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What is XML?
eXtensible Markup Language, this is a metalanguage that SOE utilizes to allow the customization of their interface. XML is also used on the internet for many other things and more information on that can be found using google.

If you look in your Everquest II directory you will see a UI folder and then a Default folder. Inside the default folder you will find the interface XML EQ2 uses as default. Please see the interface install FAQ for more information on how to load a custom interface.

Where can I find a list of eqtypes I can use?
In the default directory there's a file called "eq2ui_gamedata.xml" which, if you know how to read it, has (probably) every dynamicdata listed. How handy.

[More Info.] - by insomniac

Can we edit the maps?
Yes. "Left as an exercise for the reader from SOE".

Can I force a custom window I made to show?
Yes. For example you can force the hidden clock to show automatically by typing the following command in your chat window: /show_window MainHUD.Clock (Case Sensitive). When you log this window will disappear so there is now a way to force a custom window to stay on.

To force your new custom window to always load use the following code:
OnHide="show_window=(MainHUD.YourWindowHere) show_window=(MainHUD.YourWindowHere)"

What are the differ OnXxxxx choices?
If you are using the UIBuilder Select or create a button and Uncheck "Limit Properties Shown". If you are editing the XML by hand then see the following list.

All Elements:

Additional events by object type:
Button: OnPress
Checkbox: OnPress, OnSet, OnUnSet
Scrollbar, Sliderbar, Sliderpane: OnChange
Textbox: OnChange, OnOverflow
Dropdownbox: OnSelect
Listbox: OnSelect, OnDoubleClick

Can we insert animations?
Yes. Please see the example files in this thread for more information.

Where can I change the font EQ2 uses?
You can change the font EQ2 uses by editing the eq2ui_fonts.xml. Its best explained in this thread by Justar.

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