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-   -   How to fix the bags without starting from scratch after GU45 (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11090)

Gedron 05-31-2008 08:56 AM

How to fix the bags without starting from scratch after GU45

The title pretty much says it, I noticed a bunch of updates to the default ui settings files that I assume contains fixes to the hidden bags, perhaps that is a faulty assumption on my part though. Anyway, I was wondering if there was a fix to the bags locations not saving properly without having to reconfigure the locations of everything on my screen. Wishful thinking I suppose, but its a considerable amount of work for my settings, and I figured it was worth the asking,


P.S. GM9, Thanks for changing the item links to lootdb, much more useful that way

Gedron 05-31-2008 09:33 AM

I figured it out I think... posting a detailed solution in a min

Gedron 05-31-2008 09:51 AM

This post pointed me in the right direction, thanks tknarr. I had seen the post before but didn't know what UiSettingsSpy was at the time. Excellent little program by the way. It can be a little overwhelming for novices, so I thought this walk through might help out a bit.

Step 1) While not running EQ2, download, extract, and run UiSettingsSpy from here

Step 2) On the first tab, select the UI file that you want to fix (I.E. servername_gedron_eq2_uisettings.ini)

Step 3) Click on the "View Data" tab

Step 4) In the lower right area called "Modules and Windows" expand the "Inventory" tree and look for bag clones that are different than the others. In my case they were like "bag_clone_205_0" and "bag_clone_206_0". I had 3 of them to remove. For clarification - the bag clones in bold with the higher numbers in the list below would be the ones that you want to find (exact names may vary I suppose)
  • -Bag_clone_0_-3
  • -Bag_clone_0_-4
  • -Bag_clone_0_-5
  • -Bag_clone_11_-3
  • -Bag_clone_17_-1
  • -Bag_clone_1_-3
  • -Bag_clone_1_-4
  • -Bag_clone_1_-5
  • -Bag_clone_205_0
  • -Bag_clone_206_0
  • -Bag_clone_251_0
  • -Bag_clone_2_-3
  • -Bag_clone_2_-4
  • -Bag_clone_2_0
  • -Bag_clone_3_-3
  • -Bag_clone_3_-4
  • -Bag_clone_3_0

Step 5) Click on each of those clones to highlight them, then click on the "Delete" button right below the "Modules and Windows" area for each "unusual" bag clone
[NOTE - some people have reported having success only after they deleted ALL Bag_Clone entries... it might be worth a shot if just removing these entries doesn't work for you]

Step 6) When they are gone, click on "Save" under the File menu in the upper left corner, then Close UiSettingsSpy.

Step 7) Load the game and test that it now saves things properly. If all is good then you can either go back in to UiSettingsSpy and modify all of the other character files, or you can use /load_uisettings within the game to copy the settings from your fixed profile... whichever you think will be better.

Good luck :P

Shocker74 06-01-2008 12:22 PM

Thank You! I followed your instructions and voila, worked like a charm, no need to start from scratch and redo all of ProfitUI.
I hope more people read this thread as it did the trick with the bags 100%.

Once again, thanks a lot.

gm9 06-01-2008 01:11 PM

Just confirming that the above is the thing to do if you are comfortable editing your files with the UIsettingsSpy, that's exactly how I had updated the default files as mentioned in the OP. Thanks for that walkthrough. :)

Masked 06-01-2008 03:01 PM

I am a little confused. What do you mean by "different"? Each bag has something different. Are we talking about the way the name is listed? Or the way the data info is listed?

Thanks for the help, this is a major annoyance for me!

gm9 06-01-2008 04:22 PM

The ones with the high numbers.

Masked 06-01-2008 05:36 PM

Thanks a bunch!

Pure 06-01-2008 10:41 PM

If not good at editing or prefer not to use that method. This is what I found on SOE forums. (After alot of searching and many methods given.)

I finally found an acceptable solution:

Rename "Servername_CharacterName_EQ2_uisettings.ini" to something like "Servername_CharacterNameBACKUP_EQ2_uisettings.ini"
Start EQ2 and log onto the character. Do NOT load any UI settings.
Go to a bank and setup bank boxes the size, shape and pos you want them.
Type /leaveall in chat to leave all chat channels.
Camp out and back in (did this just in case) to the character.
Type /load_uisettings and load the settings of CharacterBACKUP.
GRATS. You are done!
I used this method and seems to be working great. No complete delete of character .ini file, and starting from scratch of window positions.
Just followed the quote in detail and it simply worked.

Figured this would be best place for different variants of fixing.

arneo 06-21-2008 04:50 PM

Just a note for Vista users, create a short cut of the "UiSettingsSpy" program and open the properties.

Then go to the "Compatibility" tab and select the "Disable visual themes"

Now you can see your "Delete" button :P

Denavin 06-28-2008 06:51 AM

Did not work for me.....
I followed the instructions and found 3 bags with higher numbers than the others. I deleted them and saved the ui then loaded EQ2 and set the bags to the locations that I wanted. Changed zones then went to the bank and found that the bags still move to where ever they want to. I reloaded UiSettingSpy and checked my profile and the bags that I deleted where gone. Went back and logged into EQ2 and checked again to find the bags still will not remember their locations. So what next. This fix does not seem to work.

Gedron 06-29-2008 02:40 PM

Well, it "should" have worked... I know it did for me, and for many others. Have you tried the method stated by Pure just a couple above yours?


Denavin 06-30-2008 12:07 AM

Still No Joy
Well I went and tried it on a different toon, followed Gedron's instructions to the letter, and still no joy. The new bank bags still move to where ever they want to. I set them, then switched toons and checked the bank again to find the bags still will not stay where I put them.

gm9 06-30-2008 05:24 AM

At least if you use the auto updater you can also remove your uisettings and start over using the default ProfitUI uisettings as they have been fixed a while ago (as mentioned in the OP). I can't remember whether the manual install is up to date. :o

roundballone 07-06-2008 12:52 PM

bags and UI
Was just wondering if i load another ui setting from another toon of mine does it include the bank,broker and house slot bags, ie position and size etc.


gm9 07-07-2008 01:27 AM

yes it does

roundballone 07-18-2008 11:11 AM

This fix does not work for me
1 Attachment(s)
I've followed all the steps from above and I have no odd size bag clones. they are all in range 0-3 to 17-1.

[IMG]E:\EQ2\Interfaces\Bags info.JPG[/IMG]

any suggestion on what to try now


gm9 07-18-2008 12:06 PM

Are you sure you are editing the correct file, i.e. that of the toon with the problem?

Otherwise what should certainly work is just to delete every one of the bag entries. You will need to rearrange all bags in game but it should save afterwards.

roundballone 07-19-2008 11:33 AM

bags and UI
ok, will delete all the bag entrys and try that, when i do will i have to do this for all 19 toons or just one and load the ui? And yes it is the correct toon, but all of them move the bags on their own.

i have this problem on 2 computers and 2 accounts


gm9 07-19-2008 11:56 AM

If all your toons use the same layout just delete all their uisettings.ini files (except the one you fixed of course) and select the fixed one when you log in.

Otherwise you will have to do them all manually. However, if removing all bag entries helps, just compare the fixed file with the previous ones and see which entry was the culprit. That way you only need to remove that one for your other toons.

Apsenniel 07-23-2008 10:28 AM

Just to confrim that this worked for me. I had to delete all the bag_clone data because the problem just shifted to other bags when I only deleted the high values.

I really stopped by to thank Gedron for the clear instructions and gm9 for bringing it to my attention on the official forums - and anyone else who had a hand in it! Thank you.

Gedron 07-24-2008 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Apsenniel (Post 74447)
Just to confrim that this worked for me. I had to delete all the bag_clone data because the problem just shifted to other bags when I only deleted the high values.

I really stopped by to thank Gedron for the clear instructions and gm9 for bringing it to my attention on the official forums - and anyone else who had a hand in it! Thank you.

Glad it helped you. I modified my instructions to include the possibility of removing all bag entries too. Thanks.


Taff 08-31-2008 10:14 PM


one of my characters now has bags that want to attach to the top bar of ProfitUI Reborn. No idea why this is happening but it's just with my latest alt. Would this be the problem?

Thanks for any assistance.

Found my own answer. Change the ui_setting to another character, if you can. Otherwise, change the scaling through /load_uisettings

jboom 09-01-2008 11:06 PM

I tried to remove the high number bags using UiSettingsSpy and the program seems to lock up. I ended task and tried it on other bags and it also locks up. I have the most recent version of UiSettingsSpy and have followed the instructions to the letter. What could I be diong wrong? Is there an incompatibility with the latest LU? I'm at a loss. :confused:

Malloc 09-02-2008 04:53 PM

I'm also having a problem with UISettingsSpy locking up when trying to delete the bag info. I've submitted it as a bug, but no word on it yet.

Landiin 09-03-2008 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Malloc (Post 75438)
I'm also having a problem with UISettingsSpy locking up when trying to delete the bag info. I've submitted it as a bug, but no word on it yet.

Yea yea yea, I'll get to it:P I am just really busy at work so not a lot of time to fix things ATM.

Malloc 09-06-2008 05:24 PM

Hey Landin. Didn't mean to sound like I was being impatient. Just wanted to let him know that he wasn't the only one having the problem. It's people like you that keep us from tearing our hair out due to SoE bugs that their solution to fixing is to delete and start over. Thanks for the work and time you put into this.

Anarissa 10-10-2008 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gedron (Post 73172)
This post pointed me in the right direction, thanks tknarr. I had seen the post before but didn't know what UiSettingsSpy was at the time. Excellent little program by the way. It can be a little overwhelming for novices, so I thought this walk through might help out a bit.

Step 1) While not running EQ2, download, extract, and run UiSettingsSpy from here

Step 2) On the first tab, select the UI file that you want to fix (I.E. servername_gedron_eq2_uisettings.ini)

Step 3) Click on the "View Data" tab

Step 4) In the lower right area called "Modules and Windows" expand the "Inventory" tree and look for bag clones that are different than the others. In my case they were like "bag_clone_205_0" and "bag_clone_206_0". I had 3 of them to remove. For clarification - the bag clones in bold with the higher numbers in the list below would be the ones that you want to find (exact names may vary I suppose)
  • -Bag_clone_0_-3
  • -Bag_clone_0_-4
  • -Bag_clone_0_-5
  • -Bag_clone_11_-3
  • -Bag_clone_17_-1
  • -Bag_clone_1_-3
  • -Bag_clone_1_-4
  • -Bag_clone_1_-5
  • -Bag_clone_205_0
  • -Bag_clone_206_0
  • -Bag_clone_251_0
  • -Bag_clone_2_-3
  • -Bag_clone_2_-4
  • -Bag_clone_2_0
  • -Bag_clone_3_-3
  • -Bag_clone_3_-4
  • -Bag_clone_3_0

Step 5) Click on each of those clones to highlight them, then click on the "Delete" button right below the "Modules and Windows" area for each "unusual" bag clone
[NOTE - some people have reported having success only after they deleted ALL Bag_Clone entries... it might be worth a shot if just removing these entries doesn't work for you]

Step 6) When they are gone, click on "Save" under the File menu in the upper left corner, then Close UiSettingsSpy.

Step 7) Load the game and test that it now saves things properly. If all is good then you can either go back in to UiSettingsSpy and modify all of the other character files, or you can use /load_uisettings within the game to copy the settings from your fixed profile... whichever you think will be better.

Good luck :P

I've done all this, I've even removed Profit and done a fresh reinstall of both Profit and UISettings Spy. What I'm not getting is anything in the box that says "Modules and Windows", how do I get this Inventory line you say to use?? I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?! BTW, if I delete all my ui server settings files and try to load one of the Profits into UISettings, it gives me an error saying "This seems to be a uisettings file PreLU47. UISettings Spy no longer supports the old format." Might that be the reason, because that is what I base all my settings off. Thanks for your time guys, and I appreciate everything, honest! :o

Landiin 10-10-2008 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Malloc (Post 75499)
Hey Landin. Didn't mean to sound like I was being impatient. Just wanted to let him know that he wasn't the only one having the problem. It's people like you that keep us from tearing our hair out due to SoE bugs that their solution to fixing is to delete and start over. Thanks for the work and time you put into this.

Oh I didn't take it u was being impatient, just PUSHY!:p lol j/k no worries Malloc

The current work around is to add a voice chat channel and every thing will populate (or should). I am slowly working on this but I have upgraded to D2009 from D2006 witch added more work to getting this fixed:/

gm9 10-10-2008 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Anarissa (Post 76145)
I've done all this, I've even removed Profit and done a fresh reinstall of both Profit and UISettings Spy. What I'm not getting is anything in the box that says "Modules and Windows", how do I get this Inventory line you say to use?? I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?! BTW, if I delete all my ui server settings files and try to load one of the Profits into UISettings, it gives me an error saying "This seems to be a uisettings file PreLU47. UISettings Spy no longer supports the old format." Might that be the reason, because that is what I base all my settings off. Thanks for your time guys, and I appreciate everything, honest! :o

ProfitUI default uisettings should not have problems with the bags, if you are going to delete your uisettings anyway you can just use the ProfitUI defaults without further modification.

Nothsor 10-26-2008 10:12 AM

I too have an issue with a rogue bag. I tried using the UIsettingsSpy but when I tell it to view data I don't have and inventoty button to expand under windows and modules. I'm running XP 64 could that be the problem, or did I misread something in the orgininal post?


PilgrimEQ2 11-07-2008 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Anarissa (Post 76145)
I've done all this, I've even removed Profit and done a fresh reinstall of both Profit and UISettings Spy. What I'm not getting is anything in the box that says "Modules and Windows", how do I get this Inventory line you say to use?? I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?! BTW, if I delete all my ui server settings files and try to load one of the Profits into UISettings, it gives me an error saying "This seems to be a uisettings file PreLU47. UISettings Spy no longer supports the old format." Might that be the reason, because that is what I base all my settings off. Thanks for your time guys, and I appreciate everything, honest! :o

same here, modules and windows remains blank with both ProfitUI and modified profile, and i too get "This seems to be a uisettings file PreLU47. UISettings Spy no longer supports the old format." when loading ProfitUI profile. No error message when loading modified character profile.

edit , tried different versions of UI settings spy to "About" box), filename suggests its, behaves as described above name in filename) hangs immediately, I did try to rename the ui files alphabeticaly so that the spy would look into different UI files when its launched, hang with every file name in filename, "about" box doesnt say anything) works like a charm for default ProfitUI default profile but modified *.ini files won't show anything in "Modules and Windows" box. Doesnt show it with profile files that i had saved from time i only used the default SOE UI either

With default ProfitUI1280x1024 bags wont fit without ovelapping, have to re-arrange the placement and the bag slot size ;)

gm9 11-07-2008 05:03 PM

Landiin, the author of UISettingsSpy, explained 4 posts above how to work around the issue in UISettingsSpy until he fixes it.

PilgrimEQ2 11-08-2008 05:11 AM

thank you, dont know why i missed that post. And indeed workaround works

Nothsor 11-15-2008 11:03 PM

I added a voice chat window, it populated the module window, but when I delete an "unusual" bag the program stops responding

brokesc 11-20-2008 04:25 PM

Bag Positioning woes...
Ok...this is what I've discovered in hopes it will help someone.

Bag_clone_0_-3 thru Bag_clone_11_-3 are all regular bank slot bag positions
Bag_clone_0_-4 thru Bag_clone_7_-4 are all of the shared bank slot bag positions
Bag_clone_0_-5 thru Bag_clone_5_-5 are all of the house vault bag positions
Bag_clone_0_0 thru Bag_clone_5_0 are the inventory bag positions
Bag_clone_17_-1 is the ammo bag position

Now...the other thing I discovered is that if you have 12 regular bank slots + 8 shared bank slots + 1 ammo bag + 6 inventory bags + 6 housing vault slots...EQ2 seems to stop adding entries to the .ini file after creating 30 bag entries.

Can anyone confirm this? This means that if you have the maximum amount of storage on a toon you end up with 3 rogue bags?

gm9 11-20-2008 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by brokesc (Post 77687)
Can anyone confirm this? This means that if you have the maximum amount of storage on a toon you end up with 3 rogue bags?

Yes that's exactly the issue at hand, it is and always was a bug SOE needs to fix.

Suziekew 12-01-2008 04:47 PM

I thought this was fixed and hadn't had a problem at all since doing the "backup" method after the first problem arose. I just did it on one toon, then copied that setting to all the other toons and it was done.

Now, the problem is here again after upgrading to the new expansion and the ui settings spy and backup method both fail to keep the bags in place. Is it simply a lost cause now?

quengap 12-31-2008 09:24 AM

Same issue...

Originally Posted by jboom (Post 75428)
I tried to remove the high number bags using UiSettingsSpy and the program seems to lock up. I ended task and tried it on other bags and it also locks up. I have the most recent version of UiSettingsSpy and have followed the instructions to the letter. What could I be diong wrong? Is there an incompatibility with the latest LU? I'm at a loss. :confused:

I'm doing the same thing. As I delete the "high numbered" bags, the program locks up.

I'll play around with it more and see if I can find out what is going on.

I also noticed that if I maximized the gui, I couldn't see the delete and compare windows buttons. Best to leave it the size it is. Thanks for the help all!

sossity 01-05-2009 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by jboom (Post 75428)
I tried to remove the high number bags using UiSettingsSpy and the program seems to lock up. I ended task and tried it on other bags and it also locks up. I have the most recent version of UiSettingsSpy and have followed the instructions to the letter. What could I be diong wrong? Is there an incompatibility with the latest LU? I'm at a loss. :confused:

Yeah, I got the same results. Everything locked up on me after I deleted a bag clone and I had to end the process with Task Manager. I tried the author's work around and it allowed me to delete one bag clone, but then all the bag clones dissapeared from the list and I was unable to get anything to show regardless of what I did... add a chat channel, restart the application..

I ended up just deleting the ini file and just starting with the ProfitUI default for my resolution. I fixed all my bag positions and logged off and back in and they stayed so I copied my UI to my other toons.

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