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Othesus 03-02-2007 11:47 PM

Othesus UI mods
This is a thread for bugs and feedback for my UI mods.
Feel free to visit my new author portal here too.

Here are all my UI mods:

Share and Enjoy!

Othesus 03-03-2007 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by FloridaFringe
Love this mod. Here'e a couple of observations while using it for a short time:

1. When Minimized it still retains control over the keyboard so that the keymaps no longer work.

I had it minimized last night and kept hitting the B key to open up my bags. I did this about 4 times before realizing that it might be the browser. When I maxed the browser window I found the 4 B's that I hit typed into the address location.

2. Any chance of getting an Add / Remove Bookmarks button?

3. Any chance of moving the Minimize and the Close button so that the Title bar could be removed?

Thanks again.

1. Ok, I fixed the minimize problem. Sometimes the textbox still has focus when you press the back, forward, stop or refresh buttons but that isn't as big a problem. I might figure out a fix for that.

2. I'm pretty sure it's not possible to make bookmarks in the game. It's the same reason you can't make an in-game notepad. You can't write to files from any UI script.

If you want something like that your best bet would be a bookmarks web site like http://del.icio.us/

3. I messed around with moving the minimize and close buttons but that created some other problems. When the window is minimized, you only see the title bar. So to fix that the minimize function would have to work around that by minimizing two different ways-- one mode if you were showing the title bar and another mode if you were hiding the title bar. That was when I called it a night around ~9am.

SystemHalt 03-03-2007 12:29 AM

This is question on the browser
I am having only one problem so far with it. Everytime i log in and it checks for updates it overwrites the eq2ui_mainhud_browser.xml with the default one and then i no longer get any of your fetures to show up just the plain version without the links ect. Is this normal or is there a way to not have it redownload the eq2ui_mainhud_browser.xml when checking for updates?

Thanks for any info

Othesus 03-03-2007 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by SystemHalt
I am having only one problem so far with it. Everytime i log in and it checks for updates it overwrites the eq2ui_mainhud_browser.xml with the default one and then i no longer get any of your fetures to show up just the plain version without the links ect. Is this normal or is there a way to not have it redownload the eq2ui_mainhud_browser.xml when checking for updates?

Thanks for any info

Do you use any other UI mods? If you want to use any custom UI pieces those pieces don't go into the Default folder. The Launchpad checks all those files and will download any that don't look right to it.

So, here's what you have to do. If you use any UI mod that has an installer (like the eq2map) it probably created a custom UI folder but if you don't have one yet create a new folder called MyUI (or anything really) at the same level as EverQuest II\UI\Default. Put the custom xml files in there.

Open up Notepad and paste these two lines in:
cl_ui_skinname MyUI
cl_ui_subdir UI/

If you called your custom UI folder something else replace MyUI with that. Click on the File menu and choose Save As... Navigate to your EQ2 folder which is normally C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II, name the file eq2.ini and click Save.

That should be it. There are some similar instructions here if you want to see pictures.

SystemHalt 03-03-2007 01:51 AM

I got it fixed now thanks for the heads up yeah i was run eq2map so i just droped these files in that folder and works fine now thanks alot Othesus.

Dismal 03-05-2007 01:00 PM


Apologies for posting on your mod page but I swear I looked for a forum thread link >.<


Originally Posted by Othesus
Originally posted by Dismal
Dunno why I can't get this to work, I have added the include to my eq2ui_mainhud.xml file but still get a big black box. The actual browser works if i use /browser <web address> but I have a big black box?

Post in the feedback thread but you'll have to give more details.

I'm not sure what "more detail" you want?

I d'loaded the files and added them to my custom folder and added the <include> statement to my mod eq2ui_mainhud.xml and I still get the big black box with nothing in it. As I said the browser can still open a web page using a direct command but all the bordering is missing and I have no buttons etc...

Any help greatly appreciated.

Othesus 03-05-2007 10:39 PM

ok, it looks like you're using some version of Fetish then and that is working otherwise.

What's the name of your custom UI folder?

What folder is your eq2.ini pointing to?

What folder is the custom eq2ui_mainhud.xml in?

What folder is the eq2ui_mainhud_browser.xml in?

That actually doesn't look like my browser window. I'm pretty sure you would still see the little triangle in the upper left and the border of my browser window is thinner on the bottom.

What happens if you take my browser mod out and just open the default browser?

Are you using a full Fetish UI? Zonx just posed an update to Nightfall with a new browser window too.

MirageKnight 03-06-2007 04:12 AM

[quote=Othesus]1. Ok, I fixed the minimize problem. Sometimes the textbox still has focus when you press the back, forward, stop or refresh buttons but that isn't as big a problem. I might figure out a fix for that.

This seems working by new fix but "enter key" is still sticking with "refresh" even minimized. Anyway to resolve this as well?

Othesus 03-06-2007 07:42 AM

Browser updated to GU 32.2!

Originally Posted by MirageKnight
This seems working by new fix but "enter key" is still sticking with "refresh" even minimized. Anyway to resolve this as well?

I just fixed this. The textbox is now disabled (gray) by default. When you click on it turns gold and you can type a URL. The Enter key maps to the Go button only when the textbox is enabled (gold).

And after another few hours work-- we have a working Home and Set Homepage Button.


Adam 03-08-2007 01:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have managed to add in tabbed browsing to your mod. I will post an update shortly I am currently posting this in game with 2 tabs open. I will try and addin dynamic tabs like the chat box.

**Edit** Attached my updated XML file to include tabs. There are currently 4 tabs. More tabs can be added through copy paste inside the UIBuilder and changing the TabSource item to reflect the changes. I have also slimlinned the controls with changed the text that appears.

Othesus 03-09-2007 08:03 AM

That's a pretty interesting idea but for me it's kind of overkill. I don't think I'd really want to read more than two web pages at a time within the game. I do like tabbed browsing in my normal Firefox but in the game it's just lacking too many features and probably hogs too much memory.

As a side note-- I looked at your window in the UIBuilder and you have to be careful with your PackSizes and PackLocations. The Go button and the browser state at the bottom look funny when you resize the window.

Adam 03-09-2007 02:00 PM

Yea its because I still don't really get how to use those properties. I plan on realeasing this mod under my name if thats fine with you. I will give you credit for the original work of course.

Othesus 03-09-2007 03:35 PM

Sure, I don't mind. Look for the Word file called EQ2_UI_Customization.doc in the UIBuilder folder. Near the end is 8.7.2 PackLocation and 8.7.3 PackSize with diagrams. The general documentation is very sparse and pretty poor but that section is ok.

Adam 03-09-2007 10:27 PM

I realize with the xml file I attached the back button doesn't appear to work with any tab. Just a warning if you have or plan on downloading it. I should be getting a patched version put up under my mods soon.

Anski 03-11-2007 11:01 PM

I have an issue when I add custom bookmarks into the bookmarks file - when I do, the UI will no longer load correctly, and neither does EQ2Maps (my only other mod)
If I replace the bookmark file with the original, non-edited, they both work fine. I'm pretty sure I added the new bookmarks right, I just copied and pasted one of the other lines to make my new ones. Any thoughts?

Othesus 03-12-2007 12:57 AM

Hmm, not sure. Can you attach your bookmarks xml file here?

Anski 03-12-2007 04:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here it is. Hopefully it's just me being stupid somehow, because that would be great :)

Adam 03-12-2007 06:11 PM

I just finished uploading my mod with linkage to yours. I will edit this post to include a link to mine once it is out of moderation.

**Eidt** Heres the link to my mod http://www.eq2interface.com/download...php?s=&id=4494.

Othesus 03-12-2007 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Anski
Here it is. Hopefully it's just me being stupid somehow, because that would be great :)

XML files are very unforgiving with errors. You have to make sure that every property is right and tags are closed correctly. I've been using Notepad++ for a few months and it makes writing XML a lot easier with the XML plug-in.

Your errors are in line 14:
<Data GoFlag="1" Text="Raven Guard" http://www.ravenguard-ab.com"/>

and line 31:
<Data GoFlag="1" Text="Interactive Adornment List" http://kanga.h0b0.net/adornments/"/>

Anski 03-13-2007 08:40 AM

Doh, thanks. Now that I see, it's so obvious :P

Othesus 03-15-2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lexi357
I too have noticed a couple..glitches with this mod although it is great still maybe Im doing something wrong not sure.
When I try to use the minimize feature the browser minimizes ok but when I maximize it again I have to scroll back through to where I was on the page Also once minimized, I cannot move my character cannot access chat or ANY of my hotbar keys, not until I close the browser completely.

I tend to pop back and forth between game and walk thrus and I thought it would be great not having to alt tab in and out of the game but it seems Im still, in effect doing that only now its open browser find page read page close browser move...oh what was that again... open browser... find page locate part im on read page...well u get the idea...
id this something Im doing wrong, maybe an outdated file or something or is this just the extent of the browser capabilities?
I could use some direction here if you would be so kind as to assist.

The scrolling problem can't be helped as far as I know. The browser object doesn't remember its scroll location.

When you click anywhere in the Mozilla browser square, your keyboard and mouse focus is in the browser so you can use your mouse scroll wheel, press the spacebar to scroll down, enter text into the browser etc. Sometimes you might try to do something in the game but your keyboard and mouse focus is still in the browser. Most buttons and the dropdown menu have a script that forces the focus to switch to the player window (the one with your name, health and power.) Hmm, looks like I didn't put that into the minimize button, but I can fix that later today. If it ever seems like my keyboard and mouse aren't responding I click on my chat window (but not on the chat input line) to put focus there.

If I'm going to close the browser window and come back to that page later, I usually click Set Homepage to store it as a temporary bookmark.

Hope that helps!

MirageKnight 03-15-2007 07:31 PM

Adding tab like original firefox ability was great idea. :)

Though I'm still having bit problem with usage of this browser window when minimized.

After I check info, I would like to minimized then copy and paste info to chat window directly sometimes. Or link clicky link to guild chat after copy in browser window > minimize browser > type /gu > then paste. In order to do these for now, I have to click chat window or lose any focus from any window then do so.

Currently, when browser is minimized, of course the window is still focused, not accepting command like you have modded (thx for this) but still it is too ez to misunderstand that chat window isnt still focused.

Is there any way to make minimizing this browser window auto focus chat window? Well, chat window isn't really good answer but anyway to make minimizing this window auto makes no window focused so accepting all keyboard command assigned? (for example, if player assigned enter key as "start chat", after minimizing this browser window it will act as it should, same as "/" to start typing command)

Dismal 03-19-2007 01:40 PM

Sorry took ages to respond :\ work issues.


Originally Posted by Othesus
ok, it looks like you're using some version of Fetish then and that is working otherwise.

I don't use any specific mod package my UI is a mix and match of things I like from various modders.

What's the name of your custom UI folder?


What folder is your eq2.ini pointing to?

cl_ui_skinname dismaluicl_ui_subdir UI

What folder is the custom eq2ui_mainhud.xml in?


What folder is the eq2ui_mainhud_browser.xml in?


That actually doesn't look like my browser window. I'm pretty sure you would still see the little triangle in the upper left and the border of my browser window is thinner on the bottom.

Your correct when I took the screenie I had copied over the default browser xml to see if it worked, I do indeed see the little triangle in the corner when using your version. Silly of me to post a pic of the default instead of yours /blush :P

What happens if you take my browser mod out and just open the default browser?

Same result.

Are you using a full Fetish UI?


Zonx just posed an update to Nightfall with a new browser window too.

I have also tried Zonx's and get an even worse problem with it, /browser brings up what you see in the screenshot I posted before but... I also get Zonx's browser permanantly on screen and can't close it :confused:

I did wonder if prehaps it was possible that the browser "clashes" with some other mod I have installed?

Any help appreciated.


Othesus 03-20-2007 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Dismal
Sorry took ages to respond :\ work issues.

I did wonder if prehaps it was possible that the browser "clashes" with some other mod I have installed?

Any help appreciated.


Your eq2.ini file should say:
cl_ui_skinname dismalui
cl_ui_subdir UI/

Oh, I see you may have edited that file and it only has LF or only CR and DOS style is CR and LF. That wouldn't be the problem then.

I still think something is wrong with your eq2ui_mainhud.xml file so double check that.

BornAgainst 03-21-2007 10:52 AM

hi, i have 1 link problem and no idea how to fix that
<Data GoFlag="1" Text="Sabaki DKP" href="http://sabakieq2.com/eqdkp/stats.php?s=&o=12.0&show=all"/>

for some reson opening only http://sabakieq2.com/eqdkp/stats.php and and i want to open http://sabakieq2.com/eqdkp/stats.php?s=&o=12.0&show=all

how can i fix that ?

thanx for great addon

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