This start button is an update of matthewzellmer amazing "ZStartButton with Full/Window Screen toggle Horizontal/Vertical" Since it has not been updated for 7 entire years, I thought I would fix it up and update it for the community.
Fixes and Additions include:
- Updated to use DrumsUI InfoCenter (Not Included)
- Added and Included HarvestInfo button
- Changed Screenshot button to Browser
- Can now be adjusted at will (Can actually access the right click menu!)
- Fixed some of the buttons that didnt work
- Audio Sliders are default to full volume or music muted
Extract only ONE folder's contents into your UI folder from the zip, and add this to your eq2ui_custom.xml
Add this to your eq2ui_mainhud.xml somewhere at the end of it before the "</Page>"
You also need to add to your "eq2ui_mainhud_experience.xml" the following command somewhere [NOT NEEDED IF YOU USE MY
OnShow="show_window MainHUD.StartButton"
So that it shows like this for example
<Page actiontype="Experience" BackgroundColor="#00FF00" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="5,5" MaximumSize="860,90" MinimumSize="430,30" Name="Experience" PackLocation="center,bottom" ScrollExtent="430,90" Size="430,90" UserMovable="true" UserResizable="true" OnShow="show_window MainHUD.StartButton">
Or you can use this command ingame
/show_window MainHUD.StartButton
-If you wish to use DrumsUI Infocenter Follow these instructions
Install DrumsUI Infocenter from this link using the instructions including the "Extra Install Notes":
I hope you enjoy it and if you have any comments leave them below.
1.6 - 10-11-2019
-Updated Harvest info with the new T10,11,12 updates, Please see new picture uploaded. Start button still works fine (5 years later!) so no update to that.
1.5 - 17-11-2014 *Big Update!*
-Changed some Icons to be more appropiate
-Added Tag button that opens the target tag window
-Updated Harvest Info with Velious, Tier 10 and Tier 11 (Tier 11 is Based on Beta)
-The Skill Req in Harvest Info is now reflected on what you need to harvest rares instead of harvests themselves since the change from GU68
-Changed the Main menu for Quick Emotes to only show when you click the main Quick Emotes Button (Other menus still disapear on hover out)
-Added LOTS of new Emotes to the Quick Emotes including Voiced Only Emotes and Moods among overs
(Full List Added: Congratulate, Wince, BRB, Purr, Whistle, Whome, Flustered, Gut Cramp, Heel Click, Whine Assist Me, Battle Cry, Flee, Follow Me, Growl, Heal Me, Help Me, Helping, Heroic Opportunity, Hey There, Incoming, Look Here, Lookout, Need Group, OOP, Stay, Thirsty, Train, Under Attack, Mine)
1.2 - 10-09-2014
-Added two versions one with music starting maxed and one with the music starting muted -ONLY INSTALL ONE VERSION-
1.1 - 06-09-2014
-Added Tooltips to Buttons
-Missed Install instructions for Quick Emotes (Look above in the new install instructions)
1.0 - 05-06-2013
-Initial Release
-Me for editing the mod
-matthewzellmer for the original start button (Source:
-mr.wolfie & keezyrick for the Harvest Info (Source:
-Drumstix42 for his amazing Infocenter (And of course his awesome UI)