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Unread 04-14-2005, 06:06 PM
sardiaxx sardiaxx is offline
A Forest Scavenger
Join Date: Dec 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 18

been playing with this a bit, neat idea. gave me a few ideas. having a text object linked to the earthtime and another identical field that when clicked copied the text - thinking of throwing it into my clock window to use to easily keep track of how much time I spend in a zone or other such things.

a stopwatch timer might be an idea, wouldn't really function properly until we can reset to the first frame though. just have three or four images with the frames and playtimes set up to function as a stopwatch.
10 frames 0-9 - 36000 second playtime, then 6 frames 0-5 with 60 second playtime, and 10 frames 0-9 with 10 seconds playtime. and maybe a zero to have four digits for appearances sake. thought about throwing a similar thing together now, but i'd rather wait and hope we get the ability to start/stop/reset animations.
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