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Pijotre 11-24-2018 11:28 PM

Just used google and found this:

Does this work?

<ImageStyle displayname=":f:Nektulos Forest" menugroup="DLere" Name="nektulos" />

jnils 11-25-2018 03:36 AM

No, that's for the normal nectulos map, already have that.

Pijotre 11-25-2018 04:02 AM

Ok I think I was now able to aquire what you need to get the Nektulos Forest: Apotheosis [Tradeskill] map to work, instead of /map2_show_zone_rect I tried using /show_map_style_name 1, this resulted in the following info upon entering the zone:
Map style name: exp14_dun_nektulos_tradeskill_

So while that is hopefully good to go now, is there anything else you need to make the 2 maps for Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Lightning Strikes [Tradeskill] work?

jnils 11-25-2018 08:18 AM

Good, a real name :)

Sorry , i missed the 2 other maps.

Ill try adding them soon.

Pijotre 11-25-2018 09:06 AM

Glad I finally found what was needed, thanks for your work, looking forward to the new maps.

jnils 11-26-2018 04:12 AM

The 2 maps for Torden, Bastion of Thunder is now live.

Please check them.

The nektulos map is still a no go, have to make some more tests :(

Pijotre 11-26-2018 06:17 AM


I checked the eq2maps map making tutorial to get to get the idea to use /show_map_style_name 1, it also mentioned omitting the last _, so if you forgot maybe try that and use: exp14_dun_nektulos_tradeskill ?
You proberbly know that but I thought its worth a shot, as always let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

jnils 11-26-2018 04:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have made a test file.

Replace _User_MapStyles.xml and try if it shows up as it should.

Its not the right image in game.

Pijotre 11-26-2018 05:15 PM

Yeah I already thought that looked fishy, the map shows me in Mystic Lake.
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps2/mara_isle.dds" SourceRect="0,0,1600,1200" />

That can't be right, it must be another dds, I'd guess original game or exp14, how do we find the correct one?

Pijotre 11-26-2018 05:51 PM

So it does recognize ImageStyle Name="exp14_dun_nektulos_tradeskill" and opens whichever map is named under ImageFrame Source. I also tried:
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps2/dlere_all.dds" SourceRect="0,0,1600,1200" />
Which put me in the frreport potion of that map ... the coordinates of my player pointer are about right for the nekulous map, just need to find it (its not listed under maps or maps2) in UI\default\images nor under UI\EQ2MAP\images\maps.

So where are those maps stored, that are not in the above mentioned locations?

Pijotre 11-27-2018 08:30 AM

Did some forum digging, does this help?


jnils 11-27-2018 10:04 AM

Most maps in game a hardcoded, and can't be accessed, only by the mapwindow.

That is not a big issue, i fix a new picture today i hope.

Pijotre 11-27-2018 11:02 AM

Sounds awesome! Are you just screenshotting it and then making it 1600x1200?

As a side note working through the PoP Signature Adventure quests now, and will report any map wonkiness. Then I'll get to CD. There were no CD Tradeskill maps this time around, but I saw your list on the CD thread and will update when I'm able.

jnils 11-27-2018 04:16 PM

2 Attachment(s)
OK, a new try.

Install map dds in eq2map\images\maps


<ImageStyle zonerect="-1377.60, -2504.07, 2619.59, 525.19" displayname="Nektulos Forest: Apotheosis [Tradeskill]" Name="exp14_dun_nektulos_tradeskill">
    <ImageFrame SourceRect="0,0,800,600" Source="images/maps/map_exp14_dun_nektulos_tradeskill.dds"/>

Pijotre 11-27-2018 04:20 PM

kk testing now, stay tuned

Pijotre 11-27-2018 04:28 PM

Yes that works perfectly, followed the path a bit on the map and it fits the world 100%. ... Awesome!

jnils 11-28-2018 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pijotre (Post 108479)
Sounds awesome! Are you just screenshotting it and then making it 1600x1200?

I made it 800x600, same as all web maps.

Pijotre 11-28-2018 02:39 AM

Awesome looking forward for it being live, that leaves only 1 more TS zone open, however I have no char on that step atm to get the zone info, will add that later.

In the meantime I'm working through the PoP Adv line and have a few map changes to add:
2 of the solo PoI zones only use the Scrapyard map, the other one is inaccessible for repeatable and for signature and can thus be removed:

Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous (Scrapyard)[Solo] to
Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Solo]

Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine (Scrapyard)[Solo] to
Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine [Solo]

Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous (Manaetic Factory)[Solo]
Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine (Manaetic Factory)[Solo]

The other Coliseum of Valor should be the signature line zone:

Coliseum of Valor [2] to
Coliseum of Valor: Hero's Devotion

All the following zone groups should be subzones of Coliseum of Valor (the one without the [2]) as they are accessed from there, while doing that please group the TS version with the adv ones:
Plane of Disease maps
Torden, Bastion of Thunder maps
Plane of Innovation maps
Solusek Ro's Tower maps
The Molten Throne maps

The Shard of Hate maps and both Coliseums should be subzones of Plane of Magic, as only the Plane has a spire and is a true overland.

jnils 11-28-2018 04:16 AM

Nektulos TS map is now live.

Don't forget to delete User mapstyle file.

Pijotre 11-28-2018 05:13 AM

Awesome, thanks! PoIs have been added, going to test it this afternoon (CET). While I did remember to delete it, thank you for the headsup anyways!

jnils 11-28-2018 06:34 AM

All names updated.


Pijotre 11-28-2018 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by jnils (Post 108491)
All names updated.


No, thank you for making the changes!

Just ran through Apothesis, New Ownership and Nick of Time again, they all work and have all the POIs in the right places :-)

I'll keep you updated on PoP Adv TS zones, Guk Tradeskill zone and the last few zones of KA TS line and the frist few of the PoP TS line.

Darqwood 11-28-2018 08:08 AM

Well done, both of you! A lot of players will benefit from the effort.

jnils 11-28-2018 09:00 AM


As i don't play (and pay) i cant get the info my self.
I rely entirely on info from users in game.

Pijotre 11-28-2018 11:11 AM

And I for one am really glad that you are supporting the player community of a game you don't even play :-)

More zone renames:
Plane of Disease: The Source [Solo]0 ___ to
Plane of Disease: The Source (Detrioxx) [Solo]
Plane of Disease: The Source [Solo]1 ___ to
Plane of Disease: The Source (Crypt) [Solo]
Done Pimigo

Pijotre 11-28-2018 12:39 PM

2 Attachment(s)
In addition to the renaming of The Source (see last post), I have more maps for you to add:

- The first one is a small crafting zone as a subzone of Plane of Magic and I tried the following which works fine, however the new zone is gold/yellow instead of the old one that was blue. I copied the zonerect and sourcerect from the old zone and it seems to work:
<ImageStyle Name="exp14_dun_starfire_cavern_ts" displayname="Artisan's Prism" menugroup="TEST" zonerect="-224, -161, 119, 237">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp07_dun_crystalcavern.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
Added Pimigo

- The other zones are all part of GU 107 Return to Guk, all fabled Guk Zones are also reachable from Plane of Magic:

First the Tradeskill one which I tried with and at least the entry area matches up, had not time to run the whole zone yet, again I copied the zonerect and sourcerect from the old zone:

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_guk_upper_fabled_tradeskill" displayname="The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Tradeskill Mission]" menugroup="TEST" zonerect="-225,-470,178,51">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_guk_upper.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_guk_upper_fabled_tradeskill" displayname="The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Tradeskill Mission]" zonerect="-225,-470,178,51">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_guk_upper.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />

And Adventuring:

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_guk_upper_fabled_solo" displayname="The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Solo]" zonerect="-225,-470,178,51">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_guk_upper.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_guk_upper_fabled" displayname="The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Heroic]" zonerect="-225,-470,178,51">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_guk_upper.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_guk_lower_fabled_solo" displayname="The Fabled Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors [Solo]" zonerect="-86, -388, 328, 91">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_guk_lower.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
Added Pimigo

- Adventuring Shard of Hate Zones (POP), subzones of Plane of Magic (Eye Spy is as well), all use the regular Shard of Hate map:

<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Heroic]" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_heroic" />
- This zone uses the same map as all Shard of Hate maps.
- Zone rect: -515.00, -416.00, 494.00, 364.00. (exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_heroic)
- All (new) Shard of Hate zones are subzones of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Solo]" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_solo" />
- This zone uses the same map as all Shard of Hate maps.
- Zone rect: -515.00, -416.00, 494.00, 364.00. (exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_solo)
- All (new) Shard of Hate zones are subzones of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Reignited Hatred [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_raid" />
- This zone uses the same map as all Shard of Hate maps.
- Zone rect: -515.00, -416.00, 494.00, 364.00. (exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_raid)
- All (new) Shard of Hate zones are subzones of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Udder Contempt (Herd Mode)" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_heroic_cow" />
- While very funny I think its the wrong game, the cow level was in Diablo II :P
- Sorry I actually thought this is a joke, but wikia lists it as "Shard of Hate: Udder Contempt (Herd Mode)"
Added Pimigo

Shard of Hate: [Public] ___ to
Shard of Hate: Gates of Scorn [Public Quest] Done Pimigo

On that note:
Shard of Hate: New Ownership [Tradeskill] is a subzone of Nektulous Forest: Apotheosis [Tradeskill] which itself is a subzone of Nektulous Forest.
Moved Pimigo

- Missing adventuring Plane of Disease zones, subzones (like all PoD zones) of Coliseum of Valor:

I think its safe to assume that the rename of Plane of Disease: The Source [Solo] applies in the same manner to the Plane of Disease: The Source [Heroic] maps.

<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Outbreak [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_01_expert" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Detrioxx) version of the Plane of Disease maps.
- Zone rect: -1,112.00, -643.00, 947.00, 903.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_01_expert)
- All Plane of Disease zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: The Source [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_02_expert" />
- As its proberbly like Solo and heroic this zone uses 2 maps!
- The (Detrioxx) version of the Plane of Disease maps is the first map:
- Zone rect: -1,112.00, -643.00, 947.00, 903.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_02_expert_0)
- The (Crypt) version of the Plane of Disease maps is the second map:
- Zone rect: ? (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_02_expert_1), but zone rect should be the same as The Source (Crypt) [Solo]
- All Plane of Disease zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Duo]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_duo" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Detrioxx) version of the Plane of Disease maps.
- Zone rect: -1,112.00, -643.00, 947.00, 903.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_duo)
- All Plane of Disease zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Event Heroic]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Detrioxx) version of the Plane of Disease maps.
- Zone rect: -1,112.00, -643.00, 947.00, 903.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_duo)
- All Plane of Disease zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Expert Event]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_expert" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Detrioxx) version of the Plane of Disease maps.
- Zone rect: -1,112.00, -643.00, 947.00, 903.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_duo)
- All Plane of Disease zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: The Emergence [Public Quest]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_public" />
- Added _public zone name, uses (Detrioxx); Zone rect: -1,112.00, -643.00, 947.00, 903.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_public)
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection (Detrioxx) [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_raid" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection (Crypt) [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_crypt_raid" />
- Destinction of raid maps is a good educated guess as I don't have access yet.
Added Pimigo

- Missing adventuring Brackish Vaults zones, subzones (like all Brackish Vaults zones) of Coliseum of Valor:

<ImageStyle displayname="Brackish Vaults [Solo]" Name="exp14_dun_vasty_dome_solo" />
- Brackish Vaults [Solo] uses the map from your post #2 (picture 7); Zone rect: -117.00, -86.00, 138.00, 107.00. (exp14_dun_vasty_dome_solo)
- All Brackish Vaults zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_vasty_dome_raid" />
- While the displayname for the raid is correct I can't be sure that the name is correct too as I don't have access yet.
- All Brackish Vaults zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Brackish Vaults [Duo]" Name="exp14_dun_vasty_dome_adv_solo" />
- I don't see that one on the portal yet, maybe after finishing the solo version it will show up, from reading forums and eq2library I assum this is proberbly a [Duo] zone and thinking about it I think they retired the Adv Solo name on the newer zones
Added Pimigo

- Missing adventuring Plane of Innovation zones, subzones (like all PoI zones) of Coliseum of Valor:

<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_02_expert_0" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Scrapyard) version of the Plane of Innovation maps.
- Zone rect: -446.00, -403.00, 413.00, 263.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_02_expert_0)
- All Plane of Innovation zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_01_expert_0" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Scrapyard) version of the Plane of Innovation maps.
- Zone rect: -446.00, -403.00, 413.00, 263.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_01_expert_0)
- All Plane of Innovation zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Parts not Included [Expert Event]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_03_expert_1" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Manaetic Factory) version of the Plane of Innovation maps.
- Zone rect: -257.00, -600.00, 215.00, -261.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_03_expert_1)
- All Plane of Innovation zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards (Scrapyard) [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_raid_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards (Manaetic Factory) [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_raid_1" />
- This zone has 2 maps! The 0 and 1 destinction of the maps is a guess as I don't have access yet.
- _raid_0 should be the (Scrapyard) version of the Plane of Innovation maps.
- Zone rect: -446.00, -403.00, 413.00, 263.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_raid_0)
- _raid_1 should be the (Manaetic Factory) version of the Plane of Innovation maps.
- Zone rect: -257.00, -600.00, 215.00, -261.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_raid_1)
<ImageStyle displayname="Echoes of Innovation (Scrapyard) [Public]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_public_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Echoes of Innovation (Manaetic Factory) [Public]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_public_1" />
- This zone uses (at least) the (Scrapyard) version of the Plane of Innovation maps.
- Zone rect: -446.00, -403.00, 413.00, 263.00. (exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_public_0)
- Oddly enough while the door has Plane of Innovation: written on it the actual displayname on the map window and in the guild window doesn't have this prefix.
- All Public Quest zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Security Measures (Scrapyard) [Tradeskill]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_ts_mission_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Security Measures (Manaetic Factory) [Tradeskill]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_ts_mission_1" />
- So just like the Torden Tradeskill maps, while the displayname for this zone is the same as the one for the signature line the daily mission actually has a different name.
- Since the mission has you redo basically the same things that you have done in the signature quests, could we just link both like you did for the Torden Tradeskill zone?
exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_ts_mission_0 (as the new slave) and exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_tradeskill_0 (as the old master, has POIs) to the same map entry for Plane of Innovation: Security Measures (Scrapyard) [Tradeskill] we already have?
- And as above exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_ts_mission_1 (as the new slave) and exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_tradeskill_1 (as the old master, has POIs) to Plane of Innovation: Security Measures (Manaetic Factory) [Tradeskill]?
- All Plane of Innovation zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
Added Pimigo

- Missing adventuring Torden, Bastion of Thunder zones, subzones (like all Torden zones) of Coliseum of Valor:

<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Tower Breach [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_01_expert" />
- This zone uses the northern (2 big circles top, smaller circle bottom) map of the Torden maps.
- Zone rect: -1,298.00, -1,549.00, 1,695.00, 668.00. (exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_01_expert)
- All Torden zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Winds of Change [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_02_expert" />
- This zone uses the southern (2 big circles bottom, smaller circle top) map of the Torden maps.
- Zone rect: -1,491.00, -723.00, 1,489.00, 1,508.00. (exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_02_expert)
- All Torden zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Event Heroic]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_03" />
- This is odd, name and displayname are correct, the map shows the correct map and me in the correct position on it, however when I try to put the door POI in, it gives me an error, saying "The loc '-1054.20, 366.65, -917.00' does not appear to fit into this or any related zone.", even though the [Duo] and [Expert Event] versions, which use the same map work fine. Zone rect on all 3 Storm Chase maps should be -1933.00, -1629.00, 2114.00, 1409.00
- This zone uses the full (5 circles) map of the Torden maps.
- Zone rect: -1,933.00, -1,629.00, 2,114.00, 1,409.00. (exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_03)
- All Torden zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="?" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_public" />
- Looks like this was just an assumption of mine, but nowhere in my logs nor on the web, nor actually seeing it, this zone doesn't seem to exist. Ombrette on discord confirmed this, a Torden PQ was planned and was even in the planned rotation but never got implemented into the game. Removed from testing list
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Expert Event]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_03_expert" />
- This zone uses the full (5 circles) map of the Torden maps.
- Zone rect: -1,933.00, -1,629.00, 2,114.00, 1,409.00. (exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_03_expert)
- All Torden zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge (Atrium) [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_raid_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge (Tower of the Rainkeeper) [Raid]" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_raid_1" />
- The Atrium map is the entry zone in all Torden zones
- Destinction of raid maps is a good educated guess as I don't have access yet
- All Torden zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Lightning Strikes (Atrium) [Tradeskills]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_ts_mission_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Lightning Strikes (Tower of the Rainkeeper) [Tradeskills]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_ts_mission_1" />
- So this is interesting, while the displayname for this zone is the same as the one for the signature line the daily mission actually has a different name.
- Since the mission has you redo basically the same things that you have done in the signature quests, would it be possible to just link both exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_ts_mission_0 and exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_ts_0 to the same map entry for Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Lightning Strikes (Atrium) [Tradeskills] we already have?
- And as above exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_ts_mission_1 and exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_ts_1 to Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Lightning Strikes (Tower of the Rainkeeper) [Tradeskills]?
- All Torden zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
Added Pimigo

- Missing adventuring Solusek Ro's Tower zones, subzones (like all Solusek zones) of Coliseum of Valor:

Rename: (I'd guess as the zones basically just have different strength, that the heroic numbering is the same)
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]0 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Level 2-5) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]1 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Top) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]2 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Bottom) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]3 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Right) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]4 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Left) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]5 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Back) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo]6 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Level 1) [Solo]
I'd also suggest of putting 6 = Level 1 on top of the list of zones and keep the rest in order as is.Done Pimigo

Rename: (I'd guess as the zones basically just have different strength, that the heroic numbering is the same)
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]0 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire (Floor 1) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]1 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire (Floor 2) [Solo]
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]2 ___ to
Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire (Floor 3) [Solo]
- Floor 1 is the entrance map. Done Pimigo

<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Level 1) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_6" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Level 2-5) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Top) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_1" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Bottom) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_2" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Right) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_3" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Left) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_4" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core (Verlixa Back) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_01_expert_5" />
- Switched _6 to the beginning as that is the entrance, otherwise looks good to me.
- Maps should be the same as the solo and heroic versions of The Obsidian Core.
- All Solusek Ro's Tower zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire (Floor 1) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_02_expert_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire (Floor 2) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_02_expert_1" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire (Floor 3) [Expert]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_02_expert_2" />
- Looks good to me, Floor 1 is the Entrance. Maps should be the same as the solo and heroic versions of Monolith of Fire.
- Floor 1 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]0 map: Zone rect: -281.00, -329.00, 282.00, 94.00. (exp14_dun_solusek_tower_public_0)
- Floor 2 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]1 map.
- Floor 3 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]2 map.
- All Solusek Ro's Tower zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Level 1) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_6" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Level 2-5) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Top) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_1" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Bottom) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_2" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Right) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_3" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Left) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_4" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance (Back) [Event Challenge]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_03_5" />
- This must be the Radiance zone that I can't access yet as it requires a minimum of 6 players, but the displayname is on the zonemenu of the portal and should be correct.
- I found only very little info on this zone on the net, but it seems it uses the Obsidian Core layout, however I don't think Verlixa is a mob in this zone, so I made some names which can be changed if I ever get a run through the zone, like Obisidian Core I pushed _6 to the top spot as that seems to be the Entrance of this zone as well.
- All Solusek Ro's Tower zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: House of the Rising Sun (Floor 1) [Public Quest]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_public_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: House of the Rising Sun (Floor 2) [Public Quest]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_public_1" />
- Added Public quest zone ... 2 maps see above
- Floor 1 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]0 map: Zone rect: -281.00, -329.00, 282.00, 94.00. (exp14_dun_solusek_tower_public_0)
- Floor 2 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]1 map.
- All Public Quest zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: From the Ashes (Floor 1) [Tradeskill]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_tradeskill_0" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Solusek Ro's Tower: From the Ashes (Floor 2) [Tradeskill]" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_tradeskill_1" />
- Completely forgot about the Tradeskill zones as I had already passed that on most of my chars before I started working on the maps.
- Checked my logs for the displayname and added it, floor disntinction is the same as the Monolith of Fire zones.
- Floor 1 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]0 map: Zone rect: -281.00, -329.00, 282.00, 94.00. (exp14_dun_solusek_tower_public_0). This is the zone entrance.
- Floor 2 uses the Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo]1 map.
- All Public Quest zones are subzones of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
Added Pimigo
Solusek Ro's Tower: From the Ashes (Floor 3) [Tradeskill] - Map for Floor 3 can be deleted this zone only uses Floors 1 and 2 Done


Soulbound Chamber:

<ImageStyle displayname="Soulbound Chamber" Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_soulbound" />
- Going to make a custom map as time permits (should be quick as its a very small zone) ... DONE!
- Its a subzone of Coliseum of Valor, which in itself is a subzone of Plane of Magic.
- The *.jpg and *.dds are in the attachment.

<ImageStyle Name="exp14_dun_solusek_tower_soulbound" displayname="Soulbound Chamber" zonerect="-18, -12, 18, 30">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp14_dun_solusek_tower_soulbound.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,508" />

Oh and menugroup="Planes of Prophecy" should be added to all these maps as right now you can't choose them in game, but not urgent, you said you wanted to put zonerects on all, can do it then.
For the last 5-6 years i have not added the maps to the ingame menu, only region maps not dungeon.
They are so many and have so long names, that gets truncated anyway, that i see no point in adding them.Gets rely messy.
But i can always change my mind if you convince me otherwise.
Should it really be Planes of Prophecy as it seams to belong to Celestial Relm

- Ahh ok yeah makes sense I hadn't even noticed, shows you how much I have used this feature, I usually use the website if I need info of a zone other than the one I'm in.
- Well for Plane of Magic and Coliseum of Valor you used menugroup="Planes of Prophecy" in core_mapstyles.xml, which makes sense, while strcitly speaking both Expansions (14 PoP and 15 CD) are part of the Celestial Realm, I wouldn't mind the distinction, but up to you!

Ah, remember now, i renamed Planes of Prophecyr to Celestial Realm on the website, but forgot to change ingame.
But we could combine them ingame, make sense, but divide them on site, to make the sets follow the expansions, will be many maps otherwise.

That sounds like a good solution, so put the major zones under Celestial Realms in game and have "Planes of Prophecy" and "Chaos Descending" categories on the website.

jnils 11-29-2018 09:16 AM

I know, i have 56 zones to add for exp14 , but i don't have the real zone names until now.
I will add the ones you have listed, and give you a list of remaining zones to check the names of.

These zones needs to checked have no zonerect or picture:

<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Heroic]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_heroic" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Utter Contempt [Solo]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_solo" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Shard of Hate: Reignited Hatred [Raid]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_shard_of_hate_raid" />

<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_02_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_01_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Innovation: Parts not Included [Expert Event]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_03_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Echoes of Innovation [Public]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_innovation_public" />

<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Outbreak [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_01_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: The Source [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_02_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Duo]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_duo" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Event Heroic]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Expert Event]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_plane_of_disease_03_expert" />

<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Tower Breach [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_01_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Winds of Change [Expert]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_02_expert" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Event Heroic]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_03" />
<ImageStyle displayname="Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Expert Event]" menugroup="TEST" Name="exp14_dun_bastion_of_thunder_03_expert" />

Pijotre 11-29-2018 09:16 AM

Thanks for the changes so far, I added PoIs to Artisan's Prism and going to try ti now. If I can assist you further in any way let me know. Also I should be able to get most raid zone names once I#ve done the Sig questline.

List sounds fine, you just need the displaynames or anything else for those?

Oh and thanks for the callout in the patch notes :-)

jnils 11-29-2018 09:18 AM

Does the remaining maps for GU 107 use the upper and lower maps ?


- The other GU 107 zones, which I haven't tried custom yet, are:

The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Solo]

The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Heroic]

The Fabled Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors [Solo]

Pijotre 11-29-2018 09:22 AM

Well they use the same ones as the non fabled versions did, so Halls of the Fallen should be upper (= map_exp05_dun_guk_upper.dds) and Lower Corridors lower (= map_exp05_dun_guk_lower.dds)

Just tested Artisan's Prism, map and POIs work fine, just have to do something about the blue color, I'll see if I can add a dds plugin to gimp and make it more golden color, should I succeed we can use that instead.

jnils 11-29-2018 10:17 AM

I edited your post and added imagestyle to 4 sets of zones, but they are not all complete , could you check if you can add more names?

Pijotre 11-29-2018 10:24 AM

Ok I edited the CODE regions in my original post to the best of my ability (comments in blue)

Added the missing PoD _03 info

Added some Solusek Ro's Tower information and uncluttered it a bit by marking unimportant parts in grey

Added info about the 2nd level in Torden Winds of Change

Added Innovation PQ

jnils 11-30-2018 03:50 AM

The GU 107 Return to Guk maps are added.

Pijotre 11-30-2018 04:21 AM

Nice I hope I can add POIs to it today, if not I'm on vacation til tuesday, so you'll have some rest and peace then from me for a few days :P

jnils 11-30-2018 10:41 AM

OK :D See ya

Pijotre 11-30-2018 11:46 AM

Before I have left I left you another present and added some more info to the big post (read 1st line and new Solusek Ro stuff)

Pijotre 12-03-2018 04:30 PM

Yeesh looks like when I'm not here nothing gets done *cracks whip* ... just kidding ... I'm back but its 10:30pm so I'll check back tomorrow :-)

Nm just saw the changes to the names of the sol ro zones + indentation ... nice!

jnils 12-04-2018 05:00 AM

Hehe, i have done some maintenance under the hood, but im ready to move on.

I have made some test of the new zone sets you have made, but i miss some zonerects for some zones, i need to get them first and a picture of the map.

I will test this tonight when i get time.

Pijotre 12-04-2018 05:18 AM

If there is anything I can do to help with that let me know! Would the zonerects from /map2_show_zone_rect help? If yes then for which zones do you need it?

I saw you edited your post under my big post, I added info for it to the big post, hope its enough.

Pijotre 12-04-2018 04:08 PM

Brakish Vaults [Solo], see big post uses this zone from your post #2 zone number 7.

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