors. :)

If you want more send an in game feedback ;)

Also, correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't sound like a help with the UI issue. By posting suggestion/questions on updated in the help section you further make it difficult for those with issues to find answers.

Listor 12-04-2005 09:24 AM

Where's the HTML/www button at now? It was on the help page. It's by far my most used feature of this UI and I hope it isn't gone. Maybe just misplace. *big grin*

Faetyl 12-04-2005 01:27 PM

I removed it...
Kidding :D

As you can see the Journal and Help window still lack a bit of info. (Tier 6 writs for example...)
Rather than delay the release I pressed forward and wen't ahead with releasing the main container window with plans to update with the relevant info.

Rest assured I have already added the browser button to the next version i'm working on and should push it out to the clients soon.

Vrain 12-04-2005 07:47 PM

MiniMAP issue...

Not sure if anyone else is having this issue or not... I can get the MiniMAP to open but it does not show anything on it.. basically just the map layout... My main larger map is fine and shows everything that it should...

Just wondering if anyone else has this issue ...

I remember that back in LU16 the MiniMAP was messed up and we could not use it.


Faetyl 12-04-2005 10:20 PM

Mine is working as expected

Vrain 12-05-2005 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Faetyl
Mine is working as expected

I removed the map file from the UI folder then did the update...

I get the Main map but I can not see the waypoint button, nor do I see the coords, and there is another button under the map that I can not see as well..

On the miniMAP I see all the places, items, npc's.. etc... but I do not see myself nor any of my party when they are on...

Map is not working the way it was before LU16 came about.. I have not done anything to my files except do the autoupdate from Thor...

No clue why it is not working properly now...


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