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lordebon 12-17-2012 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by otif (Post 102193)
I don't know if this is a game dynamic thing or a UI thing.. but I'm wondering about my Mercenary settings. I will set them to "DO NOTHING" and whenever i Zone, die, evac, ect., the setting will automatically switch to "protect self"

So is this a UI thing or game thing that the UI has no effect on?

The UI has no control over that, that behavior is dictated by the the game itself. Mercs will naturally reset to protect themselves at times unfortunately. Pets in general have some of the same issues I believe.

otif 12-23-2012 10:07 PM

Enter key no longer trigures create in TS window?
Nevermind! :)

kaiaa 12-28-2012 08:36 PM

inventory window
I have installed the ui on my mothers computer, my brothers computer and mine.. their inventory windows are fine.. when I open mine it always opens to the options not the equipment page.. any idea why ??

lordebon 12-28-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by kaiaa (Post 102307)
I have installed the ui on my mothers computer, my brothers computer and mine.. their inventory windows are fine.. when I open mine it always opens to the options not the equipment page.. any idea why ??

By default, the character window opens to whatever page/tab you last had open. So you must have that tab open when the window was last "saved" to your uisettings. If you select the equipment tab and then move the window, that should cause it to save and open to the equipment tab when you next open it.

kaiaa 12-28-2012 10:17 PM

nope.. have tried leaving it open on equipment.. moving the window.. saving my ui settings manually in the options window.. nothing helps .. it still insists on opening up to options.. and yea i have even reinstalled the ui totally.. *sigh heh

lordebon 12-28-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by kaiaa (Post 102309)
nope.. have tried leaving it open on equipment.. moving the window.. saving my ui settings manually in the options window.. nothing helps .. it still insists on opening up to options.. and yea i have even reinstalled the ui totally.. *sigh heh

Try copying a uisettings xml file from one of your computers where it works fine on to the one where it's not, and then /load_uisettings and load the copied file and see if it fixes it there.

kaiaa 12-29-2012 12:06 AM

will try it.. have to wait until i get over to their house next week

harczos 12-31-2012 07:29 AM

icons are missing for lvl91+ guild events

lordebon 12-31-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by harczos (Post 102316)
icons are missing for lvl91+ guild events

To my knowledge SOE hasn't added the icons for the 91+ events even in the default window. There's ~365 lines of defined icons in the default and ~365 identical lines of icons in Fetish, so all icons that are in the default are also in Fetish.

Without that reference to copy, I'd just be guessing at which numbers are which events, since they're only numbered and have no cross-reference that I can see.

tknarr 12-31-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 102317)
To my knowledge SOE hasn't added the icons for the 91+ events even in the default window. There's ~365 lines of defined icons in the default and ~365 identical lines of icons in Fetish, so all icons that are in the default are also in Fetish.

The last change to those icons was back on November 29th, adding events 122 and 123 to the top of the list. Patch notes indicate this was a fix for 91-95 guild events: http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/i...-29-2012.1298/

lordebon 12-31-2012 01:06 PM

Odd, I must have been looking at an old copy of the default then. Easy fix.

kaiaa 01-03-2013 11:54 AM

inventory/character window
I havent had a chance to get someone elses settings file, but i did delete the fetish inventory.inventory window to try the default.. its definitely my settings.. do you have any idea which line would tell it what to open on?? I would love to just be able to fix it that way instead of building my uisettings off someone elses ui setup..

lordebon 01-03-2013 01:16 PM

There's nothing in the actual window file that is telling it to open to a different tab. What you want to edit is your character's uisettings file. They're named on the template of "Server_Character_eq2_uisettings.xml."

Try searching for

Window Name="Persona"
and then under that where it says

make sure that it's 0 there and not some other number. I believe the page= controls which page was last open, and 0 should be the topmost (inventory/equipment) page.

gosshawk982 01-03-2013 08:49 PM

Odd happenings with the group window
My wife is experiencing random changes to the group window in Fetish 12.3.2. It seems that at random times the window will decide to click on the portraits option. When it's clicked off, and yes we've checked under options to make sure it is clicked off, the window will minimize to the bottom of the screen edge. Any thoughts? Other then this, the UI is great. Thanks for the help.


lordebon 01-03-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by gosshawk982 (Post 102337)
My wife is experiencing random changes to the group window in Fetish 12.3.2. It seems that at random times the window will decide to click on the portraits option. When it's clicked off, and yes we've checked under options to make sure it is clicked off, the window will minimize to the bottom of the screen edge. Any thoughts? Other then this, the UI is great. Thanks for the help.

The window uses some scripting to make the SOEmote portraits behave properly, but the only time it should be triggering is when you chose to show/hide the portrait section. I'm going to assume you're using the group window in the normal horizontal format, if not let me know.

It sounds like what you're doing is manually trying to hide the portraits by resizing the window and then right clicking and hitting hide portraits... which triggers the scripting. Normally the scripting resizes the window (which leaves it higher up the screen due to the way the hide/show right click behaves) and then moves the window down to get it back to where it belongs.

If that's not the case, I need more information... like where on the screen it is, what orientation (vertical or horizontal), if you have SOE mote on (or are turning it on/off) and exactly when it's doing it. I also suggest trying a fresh install of that window from the current download, just in case you got a corrupt file that is making the scripting trigger when it should not.

kaiaa 01-03-2013 09:34 PM

i've changed it to read page '0' and that IS the correct setting.. but no matter what i do it keep resetting to '11'.. I have put in my mom's ui settings for her character and changed the name to my character.. and when i start it reads '0' after i open the persona window it reads '11' the ONLY fix i can find after 3 hours of reading just about every xml file that could possibly relate to that window is to load in drums inventory.. that is self contained for some reason and it doesnt have a page setting at all.. btw i HATE their inventory !!! now i just need to decide if i wanna live with options page opening.. or get used to a new inventory box lol

lordebon 01-03-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by kaiaa (Post 102340)
i've changed it to read page '0' and that IS the correct setting.. but no matter what i do it keep resetting to '11'.. I have put in my mom's ui settings for her character and changed the name to my character.. and when i start it reads '0' after i open the persona window it reads '11' the ONLY fix i can find after 3 hours of reading just about every xml file that could possibly relate to that window is to load in drums inventory.. that is self contained for some reason and it doesnt have a page setting at all.. btw i HATE their inventory !!! now i just need to decide if i wanna live with options page opening.. or get used to a new inventory box lol

I think I know what's going on, in that case.

Go to options > controls > window keys. Make sure that they key you're using that you want to open the window normally (to the inventory) is listed next to "Character Window" and NOT next to "Character Options Window." I'd be willing to bet that somehow your keys got mixed up so that the key you're using is bound to the character options window (which is just the options tab of the character window... exactly the problem you're having).

kaiaa 01-04-2013 10:52 AM

ohhh I cant wait to get home from work to try it LOL ..

kaiaa 01-05-2013 07:38 PM

that was exactly the problem.. THANK YOU !!!!!

gosshawk982 01-11-2013 04:06 AM

RE: Group portraits
Actually no, up until a couple weeks ago, we never ran portraits. Have it not checked under Options/UI. When the portraits pop up, it displaces the window to almost off screen at the bottom of the monitor. She runs the group window in the conventional horizontal mode.

In addition, we have since done a clean install of the 12.3.2 version. We noticed that the player health bar can no longer be changed to the simple_fetish_bars.dds. It simply will not change over from the default. Any thoughts and help will be greatly appreciated.

Gosshawk and Aidden : Oasis

lordebon 01-12-2013 06:52 PM

I'm not sure why the group window is moving around for you then. If you'd like, I can upload a version without the movement scripting so you can see if that will work better. I don't use SOEmote pretty much at all, but in my limited testing of toggling the show/hide portraits it moves normally using the scripts. The only thing I can think of is perhaps something else is triggering the onshow/onhide scripting on the portrait page and thus triggering the script when it shouldn't be.

As for the bars, I'll take a look. I don't see why renaming it to fetish_bars.dds and removing/renaming the Fetish default one wouldn't work, is that what you tried or was there some other way you were trying to swap them out?

Eshaac 01-16-2013 01:00 PM

New Depot containers, Pull down menu on permissions page not working. You can click on them but nothing happens. If you use your keyboard down arrows only the first permission tab will change it's permission you can not get to the others..


P.S. Just found out why. The actual spot you need to click on to get the drop down list is below the actual button just a tad.

lordebon 01-16-2013 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Turzen (Post 102688)
New Depot containers, Pull down menu on permissions page not working. You can click on them but nothing happens. If you use your keyboard down arrows only the first permission tab will change it's permission you can not get to the others..


I'll take a look. They were working fine when I tested them, but I had to make one other change before I uploaded that might have rearranged the text to be on top of the drop-downs now that I think about it.

BomberMan 01-21-2013 07:34 PM

Spell Window and Detrimental Windows
Spell Window and Detrimental Windows are no were to be found. I installed the newer and older version and installed EQ2 again. Anyone know a fix?

lordebon 01-21-2013 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by BomberMan (Post 103237)
Spell Window and Detrimental Windows are no were to be found. I installed the newer and older version and installed EQ2 again. Anyone know a fix?

Try resetting all window locations in the options window. They shouldn't move when you go from a different UI to Fetish, but the only way they wouldn't be visible is if they somehow got moved off-screen or if you hid them (which would require allowing the hiding of main HUD windows).

Lauralanthalasa 02-03-2013 05:36 AM

Group Window Detriment Cures
Since the most recent patch I have been unable to click the detriment cure in the group window on myself when I am playing a healer as it always tries to use a potion instead of using my single target cure, is there any way to force it to use my cure ability, as solo healing and having to target myself or use a group cure to cure myself in a HM fight is a little tricky?

lordebon 02-03-2013 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Lauralanthalasa (Post 103289)
Since the most recent patch I have been unable to click the detriment cure in the group window on myself when I am playing a healer as it always tries to use a potion instead of using my single target cure, is there any way to force it to use my cure ability, as solo healing and having to target myself or use a group cure to cure myself in a HM fight is a little tricky?

The player window is set up by default in Fetish to use potions because SOE still has not fixed the automatic command to properly use T10 potions as of last check (even after they claimed fixing it). For that reason, included in the ZIP in the variants folder is a version which uses the standard command that'll use cure spells when available. Just delete (or backup/rename) the existing _Fetish_clickcures.xml and replace it with the _nopotion_Fetish_clickcures.xml in the variants folder. You'll have to rename that variant to _Fetish_clickcures.xml for it to work.

Chunkalicious 02-06-2013 07:41 PM

I also do no have a Spell effects/detremental window, ive tried resetting the location and everything is unhid, they just arent anywhere to be found.

lordebon 02-06-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Chunkalicious (Post 103302)
I also do no have a Spell effects/detremental window, ive tried resetting the location and everything is unhid, they just arent anywhere to be found.

My guess is they're most likely off-screen... EQ2's reset location button doesn't work perfectly IIRC.

You can try using the locator to move it (hit esc to open the menu, then go to fetish central and then locator. select the effects window and put in say 10,10 for the location then move it), edit the location directly in your character's uisettings xml file (look for Name="Effects" and Name="DetrimentalEffects) or just backup/delete your char's uisettings xml file and start fresh. Zonx originally set up Fetish using a slightly different default resolution that IIRC can cause windows to get pushed off-screen if you have uisettings from an old UI (like the default) when you first load the UI up.

Lauralanthalasa 02-12-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 103290)
The player window is set up by default in Fetish to use potions because SOE still has not fixed the automatic command to properly use T10 potions as of last check (even after they claimed fixing it). For that reason, included in the ZIP in the variants folder is a version which uses the standard command that'll use cure spells when available. Just delete (or backup/rename) the existing _Fetish_clickcures.xml and replace it with the _nopotion_Fetish_clickcures.xml in the variants folder. You'll have to rename that variant to _Fetish_clickcures.xml for it to work.

Thanks for that, it worked great !

ohohterri 03-06-2013 04:02 AM

I can no longer see the stats and stuff on green adornments - is this a quick fix file delete (if so which one) or is it a SOE oops?

TYTY for keeping this ui updated <3

lordebon 03-06-2013 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by ohohterri (Post 103385)
I can no longer see the stats and stuff on green adornments - is this a quick fix file delete (if so which one) or is it a SOE oops?

TYTY for keeping this ui updated <3

You need to update to the current version of Fetish, v12.4. If you already have, then do a clean install of 12.4 as your examine window did not get updated.

ohohterri 03-23-2013 09:17 PM

WHOOPS I forgot to come back and say thank you that worked great!

otif 04-30-2013 06:32 PM

new update and my wife and i are crashing immediately upon loading up and moving 2 feet. We moved to Default but it is very very.. um.. yucky but stable. Not sure what was added...

lordebon 04-30-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by otif (Post 103637)
new update and my wife and i are crashing immediately upon loading up and moving 2 feet. We moved to Default but it is very very.. um.. yucky but stable. Not sure what was added...

Delete your eq2ui_proxyactor.xml as a workaround in the short term. I'll be working on updates shortly, so 12.4.1 should be out tonight to bring things up to spec with GU66.

Dethdlr 04-30-2013 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 103638)
Delete your eq2ui_proxyactor.xml as a workaround in the short term. I'll be working on updates shortly, so 12.4.1 should be out tonight to bring things up to spec with GU66.

Is that the file that handles the popup window when you put your cursor over a bell? That's what was crashing me on Beta. Cursor over bell, crash to desktop.

Yep, that was it. Thanks!

lordebon 04-30-2013 07:41 PM

Yep. I have it fixed on my end, trying to finish up a last few other bits before I zip it all up and publish. Should be able to get it done before my raid starts in a little over an hour.

Ghostcats9 05-29-2013 10:37 PM

Persona bar size
Is there a way to make this more adjustable? I can re-size it through locator but the frame at the bottom stays the same. I would like to see the stats ect fitting the window. :D

lordebon 05-30-2013 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Ghostcats9 (Post 103788)
Is there a way to make this more adjustable? I can re-size it through locator but the frame at the bottom stays the same. I would like to see the stats ect fitting the window. :D

What particular piece are you referring to, the stat bar?

That window is basically unchanged since Zonx, it's on my list of things to eventually overhaul, but I've no ETA.

Ghostcats9 05-30-2013 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by lordebon (Post 103790)
What particular piece are you referring to, the stat bar?

That window is basically unchanged since Zonx, it's on my list of things to eventually overhaul, but I've no ETA.

Probably is the stats bar, ok was wondering. It is handy to be able to see stats without have to look at your character screen :-). glad it's on your Honey do list :-D.

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