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Landiin 02-22-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Kishan
Everytime i adjust the space under the hotbars to disapear and i log out and back in its back to how it was. i have tried everything to uninstalling deleteing everything all my eq2 settings and everquest2.exe as well to restart the settings but nothing works. the hotbar meat is always right back there when i log back in. im going to jump off a cliff now see you later. I love being a fae.

ROFL, I know I have the save trouble, I'm working on it to find out WTF SOE like to piss me off lol.

PilotMan 02-22-2007 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin
ROFL, I know I have the save trouble, I'm working on it to find out WTF SOE like to piss me off lol.

If SOE didn't strive to piss you off.....what else would they do?

Landiin 02-22-2007 08:49 PM

You know what /bug the bag issue.. It shoudl work, there isn't any reason why it shouldn't.

/bug using eXtremeUI's Hotkey and when the icons are sized down to 22 the main page will not auto-size to form around the iconbank like it should. Thanks have a nice day.

Cherokee 02-25-2007 12:39 PM

Info Tab
May just be me but the Info window/tab is not working,I havent played in a while it was working bout a month ago.It is very helpfull for quests and such.Any info would be very helpfull Thanks!....Your UI is wonderfull!!! :) :nana:

Landiin 02-25-2007 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cherokee
May just be me but the Info window/tab is not working,I havent played in a while it was working bout a month ago.It is very helpfull for quests and such.Any info would be very helpfull Thanks!....Your UI is wonderfull!!! :) :nana:

eXtremeUI FAQ


Originally Posted by FAQ
Q: The infocenter don't work or I get a black box when pressing the info button.

A: You now need to download the infocenter from the download section ( or click here ). I have quit pushing the infocenter files via the AUCP. With EoF being release the infocenter will be changing a lot and I just don't have the time to keep it up-to-date. Plus the author deserves his download count for people downloading this fine piece of work.

Wolffire 02-26-2007 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin

Originally Posted by Wolffire
Originally Posted by Wolffire
The Oneclick Cure is still not working
If I click on the Icon, in the chat I can read now this new error message:
/usabilityonplayer: 'Parent.MemberName' could not be found in your group or raid.

Little bit different

Did the last patch correct the C2C?

I forget to write :)
Yes now works the C2C ;)

Thanks for your good work Landiin

Mayor 02-27-2007 09:35 PM

Ummm...Group window?
i cant find my group window, but i have everything else... and alt+g doesnt work

Landiin 02-28-2007 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Mayor
i cant find my group window, but i have everything else... and alt+g doesnt work

If you used one of the premade uisettings.ini files it will be center bottom. Other then that it could be off screen is the only other thing I can think of.

Lilavati 02-28-2007 12:17 PM

I love everything about this interface except for one niggling detail . . . on other interfaces, the hotkeys have this shine that goes across them when they come back up. Its kinda of a cool effect and it catches my attention, thus making it useful. Extreme does not seem to do this . .is there someway to turn this on, or is it a feature you can add, or is there some other hotkey mod I can use to make it happen?
Thank you! :nana:

Keone 02-28-2007 04:45 PM

Hi Im having a problem with my bags in your ui. The last roll of ever bag is missing and i cant seem to fix it. Please help.

Landiin 02-28-2007 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Keone
Hi Im having a problem with my bags in your ui. The last roll of ever bag is missing and i cant seem to fix it. Please help.

delete eq2ui_inventory_bag.xml for now, the update changed it and I need to get it in.. At work atm so can't do it till later today/night.

Landiin 02-28-2007 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Lilavati
I love everything about this interface except for one niggling detail . . . on other interfaces, the hotkeys have this shine that goes across them when they come back up. Its kinda of a cool effect and it catches my attention, thus making it useful. Extreme does not seem to do this . .is there someway to turn this on, or is it a feature you can add, or is there some other hotkey mod I can use to make it happen?
Thank you! :nana:

Hmm moon shine? :P What shine? give me an example ui and I'll check it out, we all can use a little moon shine once in a while:)

Lilavati 02-28-2007 05:23 PM

Profit UI does the hotkey shine trick I believe. I've tried using the Profit UI keys with extreme though, and it doesn't seem to work in that context. But it does with a full version of Profit, which I used for a while. I think mortis hotkeys does it do, but again it doesn't work when I use that file with Extreme.

Its this little animation that moves across the key as it pops back up, looks like light hitting a gem or a sheet of metal. I've been told the default UI does it too, though, frankly, I've never used the default enough to notice.

Keone 02-28-2007 07:21 PM

I have deleted that bag piece over and over and it still uses it. i have even blocked out the update for it and tried installing other bag program but the game crashs soon as i load it up till i remove the other bag line. Anyone know how i can use other pieces in this ui till its fixed?

Othesus 02-28-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin
Hmm moon shine? :P What shine? give me an example ui and I'll check it out, we all can use a little moon shine once in a while:)

Yes, that little flash happens when a spell recast timer is up. It catches your eye so you see you can cast that spell again. I'm pretty sure it was added in GU 29/EoF. This is the DDS file:


Lilavati 02-28-2007 09:13 PM

Then I guess the question is why is it not working with extreme?

Othesus 02-28-2007 09:45 PM

I haven't looked at the eXtremeUI but I can tell you that in the default UI the eq2ui_IconStyles.xml file was updated on 11/14/2006 and you're probably missing this part and maybe something else:

        <ImageStyle Filter="true" Loop="false" Name="ability_ready">
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="0,0,42,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="42,0,84,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="84,0,126,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="126,0,168,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="168,0,210,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="210,0,252,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="252,0,294,42"/>
            <ImageFrame Source="images/icon_ready.dds" SourceRect="294,0,336,42"/>

That's an 8 frame animation of the sparkle that appears on the hotkeys.

Kishan 03-01-2007 04:19 PM

im getting spammed with something like /testcopy only avalible on pvp worlds when i click certain things like the sky or around me

i can send you an image if you like Landiin

Lilavati 03-01-2007 07:01 PM

I'm having the /testcopy bug too.

As for the hot key shine, I added the code that Othesus suggested to the IconStyles xml and it seems to work perfectly. I have my shiney buttons! Woot!

Landiin 03-01-2007 07:24 PM

Hmm how did i miss that addition:(

At any rate thanks for pointing that out bro:) I've added it and will be pushing it live with the rest of the updates in a phew.

Landiin 03-01-2007 07:31 PM

The /testcopy spam will be fix with the files I push live here in a phew.

Thanks to Zoltaroth-SOE for pen pointing what was causing it.

Kishan 03-02-2007 06:45 AM

Landiin your my hero

BornAgainst 03-02-2007 12:33 PM

Hi Landiin
i have small request, can u add to extreme ui please Othesus Browser with bookmarks-- GU 32
that will be super great :)


MacDaddy62 03-02-2007 03:51 PM

I'm rather surprised no one has posted this yet, but your bags are currently not working. There are several problems. First of all, you cannot resize them horizontally. Second, attempting to resize them vertically does nothing. Third, there is extra background space with no bag icons on top of it on the right side of each bag window. Fourth, attempting to change the icon size in bag options seriously screws with the bag window; attempting to do this causes the bag window to rearrange itself into fewer columns and more rows, quickly becoming just 1 column if you play with the icon size slider a bit. When this happens, most of the icons in the bag window become cut off and unclickable, as the bag window does not actually resize itself to accommodate the new 1-column configuration. As it is currently impossible to manually resize the window, the only way to fix this problem is by relogging. A fix would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Landiin 03-06-2007 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by BornAgainst
Hi Landiin
i have small request, can u add to extreme ui please Othesus Browser with bookmarks-- GU 32
that will be super great :)


No, But there is no reason why you can't download it from this site and put it into the eXtreme forder. That should be all thats needed for it to work.

Landiin 03-06-2007 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by MacDaddy62
I'm rather surprised no one has posted this yet, but your bags are currently not working. There are several problems. First of all, you cannot resize them horizontally. Second, attempting to resize them vertically does nothing. Third, there is extra background space with no bag icons on top of it on the right side of each bag window. Fourth, attempting to change the icon size in bag options seriously screws with the bag window; attempting to do this causes the bag window to rearrange itself into fewer columns and more rows, quickly becoming just 1 column if you play with the icon size slider a bit. When this happens, most of the icons in the bag window become cut off and unclickable, as the bag window does not actually resize itself to accommodate the new 1-column configuration. As it is currently impossible to manually resize the window, the only way to fix this problem is by relogging. A fix would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Hmm I can resize my bags, you have the latest ones out? Perhaps I haven't pushed them live yet.. I'll check when I get home.

Wolffire 03-10-2007 07:34 AM

I can resize my Spellbars but only with one column.
The bags are working but not the Hotkeys :(

PilotMan 03-10-2007 11:46 AM

In the last update all of the HotBars are 100% borked.

I have reapplied the UI settings to no avail. When I attempt to fix the hotbars manually it just gets worse.

I have gone through and deleted the UI files and re-downloaded them....same result.

all of the hotbars seem to be stacked top to bottom (not Left to right) and have these huge black boxes on the left side of them.

Nialith 03-10-2007 03:08 PM

I'm only having problems with 3 of the hotbars while my others are fine. Like PilotMan though, the 3 messed up ones won't resize at all.

PilotMan 03-10-2007 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nialith
I'm only having problems with 3 of the hotbars while my others are fine. Like PilotMan though, the 3 messed up ones won't resize at all.

Oh no...they will resize....but they don't do what you want/expect.

Nialith 03-11-2007 10:16 AM

Yeah, I shouldn't have said they wouldn't resize at all. I can change the size of the box the hotbar is in but the hotbar itself seems to want to stay vertical.

*edit* Ah, it's something to do with the spinner. I took that option off and it works fine again.

Kuroken 03-16-2007 12:29 PM

Hotbars Wont Go Horizontal
I cannot get my hotbars to go horizontal. The only was I can actually see all my icons in a hotbar is to have the icon size at 22 and the bar completely vertcial. :confused: Resizing the icons aove 22 casues the hotbar window to hyper expand to ridiculous proportions, often going way off the screen. :eek: HELP. :(

sammeria 03-16-2007 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kuroken
I cannot get my hotbars to go horizontal. The only was I can actually see all my icons in a hotbar is to have the icon size at 22 and the bar completely vertcial. :confused: Resizing the icons aove 22 casues the hotbar window to hyper expand to ridiculous proportions, often going way off the screen. :eek: HELP. :(

Yea not sure on this one, but a work around is mentioned above.. remove the spinner after you select the toolbar you want there and then you can resize it fine.

On a side note, if you resize the toolbar where its vertical, you can have the spinner there with no problems.

Landiin 03-17-2007 05:20 PM

Hey guys, sorry for the delay, I was gone on vacation :) I'll take a look at the hotkeys tonight. (I hope) Picked up 2 new WD raptors and installed Vista so going through the reinstallation(that a word) of every thing. Not sure I'm glad I did but /shrug it's installed so no truning back now lol.

BornAgainst 03-21-2007 11:24 AM

Hi Landiin
i was wondering if HTML baton is broken or is just me
when i clcik on HTML baton is opening only black blank screen
if is just me, how i can fix that

thank you

Landiin 03-22-2007 12:55 AM

Thats because SOE removed the HTML window and replaced it with a more robust browser window. I'm glad you brought this up though as I need to change the code. I think you can type in /browse in the chat box to bring it up now if you need it.

Jabberwookey 03-22-2007 05:38 PM

Group Positon 1 problems
Hey just haveing one issue with this right now, the Group position 1 does not show all the ailments, (ie trauma, noxious) shows up for every other group slot but position 1.

Othesus 03-23-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Jabberwookey
Hey just haveing one issue with this right now, the Group position 1 does not show all the ailments, (ie trauma, noxious) shows up for every other group slot but position 1.

Like the screenshot here?

Maizey 03-23-2007 06:21 PM

Any update on the horizontal hotkey bar with a spinner? I'm a big fan of the spinner and less bars.


Landiin 03-24-2007 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Maizey
Any update on the horizontal hotkey bar with a spinner? I'm a big fan of the spinner and less bars.


Hmm, spinners are there, just need to trun them on via hotkey settings.

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