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Makaneth 02-25-2015 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 105878)
I'll try to take a look this weekend. I hadn't had a problem with it a year or so back but I honestly hadn't looked for other servers like Splitpaw. I don't have a good way to test it in-game (not going to buy a xfer token just to test) but I'll be able to check it in the xml and in UI builder at least.

It may just be a matter of sizing the window, or extending the scroll bar.

lordebon 02-26-2015 07:42 PM

Just took a look and the version in Fetish is functionally identical to the default. Which servers are displayed is populated by the game not the UI/window so it should have displayed normally.

Since I don't have a char token to test with in game I'm going to need either a screenshot showing the issue or otherwise I'm just going to consider it unreproducible.

Makaneth 03-01-2015 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 105881)
Just took a look and the version in Fetish is functionally identical to the default. Which servers are displayed is populated by the game not the UI/window so it should have displayed normally.

Since I don't have a char token to test with in game I'm going to need either a screenshot showing the issue or otherwise I'm just going to consider it unreproducible.

That's too bad, really. By now, I have transferred all my toons. Each time, I had to disable fetish in order to see all the servers; Splitpaw in particular. When Fetish was enabled, I saw a total of 6 servers to choose from; when Fetish was disabled, I saw a total of 12 servers.

Quite a difference, don't you think?

My friend, who transferred with me, uses Profit. He did not have any problems in seeing all the servers.

I don't have a screenshot, sorry.

lordebon 03-02-2015 08:53 PM

Like I said, the window is identical to the default and hasn't been touch in years. I've used it in the past without any trouble, there should be a scrollbar to scroll through the full list of servers.

If SOE does a 1/2 off thing again I might move a crafter or two and will look at it then, but not going to spend money just to test something that appears it should be working, sorry ;)

Storrmdancer 05-03-2016 03:00 PM

Player window
I installed windows ten (complete wipe of hard drives - entirely new install of game/fetish/maps) and for some reason the player window will not load with the game. Im talking about the TLE server if that matters.

Yes, I can locate it with the awesome locator tool, but EVERY time I change character, log into the game (and apparently win ten isnt quite stable enough or I need to find a patch somewhere) I have to find it.

on Win 7 it was my xp bar which I didnt really care about, most of me were close enough to max.

krisla 05-03-2016 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Storrmdancer (Post 106637)
I installed windows ten (complete wipe of hard drives - entirely new install of game/fetish/maps) and for some reason the player window will not load with the game. Im talking about the TLE server if that matters.

Yes, I can locate it with the awesome locator tool, but EVERY time I change character, log into the game (and apparently win ten isnt quite stable enough or I need to find a patch somewhere) I have to find it.

on Win 7 it was my xp bar which I didnt really care about, most of me were close enough to max.

how did you get the ui to load?

You help me get that far and i will solve the rest

I got it working by renaming the folder to "fetish" then /loadui

lordebon 05-03-2016 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Storrmdancer (Post 106637)
I installed windows ten (complete wipe of hard drives - entirely new install of game/fetish/maps) and for some reason the player window will not load with the game. Im talking about the TLE server if that matters.

Yes, I can locate it with the awesome locator tool, but EVERY time I change character, log into the game (and apparently win ten isnt quite stable enough or I need to find a patch somewhere) I have to find it.

on Win 7 it was my xp bar which I didnt really care about, most of me were close enough to max.

Try renaming your uisettings.xml file and see if a fresh one helps - it sounds like the window is hiding off-screen or something. Fetish uses a different base resolution than the default so things can get pushed around.

krisla 05-03-2016 08:08 PM

I plan on tinkering around and adding things into this ui

I love the color scheme :)

battosa 11-27-2016 12:02 PM

just to let you know the pop up when overing the ascension xp bar doesn't appear

if you could fix it someday it would be nice

lordebon 11-27-2016 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by battosa (Post 107042)
just to let you know the pop up when overing the ascension xp bar doesn't appear

if you could fix it someday it would be nice

Not sure what you mean. What pop-up? If you're talking the tooltip that shows current/max and how much you've got left to earn in your current buff, that was working fine for me when its in ascension mode. Please elaborate which mode you have it in (which xp type, and max or minimized)?

battosa 11-28-2016 08:14 AM

Yes I was talking about the tooltip, I was doing the first scroll on etheralist on the xp bar type shadownight as class, the bar doesn't move an inch and now tooltip appear,either in maximized or minimized, I'm on th last update,
The rest of the bar work fine

Tell me if you need more information, I'm at work now but I will try to give you information if possible

battosa 11-28-2016 01:35 PM

i just did a fresh install of fetish and it work now, don't know what messed with it, nevermind then :)

lordebon 11-30-2016 06:17 PM

Sounds like you might have had an old version of that file or something was otherwise not causing it to load properly. The current version that's in the zip doesn't have SK as the placeholder (I forget exactly what I put in - something silly like Nerfblaster, you can see it during the initial load in sometimes). Glad the fresh copy fixed it :)

Artemisclyde 12-02-2016 10:57 PM

claims window
did a fresh install, worked great until i found this bug. my claims window is jacked. i cant claim anything. it shows old stuff i already claimed, but the new stuff i'm eligible for wont claim. nothing will.

think i found the problem.....eq2ui_popup_claim.xml....9/24/2009 (yes i deleted it and now its working fine...just incase anyone else has issues, delete that 7 year old file) ;)

GorGusEyes1 12-03-2016 12:40 AM

Thanks for the info for that fix. I was going to post it as a bug when I saw your post.

lordebon 12-04-2016 07:04 PM

That one wasn't supposed to be in the Zip files anymore, looks like it snuck it's way back in when I'd uploaded 12.7. It's safe to delete, the UI will skin the default version to match the theme.

I've listed it as a "known bug" for visibility, and updated my local base zip so it won't carry forward to any future versions.

GorGusEyes1 08-31-2017 05:25 PM

Unable to Claim Items
I am unable to claim items if I have Fetish as my UI. I have to revert to the default in order to claim anything. I have tried deleting the file mentioned in previous post. Its not working that way either.

I also can't see all the plat in a bank slot.

Is there a file to delete to get rid of Group Portraits? They are on when I get in a group now. Where they weren't before. And I can't fine where to turn them off now.

Thanks for the help

Drigg 08-31-2017 07:35 PM

The group portrait thing is a known issue for the game atm, when they removed SOEmote they pulled the command for the portraits as well, DBG said they are working on a fix on the forums.

lordebon 09-02-2017 06:47 PM

See here for the fixed group window - always check that thread for any fixes I post in between major updates (new zip files): http://www.eq2interface.com/forums/s...75&postcount=8

As for claiming - make sure you do not have an eq2ui_popup_claim.xml in your Fetish folder. That file has not been included in some time, the window is automatically styled off the default.

GorGusEyes1 09-03-2017 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 107493)
See here for the fixed group window - always check that thread for any fixes I post in between major updates (new zip files): http://www.eq2interface.com/forums/s...75&postcount=8

As for claiming - make sure you do not have an eq2ui_popup_claim.xml in your Fetish folder. That file has not been included in some time, the window is automatically styled off the default.

Thanks for all of the info.

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