Version 2.0a Fixed a cosmetic bug where the window scrolled out of the frame a little.
All New Version 2.0
-=-=-=- Please Note -=-=-=-
This is the Full window. I will be revising the other one to make an even more compact window for those that want just the simple raid window with no class icons, player level, etc. Basically it will be the bare minimum to still be effective.
-=-=-=- On with the New Version Notes -=-=-=-
This has everything in the larger raid window without the Awefull background colors, and the size majorly reduced. This raid window is about 1/2 the size of the default one.
This version works in both Advanced and Basic mode and is able to be resized into various setups as shown in the screenshots.
The only issue this mod will have is that people with Very long names will have it cut short in the raid window. You will still be able to heal them etc, just cannot see there full name. In a raid their full name shouldn't matter very much. basically this shows names all the way to 11 letters instead of the 15 which is the maximum.
-- NOTE --
The Current screenshots are not from an actual raid and were modified to give an example of the way the window will look.
In Advanced mode there are no blank white squares. only if an effect needs to be cured will the icon show.
I will be updating the screenshots once my guild goes on a raid this week. To show actual in game screenshots of this mod in action.
Older note just left here for a history of this mod.
Version 1.1 Corrects an issue with sizing in Full Horizontal mode. The window can now be stretched out entirely in the Horizontal format.
This Raid window was made to get rid of the Extremely Bulky Default UI Raid Window. I always hated the Colors and the size of the default one.
This Version Contains the Class type icons usefull for quickly determining who needs shards, etc. (Added by Popular Demand)
The only problems I can see becoming an issue with this is if someone named Longestnamepossible joins the raid, their name will be cut off short, but you should still be able to see their full name by hovering your mouse cursor over them.
(This Window may be used in Horizontal mode, Vertical mode, or played in a 2x2 Box mode)
Any suggestions/comments/feedback are welcome and appreciated.
Wildsong Gentlevoice
Toxxulia Server