Are you tired of tracing through collections trying to figure out what you still need to find to earn that juicy reward?
Well now the computer can do that for you.
This utility gathers all of the collection data from the EQII census and organizes it by category and level. When the tool finds a collection reward as an item in another collection, it creates a parent / child relationship between the collections.
The utility can then query the census for the items actually collected by a character in the game and flag them in the hierarchy. The result is something like the "Main screen" screenshot shown. (The green monster icons are placeholders for icon's that are not available in the census.)
Version 1.3.1 (Mar 2024):
- Changed to better tolerate ongoing EQII census problems. (e.g. census is currently not returning any image queries.)
The Tree Pane
Top level nodes in the tree are collection categories grouped by level. Under those are the names of the collections in that category. A collection with children means that the child rewards an item needed by the parent. Those items are marked in the parent with an X in the 'Reward Item' column.
Black text in the tree with a check mark means the character has completed the collection. Black text without a check mark means the character currently has no items in that collection. Blue text means the character has some collection items but the collection is not complete.
Click on any collection to list its items in the Collection Items pane.
Collection Items Pane
This pane displays the list of collection items and rewards and their attributes.
Double clicking any item opens u.eq2wire for that item in your default browser.
What's Missing List
Right click any item in the tree, choose the 'What's Missing' menu and the tool generates a list of all of the missing items in the collection and its children. An example is shown in the "List of what's missing" screenshot shown.
The list can be filtered using the "Options" button at the bottom (as shown in the screenshot) for example to remove items rewarded by child collections since you don't need to go hunting for those.
The list can be copied to the clipboard via the "Copy List" choice. The copy contains the item name and the URL for the item on
Find Item
Sometimes a collection reward feeds a collection in a different category or at a different level. An example is shown in the "Find an item" screenshot where the items are Reward Items but the collection has no children. The "Find Item" menu can be used to find the source of that reward. (Shortcut: select the item and press ctrl-f.) Note that in this particular case, that leads to some "dead" collections in the census data.
The "Find" commands only find exact matches in the census data. For instance, the tool will not find "moth" but it will find "plain black moth".
The tool is a standalone desktop executable. Unzip it and run it.