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Landiin 01-17-2006 10:19 AM

All POI’s are populated by the community. So once LU19 goes live, it’ll be up to the community to repopulate them.

As far as the POI filtering being ready by then we don't know, this all takes time to get into place and test. Remember this is all donated work, we have real job, school, lives and game play time also along with doing this. We want to get this to the community as fast as we can but we also want to do it right and have it as bug free as possible.

Adder 01-21-2006 09:36 PM

Questions/Suggestions & a comment
I haven't been around for awhile and am just now rebuilding my patchwork interface which, of course, includes your fantastic EQ2Map. I had a few problems initially getting this and a few others working properly, but have worked most out. In one of the posts in this thread, I noticed that someone had difficulties with showing the alternate icons in EQ2Map and it was stated that since LU18 they were inoperative. I have the Alternate POIIcons installed and they are working just fine.

I realize the efforts on this mod are all volunteer, and I really do appreciate the efforts of all involved. With that in mind, I do have a few suggestions/questions for the mod...

1) The minimap add-on doesn't seem to be working anymore. Is there any chance of this being added to the EQ2Map as a standard feature or is anyone working on repairing the add-on?

2) I know the Fetish Interface has a VAM (View Any Map) feature. How difficult would that be to include in the EQ2Map?

3) I know this has been asked before but I haven't seen a reply - Will the World map be updated anytime soon to show the new island and the proper zoning links? If not, perhaps someone could point me in the right direction to attempt a fix myself.

Thanks to everyone involved for all of your time and work.

Magus 01-21-2006 10:17 PM

2) The VAM plugin breaks things, so it should never be included by default. If you cross a zone line with the map open, then close/open the map, it shows the wrong side of the zone.

3) The zone connection overlay will still be broken, but you can replace the map image in yourcustomfolder/images/maps with the new one.

Copy world_map_exp01.dds from the default UI folder over the top of world_map.dds in the custom one.

Jaex 01-22-2006 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Landiin
All POI’s are populated by the community. So once LU19 goes live, it’ll be up to the community to repopulate them.

As far as the POI filtering being ready by then we don't know, this all takes time to get into place and test. Remember this is all donated work, we have real job, school, lives and game play time also along with doing this. We want to get this to the community as fast as we can but we also want to do it right and have it as bug free as possible.

Maybe clear the old IoR map of the old POIs and then set up two new IoR maps (one for Qeynos and one for FP) then let the community repopulate the new maps with new POIs. That way there will be no messed up IoR maps. Will this work?

Adder 01-22-2006 10:12 PM

Thanks, & another few questions

Originally Posted by Magus
2) The VAM plugin breaks things, so it should never be included by default. If you cross a zone line with the map open, then close/open the map, it shows the wrong side of the zone.

3) The zone connection overlay will still be broken, but you can replace the map image in yourcustomfolder/images/maps with the new one.

Copy world_map_exp01.dds from the default UI folder over the top of world_map.dds in the custom one.

Thanks Magus. I didn't realize that VAM did that. I had never used it but it sounded like a great idea. There are so many times that I wish I could see a map of another zone...

I'll use your suggestion to replace the world map (didn't even think of that - brain dead ). What is the difficulty with the zone overlay? I'm not trying to be a smarta**, I was just wondering if there is something really difficult with this problem. I may even attempt a fix myself if it's just a matter of taking the time to do it. OK. I copied the world_map_exp01.dds from the default map folder, but when I went to my custom map folder, there was no world_map.dds. The only world map I have is world_map_overlay.dds. Is this the image to overwrite, or should I just add the new world map without overwriting anything?

That's 2 of the 3. Anyone have any thoughts on the minimap add-on/addition?

Zonx 01-31-2006 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Magus
2) The VAM plugin breaks things, so it should never be included by default. If you cross a zone line with the map open, then close/open the map, it shows the wrong side of the zone.

Ehm.. for the record, the VAM plugin also allows this minor glitch to be easily avoided and corrected. A "Set" button allows you to set any displayed map as the "correct map" for your location. If you do happen to cross a swap line with the map open and still forget to hit the set button... NP, just pick the correct map from the menus and hit the Set button.

Unfortunately this glitch is unavoidable since SOE does not trigger an XML event when the map swaps without zoning. Minor inconveniece for the added functionality, still I do agree its probably best left as an "Optional" plugin.

Xzandr 02-12-2006 05:59 AM

I went into the Roost yesterday and brought up the map and found out I do not have one for that zone. Any way of getting one?

keenumom 02-21-2006 04:46 PM

Tallon Foragers in Zek..where are they?
I haven't found any maps that indicate "Tallon foragers" for Zek: The Orcish Wastes. I have a quest to kill 19 of them, but I have yet to find them ANYWHERE in the zone. Are they possibly named something else on the map?

russellvt 02-22-2006 04:16 AM

Skin Info
It would be nice to have you guys ship a "equi_skininfo.xml" file, as well, just to differentiate the eq2map skin in the /loadui command.

Admitedly, I'm using the manual update version which I currently have scripted to copy the default ui over to the new directory, then take the most current eq2map.zip file and unzip it over that same directory (ie. so anything packaged there-in overwrites the defaults in the new directory).

Currently, I've just written my own that says:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page Name="SkinInfoPage" ScrollExtent="800,600" Size="800,600" Visible="false">
<Data author="EQ2Interface.Com" contact="http://maps.eq2interface.com" description="EQ2 Modular Atlas" Name="SkinInfo" text="EQ2 Map Skin" version="1.0.6 Feb 21 2006"/>

Lanadad 02-28-2006 06:01 AM

Ingame Update of POI
Is it at all possible to make an ingame "Add POI" feature? I would see this as a button on the map, which records the /loc and has a field for a header description and a full description.

This could be dumped into a text file and the eq2map updater could pick it up and upload it during the update process. (at startup)

This would imho allow the community to post new POIs more easily and thus contribute to the project.

Another thing I have been trying on, is a "record-map" UI, which basically allows you to "roam" an area, recording "/loc" automatically (instead of button). This way a file with loads of dots is created. (haven't figured out how to read the location as a 'live -feed')

Obviously roaming the walls provides best results. Although this is a lot of work to make, once done it could make it way easier to make new maps. =)

ShadowProwler420 02-28-2006 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Lanadad
Is it at all possible to make an ingame "Add POI" feature? I would see this as a button on the map, which records the /loc and has a field for a header description and a full description.

This could be dumped into a text file and the eq2map updater could pick it up and upload it during the update process. (at startup)

This would imho allow the community to post new POIs more easily and thus contribute to the project.

As interesting as this sounds, I foresee one problem with it. That being multiple PoIs for something at one general location. Example: 20 people record/submit a PoI for X mob/npc, and each set of coordinates is off by 1 or 2 (whether if it's the N/S loc, the E/W, loc, or the height variable or a combination of).

McKenna 02-28-2006 09:48 AM

great maps! multilanguage were amazing :)

Landiin 02-28-2006 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lanadad
Is it at all possible to make an ingame "Add POI" feature? I would see this as a button on the map, which records the /loc and has a field for a header description and a full description.

This could be dumped into a text file and the eq2map updater could pick it up and upload it during the update process. (at startup)

This would imho allow the community to post new POIs more easily and thus contribute to the project.

Another thing I have been trying on, is a "record-map" UI, which basically allows you to "roam" an area, recording "/loc" automatically (instead of button). This way a file with loads of dots is created. (haven't figured out how to read the location as a 'live -feed')

Obviously roaming the walls provides best results. Although this is a lot of work to make, once done it could make it way easier to make new maps. =)

At this time there is not any way to comunicate with the UI from outside the game, other then the verry limited HTML page.

Xiane 03-15-2006 03:01 PM

Resizable map window??
I have a very hard time seeing all those tiny little dots on the map because I use a higher resolution. Is it possible to make the map resizable? Or just plain larger?

Retsek 04-22-2006 02:08 PM

Obelisk map 4 offsets were skewed
The maps for obelisk are top notch but for some reason on map 4 every thing was skewed to the left so you were never where it showed. Tinkered around and here are the corrected offsets.

Line 375 should change to this:
<ImageStyle Name="obelisk_of_lostsouls_4" zonerect="324, 155, 659, 532" availablerect="324, 155, 659, 532">

SaintPeter 04-23-2006 12:03 PM

Thanks. Should be fixed now.

Phrite 07-20-2006 02:23 PM

just a suggestion.
this may have already been asked about already, if so sorry.

Is there a way to add a tier level to each map. just a small text at say the top right corner or in an unused area that says what Tier level it is?

reason i ask, is i forget what zones are what tier levels for foraging and whatnot.

anyway, love the map. keep up the great work.


kool25 08-02-2006 04:35 PM

Hello, first of all Great Map System :D :D ...

Webpage: could there be a + sign like there is in game so we can filter poi's on maps here at web site... cause iam gona start going threw different maps as i explore them and comment if needed mainly getting rid of the old poi's... cant get to some of the poi's cause there over lapping.


aevarine 09-10-2006 05:13 PM

Would it be possible to either clear the maps for the tier 2 and 3 zones(Nek, TS, Cl and Ant) or remove the old mob locations? After the overhaul a lot of the creatures were moved around so now it's a nightmare trying to find things as most of the markers still show's the old locations. For instance, In CL the Scourge Rats are now way over by the Wasp Hill and the Vulrich's are now between the Graveyard and the West Freeport gates along with the Hyena things(forgot their names, Carrion Hounds or something).
I know new poi's are being added for the new locations but the old ones need to be removed to save clutter and confusion, heh.
I can go around the get the new locations of creatures if need be^_^

lordebon 09-10-2006 06:09 PM

You can remove POI locations.

Go to the EQ2MAP website, find the incorrect PoI (write down the number or remember where on the map it was) and add a comment for it, saying why its out of date, but also make sure you select Outdated/Inaccurate from the dropdown box. That will mark the PoI as bad and it will be no longer inlucded (and possible deleted entirely from the system once an admin gets to it).

aevarine 09-10-2006 10:41 PM

Hmm, that could take a while, lol, since 4 zones need sorting out now.

mdibella 11-16-2006 10:25 AM

Let me say first that I love the eq2maps interface. I am someone with absolutely no sense of direction...I even have a GPS in my car because I need an 'automap' to keep from getting lost in real life.

With that in mind, my biggest problem is often just being able to navigate with the eq2 maps. I am sure someone does a lot of work on these, but frankly I don't really need a topographical picture of the zone. I need a roadmap. I need something that lets me develop a path from point A to point B. The maps as provided show hills, mountains, bodies of water but no indication of whether I can climb over the hill or where there is a tunnel through the mountain. If I am close enough to the destination, of course I get the path on the screen...but too often what I see is 'your destination is to the northeast'...well sheesh, I can SEE that much, how do I GET there?

It is an especially bad problem with the new expansion, since the new zones have lots of topographical features apparently designed to prevent players from getting where they want to go.

With that in mind, would it be possible to give an option to remove the topography and just show a flat map indicating paths/roads?

casper122749 12-08-2006 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Eloa
Please post all information, comments, and suggestions concerning maps.eq2interface.com here.

when are you going to fix the maps????half of my zones are not working...the dots are there but the pointer isn't working...i don't know alot about computers so please let me know what is happening by e-mail...this is the only way i will know about it...it took me 45 min to figure out how to post to you...won't say how many times i've tried....lol...this is affecting more then myself...other members in my guild are having the same problems...this is really hurting on trying to do quests....thank you....my e-mail address is [email protected]....

lordebon 12-08-2006 11:41 AM

Try doing a search before going OMGztheworldisfallingdownaroundmepleasefixeverything.

Or, since I'm a nice guy I'll just give you the thread to read to make it easy on you.


Yes, I'm harsh. Yes, people need to learn to look at a couple threads before posting every question...

FloridaFringe 12-08-2006 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by casper122749
when are you going to fix the maps????half of my zones are not working...the dots are there but the pointer isn't working...i don't know alot about computers so please let me know what is happening by e-mail...this is the only way i will know about it...it took me 45 min to figure out how to post to you...won't say how many times i've tried....lol...this is affecting more then myself...other members in my guild are having the same problems...this is really hurting on trying to do quests....thank you....my e-mail address is [email protected]....

Bit of advise, never post your email address on a public forum board. You are just inviting spam. Instead post it as something like:

blahblahblah at blahblahblah dot com

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