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Agathorn 10-20-2005 09:05 AM

Great to hear that its working. I can move ahead on it then.

As for the EQ2 button, you actually can move it. to move it you have to mouse over it till the frame shows up and if you move the mouse onto the frame you will be able to move it. I think the default UI is the same way because I don't think you can make the button itself draggable.

Agathorn 10-21-2005 10:02 AM

Just an update on this to let you all know how its going. I am almost done with the stage 2 release. Theres still afew windows to do, but I should be done sometime today, probably this evening after work but MAYBE before I head in. There will still be a few of the less used windowd unskinneds but i'll slowly bring those into the fold over time.

s3rial 10-21-2005 03:06 PM

Glad to hear it, Agathorn; you certainly moved quickly with this! Can't wait to get my hands on it.

...and sorry to sound like such a cheerleader, I'm just really looking forward to this. It's the only EQ2 UI that actually looks good and funtional.

Agathorn 10-21-2005 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by s3rial
Glad to hear it, Agathorn; you certainly moved quickly with this! Can't wait to get my hands on it.

...and sorry to sound like such a cheerleader, I'm just really looking forward to this. It's the only EQ2 UI that actually looks good and funtional.

Sound like a cheerleader all you want! Its encouragment that keeps many of us going through the hard work.

I've pretty much got it all done now except for some very minor quirks here and there so i'm going to be uploading what I have. It is totally useable at this stage, theres just little niggling things to take care of and i'd like to get it out there so people can use it and help find those little things so I can get them fixed.

Agathorn 10-21-2005 06:58 PM

Ok I have uploaded the Stage 2 release to the site. The update has to be approved by the site admins so it wont be available for immediate download, but onces it has been approved you will be able to grab it.

Everyone hit it hard and let me know how it works for you and what problems you find.

s3rial 10-22-2005 01:12 AM

Well, I've got the new version installed, and there aren't any problems, but a lot of it seems to be missing, so I'm not sure what exactly incomplete and what might be broken, so I'll just try to touch on what I know used to be there (this'll inevitably sound nit-picky, so my apologies in advance).
  • Is the EQ2MAP integration gone? The readme doesn't mention it, and the map screen seems fine without it, although that's definitely functionality I'll miss.
  • The screen borders for widescreen letterbox are still the standard gold color, and the fantasy grey isn't filling the deadspace with the marbley texture it previously did.
  • Options, Help, and Report a Bug windows aren't skinned (although I'm sure these are the rarely-used ones you mentioned already).
  • The scripts, or at least any mention of them, to do the stat bars along the edges of the letterbox seem to be missing.

That's all I see that seems to be wrong, but I didn't have much experience in the first place, so maybe someone else can spot things I didn't.

All in all the interface isn't quite minimalist enough for my tastes, although I'll probably make my own changes to it, if I can figure out how. ;) XML's not much of a problem, but EQ2's UI Builder seems a bit daunting.

EDIT: Actually, that's not a fair assessment; it's not that the interface is too busy, it's just that everything seems to be about twice as large as it needs to be.

Still, I can't believe how quickly you got that fixed and released - you deserve a pat on the back/cookie/beer for that. ;) Thanks for all the work, Agathorn!

Agathorn 10-22-2005 09:49 AM

EQ2MAP integration will be put back in soon. Its a high priority for me as well :)

The letterbox graphics were giving me some problems so I removed them for now but i'll see about getting them working

The options, help, report a bug screens I didin't bother to skin as they aren't used much at all. I'll see about getting them done but it will be low on the list behind more important things.

The statbars I guess I forgot to add back in. oops. I'll get them back in.

As for the interface itself. What you have right now is base Tablets II. I had done several mods for the old Tablets II that shrunk some of the interface pieces to take up less space and I will be redoing those mods for this as well. I'll also be doing some mods that make things bigger and give more info. The point is this is the base and mods will be released that will let you customize it further if desired.

s3rial 10-22-2005 12:32 PM

You know, I tried modding it, and I didn't get very far. You're definitely more skilled at this than I, Agathorn. ;)

I'm looking forward to some of your future releases and mods of this theme. I'm going to keep chipping away at it on my own (what I'm ultimately trying to do is eliminate all the thick, blocky borders and have the entire interface be real slick and unobtrusive, like Milquetowst's chat window, but grey). Who knows, maybe after a few weeks of banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out, I'll come up with something resembling useful. :D

In the mean time, keep up the awesome work -- I'm sure I'll be using your own UI & mods for a long time before I even figure out how to make my own. ;) And, really... thank you very much for updating this UI!

Anyways, as for bug-hunting, here's a couple:

1. The exp. bar doesn't play nice with smaller fonts, apparently

2. The frame on the persona window still displays some of the original UI.

3. Also with the persona window (and possibly others, although the inventory works fine), if you select "frame only" in the window options, it takes out the title bar, but the frame still extends to the top of where the title bar was, so you wind up with a goofy looking gap.

Agathorn 10-22-2005 01:11 PM

Between the layout options and window settings you can pretty much make the chat window as onbvious or as unobtrusive as you want, right down to nothing but floating text.

s3rial 10-22-2005 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Agathorn
Between the layout options and window settings you can pretty much make the chat window as onbvious or as unobtrusive as you want, right down to nothing but floating text.

Sort of... you still get some bizarre-looking floating tabs, but I was talking about doing the entire UI like that. It's kinda moot, though, at this point.

Here's one more bug (sort of, maybe): the vertical scrollbar appears on the loot window whether it's necessary or not. Certainly not a big deal, though.

EDIT: And one more:

The merchant window still displays the scrollbar from the original UI.

Agathorn 10-22-2005 02:20 PM

I made some changes to the text on the experience bar earlier that should fix that problem as well but i'll double check that before I release the next patch.

The leftover pieceson the persona window are fixed for the next release.
The frame positioning is also fixed on the persona window but quite possibly may be on other windows so keep an eye out :)
Merchant window fixed for next release

The scroll bar on the loot window i'll have to look at. Its an easy fix, but it doesn't really GAIN anything the way the window is currently laid out.

s3rial 10-22-2005 06:22 PM

Can't wait for the next release, Agathorn. I'm really looking forward to those stat bars, in particular. I tried using the ones from the Tablets beta release, but that didn't quite work out. ;)

One more bug I've found: the mail screen is using tabs from the original UI.

Agathorn 10-22-2005 09:12 PM


One more bug I've found: the mail screen is using tabs from the original UI.
Ah THATS the one! lol I had ran into a window with the wrong tabs when I Was messing around playing and couldn't recall which window it was :p

I'll fix that, do a bit more testing then get this first patch out.

Agathorn 10-22-2005 09:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok here it is. Patch 1.

Statbars available again
ZoneLoc window available again
Maintained Spells window fixed
Spell Effects window fixed
Fixed tabs on Mail window
Fixed text on experience bars
Removed left over default UI on Persona window
Fixed frame extents on Persona window
Fixed scrollbar on Merchant window

To show the stat bars type:
/show_window MainHUD.statbar
/show_window MainHUD.statbar2

The commands ARE case sensative

To show the ZoneLoc window type:
/show_window MainHUD.ZoneLoc

Also two mods will be available soon as I get them uploaded:
Just press Enter loot window
Loot window that allows you to just press ENTER to Loot All or Request All and will close (cancel) with the press of ESC.

Quick Change Shutdown
Skinned and modded to work with Tablets II by permission of the original author. This is an AWESOME shutdown window mod that makes changing characters a zillion times faster.

Patch 1 is attached to this message. The two mods will be uploaded to the official Tablets II release in the downloads section within the hour.

Agathorn 10-22-2005 10:45 PM

Just an update to let you all know that the two promised mods have been uploaded and will be available as soon as they are approved by the admins. Enjoy.

s3rial 10-26-2005 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Agathorn
Just an update to let you all know that the two promised mods have been uploaded and will be available as soon as they are approved by the admins. Enjoy.

Any idea what's holding up the other two mods? Been waiting a few days to see them made available...

Agathorn 10-28-2005 09:17 PM

Hmm thats a good question. I never checked back up on them, but theyre still not approved. Musta gotten swallowed by the system or something :(

I'll reupload them soon as I get a chance. I've actually done the mod for eq2map as well so might as well get them all up at the same time. I'll try to do that sometime tonight. Been a little busy PLAYING lately :p

Agathorn 10-31-2005 12:45 AM

The original two mods that vanished have been reuploaded. In addition the first beta of the EQ2MAP mod for Tablets II has been uploaded. Hopefully they will show up soon.

Agathorn 11-06-2005 12:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
LU16 compliant inventory window. This is only on Test right now but basically it adds two new slots for food and drink. Without this inventory if you are on LU16 its quite the trick to eat/drink :p

Agathorn 11-09-2005 09:24 PM

Ok since LU16 is live now, I will be posting the LU16 compatible version of Tablets II here soon. I'm just wrapping things up.

Agathorn 11-09-2005 09:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok here it is. LU16 Patch. It _IS_ possible I missed a file or somethign in packing this up so if somethign doesn't work please yell at me.

Updates the Inventory window to be LU16 Compliant
Updates the Persona window to be LU16 Compliant
Adds a SORT button to the knowledge window
Misc fixes and changes.

reen 12-06-2005 08:00 AM

Well, I cant make it to work:(
Everytime I try to load EQ with this UI it just freezes. Can login to char select window, but when Im trying to login char into world game freezes at loading stage. Also, when Im loged with default UI and use /loadui commant, it freezes as well.

Agathorn 12-06-2005 11:26 AM

Hmm i'm not sure what to say. Its still working for me for the most part. However there was something in LU17 that broke most all custom death windows which causes a crash when you die. I've yet to figure out what I need to do to fix it though. Until then just delete your eq2ui_mainhud_death.xml file so it uses defaukt instead.

Other than that it all works fine for me. Make sure you have downloaded the main release PLUS the LU16 patch.

reen 12-06-2005 12:11 PM

Yup, I've downloaded all extra files and put them to TabletsII folder... dont know what Im doing wrong. On both my comps when Im trying to switch to TabletsII UI - game just freezes :(

Dragonchasers 12-27-2005 11:57 AM

Same here
I have the same problem. As soon as you get to that brown screen where all the loading should be taking place, the game freezes hard. Have to reboot the pc to clear it up. No ui.log file is being created.

I don't know enough about eq2 to debug, really. Like what order interface bits are loaded or what have you.

Sorry! Thanks for all the work you've put into this, though.

I wonder, could it be something about the machine itself? I'm running at 1280x1024 in 32bit color, if that matters at all.

[EDIT: I tried logging in with the regular UI and used /loadui to load TabletsII and that seemed to work. Not sure if that tells you anything or not.]

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