this target window is supposed to be minimal while not being too small for actually seeing something or hiding anything that matters.
- smaller bars
- % display for health (without the '%')
- bars do only show up if they are not at 100%
- if you chose 'frame' under window options instead of 'none' you will see the bars and health% while in combat, no matter whether they are at 100% or not.
- all spelleffects on target are hidden, they only show up on move over
the file is the same as the one in my player window mod, doesn't matter which one you use.
july 12th: fixed the y value on the percent value, was a bit too high, added a bigger picture
july 18th: added a level indicator in both con systems, fixed some issues with the width in one of them and issues with the position of the active effects.
to see whether something is heroic or epic you have to change to the non arrow system, you'll see either an h or an e in the triangle for either heroics or epics (you need to hover over to see whether it's x2 x3 x4), while using this con system you will see the arrows on the target/implied target window and not over the 3d model.
the added proxyactor.xml file is optional, add it if you hate the level indicator and the window boarders over the 3d model in the non-arrow-con-system, like i do, it will take it all away and only let you see the name.
post all the feedback, bugs and problems please in my
ui thread