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Unread 10-18-2007, 04:28 PM
Beele Beele is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Aug 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 5
Default Changing fonts for windows

Is there an easy way to change the font type in the chat window? Without editing eq2ui_textstyles, I mean?

I have been happily using some font for everything related to my toons, and had saved all the features I wanted in extreme_performance. Then, the other day, I decided I wanted to look at stuff in extreme_quality, and when I was done I reloaded extreme_performance. Well, apparently the fonts I was using previously weren't saved, because everything changed to Arial- one I am not a big fan of. I prefer Times New Roman or many others. Editing .xml files isn't my idea of fun, seems SoE should have an option to let you choose what font you want for at a minimum the overall game and the chat window specifically, not just font sizes.

I think that is the biggest reason why I miss the buttons in ThorUI that used to exist that could change the graphics quality from extreme performance to extreme quality without having to load/save anything, though the ability to save/load presets is also valuable.

Thanks in advance.
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