The short history of this mod is that I wanted an easy way to heal raid members outside of my group without lots of steps.
The main feature of this Raid Window mod is 5 buttons next to each raid member.
Pressing one of the buttons will do the following sequence:
- Clears queued abilities -- So that the spell attached to the button is the next cast
- Cancels any current casting -- Optional (Different files in the download)
- Casts the button ability on raid member -- No target switching occurs; /target_previous history stays intact
- Optionally sends a chat macro depending on the button.
This version of the raid window will automatically detect your priest class and switch spell sets. The T8 equivalents of minor heal, arch heal, single target specialty heal, "Cure" and "Cure Curse" are default. No XML modifications are needed unless you wish to change these defaults, or you are not a priest class with predefined defaults.
This raid window can be resized to different column/row arrangements. 4x1(1128px/119px) and 1x4(280px/476px) would be most common. You may also right-click a non-raid member spot to choose Basic mode which will hide the buttons.
This version will also sync the backdrop/frame opacity of each group window to the opacity slider in the Window Settings. This feature is not automatic but will sync when the window opens and when the mouse passes over the window. So when adjusting the slider, mouse over the window to preview the results.
New with v1.7, you may attach chat macros to different button types. Starting on line 39, there will be five sections where you may add/edit the chat macros. The default provided is "
raidsay Parent.UseAbility.SpellName used | Parent.UseAbility.SpellTarget", which may show up as "
Cure Curse used | Aditu". The underlined segments will be replaced in the macro by their counterparts. When using chat commands such as /raidsay or /tellchannel (channelname), do
not include a slash character. To enable a specific macro, you must set
If you want to use spell codes instead of spell names(you're on a non-English server and spell names don't work for you), feel free to use these spell codes by replacing the last 18 Data lines(with spell names) with this one line. (T8)
<Data Name="Templar1" SpellName="2008130855" /> <Data Name="Templar2" SpellName="3553854409" /> <Data Name="Templar3" SpellName="2819125823" /> <Data Name="Inquisitor1" SpellName="2347916808" /> <Data Name="Inquisitor2" SpellName="4124612351" /> <Data Name="Inquisitor3" SpellName="998195682" /> <Data Name="Warden1" SpellName="1994024703" /> <Data Name="Warden2" SpellName="2977442704" /> <Data Name="Warden3" SpellName="853550606" /> <Data Name="Fury1" SpellName="2027130211" /> <Data Name="Fury2" SpellName="3584665359" /> <Data Name="Fury3" SpellName="2460326851" /> <Data Name="Mystic1" SpellName="423701891" /> <Data Name="Mystic2" SpellName="3754198906" /> <Data Name="Mystic3" SpellName="1663775277" /> <Data Name="Defiler1" SpellName="1390698267" /> <Data Name="Defiler2" SpellName="1776638355" /> <Data Name="Defiler3" SpellName="632641928" />
v1.0 -- Aditu of Permafrost -- ACT Author -- [email protected]
First Release
Class spell set switching, icons modified.
Allows ability queuing now that it functions correctly in GU36. Optional version for canceling current casting or not.
Updated to use T8 spells. Slightly different button event handler.
Updated the definition for
Mystic1 to the correct spelling. 1.2's button handling again... I liked being able to hold it down and it would cast as soon as it noticed.
Removed the level indicator. Added a "Cure" button to each raid member. Simpler button handlers attached to a unified function call. Linked each group background opacity to the main window backdrop opacity slider found in Window Settings.
Removing the level indicator caused the client to stop showing that information in the tooltips... so it's just hidden, not removed now.
Added voice chat indicators.
Fixed Mystic typo. (again)
Added Basic/Advanced collapsing functionality. Added detriment indicators to the Cure Curse and Cure icon buttons.
Detrimental indicators now change size depending on how many are currently visible per raid member. Added the ability to send a chat macro per button type.
Fixed a bug where the automatically defined buttons may forget their definitions after something like zoning etc.
Updated spell lists for GU52, I hope.
The 1px gold border around each group page syncs its opacity to the opacity of the border making up the entire raid window. This opacity is changed in the Window Settings by changing the Frame and Title opacity. This is similar to how the Backdrop sliders work; you must close and reopen the window or hover the mouse over the window in order for the opacity changes to take effect.
Fixed the spell definition for Warden2. Updated so the buttons could once again see the player's name after the GU54(SF) update. Overrode the tooltips for the buttons to be mostly blank. Switched the locations of Cure Curse and Cure. (I kept hitting Cure Curse instead of quick-heal sometimes) The heal icons light up a bit when the mouse is over them.
Updated so the buttons could cast on Battlegrounds players. Supposedly.