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Seagoat 03-10-2006 01:28 AM

Seagoat's UI Mods
This is a thread for comments, suggestions, or requests regarding my Experience Bars mod.


EDIT: I'm expanding this thread to encompass all of my UI mods.

Please post any questions, problems, or requests here! I'm much more likely to respond quickly to this thread than I am to a new comment for a particular UI piece.

If you're having problems with a particular mod, please specify exactly which mod you're dealing with, including the mod's full title and release number. (There are, for instance, 6 versions of my XP bars mod.) Also please include any steps you've taken so far to install the mod(s) or troubleshoot your problem, and the results you've received after taking these steps.

Thanks! :)

Seagoat 03-10-2006 11:29 PM

I've implemented the changes I'd hoped to get done for the interface piece; you can download the newest version (20060310) from the download page.

Xtife 04-19-2006 08:40 PM

can we see numbers on the right side of it like the others mods?
for xp amount/debt/vit pls

Seagoat 04-19-2006 09:15 PM

Do you mean showing the percentage (such as 25.4%) off to the right?

All that information is in the tooltip, and I wouldn't find it useful myself, but I suppose it could be placed out to the right of the abbreviations (so those who don't need/want them can resize the window to chop them off). I don't know where I would place the XP debt...perhaps even further out to the right of the digital version of the current XP percentage.

I've got a backlog of graphics to make, though, so it might have to wait a little while. ;)

Seagoat 09-25-2006 06:41 AM


Originally posted by thumber
Hey great job on the xp bar love it... .can u add percentage tho.. only thing i miss :)
Again, that information is available in the tooltip. IMO it's not that hard to do a quick mouseover, or to simply look at the bars and see that you have 4 full gold bubbles and 3 full blue bubbles...voila! You're at 43%! :D

I still may do another version in the future that includes the numbers next to / on top of the bars, but until then there are other great mods that do include them.

Bramwell 10-16-2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by LCAngela
Again, that information is available in the tooltip. IMO it's not that hard to do a quick mouseover, or to simply look at the bars and see that you have 4 full gold bubbles and 3 full blue bubbles...voila! You're at 43%! :D

I still may do another version in the future that includes the numbers next to / on top of the bars, but until then there are other great mods that do include them.

Hello, great exp bar!!! If you get around to it I would also really like the % just overlaying the exp bar and maybe the AA bar, in the middle. It doesn't even need the decimal. It could look just like the tool tip but in the same color as the other numbers displayed.

ruadhin 11-22-2006 10:27 PM

Edit: Nevermind. It's amazing what reading your notes does. :) Thanks, this is a great mod.

Seagoat 11-22-2006 10:33 PM

*chuckles* Glad you got it sorted! ;)

Thanks very much! It's always nice to know that someone besides me and my friends find it useful. :D

Sinbad 01-27-2007 04:40 PM

Is there any chance of getting the AP unlinked from the TS so that those rare birds like me who don't have any expansions can use your wonderful mod, but hide the useless—to us—AP bar?

I know, I know, before anyone yells at me...I should get the expansions. :rolleyes: :p Unfortunately, I have been away from EQ2 since just before the first expansion came out and I just returned recently. I am on a fixed income, I currently share a computer with my daughter and my wife because MY computer died, :( so until I can afford to build another computer for myself, I can't afford to spend money on anymore software. I need to save my cash for parts! :eek: :cool:

Seagoat 01-27-2007 06:16 PM

Sinbad, here's a version for you without the AP bar. :) Just copy and paste this into your existing MainHUD.Experience XML file, replacing all of the current code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Seagoat's Experience Bars, No Achievement Points [v.20070127] -->
<Page BackgroundColor="#00FF00" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="100,100" Name="Experience" PackLocation="fixed,fixed" ScrollExtent="293,67" Size="293,67" UserMovable="true" UserResizable="true">
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<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.CombatExperienceDisabled" DynamicDataFilter="0001" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf18" LocalText="Combat Experience Disabled" Location="29,3" Name="CombatExperienceDisabled" ScrollExtent="220,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStyles.Outline1" Size="220,20" TextAlignment="Center" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" UserMovable="true" UserResizable="true" Visible="false">Combat Experience Disabled</Text>
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<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.EffectiveLevel" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="50" Location="1,3" Margin="0,0,5,0" MaxLines="1" Name="Level" ScrollExtent="22,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="22,20" TextAlignment="Right" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" TruncateElipsis="false">50</Text>
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<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#D39614" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.ExperienceCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpCurrent" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C53A4B" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.ExperienceDebtCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpDebtCurrent" Progress="0.650" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#455072" Location="21,9" Name="ExpBkg" Progress="1.000" ScrollExtent="234,11" Size="234,11" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
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<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C666FF" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.TradeskillExperienceCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpCurrent" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C53A4B" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.TSExperienceDebtCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpDebtCurrent" Progress="0.650" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#455072" Location="21,9" Name="ExpBkg" Progress="1.000" ScrollExtent="234,11" Size="234,11" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
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<Text AbsorbsInput="false" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="GS" Location="268,3" Margin="2,0,0,0" Name="GS" ScrollExtent="22,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="22,20" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267">GS</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.Level" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="10" Location="1,3" Margin="0,0,5,0" Name="Level" ScrollExtent="22,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="22,20" TextAlignment="Right" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267">10</Text>
<Image AbsorbsInput="false" Location="20,7" Name="BubbleDividers" ScrollExtent="237,15" Size="237,15" SourceRect="3,493,240,508" SourceResource="/images/mugshots_female.dds"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#4BB3FE" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.ExperienceBubble" Location="21,14" Name="ExpToNextBubble" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C53A4B" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.ExperienceFull" Location="21,9" Name="ExpCurrent" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#455072" Location="21,9" Name="ExpBkg" Progress="1.000" ScrollExtent="234,11" Size="234,11" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>

And here's a version with percentages instead of initials:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Seagoat's Experience Bars with Percentages, No Achievement Points [v.20070127] -->
<Page BackgroundColor="#00FF00" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="100,100" Name="Experience" PackLocation="fixed,fixed" ScrollExtent="293,67" Size="293,67" UserMovable="true" UserResizable="true">
<OpacityEffector Name="FadeIn" SetOnEffect="true" Speed="4.000" TargetOpacity="1.000"/>
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<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.ExperienceCurrent" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="99%" LocalTooltip="Adventure Experience" Location="268,3" Margin="2,0,0,0" MaxLines="1" Name="XPPercent" ScrollExtent="25,19" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="25,19" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" Tooltip="Adventure Experience" TruncateElipsis="false">99%</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.CombatExperienceDisabled" DynamicDataFilter="0001" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf18" LocalText="Combat Experience Disabled" Location="29,3" Name="CombatExperienceDisabled" ScrollExtent="220,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStyles.Outline1" Size="220,20" TextAlignment="Center" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" UserMovable="true" UserResizable="true" Visible="false">Combat Experience Disabled</Text>
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<Image DynamicData="/GameData.Self.Vitality" GetsInput="true" Location="254,8" Name="OverflowMarker" Rotation="0.750" ScrollExtent="17,12" Size="17,12" SourceRect="144,3,163,15" SourceResource="images/widgets02.dds"/>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.EffectiveLevel" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="50" Location="1,3" Margin="0,0,5,0" MaxLines="1" Name="Level" ScrollExtent="22,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="22,20" TextAlignment="Right" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" TruncateElipsis="false">50</Text>
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<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#D39614" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.ExperienceCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpCurrent" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C53A4B" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.ExperienceDebtCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpDebtCurrent" Progress="0.650" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#455072" Location="21,9" Name="ExpBkg" Progress="1.000" ScrollExtent="234,11" Size="234,11" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
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<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.TradeskillExperienceCurrent" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="99%" LocalTooltip="Tradeskill Experience" Location="268,3" Margin="2,0,0,0" MaxLines="1" Name="TSPercent" ScrollExtent="25,19" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="25,19" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" Tooltip="Tradeskill Experience">99%</Text>
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<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.TradeskillLevel" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="10" Location="1,3" Margin="0,0,5,0" Name="Level" ScrollExtent="22,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="22,20" TextAlignment="Right" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267">10</Text>
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<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C666FF" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.TradeskillExperienceCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpCurrent" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C53A4B" DynamicData="/GameData.Self.TSExperienceDebtCurrent" Location="21,9" Name="ExpDebtCurrent" Progress="0.650" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#455072" Location="21,9" Name="ExpBkg" Progress="1.000" ScrollExtent="234,11" Size="234,11" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
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<Page AbsorbsInput="false" Location="0,40" Name="GuildXP" PackLocation="nfn,nfn" PackLocationProp="0000/0001,0040/0001" PackSize="a,f" PackSizeProp="0003/0001,0002/0003" ScrollExtent="290,25" Size="290,25">
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.ExperienceFull" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="99%" LocalTooltip="Guild Status" Location="268,3" Margin="2,0,0,0" MaxLines="1" Name="GSPercent" ScrollExtent="25,19" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="25,19" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267" Tooltip="Guild Status">99%</Text>
<Text AbsorbsInput="false" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.Level" Font="/Fonts.FontZapf15" LocalText="10" Location="1,3" Margin="0,0,5,0" Name="Level" ScrollExtent="22,20" ShadowStyle="/ShadowStylesNew.OutlineDrop.style" Size="22,20" TextAlignment="Right" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" TextColor="#EAC267">10</Text>
<Image AbsorbsInput="false" Location="20,7" Name="BubbleDividers" ScrollExtent="237,15" Size="237,15" SourceRect="3,493,240,508" SourceResource="/images/mugshots_female.dds"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#4BB3FE" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.ExperienceBubble" Location="21,14" Name="ExpToNextBubble" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#C53A4B" DynamicData="/GameData.Guild.ExperienceFull" Location="21,9" Name="ExpCurrent" Progress="0.500" ScrollExtent="234,5" Size="234,5" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>
<Progressbar AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#000000" Color="#455072" Location="21,9" Name="ExpBkg" Progress="1.000" ScrollExtent="234,11" Size="234,11" Style="/progressbarlist.progress_default"/>

I'll probably get around to making these into more patches for my original bars, but until then, I hope this will suffice. :) The remaining bottom bars should behave exactly as the bottom bars on my all-4-bar pieces, but please let me know if you have any problems!

Sinbad 01-28-2007 04:41 PM

Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate that fast response on my request. =^_^=

kryteneq 01-31-2007 11:38 AM

i can't get anything other than the standard XP bar!
OK, feel free to mock my stupidity but I cannot seem to get this to work.

I'm using EQ2MAP so I _think_ all I need to do is put the eq2ui_mainhud_experience.xml file in my C:\EverQuest II\ui\EQ2MAP directory but I still get the standard bar.

I've tried replacing the version in C:\EverQuest II\ui\Default with this one, I've put it in various places but I always end up with the standard XP bar :(

So, who's going to point out my stupid mistake?!

Seagoat 01-31-2007 02:31 PM

My "EQ2Map" folder is inside my "customui" folder...my directory structure looks like this:

/EverQuest II

The "Default" folder is where my default UI pieces are...this folder is checked by the EQ2 client each time it launches, and any non-default files will be overwritten.

The "customui" folder is where my custom UI pieces are...the client doesn't check this folder, and if a file exists here with the same name as a file in the "Default" folder, the client uses this file instead, overriding the default file.

In my EQ2Map settings, I have my custom UI folder set as "customui," not "EQ2Map." Once your "customui" folder exists, the EQ2Map updater will detect it and list it as an option in the "UI Directory" drop-down menu.

Make sure you change the contents of your "eq2.ini" file to reflect your new custom UI folder, rather than just the EQ2Map folder. :) (You can drag the EQ2Map folder into your new custom UI folder, so you don't have to re-download all the map files.)

Hope this helps! ;)

kryteneq 02-01-2007 03:01 AM

I have that setup, but with confusing directory names! The 'customui' directory is actually called EQ2MAP as well:

/EverQuest II

And my EQ2.INI file is:
cl_ui_skinname EQ2MAP
cl_ui_subdir UI/

I've tried the XML file in UI, UI/EQ2MAP and UI/EQ2MAP/eq2map!!

kryteneq 02-01-2007 07:29 AM

So, I decided to create a new customui directory and point to it in eq2.ini, copied all the files across and still no luck.


The "Default" folder is where my default UI pieces are...this folder is checked by the EQ2 client each time it launches, and any non-default files will be overwritten.
Hmmm. It would appear (extreme incompetence alert) that I extracted your XML file into the Default directory, started EQ2, found it didn't work and then copied the file into my EQ2MAP directory (and subsequently various other places).

So, the reason I don't see the mod is....... because your XML was overwritten with the default XP bar XML :(

Just re-extracted your code and its brilliant ;)

Note to self - write 100 lines: I must not bother developers of excellent mods with questions when I'm an idoit who overwrote their code with the default version.

Users eh!

Seagoat 02-01-2007 10:30 AM

LOL I'm glad you got it working! ;)

I'm even more glad that you like it. :) I'm actually hoping to post a new version today, since I've tweaked it a bit since the last release. Stay tuned!

Seagoat 02-02-2007 09:50 AM

I'm expanding this thread to encompass all of my UI mods. There is more information on each mod's download page, as well as in the original post. :)

Seagoat 02-02-2007 11:25 AM

New UI mods released:

Seagoat's Bags
Seagoat's XP Bars (No AP)
Seagoat's XP Bars (Percentages w/ No AP)

The other 4 "addon" versions of Seagoat's XP Bars have also been updated.

Rizick 02-17-2007 07:23 AM

I really like your Exp mod one thing I would like to see is on the left side of the guild bar. Instead of the guild level I woulod like to see the number of members online. I tried Uberfuzzy's exp but you can't see all of them at once unlike your's but did like the number of players online part. Thanks Rizick

Seagoat 02-17-2007 11:18 AM


New UI mod released:
Seagoat's Knowledge


Rizick: This is a fairly easy tweak! Open up EQ2UI_MainHUD_Experience.XML in a text editor like Notepad. Use the "Find" feature to locate this text:


...then replace it with this:


This will display the number of guild members online instead of the guild level. If you decide you want the guild level back and the members online moved somewhere else, just let me know and I can get some code worked up for you. :)

Rizick 02-17-2007 01:20 PM

Thank you...
Thank you for your fast responce. Very easy fix and worked like a charm. Thank you again. Rizick

uberfuzzy 02-19-2007 12:42 PM

wow, cool, i came here to post a ty for the simpled knowledge book,
and i see my name! /blush

Seagoat 03-01-2007 01:22 AM

The "Seagoat's Bags" mod is not yet GU32 compatible. I hope to have a new version uploaded tomorrow...stay tuned!

Seagoat 03-01-2007 05:16 PM

A new version of Seagoat's Bags is now available. I basically redid the mod from scratch, which took care of a lot of the issues I was having fixing the old version. It was being difficult. :p

It's now fully GU32 compatible, but should anyone have any issues with it, please let me know!

Seagoat 04-07-2007 09:15 PM

Seagoat's Lotto
Seagoat's Lotto has been released! It's a much-condensed version of the default lotto window with nearly all of the dead space and some of the unnecessary elements removed.

As with all of my mods, the ZIP includes an info file and an image of the mod's appearance in-game.

If you use and enjoy any of my mods, please add them to your favorites or rate them. :) I <3 statistics!

Rass 05-08-2007 02:55 AM

Missing cloe button on the new journal
Hi Seagoat

thx for releasing this mod. After installing I saw the close and settings button until I changed the size of the window. Can´t get them back.
Also the new close button is only on the active screen, not, as shown on your pictures, on the complete screen (don´t now if its needed there)

I use the mod on the german client.


Seagoat 05-08-2007 10:26 AM

Try right-clicking on the journal and opening the "Window Settings" window. Click the "Default Opacities" button once or twice, and your Settings / Close buttons should come back. :) (All this is also in the "info" file included in the download. ;))

If they don't come back, please let me know so I can investigate this further.

Seagoat 05-20-2007 10:52 AM

I've released my first custom target ring, for use with the upcoming GU35!

Check it out here:

This is the first one I made that just looked spectacular in-game, but there are some other not-quite-spectacular-but-still-cool rings sitting around on my hard drive.

I anticipate going crazy and releasing a bunch of these; they're a lot of fun to make and if you've ever clicked any of my sig links, you know I'm a graphic-making fanatic. :p

gxboxg 05-20-2007 11:05 AM

Target Circle mod
I downloaded and installed this but cant figure out how to get it to show. Is there something i missed?

The "How it works" part says something that looks like its goin on about the journal.

looks very cool btw

Seagoat 05-20-2007 11:11 AM

Whoops...forgot to delete that part when I C&Ped from my Journal's info. :o It's fixed now.

Are you trying to use the ring on a Live server? If so, the custom rings won't work yet. :) They're a feature of GU35, which is due to be released later this month (start at this post and scroll down). They will currently only work on the Test server.

gxboxg 05-20-2007 11:44 PM

Target Rings
Ahh ok. I did notice it said GU35 but didnt click that it may not work till then lol. I am one of those peeps that only logs into test when live servers are down lol.

TY for fast response tho ;)

Seagoat 05-22-2007 10:14 PM

Yesterday I released my "Aztec Sun" target ring, and today I uploaded "Art Deco." All three of my target rings are polished up and ready to go for the slated launch of GU35 tomorrow!

Please let me know what you think of them, and if there are any changes you'd like to see. :)

Sinbad 06-06-2007 09:01 AM

Kudos and Requests
Those new target rings look really cool, Seagoat! I downloaded two out of three because I was having trouble choosing between them.

I'm also using your Bags Mod and your Journal Mod and have been for a while. Again, I like both of them and have found them to be quite satisfactory, at least since you ironed out the kinks in the early release. Of course, all programmers go through those "bug removal blues" periods. =~_^=

I also like the looks of your Lotto mod, except for one thing. Maybe I'm strange, but I like having the title bar, or at least having the option to have it, especially since I tend to run at a fairly high resolution. I know 1600x1200 may not sound all that high to some folks, but on a 21" monitor, it makes for LOTS of space. I didn't mind giving it up on the bags because it really isn't needed on them, but I prefer to have a title bar on any other window - just to remind me what it's for, since I tend to be forgetful at times. =~_^=

At any rate, keep up the good work, and thank you for all your hard work!

Seagoat 06-06-2007 10:33 AM

I use a 22" widescreen monitor at the same resolution. Granted, I also have two chat windows (each with at least three tabs) and 8 hotbar banks open, so that takes up a fair amount of screen real estate. :)

Even with so much space to play with, for the vast majority of windows, I see the titlebar as entirely superfluous and a waste of code and space...you can usually tell what a window's for by its contents. I personally don't need something telling me I'm looking at the "Knowledge" window if I'm the one who pressed "K" and I'm now staring at my list of known spells. :D

Thank you very much for the compliments...they are greatly appreciated, and I'm tickled that someone else enjoys these mods as much as I do. :)

Sinbad 06-13-2007 09:42 AM

You're right. I'm an old geezer and I have a lot of old-fashioned habits. /LOL :rolleyes::p

I run with 5 chat windows open (I don't like tabs), only 4 hotbars though, Mother's Maintained Spells, Milquetowst's Ministats and Coin/Weight windows, and Krull's StartButton Command Center v1, and the Quest Tracker window. I also have my own clock and a compass I built around Himay's basic compass. I guess that kind of eats up my screen real estate, too.

I happen to prefer a title at the top of my on-screen windows so that I don't get confused when I am switching around between them. Sometimes, I will have more than one or two open at the same time and that is when those titlebars come in handy.

I also happen to like to add titlebars in such a way that makes them "pretty" or decorative. I really do not understand why everyone seems so opposed to any sort of decorative additions to the game. If you have the resources to run the game with the decorative goodies, then why not enjoy them? If you don't, then I can understand minimizing.

So, there are my reasons for asking for a titlebar. If you don't want to add it...that's cool. :cool::) Every mod author is entitled to do things their own way! That's why we have so many different mods. ;):D

Again, thanks for all your good, hard work and please know that it is appreciated.

Seagoat 06-13-2007 11:57 AM

I totally understand your points -- I am a girl after all, and an artist, so yay swirly decorative things! I think if I were to design an entire UI set, I'd more than likely use the titlebars and give them an aesthetically pleasing appearance (different, of course, from the aesthetically pleasing appearance they already have).

For now, though, while I'm just modding a UI piece here and there, I'm forgoing the title bars. Perhaps once I venture into altering UI graphics (and I've taken my first step in that direction with the target rings I've done), they'll be customized and added back in, but for now, I'm afraid they'll remain on the proverbial cutting room floor. ;)

Seagoat 07-01-2007 10:42 AM

I've released 5 new Target Ring downloads!

Four of those are for class-specific rings using the class icons. I resized them and applied a paint-effect plugin to pretty them up a little and add some interest. The con rings were made by echoing one of the edges of the icon every 10 degrees to make them match the icon a bit more than just using a plain, smooth-edged ring.

You can preview and download them here (I had to split them into multiple files because a single file was too big to upload):
Seagoat's Target Ring: Classes - Fighter
Seagoat's Target Ring: Classes - Mage
Seagoat's Target Ring: Classes - Priest
Seagoat's Target Ring: Classes - Scout
(Preview ALL of the "Class" rings and how they appear in-game here.)

I've also released an "Eyeball" ring...this one was fun!! The con color shows through the iris of the eye, changing the eye color depending on the mob. The con ring consists of the iris, the lighting glint off the pupil, and the veins from the sclera (white bit) of the target ring. Spooky!! :eek:

You can preview and download it here:
Seagoat's Target Ring: Eyeball

Seagoat 09-05-2007 04:25 PM

Seagoat's Inventory has been released! The icon arrangements are based on uberfuzzy's Inventory, but with several of my own adaptations, including the incorporation of both Appearance (coming soon in GU38) and Equipment slots all in one view:

Genadore 09-07-2007 09:42 AM

New Inventory window
Is this window supposed to work with LU37 as well? Because all of the item slots are blank for me when I try and use it with LU37.

Seagoat 09-07-2007 09:48 AM

Nope, it is strictly GU38+, as I noted in the file description.

The location of the icons in the file heirarchy will change with GU38; as mentioned in the file comments, this results in blank icons on the live servers until GU38 launches (probably sometime next week).

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