Why do I need to register to download? |
We require people to have an account with us to download files becuase we want to reduce the amount of hotlinks to our files. This saves us on a ton of bandwidth. We also want to track any abuse to our system. Please see our privacy statement for information on what we do with the collected information. |
Why does it keep prompting me to login when I download? |
There are a few reasons for this.
1.) You need to login using the login block on the right at www.eq2interface.com. Just because you’re logged into the forum doesn’t mean you are logged into eq2interface.com.
2.) If you are using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer you will need to reduce the security level. Go to TOOLS >> INTERNET OPTIONS >> SECURITY. Then click on the DEFAULT LEVEL button and set it to medium or use a custom level and just make sure cookies are accepted. Close all open browser windows and then open one up again and login and try downloading.
3.) Your system date & time is incorrect and because of that the cookie expires. If you are using windows double click on the time in the lower right corner of your screen and make sure the year, month and day are correct.
4.) If you are using Netscape 7 beta upgrade to the latest version now.
5.) If you use an old version of AOL's browser and have trouble it doesnt always read cookies correctly so dont use the AOL browser... minimize AOL abd then open up IE or a browser of your choice. Not every one that uses AOL has this problem (works ok for us) but this is the fix if you experience this problem.
7.) Check and make sure any net security programs you may have installed are not preventing you to receive cookies.
I hope this will help some of you. If you continue to have problems logging in or staying logged in and you've read through our entire FAQ please email [email protected] with as much information as possible.
Why do all files I download come up as download.php or display.php? |
Your browser is not reading the MIME type our php script is sending you. Make sure you have the latest version of your browser as there are a few older versions out there that ignore this important information.
If you continue to experience problems please contact us at [email protected] and include the following information: Browser name, Browser version and a link to the download.
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