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-   -   [DrumsUI] Full Interface (Version 1.0) (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13625)

N1Md4 08-23-2010 12:49 PM

:nana: youre so awsome Drumstix!

big thx for version 1.14 and the alternative squared icons and all the other fixes and additions.

youre my hero of the month!

big thank you again!

/cheers Nimda

Brushfire 08-23-2010 06:31 PM


- Fix: Tradeskill window now successfully focuses the reaction buttons for keyboard usage on creation start!
You got good eyes :)

Drumstix42 08-23-2010 06:57 PM


I dunno how no one else figured it out before Brushfire, but good work


Brushfire 08-23-2010 07:09 PM

I wonder if there's an undocumented OnFocus and OnLoseFocus event listener.

Drumstix42 08-23-2010 07:18 PM

Must be. In the past I actually tried setfocus=true
Doh :rolleyes:

Drumstix42 08-25-2010 04:39 AM

Now equipped with the new Item Notes feature!
/DrumsUI/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml is now a new file to keep backed up when you update the DrumsUI. It has been added to the patcher's "soft ignore" list.

I'm also trying to update all the screenshot pictures for this and my other updated download pages.

New release: Version 1.15

Update Log:
v1.15 - 2010.08.25
- New: Examine windows for items now include the DrumsUI Item Notes feature. Item Notes allow you to save personalized information on a per-item basis. This info is saved locally and is shared between characters. Some notes have come supplied with this feature.
- New: The experience window now has a button function on the left side gem for each bar. XP opens Character window, AA opens AA window, and TSXP opens Tradeskill window.
- Update: Changed the default text in the Group/Raid click to cast buttons to make it more apparent how to edit the "useabilityonplayer" command.
- Update: The Start Button Stat Bar's border has been updated to the rounded corners style.
- Fix: The Start Menu button on the stat bar now only tries to force the menu to appear next to the bar if you are using the most up-to-date DrumsUI experience window.
- Fix: The experience bar's right click menu once again includes normal options (such as disable combat xp, etc).
- Fix: The Faction dropdown in the Persona window once again expands long enough to avoid needing a scrollbar.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/DrumsUI/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.14 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

Rollinco 08-28-2010 12:42 PM

Just reinstalled EQ2 and Drums and can't get the settings to come up for any of the windows. Group options, c2c, stats bar, etc. I am sure it is something I did since it worked fine before the reinstall. I can see the button to click for options but when I click the button nothing happens. Also, since the latest update to Drums the option to leave yourself out of the group window doesn't stick. I select it and it takes me out of the group window but next login I am back in the group window again.

Rollinco 08-28-2010 02:08 PM

Ok, fixed the settings not working, seems the updater doesn't install the whole UI so I downloaded the UI zip and installed it without overwriting the stuff that was already there. Works fine now except the Hide yourself in group window portion which still doesn't work correctly.

Mysstie 08-28-2010 02:08 PM

I have the same problem with the setting to not show in the group window. It only keeps me out during the session. Went I log back in, the option is still checked to hide me, but there I am. Everything else related to the Window works fine now (once I realized my virus scanner was messing with it saving the settings).

So, in my case, it does save the state of the Checkbox, it just seems to ignore the setting during load.

Drumstix42 08-28-2010 04:11 PM

Hmmm ok, I'll look into that and why the updater may have missed a file for ya Rollinco.

Drumstix42 08-29-2010 06:23 PM

Item Notes working with apostrophes now.
Abilities with apostrophes for Click to cast/cure work now with double quotes:
useabilityonplayer SELECTED "Ro's Fire"

New release: Version 1.16

Update Log:
v1.16 - 2010.08.29
- Update: The help text when editing Quick Cast/Cure buttons has been updated. Wrapping double quotes around spell names allows use of abilities with apostrophes without relogging first!
- Update: Map icons updated to support the new GU57 "regions of interest" update (Thanks Mysstie!).
- Update: Map icons image file updated to support ROIs, Battlgrounds icons (players and POIs).
- Fix: The group window's "Hide Yourself (F1)" will now properly save. This also fixes hiding/showing yourself with Cures showing to the side of group members.
- Fix: The 2nd "Health Regen" now properly reads "Power Regen" in the persona window.
- Fix: Item Notes now works properly for items with an apostrophe.
- Fix: Closing the Inspect window now resets the window to the Equipment page when inspecting any player afterward.
- Fix: Missing icons in Achievements tab of Journal should be back to normal.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/DrumsUI/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.15 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

kschir 09-04-2010 01:12 PM

Maintained Spells
I'm sure I'm missing the answer, but no matter which version of maintained spells I use, the window goes all the way across my screen. I can't find any option to resize it or have it as a vertical window. Any ideas what the problem is, even with click through enabled, it interferes with other windows.

Drumstix42 09-04-2010 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by kschir (Post 93041)
I'm sure I'm missing the answer, but no matter which version of maintained spells I use, the window goes all the way across my screen. I can't find any option to resize it or have it as a vertical window. Any ideas what the problem is, even with click through enabled, it interferes with other windows.

I'm not sure I follow. Are you unable to resize the window?
To get to show the text next to the icons, right click into Window Settings and enable the Titlebar & Frame setting.

Minoko 09-18-2010 11:18 AM

Within the last few days my menu button has stopped working. In order to change settings I have to log to character select now. I ran the updater recently but it said it didn't change anything. Is this a known issue or something I might have accidentally broken on my end. Should I just reinstall the whole ui?

MethX 09-18-2010 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Minoko (Post 93253)
Within the last few days my menu button has stopped working. In order to change settings I have to log to character select now. I ran the updater recently but it said it didn't change anything. Is this a known issue or something I might have accidentally broken on my end. Should I just reinstall the whole ui?

Make sure your not ignoring anything in your ignore list. here why I apply the vex theme and ignored the part vex change but i found out applying the vex theme broke my menu setting . So i had not ignore and update back to default to fix. So just check your ignore list just in case.

Drumstix42 09-18-2010 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Minoko (Post 93253)
Within the last few days my menu button has stopped working. In order to change settings I have to log to character select now. I ran the updater recently but it said it didn't change anything. Is this a known issue or something I might have accidentally broken on my end. Should I just reinstall the whole ui?

This is a known issue and will be fixed soon. it is indeed currently broken due to unknown changes in the last patch. I just need to adjust my code.


Minoko 09-18-2010 03:07 PM

Thanks! I will wait then.

AZDixx 09-23-2010 11:41 AM

Menu Button Broken

Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 93256)
This is a known issue and will be fixed soon. it is indeed currently broken due to unknown changes in the last patch. I just need to adjust my code.


Oh, good - I'm glad it's not just me. :p I did notice that when I click the Menu button, my experience bar window hides until I move my cursor away from the Menu Button. :confused: Also, not always but occassionally if I click the Menu Buttoon twice, the Menu will appear. This only works once in a while, and never repeatedly (ie, closing menu & clicking twice again has never brought the menu up successfully for me.)

Glad its a known and while waiting for an update to fix this, I've just mapped the menu command to the apostrophe/quotes key as it does not interfere with any other commands.

I LOVE YOUR UI, Drum !!! :nana:
Any chance you might one day make a version of your complete interface with silver/grey borders? :D I really don't like the gold/brass look, never have. I've really missed having silver borders since the ancient mod IncubiSilver went defunct, but haven't been able to get a handle on modding myself to make that alteration. :(

Anyhow - keep up the GREAT work and THANKS for an AWESOM UI !!!!

Drumstix42 09-26-2010 06:39 PM

This is a very minor release. Only 1 file changed for the Stat Bar Start Button window.

New release: Version 1.17

Update Log:
v1.17 - 2010.09.26
- Fix: The Start menu button should be working again (Note: The menu opens from wherever your XP bar is located, thanks to Sony code changes).

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/DrumsUI/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.16 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

DonoDog 10-12-2010 06:42 PM

Currency Window
Hmmmm not seeing a currency tab on my character window. Is there a hot key to get it up? An Update needed?

DiggityMan 10-12-2010 07:46 PM

drums did not update yet but he will soon enough give him some time to get it implemented into his awesome UI. *crosses fingers* Hoping soon my self

Drumstix42 10-12-2010 08:38 PM

Aye. I was away for a few days and had to catch up on sleep and work first!

wolfeedarkfang 10-12-2010 11:49 PM

You might also be aware of, i think TalTal's GU58 patch for Profit has a way to get around the recent "fix" SOE did to re-force their welcome screen on us. I've had to modify his patch for use in your UI. Hopefully you'll find a way of your own to do this. For now i've had to modify the experience window to implement his code. So if i auto update i gotta tell it to not include that file.

Drumstix42 10-13-2010 05:11 AM

Updated for GU58.

New release: Version 1.18

Update Log:
v1.18 - 2010.10.13
- Update: Persona window updated for new GU58 additions. This includes the Mount/Currency tabs, auto-inventory slot, and tradeskill mod stats (found under the Weapon/Misc stats).
- Update: Target & Implied windows now include new GU58 casting bars.
- Fix: Dressing Room/Character window's paperdoll backgrounds are Blue once again. Find and remove the "PaperdollbackgroundColor" in the respected XML files if you want the Red color back.

Before updating, save your "/POI/drumsui_textsettings.xml" & "/DrumsUI/POI/drumsui_itemnotes.xml" to backup your Quick Button settings!
(If you had any saved from 1.17 or previous)

Be sure to check out the DrumsUI Updater. The updater automatically ignores the drumsui_textsettings.xml & drumsui_itemnotes.xml file if you already have it, so you don't have to worry about overwriting important saved buttons :)

Faelen 10-14-2010 06:08 PM

First off, awesome job with the mod, I can't use anything else now!
secondly, for some reason when i hit the menu button, my meny pops up by my xp bar, and not by the button. Is there something I should fix or is it a known bug?


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