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ericb45696 09-20-2006 02:43 PM

Thanks!! now to find here that directory is, hehe. I'll find it :)

Omega7dt 10-02-2006 06:02 PM

The specialized training window for picking Master 2 skills or Traditions is lacking a scroll bar to see what the skills/spells do. Anyone know a fix for this?

Kudane 10-02-2006 08:18 PM

Looks great! you do honor to those of us who kept Vert alive in EQ1.


Morgawar 10-10-2006 09:02 PM

Hey Ranot
Love the UI but have noticed two things since the LU27 update.
1I am having problems with the info box. Have the Show main windows display unclicked and Alt~ isnt working to get it to come up.

2. The main problem no tracking window when i hit the track button

hope these are just my error type things

Ranot 10-13-2006 08:43 PM

Vert 2.8.1
Changelog for 2.8.1
Tracking day, oh Tracking day, how beautiful we track thee....
- Tracking window is fixed, not sure how it broke since i never touched it in ages but it's back and working.

I Choose You Pikachu Master 2!!!
- Scroll bars added to master 2 selection window.

anfrey 10-13-2006 09:09 PM

for some reason, the download page is not working....

i get a "You are not authorized to view this file..." error

ericb45696 10-26-2006 09:52 AM

hey Ranot, Id give ya my Beta spot if I could,hehe. Hopefully your still playing and doing well. Looking forward to EoF ?

Ranot 11-09-2006 02:43 AM

not sure myself if i'm looking forward to it or not :P new content is always great... but the more i look around beta the more i'm reminded of WoW. Vert should be ready to go for release day tho barring any major changes between now and then.

ericb45696 11-10-2006 10:07 AM

hmm. I never tried WoW so not sure how that compares to EoF. but I like it just for the fact that its more new content for all levels.

and again, thanks for keeping up with this.

hardest thing for me when I got in beta was to play with the standard UI after having used vert for so long.

ericb45696 11-14-2006 05:35 PM

oh be still my heart. here I sit, anxiously awaiting my arrival home to a fully patched and god(or sony) willing EoF ready computer and yet no update on my beloved Vert Reborn!!
wherefore art though ranot?!!


sorry, bored at work and anxious ;)

Ranot 11-14-2006 10:21 PM

EOF / LU 29 Compatable
- not guaranteeing no bugs, this build is based upon playing on the beta server over the weekend, but they might of changed something last minute and I can't see it since EoF is not available here yet.

- Highly recommend deleting the old vert before installing as there has been massive changes.

- should be no problems with the new iconbank things but if bags are giving you trouble delete your character.ini file and start over. Bags have been unlocked so they can be resized manually.

- Hopefully those who have seen what sony did to the login screen, like the changes i made to it to make it look even nicer :P

ericb45696 11-15-2006 12:11 PM

I love it!!
Thanks a million Ranot.
everything seems to be working for me so far.

Morgawar 11-16-2006 02:42 AM

Missing Money in Inventory window
Hey Ranot, Man I love this UI. Seems though that the money you are carrying on you isn't accessible. Tried deleting, reinstalling and all the fun stuff recommended. Got any ideas?

ericb45696 11-16-2006 01:55 PM

yup. I notice that last night also.
I can spend money or use it, just cant see how much I have in any screens.

I think my time wasnt showing either.. there was another thing missing or not working and I cant remember what it was.
I'll write it down tonight if I can remember.

also I notice my maps updated but no longer have a "tooltip" that pops up when I mouse-hover over a zone in point or anything. guess I'll check the maps section to see if anything has been posted over there.

Kellin 11-16-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by ericb45696
yup. I notice that last night also.
I can spend money or use it, just cant see how much I have in any screens.

I think my time wasnt showing either.. there was another thing missing or not working and I cant remember what it was.
I'll write it down tonight if I can remember.

also I notice my maps updated but no longer have a "tooltip" that pops up when I mouse-hover over a zone in point or anything. guess I'll check the maps section to see if anything has been posted over there.

What he said, and no "tooltip" when I hover over my target window either. I'm so glad I decided to give a new UI a chance though, this one is fantastic!

rhinna 11-16-2006 10:18 PM

Yup, no money showing anywhere, and no tooltips on the maps (eq2maps) just the icons...waypoints work though.

Nothing in the map section, I am thinking somehow it's the UI...I also check my options just to make sure.

Great UI, only problem is I am TOTALLY LOST without my maps!

ericb45696 11-16-2006 10:48 PM

Ranots good, He'll fix it soon ;)

Ranot 11-17-2006 12:11 AM

Changelog v3.1
Me? fix it? I'll never fix it!!! err wait.. dangit to late... Changes Below :P
uhhh, beavis.. your bag is showing to much...
- Fixed the way bags work so it's resize isn't locked when you hover out :P my bad... spankings permitted

hover here... hover there... hmm maybe hover over here? ****** where is my tooltips!!!
- Fixed the tooltip problem, every window should have em now instead of only half.

I think i had 3 plat, no wait 5, no wait 9 .. yeah.. yeah.. i have 9! prove i don't!
- My plan of hiding everyone's money so i could rob the bank and no one would notice was foiled... just kidding :P coin page is back in the inventory, just wasn't moved during the re-organize for new inventory slots.

Morgawar 11-17-2006 03:51 AM

Hey it happens. Thanks for the fixes. I shall always be prompt and curtious when singing your errors, as for your graces..-chuckles- I dont know you that well

theron420 11-17-2006 06:47 PM

The ui is great! only one problem though..on the picture there's the buttons around the EQ big button...its not showing up on mine. Any idea's on how i can get it up?

Ranot 11-17-2006 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by theron420
The ui is great! only one problem though..on the picture there's the buttons around the EQ big button...its not showing up on mine. Any idea's on how i can get it up?

You need to press Alt ~ twice to bring it up, there's no way to have it show upon startup sadly.

Kellin 11-24-2006 09:26 PM

The box to change access levels in-house is broken as well, crashes to desktop when you try to type in a name. Also, when you select a name already listed, the buttons to change acces don't become selectable - if thats a word. Just had to /loadui default to change access, so no biggie there.

Ranot 11-27-2006 09:55 PM

Vert 3.2
Simple UI? how is having a new window just to change what i'm searching for SIMPLE!
- Never fear, the old Broker style is back, The left side now contains the "advanced search" stuff so enjoy!

You... You.. CHEATED ON ME WITH THAT TROLL! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! *crash to desktop* err i mean... i love you?
- Crash bug on changing access levels in your house has been fixed

Lemme see, do i want Black Screen, Disenchanting, or Tinkering... I know! i want black screen it's the best tradeskill!
- Sorry to those who enjoy tradeskilling... Sony added the window last day so i didn't have it added, all fixed now tho :)

ericb45696 11-29-2006 04:39 PM

cool, good thing I check here sometimes. I noticed I was getting this black box at the tinkering/transmuting guys and I just assumed it was a bug on sony's behalf.

thanks again :)

CraigH 12-21-2006 01:53 PM

Since LU30, I've noticed the following problems:

The new hotbutton window appears blank (similar to the problem that occurred with the transmuting/tinkering button from the last update)

When I select a quest from an NPC, no description of the quest appears.

The LFG/LFW search window doesn't seem to work. Instead of player names showing, it says [DEVL] TEST.

Not sure if these are UI related, but I'm guessing they are. Thanks for the great UI!

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