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laotin 06-20-2005 11:26 PM

request if possible
I use alot of you guys UIs and I like alot of them

however every UI I use I jam everything to the bottom of the screen

my request: A UI that has everything you need in one "dashboard" style across the bottom of the page

something that "flows" like the Laff's alt bottom UI, but everything kinda jamed on the bottom, with a chat box that is big enuff to have /who all (the result all on one like) chat box is just too small

here is how I currently have things set up to give an example.

while I know this works, it would just be cool to have a UI that is made for this kind of set up, something that all fits together and "flows"

being a healer i have to have things easy and close together, like grp window, maintained spells, raid window and spells, being a big chat person i like to have a nice chat window that shows more than a couple lines of text :)

the top lines /shrug i like to see my hits and things hitting me (i wish they had just numbers, like in EQ1, red for mobs hitting me, white for me hitting mobs in 2 very small windows that just have running data of hits, no such luck here tho i guess

if anyone takes up this project, thanks much in advance, and get in touch with me so i can DL your UI many times :)

Edited, that screenshot was too big, i reduced the link to a thumbnail :)

Defiant, A Raiding Guild
Befallen Server

Mikeablah 06-21-2005 12:21 AM

Being a healer and all as well, I went with a nice setup which has everything I'll ever need. I run my UI at 1600x1200 but by looking around, Im sure you can get a nice setup going with a lower reso.

>> UI

Grindlethorn 06-21-2005 09:00 AM


my request: A UI that has everything you need in one "dashboard" style across the bottom of the page
Sounds like you might be looking for my Simple UI which seems to fit your description pretty well. You can view some screenshots on the download page.

Note that it has just been updated so if the link says you are not authorised then try it again later.


laotin 06-21-2005 01:59 PM

thanks, ive used yours before, iam using it again now

best examples i have seen of what i would "wish" for is tyejae and night elf, they have "flow" and theme concept, both i have pretty much the same problem with, i use 1280x1024 and the chat box is too small

and if i switch it around, it loses the "flow" :(

hehe i still check everyday tho

Eloora 06-21-2005 02:16 PM

A dashboard UI that suits my style is something I too have yet to see in EQ 2. I used Tablets in EQ 1 which was a great modular UI that fit together nicely no matter how the windows were arranged. Here's a shot of it. The Tablets creator has an EQ 2 version but it's just not my thing and seems too far removed from what I liked about the original. I try lots of different UI's out all the time so I'm hoping one of them eventually jives with what I want and need as a raiding-healer-that-hates-funky-health-bar-designs-and-wishes-she-had-the-/viewport-command-back.

laotin 06-21-2005 08:27 PM

Eloora- I know exactly what you mean :(

Sometimes I wish I had picked a caster class or scout class that way I could put my group window anywhere and not have to watch my maintained window

As a templar sometimes I have to switch group members very quickly for healing (yes I F1-F6, I know) but I am a "mouse person" I use my mouse for everything. And, the maintained spells window ugggggg it is the bane of my playing! I remember the first time we beat Darathar, I honestly did not see him fall, why? Because I was so glued to watching my debuffs and reactive heals in my maintained window that I actually didn't notice the hps and did not see 90% of the fight. I am dead serious, being a healer in the MT group I rarely see an event, unless it is something we have done 50 times already, or a really easy event.

This is why I have been crying for a total "dashboard" design.

After some thought, I actually went into my ol' paint shop program and drew what I think would do wonders for healers like me, now I know this is very crude, and very simple and basic, but it gives my idea.

things like, a player window within the group window that looks the same as everyone else's character in the group, that you can click on to target to heal. nice big target window, front and center so you can see your tank dying in plain view. small easy to see quest helper. 3 spell bars (i would like 4 but, i just couldnt find room) exp bars for both adven and craft on either side, with number lvls and % and a bar that runs across. nice big chat area. 5 boxes to show what weapon your using, prim and secondary, your ammo and your 2 activate slot items, because us healers switch out the manastone, potions for power regen, and dolls for sta/wis (or at least i do, constantly) an implied target right above the target so you can glance up and see your mob dying. I didnt do much with a compass, /shrug a compass is a compass as far as i am concerned. maintained and spell effects windows that fill up reverse ways in plain view with big icons. and finally a group window that has 4 boxes beside the name for your bad spells from mobs icons, easy to see, easy to know when to cure!

honestly I dont know if you guys will cry laughing at my artwork or not even bother, nor do i know even if you do bother if all this is even possible. but this is what i mean by "flow" it all has a place, it all goes together, and it all fits in the bottom of the screen. final note, would be awesome in 1280x1024 :)

good times, heres the link to my awesome 3yr old's artwork

Eloora 06-22-2005 01:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I think you're onto something laotin!

Back towards the beginning of the game after launch I had a UI setup similar to this, except I like to have two main chat windows on the left and right side, with all other pertinent windows arranged in between them. I used to have my maintained spells window right above my hotkeys and right below my targets because I just plain needed it there front-and-center =\. As my UI evolved I pushed maintained aside, had to add a fourth row of hotkeys and more detailed (read: space hogs) target/player windows....now everything is just too cumbersome to fit the way hid like :( .

Anyhoo, I like your drawing, and the layout seems pretty good. That group window layout is exactly what I prefer and use atm. Attached is a picture of my grp window for reference. The buttons on the left are assist buttons for each grp member.
The only thing I'd really need to change up front is splitting that big chat window up into two windows. I like separating melee and spells (too much spam), and I like to see the damage I'm doing and resists I'm getting (I also play a warlock, so I'm not always stuck in healer mode). Also I play in 1600x1200, perhaps that gives me a little more room to work with than you.

The window you drew for the primary, secondary, activatable slots etc. is a great idea, and reminded me of the Vert hotkeys window from his EQ 1 UI. Here's a shot of it. On the left of the picture you see the hotkeys plus another bank of buttons right next to them. Those were customizable "clicky" slots, and he even included a little program you could run to set which clickys you wanted, and it saved it to the file for you (no xml knowledge needed). It would be awesome if such a thing was possible in EQ 2, but as its own window, or perhaps part of the menu button. An example of what slots I'd want as a healer would be 2 activatable, primary, secondary, ring, earring and one bag slot that hold my switched out gear.
Any of this jive with you laotin?

Any modders gonna run with this UI idea?

laotin 06-22-2005 02:04 PM

oh right on with that idea Eloora!

i ALWAYS have a bag open that holds about 5-6 potions i switch out, my screaming mace, manastone, horse whistle, and dolls, also the important mage/necro mana items

that is EXACTLY what i was thinking when i added that 5 slot area.

Also, big mana and hp bar for your own toon's stats, so you can clearly see when you are down to 10% mana and have to start sweating

do you remember when you could make 2 small windows in EQ1, one for damage out and one for damage in, and you could make them NUMBER ONLY not all the "you hit uber_mob_001 for 93 points of mental damage in the forehead" jazz. i really wish we had that here, i currently have 2 windows at the top of my page that runs spells and damage, they take up the screen from side to side and about 3 inches tall each. while it is not as good as having 2 small boxes running data at the bottom, its ok i guess

like i said i dont even know if some of these things are possible. this is a very crude drawing tho, i would like to add some "flare" to the design, ya know, like some divine symbols or vinework or bones as lines lol, or like blood as the hps bar filler and it leaks out as your hps go down, or like blue whatever liquid that runs out as your mana goes down!! hehe

my problem is i can think it up, i cant produce it tho :(

but i think me and Eloora are very similar healers with likewise needs from our UI's and i know alot of other healers are the same way as us

really hope someone picks up this project, and plz contact me if you do for reference or help

Laffs 06-22-2005 02:09 PM

At first glance that drawing looked more like the plans for a speed boat lmao,

Then I zoomed in :p .... Whats with the 3 spell bars??

The the slots you need are not difficult to do in the mini inv in my latest UI the slots on that change 3 ways at the click of a button... only downside is you cant drop stuff on it but you can ativate / use click on whatever is in there and pull stuff out of it...

The rest of the stuff you need I dont see a problem with...... Well maybe just 1 where the hell is the hotbars?? :p


Shoot it just dawned on me the spell bars is the hotbars sorry .. i thought it might have been spell name , casting time and breath that you had in there

laotin 06-22-2005 02:19 PM

iam sorry Laffs, yes the "spell bar" is the hotkeys, i meant to go back and divide them up lol

the other things can be done tho? the big mana/hps bars?

my name in the grp window that makes me look like just another player in the grp?

and what about the exp bars on either side?

and you may not have seen it, but i put in that little stat bar just above the chat bar for those stat freaks

lol good times!!! iam all excited someone has taken a real interest

Befallen server

laotin 06-22-2005 02:30 PM

iam sorry Laffs, yes the "spell bar" is the hotkeys, i meant to go back and divide them up lol

the other things can be done tho? the big mana/hps bars?

my name in the grp window that makes me look like just another player in the grp?

and what about the exp bars on either side?

and you may not have seen it, but i put in that little stat bar just above the chat bar for those stat freaks

lol good times!!! iam all excited someone has taken a real interest

Befallen server

PS Laffs, if you do take this up, can you name it "Laff's Healer Delight UI" ??? lol just a thought

Laffs 06-22-2005 02:34 PM

Yes 95% sure this is all possible.... And most of it has been done before like the player in the group window etc... Exp bars can go in almost any window the only thing is you loose the abilty to click on the one outside of the "real" exp window to change the view from adv to trade (but no need as you get them both on display anyways).....

So keep the adv one in the real exp window and all works well

I actualy started a healer type UI quite sometime ago now, And realised that one had already been done on here.. So I let it just die off in here and been working on it myself but ran out of ideas..

Anyway, Since I more or less finished what I have been working on and looking for somthing else to do I might just have a shot at this for you guys...

But I would need like a total width and height for the main area from you main area not including the chat window... So I know what kind of screen area I have to work with.

Only thing not possible is the teir indicator for the mob being on the left or right as it will always 'snap' to above or below mob name no matter where you place it.

laotin 06-22-2005 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Laffs
But I would need like a total width and height for the main area from you main area not including the chat window... So I know what kind of screen area I have to work with.

not sure what you mean here.....i play in 1280x1024

Laffs 06-22-2005 03:09 PM

Ok put it another way

What would you like the total width of the group, quest helper and the primary secondary windows to be? In your drawing it looks to be about 540pixels ... or whats the ideal width for the chat window lol then I can work it from there give or take


laotin 06-22-2005 03:12 PM

i dont know how to measure it, tell me how i can do this and ill be more than glad to do it. sorry i really dont know how to measure what youre asking for

laotin 06-22-2005 03:25 PM

chat box = about 200-215 tall and about 420-450 wide?

sound good?

Laffs 06-22-2005 03:27 PM

Its oks, If your drawing is roughly the scale you want this UI to be then np I can work to that...

I could probably put the basics together quite quickly for this then, Show a SS here and then refine it from there... like I dont see no conc bubbles in the drawing but your bad effects wont go into the group window so that is a good place to put them... etc


laotin 06-22-2005 03:40 PM

yeah and my mana/hps wont go in my personal window in grp, so you could just stick them right under my name /shrug

i didnt think of "everything" ya know

btw will it even be possible to have those curving lines? on the sides of the target bar, i figured that could be part of the "theme" and "flow" design

Laffs 06-22-2005 03:45 PM

Your mana and hps will go in the group window..

Curves will be part of the skin.

laotin 06-22-2005 03:47 PM

oh, they cant be separate and oversized bars like what i envisioned?

those 2 big oversized bars one for hps one for mana with a big % and numer??

if not thats ok

Laffs 06-22-2005 03:52 PM

Lol yes they can.... was just saying that they would go in there ..... Oks I will shut up and put something together then..

I start with a group window... Gimmie about 15-20 mins from now to post beta version 1 / 999 lol

Laffs 06-22-2005 04:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Heres a SS of it in UI builder so far

laotin 06-22-2005 04:10 PM

sweet, thats just how i wanted it! cool

Laffs 06-22-2005 04:23 PM

KK... good start its a reworked version of This un ere

See how you go with the conc bubbles I think somthing better needs done with them likes.. They in the right place but dont look very cool as default..

Quest helper, Your health and power next ... shouldnt take to long either :p

Eloora 06-22-2005 04:30 PM

I like it so far :). I've always been a fan of seeing my hp/pwr on top of the group, what better way than to use the EQ 1 style group window.

By the way, for the hotbars, I'm guessing some sort of scaled down version of the default without a lot of dead space would be ideal for this UI. I think the FetishHotkeys would be great for this. There are 75% and 85% scale hotbars included in this mod, the bank selectors auto hide, and I think it will work with just about any other mods.

And speaking of Fetish, is there a color scheme you wanna see in this UI laotin? Please say yes lol, anything besides the gold (just looks like more brown in an already brown saturated game :p). I was a fan of Incubi's silver, and I like the color scheme in Fetish Nightfall also. What do you think?

laotin 06-22-2005 04:39 PM

i really dont know......

really dont, maybe Eloora, since you have been posting and inputting you can come up with a color lol

i really just want functionality and flow

Laffs 06-22-2005 05:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Will take a look at Fetish hotbars...

Heres 3 windows then for you guys to try out ;)

laotin 06-22-2005 05:55 PM

very very nice so far, i really like the big mana/hps bars

the window that pops up when you target yourself can i just put that in the corner and turn it all down so it goes invis ?

Laffs 06-22-2005 06:11 PM

Hmm thinking about that one ... you gotta mean the target window it's self right?

Or are you getting somthing else thats poping up? I dunno how likes lol


laotin 06-22-2005 06:17 PM

lol nm now, first time i logged in, i targeted myself and a small player window popped up, now it doesnt /shrug lol

otherwise it works good , the 3 windows, cant wait to see the rest of it

Eloora 06-22-2005 06:25 PM

For the group window, move the names that are next to the F keys over to the right just a tad, they seem scrunched together at least at my reso.

I don't plan on putting the quest helper down in the middle of everything like laotin is, but i was thinking about putting the maintained buffs in its place. Any chance you could work up a resized player window to match the length of 4 buff icons in 1600x1200 resolution laffs?

Edit: Also can you make the maintained window fill up right>left or left<right instead of vertically?

Laffs 06-22-2005 08:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
What I could do with the player window is make it re-sizeable and set the bars to size with it... Hmm will have a go ... failing that I will just make you another the size you want lol

Yeh will move the names a bit, I thought it was going to do that somehow once in game.

I have some more here now... Fetish hotbars well I had a look, But decided to knock up my own up from the default that does the same thing..... Dont get me wrong fetish stuff is very good and I have learnt lots from his work, but since we not working from a Fetish style here I decided to do me own ;)

(what is it with that bankpage that it wont on hover in-out show / hide itself ? you gotta do it with the parent insted .. that is weird.. I mean anyother page will do that .. lol)

Give this a go anyways guys :)

Laffs 06-22-2005 08:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Drop this file in there hun... I thought it was doing that untill I noticed I had the syntax the wrong way round lol :p

That player window the bars will resize up and down np but left to right they dont want to do that the easy way lol ...

I let you guys ponder over this me off to bed now...

Eloora 06-22-2005 09:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okies...as for the maintained window, it's doing what I think laotin wants, i.e. filliing up from right to left, but only as long as the window is one horizontal row. As soon as I expand the window it down to form my box, the icons drop along the right side vertically. I dunno if the way I'm imagining is even possible, and it's not that big a thing, I just wanted to mention it.

The hotkeys are a step in the right direction if you don't want to outright use the Fetish ones, but it doesn't quite look right (see attached image). They appear to be the default size, where I'd prefer them reduced (can't recall if i use the 75% or 85% atm). The shortcut labels are somewhat...off, can be seen especially in the primary row. Also I would prefer a small separation between each button. I'll leave this area up to what laotin wants, as I can put the Fetish hotbars in there with ease, and might as well leave you to the more important features :).

Thanks for your work on this laffs.

laotin 06-22-2005 10:29 PM

i rather like the hotbars, I just think they are a tad too big ya know

I am trying to envision the "whole" finished UI and they may just be too big, even if you only use 3

I put everything together the way i drew it and everything is working the way I wanted it to work, but at 1280x1024 its coming out pretty large

when you work in the target window, with the curved sides that hold the exp bar (i am envisioning that all being one bar from side to side) all together it may take up as much as 1/3rd of the screen at current size

i forgot to take a screenshot, i will post that tomorrow as iam tired now, but i am going to continue to add as you make sticking right with my orginial drawing and see how big it is when you are completely done.

another note, i have used fetish's hotbars, i like his, but i like these more i think, i like how it looks like the spells overlap each other (even tho i know they dont) i had just envisioned them smaller in my mind

regardless, iam very pleased so far and i cant wait to see the target + 2 exp bars come together

Laffs 06-23-2005 08:13 AM

Eloora is politely telling me that my hotbars are a mess hehe...

Actualy I agree that SS looks bad lol

Oks I can sort the spaceing out np thats just down to cell padding now the size is actualy 10 pixels less than the default icons..

If you look at the drawing the hotbar is the same height as the maintained window and with default icons that window comes out at 40 pixels high and thats what the overall size of the hotbar is....

If you dont mind smaller effects and maintained icons then I can reduce the size of the hotbar more?

Now do you see why I was asking you for sizes lol... I knew how big this was going to be on the screen before I started :p

So after taking another look we do need to reduce the size of those 3 windows to get the height down some..

Also I think I know whats up with the maintained window I didnt place the first icon at its intended start position, Well at least I dont think I did lol


laotin 06-23-2005 08:58 AM

yeah, I didnt know the size was going to come out so big

if you were trying to fit this for 1600x1200 it would be working out alot better i believe, i just cant use that due to my monitor :(

i like everything how it works so far though, it is working the way the picture says, but i think youre right, i think the size is the issue

have you installed it and run the UI? I will log in and take a screenshot now of how it looks so far

I hate that this place always comes out unclear when i upload the image, if you cant read my writing on the screenshot, tell me I will post it somewhere else i guess

Laffs 06-23-2005 10:23 AM

All 6 group members will fit in fine dont worry about that..

What could be an issue is the health and power may need to be bigger for them, BUT I can do what I did with my last group window and make the health and power the background as it were and the name just go's over the top of the health ... works fine and still clear!

SS's looks oks do need to reduce the height a bit for sure but it dont have to be by alot I can get the rest in there and still be big enough.. Will post an update asap :)

laotin 06-23-2005 10:51 AM

cool, whatever you think is best, cant wait to see all the finished windows together :)

Eloora 06-23-2005 04:04 PM

I'm interested in seeing the target windows for this, have you started on them yet laffs?

And by the way laotin, you can upload images in your posts here without having to upload them somewhere else. Just scroll down a bit when you reply to a post and click the manage attachments button. Then you can upload them directly from your hard drive. If the images are large, a thumbnail will be shown in your post, which you can click for the larger view of the image.

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