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1Reaver1 06-11-2007 12:04 PM

EQ2 Map
Great add, but it disabled the EQ2 Map that shows the locations for everything. NPC's, mobs, items, ect.) how can you tell it to use the EQ2 map add as the default map?

Faetyl 06-11-2007 06:17 PM

Just launch the EQ2Map updater.
It automatically detects the ThorUI

If for some reason it doesn't you can manually select it.

bulletrig 06-22-2007 10:17 AM

Unable to turn off certain features
I hope this is the correct place to post this! I just got Thor UI and I have to say I love it! I've never used anything but default UIs on any game I've played, but a friend showed this to me and I love it. I'm having a bit of trouble, though. I really prefer the EQ default inventory, so I went back to the advanced tab in the updater and unchecked the inventory feature. I also tried to uncheck the spell casting window; I just can't find a place to put it that it's not in my way. :) The problem is that I'm still seeing those features when I log in. I can change other features, but if I try to just stop using one, it doesn't recognize it. Is there an easy way to fix this without deleting the Thor folder and reupdating?

Also, I moved the windows around a bit, if I delete Thor and reupdate will I have to move them all again? Any help is appreciated!

Faetyl 06-22-2007 07:26 PM

easiest solution is to delete the thorui folder.
you can also just find the individual files and delete them specifically if you wish.

you won't have to move your windows around if you delete the thorui.
window placements are kept in a separate location. ;)

I'm happy to hear that you like it.

Kevlin 07-07-2007 10:23 AM


Last night I finally broke out my Dirge to try to get him a level. During the Raid and later during a group outing I noticed that the XP % was displaying signs of the old math bug that I think was introduced around LU33 or LU34. Could this be back????

Has anyone else noticed jumping of XP to next level?

Red Sector 08-25-2007 08:33 PM

A friend of mine is using the thor interface and has somehow taken his hotbars off the sceen.

The alt-H trick doesn't bring them back. How does he get them back?

Dromia 08-30-2007 05:00 PM

eq2i changed its website and the setup you have which i love of searching a quest will no longer work with that sight.

Kattria 09-20-2007 10:23 PM

Ok i have thorui and want to delete it but it wont let me delete the maps folder in the ui/thorui eqmaps folder it wants me to reformat it and that will reformat my d drive where the folder is located in the first place how do i delete this folder? I have tried shutting down and then deleting it ive tried deleting it in safe mode and everything you can think of to delete this folder i cant open it eithger it wants me to reformat it but when i do i get the information to reformat my 152 gig hard drive instead anyone out there that can help me with this?


Kattria 09-22-2007 01:26 PM

Dont't anyone ever look at these threads i mean the creators of the programs from what i see this dude might be useing my hard drive for his own stuff i cant remove his stuff from my comp i get my CD Rom accessed randomly as well as my A: drive who knows what else he is doing. now if your innocent help me get your stuff off my computer thats what these help boards are for ive waited 2 days i want this stuff off my computer


lancelot76 09-22-2007 01:39 PM

Computer Issues
Kattria, it sounds like you have computer issues unrelated to Thor UI. I've been using this interface for over a year and I've never had any problems deleting the entire folder and even uninstalling Thor UI auto update when necessary. Thor UI is just a user interface for EQ2, that is it's only purpose, so your statements regarding your hard drive and floppy drive are confusing at best and pointless or misleading at worst.

It sounds like you have spyware, a worm, a virus, or some other type of unwanted program installed on your computer. If you're unable to troubleshoot this yourself you might want to consider taking your computer to a computer repair shop or having a trusted friend take a look at it. Good luck!

gm9 09-22-2007 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kattria (Post 62942)
now if your innocent help me get your stuff off my computer thats what these help boards are for ive waited 2 days i want this stuff off my computer

LMAO. Try reformatting your manners, maybe then people will start talking to you. :rolleyes:

Kattria 09-23-2007 04:35 AM

For one i run anti spyware and antivirus as well as firewall 2 this was put on comp before the auto updator its been close to a year since i played eq2 last i messed with thorui was shortly after fae exspansion come out like i said ive tried everything my brother who built my computer tried all he knew too i just want it off my system it was sugested i come to the creator of the files to get rid of them so i did and tried to get help waited 2 days still nothing till i start acuseing then people come and defend them all i want is to be rid of the file i dont use anymore is that too much to ask how can you delet that which cant be deleted? its driveing me :nana: :confused: :mad:


Skinn 09-23-2007 09:13 AM

writing your views in huge fonts doesnt impress or make me want to help, even if i could.
I suggest a tone change might help. You are one person who has found some sort of problem. No one else has mentioned this, this leads me to beleive that you have some thing set differently on your machine.
Plz calm down and ask an adult or a friend with a good knowledge of Computer usage to help. I wouldnt suggest speaking to them in the toen you have used to here tho. :rolleyes:

Kattria 09-23-2007 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Skinn (Post 62980)
Plz calm down and ask an adult or a friend with a good knowledge of Computer usage to help. I wouldnt suggest speaking to them in the toen you have used to here tho. :rolleyes:

am an adult im 39 i use bigger fonts because its hard for me to read otherwise i have tried getting somone that has a good knowldge of computers to help me and even they dont know why i cant delete it he was the one that built mysystem


Skinn 09-24-2007 10:33 AM

maybe the person with the PC knowledge could post exactly the problem, then maybe some one who knows more than i, could help.

Kevlin 09-24-2007 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kattria (Post 62882)
Ok i have thorui and want to delete it but it wont let me delete the maps folder in the ui/thorui eqmaps folder it wants me to reformat it and that will reformat my d drive where the folder is located in the first place how do i delete this folder? I have tried shutting down and then deleting it ive tried deleting it in safe mode and everything you can think of to delete this folder i cant open it eithger it wants me to reformat it but when i do i get the information to reformat my 152 gig hard drive instead anyone out there that can help me with this?


Okay well I am not the best computer guy, but let me try to offer some assistance.

1. Are you an Administrator for your account?
2. What Operating System are you running? (Windows XP, Vista XP 64bit etc)
3. Have you "Uninstalled the programs? (you do this in the Control panel, start button, control panel, add remove programs and then scroll down till you find ThorUI and EQ2Maps). This "SHOULD" delete the directories as well but if it doesn't read on.

So lets go on the little I know about your system, it seems as if you do not have administrator rights (which btw is a good thing). You will need to log in with an account with Admin Rights and find the directory where thorui and maps are located. (something like d:\thorui) you can access your directory tree by typing the Windows Start Key on your keyboard and the "E" key this will open windows Explorer (not internet explorer).

Okay so lets say you found the directory (left side of the win explorer) right click on it and go to properties. Make sure you have no boxes clicked (there will be a few of them. Things like Read Only, Archive, Compress etc).

Now if you are an Administrator you should be able to with thorui directory (again left side) right click and scroll down to "Delete" however, lets say that does not work. You might have to individually delete all the files (right side this time).

No guarantee's this will work but its worth a try.:rolleyes:

Kattria 09-25-2007 07:30 PM

1. Are you an Administrator for your account? Yes

2. What Operating System are you running? Windows XP

3. Have you "Uninstalled the programs?

Im trying to tell you this was put in before the auto installer for thotui but nobody is listining i went to control pannel its not there at all i try to delete the folder, it says its not empty when i try to browse it,, it wont let me says that it needs to be formated if i try to format it then it gives the info of my actual D:. Which is 152 gig HDD with lots of programs on it i use daily, ive defragmented, ive scane disked, ive scaned with antivirus and, ive scaned with spyware program, and a trojan program nothign is found on my system in way of worms viruses or trojans but yet i still cant delete this stupid foler.

So lets go on the little I know about your system, it seems as if you do not have administrator rights (which btw is a good thing). You will need to log in with an account with Admin Rights and find the directory where thorui and maps are located. (something like d:\thorui) you can access your directory tree by typing the Windows Start Key on your keyboard and the "E" key this will open windows Explorer (not internet explorer).

Done this and explorer did come up as you said it would

Okay so lets say you found the directory (left side of the win explorer) right click on it and go to properties. Make sure you have no boxes clicked (there will be a few of them. Things like Read Only, Archive, Compress etc).

Unchecked read only hit apply and tryed to delete it Nothign it says i cannot delete Eq2map from thorui because it is not empty so i try to browse it it then gives me another popup saying its not formated would i like to format it if i click yes it gives vitals of my actual D: not the folder

Now if you are an Administrator you should be able to with thorui directory (again left side) right click and scroll down to "Delete" however, lets say that does not work. You might have to individually delete all the files (right side this time).

thats just it i treid all you said the folder says there is nothing in it but yet i cannot delete it


Othesus 09-26-2007 07:31 AM

I'm not really a Windows expert but after a quick Google search it looks like this is a common Windows problem.

Have you tried any utility like Unlocker?

Kattria 09-26-2007 07:22 PM

Well i got the program and it didnt help its not giveing me a locked error its saying first error that the folder sint empty but when i do propertieson it the file says its empty when i try to open the file i get a error saying that it is D: is not formated but considering that i use it for things every day i would assume this to be wrong at any rate to gain access to this folder i have to format it but trying to do that calls up the info to format my D: and im not about to do that as ill loose all info on my hard drive im stumped here so is my brother who built my system for me nothing ive done is working i dont get it i also get random accesses to my A: and Cd rom drive i dont know whats going on but i know that this shoudlnt be happaning i guess im gonna defrag tonight and see if that helps i doubpt it though i did look at the sights provided and i thank you for the help so far guys would apreciate more ideas if ya come up with any :mad::eek::nana::eek::nana::eek::nana::eek::nana::eek::nana::nana::nana::nana: see because of this stupid file ive lost it now hehe im banana's


Othesus 09-27-2007 03:54 AM

Is your A: drive your floppy drive? Most people don't use floppies much these days. I'm not sure what could be causing that.

It still sounds like one of the Windows problems listed by Microsoft. What is the full path to the directory you're trying to delete? Your problem sounds like this one:

Kevlin 09-27-2007 04:39 PM

If one of the other helpful links does not solve the problem it might be due to there being a hidden file in the directory (why I have no idea).

But you might want to be sure you can see hidden files just in case.

Windows Explorer (the little Windows Flag and E key on your keyboard)

Highlight the directory d:\thorui\ and click on tools then folder options and file type then go down the long list and make sure you have "Show Hidden FIles"


noahbody 10-01-2007 08:56 AM

Warden cure in group window
I can no longer cure when clicking on the disease in the group member window. I have deleted the thorUI folder and reran auto update with no change.

Any suggestions please.


noahbody 10-08-2007 06:38 AM

With all these people reading the board and no responses. =(

I found my own answer:

I needed to use the FULL group window, not the SLIM version.

Kattria 10-15-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Othesus (Post 63212)
Is your A: drive your floppy drive? Most people don't use floppies much these days. I'm not sure what could be causing that.

It still sounds like one of the Windows problems listed by Microsoft. What is the full path to the directory you're trying to delete? Your problem sounds like this one:

Yes this sounds very much like the problem im talking about im not sure what they mean by DB2 Document client im not that computer savy but as far as which drive its accessing both A: which im not too worried about but it wont let me delete the folder in the folloing path less i format it which if i fomat it will format my D: and that i wont do untill absolutely nessasary anyway full path is as follows

D:/Backup of C/Local disk (C)/Sony/EverQuest II/UI/thorui/eq2map

the last Folder i cannot access at all or delete that is the one that wants me to format becore i can get in it thorui was placed befor it had updated to auto updates and im not sure how to delete that which cannot be deleted at this time hehe :mad::nana::mad:


jbarilow 10-23-2007 12:19 PM

DoT Heals/Cures
When playing my warden I know I am supposed to be able to click on the DoT that is under my groups names and it trigger the cure, but currently it only works for me? I cannot click the dots under their name but if I click my name in general it cures whatever dot is present.

Did I miss a setting somewhere? I dug and dug and could not find one that fixed this.

Other than that this UI rocks, and I love it!

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