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Agathorn 11-23-2005 02:34 PM

Ok I got the target/implied target issues resolved finally, and it only takes up a small amount of extra space in the minimized form and no extra space in the maximized form so i'm happy with that :)

One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that the target/implied target windows have two layouts. You can resize the windows down to make them larger to show all the effects on the target, or resize them up to hide the effects. Your choice.

I'll post a new set of XML files in a bit after I have some lunch.

Agathorn 11-23-2005 04:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok here is the latest.

AzzAzzin 11-24-2005 05:21 AM

Ok i used this thing all night and i love it but still it needs some tweeking i think. 2 other friends are using it and we all agree.. We need the Implied target, Target and the Player info health and power bars to be enlarged to span the entire width of the raid window. Those 3 are imprtant enoguh to be more visable just currently just too small. It could be in a format below:

Target and Implied Target:

51 MobName^^^
Epic or Heroic
++++++++++++ HEALTH +++++++++++++ %Health
---------------- POWER----------------- %Power

Self Information (playerinfo):

52 PlayerName
++++++++++++ HEALTH +++++++++++++ %Health
---------------- POWER----------------- %Power

<-- Width spans to the total size of raid window -->

annother thing is, my name shows up in the self window and in the group window.. is there anyway to remove it from the group window entirely?

Let me know what you think.. The health bars of myself and the mob im fighting definately need to be more detailed and larger to view and inable me to make accurate calculations and comparison to the mob they are fighting..

Also, should the raid window allways show "longestnameposs" whil e not in a raid or is it going to go away once in a raid?

We are close to being done and i cant tell you how impressed i am with this whole thing. You have done a great job.

andalorn 11-24-2005 05:35 AM

new grp UI
I agree with azz, this new grp / raid UI is great and very unobtrusive. I like it a lot. with a little bit of tweaking, it would be flawless.

Agathorn 11-24-2005 08:55 AM

No problem on the target/self windows. As for you being in the player window and group window, as I stated on the first page I put you into the group window for mainly aesthetic reasons. The group window was designed to mirror the raid groups and since the player himself shows up in the raid window I put the player info into the group window as well so it mirrors it. I can take it out just as easy if thats how you want it.

All the names showing up in the raid window is odd. It doesn't do that for me on Test as you can see from my screenshot. I'll have to look into that.

Agathorn 11-24-2005 10:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok heres the latest.

Modified Target, Implied Target, and Player windows to have health and power bars the full width of the windows.

Swapped position of Level and PlayerName on Player Window.

Added Power and Health percent Labels to Target, Implied Target, and Player windows.

Removed PlayerInfo from Group window.

Also I double checked the raid window and even on live when Iopen it up the window is blank. So I really have no idea why you are seeing it full with Longestnameposs entries :(

AzzAzzin 11-24-2005 12:52 PM

I think you linked the wrong zip file lol. I am back at the first zip file for some reason. Downloaded and installed but now i got the old stuff.

Agathorn 11-24-2005 01:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oops! This should be right now.

AzzAzzin 11-24-2005 11:14 PM

Your a genious, looks awesome!! 1 last thing however lol, Check out my SS below.. if you can fix these things great! If not then it will have to be good enough. its just cleanup from here, everything is just perfect otherwise..

Agathorn 11-25-2005 05:11 AM

Damni that green whatever it is. I never figured out what was causing it but it all of a sudden went away for me. I thought I had fixed it :(

The power bar should be lined up fine if it wasn't for that green smudge :p

As for the numbers being cut off, I think you need to resize your windows. They had to get slightly larger.

I'd recommend you wipe out all the old stuff and extract the new archive. See if that fixes anything. Its very weird that you are seeing things that I am not (like all the dummy names still being there), and i've tested this right on your server :(

Agathorn 11-25-2005 05:42 AM

I think I may know what is causing your green smudge. I had fixed it but it looks like I had only fixed the v0 page. Are you using v1? Try a /con_version 0 and see if it goes away.

In any case i'm goign to clean up the v1 page and the implied window which I also forgot to fix and then upload a nice fresh version of everything.

Agathorn 11-25-2005 05:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I also noticed by your SS that it looks like your still using the old gropu window.

I cleaned up the rest of the target and implied target pages. And made a completely fresh zip file. I'd recommened that you delete your target, implied target, player, group, and raid xml files then extract this zip in there to ensure you got all the latest. Also reset all those windows to default size to ensure you aren't clipped.

I'll check back later but for now i'm off to black friday at work. I work retail so its goign to be a super long day.

AzzAzzin 11-25-2005 12:27 PM

Looks great!! I still have longestnamepos showing in the raid windows but i think it may have something to do with eq2map and the OCD ui stuff. who knows.. i wont really know whats going on with it till i raid.

Either Way it looks awesome i love it and i know a few others do too. Submit this to the misc section or group section or something i think others will like it aswell.

Good Job and Thank you!

Peglegrook 11-27-2005 05:13 AM

After playing around with this over the weekend, I really like what it does. I love saving screen real-estate, and how it gets ridof some useless windows (extra group one). The only thing that I came into a real issue of was that it doesn't show if the group member is diseased, trauma, etc. Being a healer, I find this UI really helpful, except that I do need to know when I should cure someone. If you could make this happen... good times by all!

Agathorn 11-27-2005 10:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
After a bit of finaggaling I managed to squeeze in JUST enough space to put some small effects icons in there. In the process I also noticed a bug that caused all groupmember levels to display the level of group member 1.. oops :p

Here is a new group window to try out.

Peglegrook 11-28-2005 06:53 AM

You are the man! Very nice - I love it. *bows down in praise*

Peglegrook 11-28-2005 07:00 AM

While I was playing with this awesome UI that you made a thought dawned on me.. so I posted this up in another thread:


I love this site! I've spent countless hours searching and prefecting my UI setup. But... so far I haven't found any interface that is able to add any of the group member's pets to something similar to a group window.

I don't think this would be too hard to pull off, but what do I know? I'm primarily a healer and I assume many others like me hate having to be told to heal someone's pet (or having it randomly die off). Instead of actually being part of the group member's window, I think it would be most useful if it was it's own unit . Let me know if I just missed it, or.. have a blast trying!

Holy Moly! I had an idea - crazy

Anywho.. I dunno how much you know about UI - but as I said in the thread, I'd have your babies if you can work it out! ;) Plus it would be nice if it all tied together.

Peglegrook 11-28-2005 08:20 AM

Also.. i don't know if I'm stupid or what.. but now I can only see 3 of my group members? I can see the top of the F4 member.. but that's it.

Agathorn 11-28-2005 09:33 AM

Try resetting the window to default location (which also resets it to default size).

Muscular Beaver 12-02-2005 06:46 AM

Awesome work Aga!
But I noticed I had some problems keeping attention to my health and power since the bars are so thin (couldnt test with group health bars yet). Could you make the health and power bar on the player, target and maybe the group members window just a little thicker? just 2-5 pixels or whatever fits?
Maybe even the percent values a little bigger only on the target and player window?

Peglegrook 12-03-2005 07:25 AM

Hrm.. I tried the default location = no bueno. It's almost as if there is enough space between the names to add another person. Is it possible that I have another UI interfering?

I love this UI .. and I'm just not willing to let go!

Agathorn 12-03-2005 09:29 AM

The space between the names is where the effects icons show up.

Not sure what to tell you. Resetting it should have fixed it. The only other thing I can think to try is delete you character settings file as it may be cirrupted (happens sometimes).. Then reload EQ2, go into options and go into user interface and reset all windows to default locations. You will have to rearrange them all though after. Seems odd that your window is cut off. Can oyu turn on the border and background and fill up a gropu and get me a screenshot?

Agathorn 12-03-2005 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Muscular Beaver
Awesome work Aga!
But I noticed I had some problems keeping attention to my health and power since the bars are so thin (couldnt test with group health bars yet). Could you make the health and power bar on the player, target and maybe the group members window just a little thicker? just 2-5 pixels or whatever fits?
Maybe even the percent values a little bigger only on the target and player window?

The player/target windows can probably be done. The group window though.. I dunno.. it's being pushed extremely close to the edge already in order to fit properly into the raid window. I'll have to take a look but no promises on that window.

Agathorn 12-04-2005 12:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Peglegrook
Also.. i don't know if I'm stupid or what.. but now I can only see 3 of my group members? I can see the top of the F4 member.. but that's it.

I'm off to bed right now.. but if you still cant get it working please try the attached group window and see if it fixes it for you. I completely redid all the positioning by hand as it was a tad sloppy before and since everythign is so tight it might have been causing problems.

Peglegrook 12-11-2005 06:53 PM

Loading that new version worked!

All I have to say is... "Woah!".

I like how you can minimize whatever raid group you want. However, if I mizimize the first group it still leaves the space there. It's sorta hard to explain, but the names are removed just not the space (the remaining groups aren't moved up to take it's place). If I minimized the last group it was no problem - I don't know if this is fixable, but it would be nice if it is.

Also, I'm sure this has been tried before - is it possible to add the 'raid icons' to the group window (class designations)? It would be handy, and a nice touch - so that everything messes completely.

I can't say enough good things about this UI - I love it. Please keep up the good work!

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