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dudge669 05-22-2005 10:14 AM

POI needs comment update checkbox on submission
Taco, Eloa, Quib, everyone involved, I must say this has become an invaluable resource for me and I thank you for all your hard work. Taco, sorry about your hard drive misfortune...Hopefully you are keeping a cdrw in your system and scheduling a backup every night or something now.

One thing I would love to see implemented is another checkbox on the page that displays POI information and lets you add comments. There is a checkbox for "check if this POI is wrong" which will flag it for review I assume but that takes it off the map page until it has been reviewed. If you just want to add a comment that shows up ingame (like I'm adding a comment to poi 897 - COB entrance from Vermin's Snye that tells you which entrance is more dangerous), maybe there can be a second checkbox there that will flag it for update review but not take it off the map?

Thanks again for a great resource!

Voik 06-14-2005 05:51 PM

Color POIs?
Any possible way to make the text for the POIs have different color? This would be most helpful for the combined POIs. Use colors that are similar to the icons. Also, use a lighter color for the id's value.

shynnmoon 06-23-2005 01:17 PM

I love the POI showing through the fog (helps me find things when soloing and I ain't been somewhere before).
I see mods for a miniturized map. I have not tryed to use these in conjunction with EQ2Map. Are they compatable or is there maybe plans for having a minimap available (maybe with POI removed for sake of clarity when shrunk)? When using lower res screens, the map takes up a lot of screen and I can nav via map - but I tend to run into agro creatures cause I don't see them as they come up from behind the map (and for my luck - if I move the map - the mob changes location to be standing when I come running up).

Faetyl 06-23-2005 02:42 PM

Waypoint Button
Any chance of getting the Waypoint Button from default back?
I know [ALT+W] does it but it just looks odd without it...

Also, I miss the old "load map" button, any chance of adding it back?



Eloa 06-25-2005 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by shynnmoon
I love the POI showing through the fog (helps me find things when soloing and I ain't been somewhere before).
I see mods for a miniturized map..........

I'm pretty sure that Zonx's Fetish minimap works with this. If i recall, it might even be in the addons download area...maybe...

Eloa 06-25-2005 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Faetyl
Any chance of getting the Waypoint Button from default back?
I know [ALT+W] does it but it just looks odd without it...

Also, I miss the old "load map" button, any chance of adding it back?

Nope, the Waypoint button was in the way and was hideous, the load map button just isnt fair and was done at the time just because we couldn't do it any other way...In a way you can thank SOE for adding height map changing for us, or else there would still be a load map button, but like 10 of them :)


picpus 06-26-2005 03:41 PM

Differences Site/ingame
I notice that the POIs are different on the site map and on the ingame maps.
More precisely, on the site the POIs are well made with style of dot and color correspond to a certain type loc, mob, named and so on. In game it's all messy with dot linking to different infos and colors don't make reference to the same things.
How is it so ? Is there any way "change" that ? is it planned ?

Anyway it's nontheless a great mod and it's a great job !

Pyroman 06-27-2005 05:02 PM

Forgive me if this has been mentioned here but I'm not a fan of long threads hehe.

I like the maps/mods alot except for the POI. Some are good but I don't like how whole quest info and little mini-guides are with the POI. When I go over a dot all I'm looking for is names not whole descriptions of quests given, how to do them and the like.

Things like "SoandSO: for suchandsuch quest" are fine but when they describe what a quest is, where it starts and all other kinds of information is frustrating to read through just to see if some NPC I need is at that dot or not.

I can imagine some people like this but I was wondering if you could offer a set of POI's that don't give so much extra information. Here's an example

Bones:(QST) Bones on the ground which start the quest The Bloodthristy Coin. Kill 20 Bloodskull Pawns

This point is found in commonlands. It could just as easily be

Bones:(QST) Starts the quest The Bloodthirsty Coin.

Also forgive me if there is some POI error report system. Even though this is some what a matter of opinion as an error.

Clink 06-28-2005 12:52 PM

I love the eq2map mod. Would it be possible to add an overlay grid? Something like..



taco-man 06-28-2005 05:11 PM

ill look into it.

taco-man 06-28-2005 06:04 PM

i gave it a shot, it should work hopefully, here is the link to it http://www.eq2interface.com/forums/s...ad.php?p=25226 please let me know if it works or not, Thanks!

Letoura 09-06-2005 04:01 AM

maps in german??
hi guys,
i ask my self, will ich have the maps then in english or in german like now??
grrr i bet in english. thats then a lil prob because the names of signed persons sometimes other in german as in english. i dunno. can you help me pls?
:) letoura

Magus 09-06-2005 05:08 AM

EQ2MAP is in English, so if the names differ, it won't help you much.

Rowanwode 09-22-2005 11:10 AM

Not sure if this is possible due to the inherent EQ2 coding .. is it possible or would it be possible to be able to split out the Map frame/window into a new window outside of EQ2 .. reason I ask is I use dual screens ... and often wish that I could take the map and drag it over to my alternate screen .. I could then still have an unobstructed view in game on one screen and continuously monitor my location on the map from the other screen.

My gawd that would be so nice!


taco-man 09-22-2005 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rowanwode
Not sure if this is possible due to the inherent EQ2 coding .. is it possible or would it be possible to be able to split out the Map frame/window into a new window outside of EQ2 .. reason I ask is I use dual screens ... and often wish that I could take the map and drag it over to my alternate screen .. I could then still have an unobstructed view in game on one screen and continuously monitor my location on the map from the other screen.

My gawd that would be so nice!


as far as i know eq2 is stuck with it all on 1 monitor.

dudge669 09-22-2005 01:49 PM

Showing a map with POI position after a search
Hey, Taco, would it be possible to show a map with the POI's position after doing a search? Kind of like you show the POI on a map when submitting a POI? Quite frequently I come to the website and do a poi search to find the coordinates of something but it's still hard to actually find where that is in game with the coordinates. I do a /waypoint and paste in the coordinates but since the waypoint line is eternally bugged in game, sometimes I get moving in the completely wrong direction. It would be great if some kind of a map could be shown on the POI information page. Great work all! I love this program! Thanks again!

taco-man 09-22-2005 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by dudge669
Hey, Taco, would it be possible to show a map with the POI's position after doing a search? Kind of like you show the POI on a map when submitting a POI? Quite frequently I come to the website and do a poi search to find the coordinates of something but it's still hard to actually find where that is in game with the coordinates. I do a /waypoint and paste in the coordinates but since the waypoint line is eternally bugged in game, sometimes I get moving in the completely wrong direction. It would be great if some kind of a map could be shown on the POI information page. Great work all! I love this program! Thanks again!

Let me try and understand, when you search for a point on the site, it indicates which point it is on the map thats on the website?

dudge669 09-22-2005 02:35 PM

Kind of...
Kind of. When you submit a POI, it shows a map of the area at the bottom of the webpage and puts a lone POI dot on the map showing the coordinates you just entered for your submitted POI. What would be nice is if the same map and lone POI can be shown at the bottom of the webpage when you do a search for POIs and the POI information page comes up.

taco-man 09-22-2005 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by dudge669
Kind of. When you submit a POI, it shows a map of the area at the bottom of the webpage and puts a lone POI dot on the map showing the coordinates you just entered for your submitted POI. What would be nice is if the same map and lone POI can be shown at the bottom of the webpage when you do a search for POIs and the POI information page comes up.

done. i think i got it right, let me know wether or not i did.

dudge669 09-23-2005 11:15 PM

Thank you so much! That will be a great help! You rock!

Kallah 01-10-2006 10:56 AM

Note: I just realized most of the posts in here are months old. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.

First off I want to say that without EQ2Map I could get lost in a brown paper bag. Just ask any unfortunate group mates who’ve followed me in zones where the maps are still being made! Thank you all for the countless hours you poured into this project: not only in creating it, but in keeping it updated and constantly adding new features!

Speaking of new features, that’s what I wanted to suggest. Since I couldn’t code my way out of the same paper bag I’ve been known to get lost in, I have no idea how feasible any of these are:

1) Splitting the Quest POIs into two different flavors: Quest Starters & Quest Updates?

Since the description of the POIs in question (at least on the Add a POI and Correct a POI pages) is “An object activated for use in a quest, preferably only ones that start quest” it makes me wonder if many of the POIs flagged this way are “wrong.” While I suspect that the original intention was for only/mostly quest starters, there’s now hundreds if not thousands of updating POIs in this category that update rather than start quests. While the really easy thing to do would be to change the description (hehe) I think it would be really helpful to split them into two different colored POIs: on some maps there’s just so many of the same type, it all kinda blurs together into a mess.

2) Color-Based Identification for POIs in Clusters?

I love the color based system for sorting POIs, and one of my greatest troubles is when a map has many clusters on it - I lose the ability to quickly narrow down the many POIs to the type I’m looking for. Is there any way you could color part of the text (either the name, the UID number, the abbreviation, or anything really) of each part of a cluster in order to link it to its original type? Or maybe even stick a bolded, larger-font-sized * at the end of the name in the color of the POI type, so it kinda looks like a mini POI dot? Pretty much anything that would allow someone to hover over a Cluster and quickly see what flavors of POIs are in there based on color would be great. Maybe I’m just lazy. =)

3) An Examples / Standards List for POIs and Their Applications?

First and foremost I know that (nearly, if not all of) the POIs are submitted by the thousands of EQ2 players who enjoy and use the mod - so no matter what you do, there’s always going to be discrepancies in how things are used. My first point about the Quest POIs is a great example of folks applying their own ideas/meaning to a given POI type. However, I’ve noticed that some things can vary greatly from one map to another (zone ins to houses / small instances come to mind right away) which makes it difficult to pick them out on each map. Example:

In Maj’Dul, about half of the player housing zone-ins use the small yellow “zone” icon, and the other half use the blue “location” dot. In South Qeynos, they all use the blue dot. In some of the newbie villages, it uses the “zone” icon again. Which is the correct icon to use for a player house zone-in?

Perhaps you could have a little link next to the icon type selection on the edit / submit pages (similar to the ones here in the forums, next to the formatting options) that says “What do POI types mean?” or “How to pick a POI type” which leads to a page with the examples?

4) A Way to Comment / Correct Clusters or and the POIs in Them?

A while back I posted a list of clusters that had something wrong with them - the current correcting system wouldn’t let me make change. One of the fantastic coder-y-people said they were able to figure out what was going wrong, and they were working on it. I’m not sure if that solution would allow folks to correct / comments on the POIs within the clusters - but it would be great if you could! Sooo many clusters I’m itchen’ to correct. =)

5) Formatting for POI Display Text?

I know that this would be really, really low priority if its even possibly, but I’ve noticed that some basic formatting would go a long way in making certain POIs more readable. Just being able to enter line breaks would be great. I know some POIs have them breaks in the description but I have no idea why they do and others don’t - even when I’ve submitted them both ways! Also, certain characters don’t seem to show up, such as question marks and quotation marks (both in comments and in the in-game POIs). Is the ability to add bold (perhaps for POI names), italics, color, etc beyond the scope of the XML for the maps?

Again, I have no idea what can and can’t be done, so sorry if there’s an obvious “NO!” to any or all of these. I know none of my suggestions are game-breaking or earth-shaking, but sometimes it’s the little things that make life easier - even with an already awesome mod!

SaintPeter 01-10-2006 08:09 PM

1) Splitting Quest Starters and Quest Updaters is quite possible. We already have unused icons. The challenge would be combing through the 5600 EXISTING POIs and making the fixes.

2 & 5) I don't believe that EQ2s XML system has a method for doing colors or other formatting . . . but I could be wrong. If it did, I don't see why we couldn't include some facility for editing that.

As for Quotes and some punctuation . . . We had some issues with hackers previously . . . I errored on the side of caution when I made the validation code. I could posibly revisit some of that.

3) That'a brilliant idea. I'll see what it'd take to include some What do I use for, etc. type examples on the submit a POI Page.

We have the facility to enable moderators for POIs. If we can ever get around to finalizing our backend, we could enable some interested folks to go in and start making changes to the POIs to ensure they were uniformly applied.
4) Right. If we ever had enough time to finish the site . . uh . . this would be fixed. In the future, you are supposed to be able to edit the POI and it will automatically regenerate the cluster. Clusters are not supposed to be editable, since they a programtically generated.

BTW, Awesome post. Great ideas clearly explained.

BladeParker 01-16-2006 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Quib
We're working on a system to toggle the POIs. There's a rough POI toggle plugin in the EQ2MAP downloads section already though.

We cannot add fog to zones. Sorry.

You're welcome!


Any idea when you will be able to have a toggle button for the POI's added to the map? Or will it always remain as an addon feature? The one currently out appears to have some issue(s) with the EQ2map Auto update. I haven't tried it yet but it would be nice to have it already included.

POI Color options would be a nice addition too.

SaintPeter 01-17-2006 01:13 AM

Toggle is coming standard "Real Soon Now".

Omek 01-17-2006 10:10 AM

Question concerning ....
The new expansion when it is realeased ,will have two seperate Refugee Isle's. With seperate mobs and quests I believe.
Is this going to work with the Map UI? Or is there going to be a very jumbled up map. ( please say we will be toggling POI's by then )
On the test server my map was there but with all the old POI's
Just an observation. :confused:

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