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Zonx 04-08-2009 04:32 PM

It should remember the mode if you set it via Window Options / Frame and Title menu.

Titlebar off = Basic (Icons only)
Titlebar on = Advanced (persistent tooltips)

Liandra 04-09-2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 82348)
It should remember the mode if you set it via Window Options / Frame and Title menu.

Titlebar off = Basic (Icons only)
Titlebar on = Advanced (persistent tooltips)

Hmmm. i guess i must have an older version of the window then. The only options i have pn the Frame and Title dropdown are "Frame Only" and "None"

And that just seems to toggle the outer pale blue frame around the window. I will try re-downloading the latest version and see if that makes any difference.

Liandra 04-12-2009 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Liandra (Post 82384)
Hmmm. i guess i must have an older version of the window then. The only options i have pn the Frame and Title dropdown are "Frame Only" and "None"

And that just seems to toggle the outer pale blue frame around the window. I will try re-downloading the latest version and see if that makes any difference.

I thought that since i am just using bits and pieces of your UI that maybe I had missed something, so i tried a full clean install of the 10.7 version and I still have the same problem.

Hopefully this is something you can look at.

Enolynn 04-13-2009 09:52 AM

Reuse time not indicated

So I've used the search function and did indeed read several pages within this thread yet I couldn't find anyone else having the same problem as me:

I'm currently wearing 3 pieces with 'Arcane Recovery' on them, meaning increased reuse time when equipped. My spell stats however show my reuse time to be 0%. Un- and re-equipping of items does not change anything. The pieces ARE being recognized as +spell damage and +crit chance changes are visible, the only thing my Fetish Persona Window doesn't seem to pick up is reuse time.

What to do?

Zonx 04-13-2009 10:55 AM

If I'm not mistaken... the items in question have reuse modifiers limited to just hostile spell cast. The problem you describe is on SOE's end, since the general reuse mod only includes mods that affect ALL spell reuse.

You'll see similar issues with reuse and casting mods limited to Beneficial and +spell dmg for a specific damage type. For example, primary and secondary +Nox/Elem Dmg adornments are not included in the general +spell dmg number.

Unfortunately nothing can be done about this on my end. SOE simply does not provide the data needed to display all mod variations.

lordebon 04-13-2009 06:55 PM

I can confirm Liandra's issue as well. I haven't looked at the file yet, but the behavior is exactly as she describes it: Frame off doesn't result in it going to basic.

Zonx 04-14-2009 12:42 AM

Yah I looked at it... seams the titlebar is missing from this version. I'll fix it with the next release.

Have a running list of minor tweaks since 10.7.

athibodeauxj 04-14-2009 01:06 PM

Anyone know what files to bring from default UI to fetish in order to see the new welcome screen?

Or is that something you'll be fixing soon as well, zonx?

keezyrick 04-14-2009 02:33 PM

add the following to you eq2ui_mainhud.xml


It tells you friends logged in from your friends list, recent Market Place items added, and Guild and Game MOTD.

Rumpal 04-14-2009 07:31 PM

Auto attack
I've seen a plug for that auto attack bare for fetish and i was wondering how i get it to work..
i down loaded it and droped it in my up but i have nothing in game..
Anyone know how to get it up and running?

Enolynn 04-14-2009 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 82494)
If I'm not mistaken... the items in question have reuse modifiers limited to just hostile spell cast.

That's correct.


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 82494)
The problem you describe is on SOE's end, since the general reuse mod only includes mods that affect ALL spell reuse.

You'll see similar issues with reuse and casting mods limited to Beneficial and +spell dmg for a specific damage type. For example, primary and secondary +Nox/Elem Dmg adornments are not included in the general +spell dmg number.

Unfortunately nothing can be done about this on my end. SOE simply does not provide the data needed to display all mod variations.

Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying and keep up the good work. ;)

harczos 04-16-2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by harczos (Post 81015)
some minor bug that the broker thinks that the max level is still 70 :)

still the case ;)

Liandra 06-25-2009 01:06 PM

The market favourite presets have been broken with the latest update. It looks like SOE added in a type for player written books which has changed some of the type value numbers.

Zonx 07-02-2009 09:04 AM

Fixed in v10.9. Also added T8 harvestables ;)

hellspawn1984 07-02-2009 09:12 AM

v10.9-german client
hmm the cursecure donīt work in my raidwindow ...

Dethdlr 07-02-2009 10:52 AM

Did you modify the _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml file and change UseNums="false" to UseNums="true" as described in the release notes? That change has to be made for it to work with international clients.

Also, if you saved your old _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml file and added it back after the upgrade, probably need to grab a fresh copy from the .zip file. The file has changed so the normal upgrade instructions of saving a copy of the files you've customized isn't going to work quite right with that file.

Dethdlr 07-02-2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Dethdlr (Post 84526)
Did you modify the _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml file and change UseNums="false" to UseNums="true" as described in the release notes? That change has to be made for it to work with international clients.

Also, if you saved your old _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml file and added it back after the upgrade, probably need to grab a fresh copy from the .zip file. The file has changed so the normal upgrade instructions of saving a copy of the files you've customized isn't going to work quite right with that file.

I just uploaded v1.1 of my RaidAbilities Editor which has a checkbox to set the UseNums flag. Download it and you can just click a checkbox to turn that on.

Ashlian Liadan 07-29-2009 05:08 AM

Macro Button for Fetish Central
I've been trying to figure out the syntax for a hotbar button for Fetish Central, but the show_window command doesn't seem to work or I'm not typing it correctly. Tried several variations of show_window Fetish.fetishcentral but no go. If anyone could let me know what I'm doing wrong with the macro, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

lordebon 07-29-2009 06:24 AM

You have to have the name and capitalization right. I don't use the window, so I'm not sure of the exact name. Looking at it, you may have to call it by Fetish.FetishCentral.

Although looking at the tree structure, try calling Custom.FetishCentral. I don't see a second-level node named Fetish, that file is actually a child of the Custom node.

keezyrick 07-29-2009 06:47 AM

in-game it would be /show_window Custom.FetishCentral

harczos 09-15-2009 05:22 AM

the way lootdb looks up queried items seems to have changed in the past, and now using the 'D' button on examine windows it gives a list of search results instead of the direct item page.
but if you wrap the item name in quotes (%22 url-encoded), then it will go to the item page
so the button code will look like this:

<Button Location="234,89" Name="BrowseLDB" OnPress="URLString=&apos;http://lootdb.com/?t=item&amp;q=%22&apos; ## parent.LorePage.Name.text ## &apos;%22&apos;&#xD;&#xA;browser URLString&#xD;&#xA;" ScrollExtent="15,15" Size="15,15" Style="/Fetish.ButtonStyles.box_button" Tooltip="Search LootDB">D</Button>

harczos 09-25-2009 07:25 AM

i mentioned this sometime ago, but forgot about that since :)
on the guild window, next to the guild hall text it should display where the GH is located, but instead the guild creation date is there

and a new bug is in the collection tab in the quest journal. instead of the total numbers, the text is repeated

lordebon 09-25-2009 03:30 PM

There's an issue with the collections tab of the quest journal. If you add an item to a collection and then try to add a second item (to any collection), it will show up like normal except the "Add" button is missing, preventing you from actually adding the item to the collection.

Camping back to the character lets you do another item, but then the issue comes back.

Zonx 09-25-2009 03:46 PM

Might be a bug with default... I don't see any differences between my structure and the default UI, and that portion of the journal didn't change at all.

niteshade99 09-25-2009 07:45 PM

I just switched to Fetish from Profit, kudos on a well done UI!

One issue I've found is the broker window. Double clicking an item you have listed to check the price appears to have issues within this UI. It works..sometimes. But when it doesn't work the broker window becomes unresponsive, not allowing you to highlight a different item in your broker box for a good minute. Highlighting an item and clicking the search broker button works fine, but is not nearly as convenient as just double clicking an item.

If this is a known issue, my apologies for bringing it up again.

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