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How do I install a custom interface?
Currently the interface command /loadui works in a sense it loads the custom interface but if you use it your interface will not work correctly. So here are the steps to use for now to load a custom interface and have it work.

Current Install Steps:
  1. Download the interface you wish to use
  2. Make a new folder with any name BUT with no spaces or special charaters (example: bobsui) in the UI folder that is inside your Everquest II directory.
  3. Unzip the xml, dds, tga (dds,tga's must be in a images sub-folder) files into your newely created folder. Please make sure you dont have a folder inside of a folder when you do this. %\Everquest II\UI\bobsui\jillsui\*.xml (wrong) | %\Everquest II\UI\bobsui\*.xml (correct)
  4. If you are going to use multiple interface peices just unzip all of them into the same folder.
  5. Go back to your Everquest II directory and create a new text file and put the following code inside of it:
    cl_ui_skinname bobsui cl_ui_subdir UI/
  6. Save the file as eq2.ini (make sure you dont save it as eq2.txt or eq2.ini.txt)
  7. Load up Everquest II and your new interface should be working.
Once they fix the /loadui command using custom interfaces will be ALOT easier and these steps will be updated.

[More Info.]

I'm using the game in a different language and have trouble?
Look inside your Everquest II folder and see if you have a folder with a name of LP_REGION_DE_DE, LP_REGION_EN_US or something similar (last four letters of the folder will be different depending on your language). This folder holds the installation of the game in your language. If you purchased the game in Germany and are using the English version you will have a folder named LP_REGION_EN_US. If you purchased the English version of the game and are using the German language you will have a folder named LP_REGION_DE_DE with your active eq2 installation. If you do have a similar folder as described in your Everquest II directory follow these directions instead.

Different Language Install Steps:
  1. Download the interface you wish to use
  2. Make a new folder with any name BUT with no spaces or special charaters (example: bobsui) in the UI folder that is inside your Everquest II directory.
  3. Unzip the xml, dds, tga (dds,tga's must be in a images sub-folder) files into your newely created folder. Please make sure you dont have a folder inside of a folder when you do this. %\Everquest II\LP_REGION_xx_xx\UI\bobsui\jillsui\*.xml (wrong) | %\Everquest II\LP_REGION_xx_xx\UI\bobsui\*.xml (correct)
  4. If you are going to use multiple interface peices just unzip all of them into the same folder.
  5. Go back to your %\Everquest II\LP_REGION_xx_xx\ directory and create a new text file and put the following code inside of it:
    cl_ui_subdir UI/ cl_ui_skinname bobsui
  6. Save the file as eq2.ini (make sure you dont save it as eq2.txt or eq2.ini.txt)
  7. Load up Everquest II and your new interface should be working.
Once they fix the /loadui command using custom interfaces will be ALOT easier and these steps will be updated.

[More Info.]

How to I make the eq2.ini and can you explain in more detail?
Ok, for starters we need to enable the viewing of file extentions, open up my computer, click the tools menu, then folder options.

A window will pop up, click the view tab. at the bottom of the advanced settings box (when its scrolled all the way up), you'll see a checkbox labeled "Hide extentions for known file types" make sure it is UNCHECKED.

Now we need to create the Eq2.ini file, navigate to C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II . Right click somewhere in the window, mouseover "new", then click "Text Document"

You should now be able to type in a name for the text document.

Type in eq2.ini and hit enter

This box:

should pop up. If it doesnt, you messed up the first part (veiwing extentions) click "yes".

Now text file icon should change and look like this:

now open eq2.ini, and paste this in it:
cl_ui_skinname bobsui
cl_ui_subdir UI/
close the file, and pick "yes" to save it.

Guide By: Insomniac

When I load an interface why does the game crash or have missing info?
Most of the time this is due to using the in game command /loadui that currently has problems. Use the installation directions posted all over this site until SOE fixes the /loadui command.

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