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Humudce 02-05-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by 0ctavius
I will release a version that for the public soon. I have gotten a lot of requests for it. To be honest it is not completely dynamic in that some things like the guild id is hardcoded. I need to move it to the config file or even pass it as a variable before moving forward. Then I have a few small things to add to make something I am happy enough with to release to the public...

here is an example:

Wow looks nice...

zoriouz 02-05-2005 02:06 PM

yeah it does!

Findarato 02-05-2005 04:48 PM

Looks nice, I might have to add a fancy version of my sig :D

0ctavius 02-05-2005 11:21 PM

You are right about the php versus gif thing. Some forums allow dynamic images, and some don't. There are ways to get around it though via HTACCESS or if you can't do that, you can use tinyurl.com to generate an image link. We had to do the same thing for a dynamic trillian plugin some guys and I were working on in the trillian plugin dev forums.

I am releasing version of my sig that doesn't use a database. Be aware this will mean that it has to load the soe page every time you refresh the image. This makes it take a few seconds to load depending on connection speed, and other factors. I will release a database version soon. FYI - this version is completely dynamic. It gets EVERYTHING about you from eq2players. This includes your guild name and id (which it then passes on to use in order to grab your guild rank from the roster page, and guild stats for the sig image). This means all you need is your player id, and it does the rest.

I almost released this with a minor bug though, so please watch for any others I might have missed. The bug I just fixed involved pulling up data on someone that was unguilded. It put some funny data into some of the arrays and displayed it on the image. Now I have it set up so that if you are unguilded, it will know, and it will use ------ for some of the values. It isn't the prettiest thing in the world, but the alternative was to create a different image depending on if you were guilded or not (which I may do soon anyway).

Those of you that are hoping to make your own image backgrounds, realize that it IS possible. I even added a theming capability so that you can make a yourname.png and a yourname.php in the iamge directory. Follow the format that the other similar php files have, and you will be fine. The php file stores placement data for the text, so you could theoretically customize where the text goes on your image as well (columns and rows). I may enhance this part further later as well.

As always, anyone wanting to modify my code, or add things, please let me know. Some of you may realize how much of a pain it can be if 4 or 5 people start releasing different versions of the same exact script. Letting me know your intended changes will allow me to integrate them into my own if it is something everyone wants, and make a single release...

and last but not least -- the link --

P.S. I need people willing to provide mirrors for this. Possibly with the ability for me to upload. My site isn't really meant for mass downloading, so if the downloads and bandwidth start getting high, I may have to pull the file. Let me know if you would be willing to host this project. -- I may later release a full features website package that grabs everything you would ever need from eq2players to use on your own website. This would become a full blown project that would extend into when they start using xml feeds. I may or may not put this on sourceforge or somewhere similar. The database version uses a basically all the data you would need for a full blown roster. I know someone already has one out, but I can see this project becoming inclusive of a roster, player stats, signatures, and more...

UGH - time for bed...

Drumstix42 02-06-2005 01:18 AM

Yup that's what mine is, put in player ID, and your good. I just have it set inside the file though, so don't need any extension in the url. I'm intertested stilll in see the DB cache per say ;)

0ctavius 02-06-2005 07:49 AM

the main reason I passed mine as a variable is that mine is meant for multiple people to use. I am currently using it as a signature script for my guild, so that any member can use it. So I couldn't set the user id in a file without forcing only one person being able to use it...

I am going to modify the script a little later today. THe image size is currently more than 100px wide, which I think is the maximum that the eq2 forums allow. If you use this signature on their forums, it cuts off the end.

Some other features I am thinking about:
- more templates (possible miniature versions, for people that want to show multiple images per character / alt in the same signature)
- security feature so that you can lock down teh script (via config) to only your guild. (be aware that this script works perfectly with any guild, even when it uses a database. So you only need to secure it if you don't anyone being able to use it except you or your guild...
- possibly a flash version that allows you to use a flash signature that grabs variables from my php? would be cool

Nightlord 02-06-2005 08:24 AM

FINALLY, I got it figured out. Can't do fonts... but colors work.

0ctavius 02-06-2005 08:51 AM

Current features (v0.4) -------------------------
- Streamlined fopen and fread method for getting data from eq2players. It also supports multiple words. It gets the whole field, not just a certain number of letters. No more guild names getting cut off...
- Templated Images. Can create custom backgrounds with custom theme files that define how and where the image is placed.
- print_array function that is used in the test.php file. Use this file just like you would the image.php, except instead of outputting the image, it will print the arrays for you in readable format. This way you can see exactly what data is being collected and what can be used in an image (with some GD knowhow)

Image Test ---------------------------------------

Coming Up (New Features in next version) --------------------------
- ability to set the img type to gif, jpg, or png from within the template for each background
- ability to set signature display to simple, normal, or enhanced
(simple would only have name, rank, and guild which can be used as a small img in a group of images for multiple alts)
(normal is what you see now)
(enhanced would be longer and have stats such as stamina, health, etc...)
- ability to secure the script to only be usable by members of a specific guild (your guild) or only a specific player id (you) so that no one else can use your script (be aware the database version will be multi-user capable without consequences, except for maybe bandwidth and database usage)
- ability to define in the config whether to use a database or not. If you say yes, it will automatically create a table based on the data you provide in the config file. It will store player info and guild info in tables for a basic caching functionality. A setting in the config determines the timeout before it gets new data and updates the database (basically a TTL). Each db entry is timestamped so that it can be updated on this schedule... (default timeout will be 4 hours)
- possibly a roster page that displays all members of a given guild. Would use the same database (or none if database is set to false) for caching player data.
- a better readme with version history
- instruction in the readme on how to use tinyurl.com or HTACCESS depending on which you are able to do...
- GD fonts included and configurable in the background templates

ger 02-06-2005 11:31 AM

0ctavius, beautiful work. I tried to download it, but I was asked for a username/password. Is this meant to be a limited release? Or did I just miss something in one of the posts? Either way, keep up the great work.

Humudce 02-06-2005 03:36 PM

Yes it's looking for a password to download.

0ctavius 02-07-2005 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Humudce
Yes it's looking for a password to download.

That was my fault guys. I uploaded it without resetting permissions. it is a security feature on my server that I use to prevent malicious files. I just forgot about my own security feature (I use IIS on my own server)

Try now as it should be working fine:

database version coming today...

lusny 02-07-2005 10:58 AM

dynamic image..
umm, Is phpBB2 not support dynamic image?
I know vBulletin board is support that.
I did use [img][/img] BBcode(at phpBB2) but, I cant see correct signature.
anyone know How can I use dynamic image on phpBB2?

0ctavius 02-07-2005 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by lusny
umm, Is phpBB2 not support dynamic image?
I know vBulletin board is support that.
I did use [img][/img] BBcode(at phpBB2) but, I cant see correct signature.
anyone know How can I use dynamic image on phpBB2?

Both vBulletin and phpBB2 disable dynamic images by default.

To get it to work without using an HTACCESS file, you will need to do the following:

Find out what the address would be for your image first and foremost. You will need to copy this to your clipboard (CTRL-C). So for example, mine is

Now you must go to tunyurl.com and there is a place to enter your http address for it to make it "tiny". Paste the code you got a second ago for your dynamic signature, into that box, but do NOT hit submit yet. This next part is very important. At the end of your address, add the following exaxtly as I have it:

So my new complete http dynamic signature address is:

Hit submit, and it will give you a tinyurl. Most likely something like this:

Now in the forums of your choice, instead of using the long dynamic signature you had previously, type in http://tinyurl.com/3odgl/blah.png (png is the file format I have been using, but in future version you want to change png to whatever the final image will be, either jpg, png, or gif.).

Here are examples: Two different links that do the exact same thing...

EDITED: Removed images and used links. Too many dynamic images in a single thread = more time to display each image... LOL

Hideki 02-07-2005 11:18 AM

If i try your page 0ctavius the result of my Sig result of this :


Did i miss something ?

lusny 02-07-2005 12:03 PM

I did follow your advice. but, not work now.
http://lusny.new21.net/sig/image.php...5101&img=panel is url
and used http://lusny.new21.net/sig/image.php...mg=panel&blah=
but, didnt give tiny url
Am I wrong?
when I use test.php then that just give eq2players parse result.

yes, this board can view dynamic url. but my phpBB borad is not work.

Hideki 02-07-2005 12:08 PM

If i use the link given by Lusny it's seems to work better :


0ctavius 02-07-2005 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by lusny
I did follow your advice. but, not work now.
http://lusny.new21.net/sig/image.php...5101&img=panel is url
and used http://lusny.new21.net/sig/image.php...mg=panel&blah=
but, didnt give tiny url
Am I wrong?
when I use test.php then that just give eq2players parse result.

yes, this board can view dynamic url. but my phpBB borad is not work.

your link is:
new link is:
tinyurl link is:
your signature link is:

As far as it not working on your phpBB2 board., I am not sure what to tell you. test.php is just something I am using right now, because my live image.php is using a database backend (yes, it is the new script I will be releasing today :D ). As far as I know, phpBB2 uses standard bbcode, so [ img] tags should work. You should be putting in:
[*img]http://tinyurl.com/3qw4c/blah.png[*/img] (without the * of course)

On a side note, blah is just something I came up with. it can be literally anything. I was just trying to make it easier for novices to figure out...

0ctavius 02-07-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hideki
If i try your page 0ctavius the result of my Sig result of this :


Did i miss something ?

You really don't want to use mine buddy. Download it and try it yourself. The code I have for download is current, and doesn't do what you just got. using my test.php from my website is going to give you varying results, because I am actually currently testing and upgrading the script. You are atempting to use something that is halfway into the next version :p

That is why when you did the same thing but from Lusny's site, it worked fine - because the one he has is the one I released. The one on my site is not a release script yet and still undergoing tweaks (database, etc...)

I think I need to pull the files from my website and only keep the release copy there. That way you can't accidentally use my development version. I just got lazy I guess :eek:

Drumstix42 02-07-2005 12:59 PM

Another reason why I haven't made anything for simply anyone to use... the time helping others with their problems :p

0ctavius 02-07-2005 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42
Another reason why I haven't made anything for simply anyone to use... the time helping others with their problems :p

That may be true, but I actually don't mind. For one I take pride in my work, and more often than not the little bugs and issues that you miss are found by other people. So I let people use it, test it, poke at it with sharp sticks or whatever they want, and in the end my script gets better...

But then again, this is what I do for a living - Network Administration, with a hint of tech support...

FYI - the old links I had here for my signature script on my guild's website will no longer work. I moved it to another directory. I also only have the release version up there, and my test version (with database) is hidden away on a private test server. I updated all of my posts with the latest urls so nothing should be broken in the above posts.

Drumstix42 02-07-2005 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by 0ctavius
But then again, this is what I do for a living - Network Administration, with a hint of tech support...

That's cool :)

I'm only 16 so... I've yet to take up a career choice :rolleyes:

maxh 02-07-2005 05:32 PM

hey 0ctavius
very nice job
but i think the problem most ppl have isnt the tiny url
but that the page is just blank

im not a total php noob
well lets say im an enduser who was forced to get some skills

but i couldnt get your script to run :/


wth am i doin wrong?

lusny 02-07-2005 09:05 PM

thanks for answer.
that working now. :)

ger 02-07-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by 0ctavius
But then again, this is what I do for a living - Network Administration, with a hint of tech support...

Ah, the life of a tech geek. ;) I'm tech support with a hint of network admin hehe. :D

Back on topic, a suggestion: might it be possible to allow players to pass their character's surname via an argument since EQ2Players doesn't list it? And some more praise (now that I got it downloaded and working) this thing is so very, very cool. A dancing banana for you, sir! :nana:

Itanius 02-08-2005 01:05 AM

Does anyone have or know where to find the scripting hooks for the data at EQ2Players? I'm referring to the stats like Quests completed, Last Killed By, etc. A list of all those hooks would be great, but I can't seem to find them anywhere.

Thanks :)

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