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Unread 03-03-2005, 03:15 PM
Jerry Jerry is offline
A Berserk Golem
Join Date: Jan 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 59
Default Well...

While the Arcane UI looks really cool, it isn't quite what I had in mind with mine. The idea was to cram all the stuff that a healer needs to see, into the smallest possible area, while leaving the stuff he needs to see very large and visible.
Also, part of the idea was to vertically align ALL of the HP / power of the party, player, target, and implied target. Also, the idea was to make the status effects VERY visible: it beomes difficult to see becasue the icons for it were drawn very much alike.

While the Arcane windows look super-cool, and quite ornate, they are designed to be spread out, not crammed one right next to each other.

Take a look at my mock-up, and see if it doesn't seem really different to you--Like the difference between the organic beauty of a plant, and the crystalline beauty of a well-put-together computer.

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