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-   -   [DrumsUI] Full Interface (Version 1.0) (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13625)

Drumstix42 12-24-2010 02:21 AM

I had a feeling it was a default UI issue, as I remember reading that originally would always crash when toggling the "Show Text" feature...and then they "fixed" it. But it hasn't been fully fixed quite yet.

Yeah best bet is hope for some developer attention on this one, as I don't think there is anything we can do from the UI end.

Goaldan 12-24-2010 11:08 AM

Sorry again about that, I just recently updated Drums so I assumed that was it. =/

In the meantime, I just went through all my character's xml settings files and manually changed "show text" for the maintained windows from true to false.

Conor 12-26-2010 11:27 AM

Latest Release
Updated a week or so back. Looks great, thanks for all your hard work! Side cures work fine, thanks for incorporating subclass into the group and raid windows. Hope you have a happy holiday season!

Drumstix42 01-24-2011 06:52 AM

I think I finally nailed down the problem with the tradeskill's prepare page being skipped when you don't want it to be skipped. Also I found a bug when the Create button wouldn't show up when hitting the cancel button in the prepare page.

Both fixes will be in the next update... which should be tomorrow or Tuesday.

Conor 01-24-2011 10:42 AM

Raid window doesn't display subclass info
Group window displays it just fine, but I can't seem to get the subclass name to display in the raid window at all.


Drumstix42 01-24-2011 02:22 PM

Actually I haven't added the subclass name to the raid window. You may have misread one of my patch notes about that, sorry :o

I didn't think the subclass text would be as useful in the raid window with the archetype icons already present. Thoughts on that?

Drumstix42 01-25-2011 08:35 PM

New featured functionality included, Cure Finder. This this topic for details:

New release: Version 1.21

Update Log:
v1.21 - 2011.01.25
- New [Chat]: Window now saves Chat Text Shadows setting between sessions and per character.
- New [Socials]: Window now included, and defaults to Macro tab.
- New [BG]: BG score window now included. It has a new button at the top left which opens the BG scoreboard window.
- New [Options]: Option window now included. Advanced button is now pressed by default. Re-arranged bottom buttons to make it more apparent as to what they're for.
- New [Cure Finder]: Cure Finder feature and settings window included. Cure Finder will search for the first detrimental in Group/Raid window and cast a cure on that member. See this topic for usage information: Here
- Update [Persona]: Window no longer has an Appearance tab. Appearance slots are now located on the main equipment page on the inner row/column.
- Update [Persona]: Bonus stats at the bottom are now scrollable if they aren't all visible.
- Update [Threat]: Can now be set to always visible via UI options (User Interface -> Game Windows -> Always Show Threat Window)
- Update [Maintained]: Now has rounded frame border.
- Update [Maintained]: Window should now Scrollable with the mouse.
- Update [Group/Player]: Click cure's 'default settings' have been changed to use Sony's "/cureplayer" command. This mainly helps with Potions and non-healers and can be easily updated by using the "Default" button while editing.
- Update [Guild]: Roster page scrollbar will autohide if its unneeded.
- Update [Casting]: Bar's frame is slightly thinner.
- Update [Auto-attack]: Razc's Attack bar has been updated with rounded borders and is styled more like the casting bar.
- Fix [Group/Raid/Player]: Windows' click cure buttons have been fixed to not attempt to double cure.
- Fix [Raid]: Click cast buttons should no longer trigger from pressing the Enter key.
- Fix [Market]: Toggle bags button should once again be clickable.
- Fix [Tradeskill]: Window should be fixed to show the Prepare page when not using the Repeat button.
- Fix [Tradeskill]: The "Create" button should now properly display when canceling back from the Prepare page.
- Fix [General]: Tweaked various windows' backgrounds (when set to show) to not extend past the frame border.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.20 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

Conor 01-26-2011 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 95414)
Actually I haven't added the subclass name to the raid window. You may have misread one of my patch notes about that, sorry :o

I didn't think the subclass text would be as useful in the raid window with the archetype icons already present. Thoughts on that?

Good point. Perhaps having the subclass in the raid window might be too cluttered. My mistake, since there's a check-box for subclass on the raid window customization pop-up -- I assumed the feature was there.


Drumstix42 01-26-2011 01:11 PM

Indeed. And yeah, the Raid and Group windows share the same popup settings window.

Cheers. :D

Drumstix42 02-22-2011 06:50 AM

There is a common theme to this update: Velious changes ;)
Please report any bugs with this update, as it has not been uploaded before Velious has gone live!

Just a note that I will not be updating the Individual download pages until I know that all these files work comfortably with Velious UI changes.

New release: Version 1.22

Update Log:
v1.22 - 2011.02.22
- Update [Community]: Calendar window now included (Velious update).
- Update [Journal]: "Show on loot" checkbox added to collection tab (Velious update).
- Update [Guild]: Even tab icon styles updated (Velious update).
- Update [Persona]: Search inventory button added. Block Chance modifier stat moved to Avoidance area. Spell Multi-Attack now included where Block Chance was (Velious update).
- Update [Pet]: Now includes Threat bar and Cure icons (default click to cure included). Window bars now styled like Player/Group bars (Velious update).
- Update [Tradeskills]: Window updated to reflect changes to default recipe loading (Velious update).

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.21 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

zumbenn 02-23-2011 09:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for the quick update for DoV. I used the DrumsUI updater tool (awesome idea btw) a few times to make sure I wasn't missing files.

I'm having problems with the tradeskill window. I tried opening it while not near a woodworking table and saw "Missing Item Name" and "1185 recipes". I then went to the table and I still get the same thing. I've tried changing my filter to "Unfiltered" thinking that it may be a change in filter design. Still no workie.

Any suggestions?

woetohice 02-23-2011 10:58 AM

Same issue here, with the tradeskill window.

Also, how do I pull up the new pet threat meter? Very excited about that...darn pet is always ripping.

Thanks for all your efforts with what is - imo - the best UI in the game!

Zorash 02-23-2011 11:16 AM

Same problem here. Sony must have tweaked a file or two without letting the author's know.

heartino 02-23-2011 01:40 PM

Got same problem with tradeskills recipe window

Thanks for keeping us going and the search does work because that is how i been using it for now when doing crafting orders/quests

Drumstix42 02-23-2011 02:44 PM

Noted in my other DoV Updates topic. I will try to get a fix out today. You should however be able to search for a recipe to craft still.

My server was offline until midnight yesterday so I was unable to test UI changes. The journal should be working though.

Drumstix42 02-25-2011 07:22 PM

Post-Velious fixes/updates.

New release: Version 1.23

Update Log:
v1.23 - 2011.02.25
- Update [StatBar]: Base now reads Potency. Multi-Attack label now properly labeled "MA". Spell Multi-Attack is now included as "SMA".
- Update [Experience]: Disabling Quest Experience now displays text over the XP bar (thanks DiggityMan).
- Fix [Pet]: Threat meter should be displaying properly now.
- Fix [Tradeskills]: Recipes should show up again normally.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.22 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

Drumstix42 03-07-2011 12:49 AM

A few fixes/tweaks.

New release: Version 1.24

Update Log:
v1.24 - 2011.03.07
- Update [Persona]: Spacing/sizing tweaks to the Mount and Currency tab.
- Fix [Common]: Special quests that were missing a background in dialog boxes is now fixed (updated commonelements.dds).
- Fix [Tradeskills]: The recipe list now expands with the window. Create button fixed to show up after closing the window on various pages.
- Fix [StatBar]: Spell Multi-Attack text fixed. Various spacing tweaks. Crit Bonus label now reads "CB". Weight has been removed.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.23 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

Falaris 03-14-2011 03:10 PM

Hopefully simple request..
Might it be possible to add an "Initiate Ready Check" button right on the raid interface? I have to find a small area between groups on the side frame of the raid window in order to right click and bring up the option. A button to do so would make it SOOO much easier.

Oh.. one more thing. DarqUI has a feature that will make a sound whenever someone is cursed. This is very handy when running the raid and I need to help keep an eye on who gets curses. Not sure if that would be easy to implement or not but thought I would throw it out there!

I do want to say that I recently switched from Profit and this interface is great. Only thing I really miss is the control panel in profit with the Video/Sound/Nightvision/pethide etc. Small things to deal with for everything else this interface adds.

Thanks for all the work on this!


Vulcanus 03-20-2011 11:54 AM

I posted this in the requests forum, but since I use a good amount of drumsUI peices and am a big fan of your design i thought i would ask you directly as well!

For reference, the request I made in the other forum is linked below and contains more details on the concept.

To summarize it, I was hoping to have a single threat window that shows threat for both the Pet AND the Players Character.

Drumstix42 03-20-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Vulcanus (Post 96313)
I posted this in the requests forum, but since I use a good amount of drumsUI peices and am a big fan of your design i thought i would ask you directly as well!

For reference, the request I made in the other forum is linked below and contains more details on the concept.

To summarize it, I was hoping to have a single threat window that shows threat for both the Pet AND the Players Character.

I think that's a pretty good idea, and will probably implement it into my Threat bar.

Vulcanus 03-20-2011 01:40 PM

I look forward to it! Thanks

gozier 03-20-2011 02:45 PM

Excellent interface. Far superior in every way. Thanks for the effort you put into it.

I was thinking how great it would be to have an interface piece that keeps track of the timers for the Ring War and Storm Gorge even when you are not in the zone. I am using Milquetowst Clock and Compass (because I saw that you did some work on it a while back), and in my imagination, I see the 2 timers just below Norrath time and Earth time in the clock window. Of course, even a small window of their own would be great. Is that even possible?

Drumstix42 03-20-2011 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by gozier (Post 96322)
Excellent interface. Far superior in every way. Thanks for the effort you put into it.

I was thinking how great it would be to have an interface piece that keeps track of the timers for the Ring War and Storm Gorge even when you are not in the zone. I am using Milquetowst Clock and Compass (because I saw that you did some work on it a while back), and in my imagination, I see the 2 timers just below Norrath time and Earth time in the clock window. Of course, even a small window of their own would be great. Is that even possible?

Not easily. If you just find out what hour each one is, you can just remember: IE: Ring War even hours, Storm Gorge odd hours.

gozier 03-20-2011 06:52 PM

Geez. I feel really dumb. Thanks for pointing that out.

Drumstix42 03-23-2011 03:21 PM

New Main Menu window and a few updates/fixes.

New release: Version 1.25

Update Log:
v1.25 - 2011.03.23
- New [MainMenu]: Added a new Main Menu window accessed from the Stat Bar's "Menu" button. Includes buttons to open all DrumsUI windows, as well as several stock options.
- New [Player]: Toggling full Health/Power ranges or individual Health and Power numbers in the window will now save between sessions, and per character.
- New [Threat]: Pet threat is now included, and will dynamically resize the window depending on if your pet has hate or not (or if you even have a pet).
- Update [StatBar]: Melee AE and Strikethrough has been added. Stats slightly rearranged to group melee/casting skills closer together. Block Mod is now next to Avoidance.
- Update [Chat]: Reduced (visually) the space between tabs. The actual width-size of tabs remains the same.
- Update [Pet]: Pet threat bar will change color to Red when the pet has aggro.
- Fix [Player]: If the Playername color gets out of sync when switching between Ranged/Melee autoattack, mousing over the window while out of combat should fix it (unofficial fix for SOE coding).
- Fix [Knowledge]: The close button should no longer vanish if you change the Window Settings for this window.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.24 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

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