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lady1 03-19-2005 02:27 PM

Hi, iam useing eq2map everything works great only problem is my map window doesnt show the close button, is it a corrupt file? everything else show fine.

thanks Lady1

dougsolvie 03-19-2005 09:43 PM

error message
i get an error message that reads

the dynamic library mscoree.dll could not be found in the specified path C:\programfiles\eq2mapupdater;.;C:\winnt\system32;C:\winnt\system;C:\winnt;C:\wi nnt\system32;C:\winnt;C:\winnt\system32\wbem

please help

taco-man 03-19-2005 09:49 PM

go read the directions again please :p it says you need to have microsoft .net framework 1.1 in red letters and even gives you 2 different links to get it from microsoft.

jrmars 03-20-2005 10:28 AM

cannot get .net software to work is there any alternative or cannot i just not get my maps that i want?

tonyis3l33t 03-20-2005 11:23 AM

there is an alternative. We will be releasing the mod in the traditional manner every once in a while. Just look for those. They will of course be a lot less frequent than the auto-updater.

mrenkil 03-20-2005 02:17 PM

Getting this error:

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
File: runnyeye.dds

xelatoth 03-20-2005 02:21 PM

UPdater is BROKEN!!! Error updating.. for everyone!
I can no longer use your awesome mod "EQ2Map Updater" to launch EQ2 because while it is updating, an error box pops up...

This is what it says:

The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
File: runnyeye.dds

After that, it will not let you select launch EQ2 or run with Auto Launch selected, so essentially, everyone has to run EQ2 without your program...

Please fix this asap because, to be quite honest, I am not sure I can even play EQ2 without this mod - - it's THAT GOOD!!!


tonyis3l33t 03-20-2005 02:34 PM

i fixed it before you posted this. lemme know after you try again pls

FlorenceSopher 03-20-2005 06:37 PM

Map Update 3/20 crashes EQ2!!!
This has happened to myself and another player I turned on to EQ2MAP today. After receiving the latest files update, upon zoning into EQ all 3d graphics are BLACK! hotkeys are there, chat window with text, but the rest of the screen is black! After a few moments (seems to vary) the eq2 client crashes completlely! My guild memeber has uninstalled eq2map and eq2 and is presently reinstalling eq2 from the original disks. I was hoping there may be an answer here, since the ONLY connection is that we are both running eq2map

taco-man 03-20-2005 06:37 PM

i will look into it right away.

taco-man 03-20-2005 06:42 PM

try running the updater again, it is working fine for me. i know this was an issue earlier but it was already corrected, just run the updater again.

Humudce 03-20-2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by FlorenceSopher
This has happened to myself and another player I turned on to EQ2MAP today. After receiving the latest files update, upon zoning into EQ all 3d graphics are BLACK! hotkeys are there, chat window with text, but the rest of the screen is black! After a few moments (seems to vary) the eq2 client crashes completlely! My guild memeber has uninstalled eq2map and eq2 and is presently reinstalling eq2 from the original disks. I was hoping there may be an answer here, since the ONLY connection is that we are both running eq2map

Yes Tacoman this should be fixed now, and the updater is working fine. The issue was with the eq2ui_mainhud_map.xml file there was in include statement in that file that did not have a coresponding icon's file generated for it. Quib generated the icon file that was missing and after I re-ran the updater the issue that FlorenceSopher is describing went away.

Florence, You shouldhn't have to ever re-install EQ2 if an issue happens like this either uninstall the EQ2 Map Mod or go into your custom UI folder and delete the EQ2Map files the game should then self correct it self as it is using the Default UI's files.

Once the issue is fixed that caused the problem you can then re-install and re-run the EQ2MAP Updater.

FlorenceSopher 03-21-2005 11:41 AM

That fixed it. :)
Just wanted to post an update. Yes, it is working now. Thank you for the prompt response and fix. You guys have got a GREAT tool here.

On another front, might I make a suggestion? On the Submit a POI screen would it be possible to retain the POI Type and Zone Name from entry to entry? It would make the process of entering POIs a little quicker if the webpage kept those values so I do not have to reenter them each time. Thanks!

Eloa 03-21-2005 11:46 AM

working on that now

Colbalt 03-21-2005 12:18 PM

Maps Missing?
Fer some reason I posted and it magicaly dissapperaed :)

Anyways great program, I love it.

I do have a problem though. or some reason I only get the world map while in RV. I saw the maps download east and west but still no map.

I read the FAQ and just pretend I am really stupid this morning :P But I have no yourcustomuifolder/images/maps in my EQ@ directory.

I do have C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\UI\EQ2MAP\eq2map and C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\UI\EQ2MAP\images\maps.

Does yourcustomfolder= EQ2MAP?

Everything else works great, I just can't see maps to the zones that SOE would not normally have up.

Do I need more coffee this morning? :D

Quib 03-21-2005 12:32 PM

Ok, first off yes EQ2MAP = yourcustomuifolder. You didn't have a custom UI, so the auto-updater made the EQ2MAP folder and put the necessary files there. This isn't always true, some people have a differently named yourcustomuifolder; mine is named "Quib" for example.

Second, it sounds like EQ2MAP may not actually be loading for you in-game if you're not seeing a new RV map. Do you see our maps in other zones? Do you see the POI overlays (a ton of small colored dots) in major zones like Antonica, Commonlands, Nektulos or TS? If your answer to these questions was no, please look for the file eq2.ini in your main EQ2 folder. If it's not there, we have a problem. If it is there, please copy & paste it's contents to a reply here or simply attach the file to a reply here.

Thirdly, more coffee probably wouldn't hurt. I'm gonna go grab a mug myself.


Colbalt 03-21-2005 12:44 PM

Thanks Quib, I will have another cup of java :)

Yes all the dots come up fine in the other zones. If I am in Ant EL ect everytihng comes up.

Its the Zones SOE don't normaly have up ie RV, RE.

here is the info you requsted

cl_ui_skinname EQ2MAP
cl_ui_subdir UI/

maxham 03-21-2005 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by maxham
Error Getting File List:
The 'FileName' start tag on line '249' doesn't match the end tag of 'Filep' in file 'http://maps.eq2interface.com/POI_files/file_list.xml'. Line 249, position 26.

Error Getting File List:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Error Getting File List:
The 'Zonep' start tag on line '251' doesn't match the end tag of 'Map' in file 'http://maps.eq2interface.com/POI_files/file_list.xml'. Line 255, position 3.

Error Getting File List:
The 'ZoneName' start tag on line '196' doesn't match the end tag of 'MD5' in file 'http://maps.eq2interface.com/POI_files/file_list.xml'. Line 196, position 59.

Error Getting File List:
The XML declaration is unexpected. Line 145, position 10.

these are the errors i get when i try to update :( does anyone have a clue whats going on?

After reinstalling .net Framwork and reinstalling the updater I am still getting these errors. I seem to be having problems interpreting the xml but what should I do?

ullopincrateII 03-21-2005 12:52 PM

error >........The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application."

Didn't follow exactly what to update. Any suggestions on how to get passed this error? It appears as i try to launch updater :rolleyes:

ger 03-21-2005 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by ullopincrateII
error >........The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application."

Didn't follow exactly what to update. Any suggestions on how to get passed this error? It appears as i try to launch updater :rolleyes:

*cough*RTFM*cough* You need Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 or better.

Humudce 03-21-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by ullopincrateII
error >........The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application."

Didn't follow exactly what to update. Any suggestions on how to get passed this error? It appears as i try to launch updater :rolleyes:

Please make sure you have the .Net Framework 1.1 or 2.0 Beta installed. Also what is your Processor, and Windows Version? There are links to the .NET framework in various posts here.

Humudce 03-21-2005 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by ger
*cough*RTFM*cough* You need Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 or better.

Ger, You beat me to it, gees what we do when we are bored and the servers are not back up yet ;)

Quib 03-21-2005 01:03 PM

Maxham, it sounds like the auto-updater isn't getting the file list properly from the EQ2MAP website. I can't be sure whether it's a problem with the updater, the website or with your internet connection. Is the error message always exactly the same?

Colbalt, my best guess is you have managed to download a critical file during one of the major format transitions in the past couple days and have a file that's screwing up. Go to the following folder:
\EverQuest II\UI\EQ2MAP\eq2map
It should be packed full of XML files. Delete all of them and re-run the auto-updater. It won't take long to redownload because they're just small text files.

My best guess is you happened to patch and get an important file right as we were changing it. If what I suggested above doesn't work, try deleting everything in
\EverQuest II\UI\EQ2MAP
Meaning everything in that EQ2MAP folder, don't delete anything from your EQ2 main folder.

If that STILL doesn't work, then it's probably something I screwed up when updating our main map file and there's nothing wrong with your install.


Colbalt 03-21-2005 01:08 PM

Thanks Quib..... will do or just did it. :)

Now if SOE can get the servers back up I will let ya know. :nana: :nana:

Thank you for such a great Mod. Awesome job all. :D

maxham 03-21-2005 02:47 PM


The error seems to be diffrent every time I try to update but some do repeat every once in while. And sometimes it will get the file list but error on some other xml file.
I have had this problem since [beta .95] befor that it worked just fine.
And I agree with you that the problem is probaly something on my end as no one else, even those who lives on my dorm floor (and share internet connection) have this problem. :confused:

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