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Kethia 01-08-2008 10:59 AM

Sorry mixed up two things :(:( - downloaded the inspect mod and thought it was the normal one

Seagoat 01-08-2008 11:38 AM

No worries! I figured that was what happened. :)

Seagoat 01-10-2008 06:27 PM

I've got one update and one new release today: Seagoat's Inventory has seen the (re-)introduction of the "Toggle Inventory Bags" button. The NKOTB is Seagoat's Bank!

I've been using Mortis Bank for eons now and figured it was time to make my own...y'know, put a little Seagoat spin on it. :)


Seagoat 03-08-2008 11:28 AM

Just released:
- Seagoat's Alternate POI Icons
- Seagoat's Tracking

Enjoy! :)

Lexi357 04-03-2008 04:13 PM

not sure
I tried clicking the links you have for support thread but it keeps sending me back to the Released section, I hope Im in the right place, as I would love to request a custom target ring, well actually two...one special for me as well as one more general for our guild.
if I am in the wrong place Please let me know where the right one is. If I am in the right place then please let me know what info you would need.
Thanks for doing this it's GREAT!


Seagoat 04-03-2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Lexi357 (Post 71396)
I tried clicking the links you have for support thread but it keeps sending me back to the Released section, I hope Im in the right place, as I would love to request a custom target ring, well actually two...one special for me as well as one more general for our guild.
if I am in the wrong place Please let me know where the right one is. If I am in the right place then please let me know what info you would need.
Thanks for doing this it's GREAT!

Yep, you're in the right place...this is the only support thread I've got. :D

Just let me know the particulars, either in this thread or via PM: colors, imagery, text, etc. For the guild design, you can use my cloak design tool (linked in my sig :)) and just paste the URL corresponding to your guild's heraldry.

Lexi357 04-04-2008 06:42 AM

A formal request
Hello again!

My formal request for a target ring, Im going to first request one for our guild since finding "just the right personal "graphic" is proving to be a bit more difficult than I thought. So without further adeu'

Here, from your cloak designer, is the link to our Heraldry


We are the Guardians of Fate. Usually shortened to GoF so both work. I have an idea that I would like to see but let me see what you can do...Let your imagination loose and have at it.

Thanks alot for doing this, it really is GRRRREAT!

Delorn 04-04-2008 07:59 PM

Guild Target Ring Request
Good day,

Hello again!

This is my request for a target ring based off our guild heraldry. Here is the link from your cloak designer:


We are the Keepers of Honor, shortened to KoH.

Let your imagination loose and have at it.

Thank you!


Seagoat 04-04-2008 10:11 PM

Got you both; I should be able to get both of these done this weekend. :) Stay tuned!

Seagoat 04-06-2008 01:47 AM

All done! Since they're guild-specific and probably not of interest to the general public, I hosted them on my guild's website rather than uploading them here.

Here's a link to the download category containing the guild-specific rings I've done so far, and here are some tiny-ish previews:

Delorn 04-06-2008 01:49 AM

Thank you, they both look great!!!

Lexi357 04-06-2008 10:29 PM


TY TY TY very much TY!:nana:

Papabard 04-08-2008 11:40 AM

Request for target ring

Guild is Lords of Chaos and colors are purple/white the guild emblem is basically the star image in cloaks but can be a chaotic type emblem.

Hope that is enough info.

Seagoat 05-01-2008 08:06 AM

GU45 is on its way, and it's bringing some great changes to the banking system! I've updated my Bank mod to reflect the new bank slots and shared coin. Check it out!

*** Remember that the extra slots and the shared coin will not be functional on the live servers until GU45 is released. This mod is, however, fully functional on the Test server. :) ***

Mareid 05-19-2008 10:28 AM

Experience bars disable ProfitUI's click to cure
I love your exp bars. However I could never get the click to cure buttons on my warden char to work, and I finally decided to do a complete clean install of ProfitUI and one by one add in the files I use. Turns out that your exp bars seem to be incompatible with Profit, and if I use them the clicky light up buttons to cure (Warden here) don't work :(. Would you be able to take a look and see if you can figure out what's going on?

Seagoat 05-19-2008 10:48 AM

I can try...but no guarantees that it's something I can fix, since I'm not at all familiar with ProfitUI. :) I can't think of anything in my mod that would possibly conflict...all the information and data I used is found in the default XP bar file, IIRC; I just rearranged it.

Where are the C2C buttons located that you're trying to use?

Just to make extra super-duper sure, you CAN use C2C when not using my XP bars, right?

gm9 05-19-2008 12:30 PM

ProfitUI's XP window contains code to initialize large parts of the UI. If you don't use you need to manually open the Control Center once after you log in.

I'm looking into making the group window independent of this functionality but currently have no time for that.

Mareid 05-19-2008 12:54 PM

The click to cure buttons are tiny little icons under the name in the "self" window. They light up when you are damaged and allow you to cure yourself. While this isn't so important for spells (with the new "cure" spell standing for everything), it's very handy for potions because it in effect gives you 5 additional hot buttons that are there right in front of you.

Yes it positively does NOT work with any version of the experience file except the one that comes with ProfitUI. According to the author he initializes some things with that file, and one of them must be the click to cure buttons.

Frankly, if I have to, I'll forget about the click to cure, since I much prefer your experience bar, but I sure would like to have both.

Seagoat 05-19-2008 06:40 PM

Yeah, as GM9 verified, this isn't a quirk of my mod so much as it is a result of the customizations and interconnectivity of the ProfitUI XP bar. I can take a look at his bar's source code and replicate the initialization bit, maybe...and if it works I can release a version of my bars that are ProfitUI-compatible.

Do you mind being my guinea pig? ;) I'd probably need to email the file to you for testing so you can let me know if I'm on the right track.

Seagoat 05-19-2008 07:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, looks like the edit may be a lot simpler than I thought. :o

Give this file a go and let me know if it works!

gm9 05-20-2008 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Seagoat (Post 72962)
Ok, looks like the edit may be a lot simpler than I thought. :o

haha yes, used to be more complicated but I relocated it all out of that window to allow for the workaround I mentioned above. ;)

Seagoat 05-22-2008 03:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a new one to try, Mareid...

Seagoat 06-21-2008 08:03 AM

Got another guild-specific target ring made last night for the Untouchables on Permafrost (guild heraldry); here's a preview:

Seagoat 07-29-2008 10:26 PM

I've got a BUNCH of updates released today, plus two new downloads. You can get the full list of recent files by visiting this page on my portal.

As always, if you have any general questions, feel free to post them here. :) Please remember that ALL bug reports and feature requests should be made through my portal.

Enjoy! :nana:

(Yes, I know all the file versions are dated for yesterday...I didn't realize what a huge undertaking it would be updating that many mods at once! :eek:)

Mardigann 07-30-2008 02:26 PM

Is there a way to use this with other XP bars??
This is an AWESOME XP bar setup. but I am using ProfitUI and I need that XP bar too - so is there a way to use both? I tried just renaming this one, but that didn't work (long shot but I thought it might work).

Thanks in advance!

Orphyus Maestoso
Permafrost Goth Dirge Froglok of the Apocalypse

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