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Unread 06-13-2007, 02:58 AM
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Default Editing RaidAbilities Sets

Editing RaidAbilities

To chang an ability in a set

Open _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml in NotePad.

You'll see several blocks of code like the following...
<Page Name="Set1" Size="0,0">
	<Data Ability="Set1 RA1" Group="fasle" Name="RA1" Raid="false" Tell="false"/>
	<Data Ability="Set1 RA2" Group="fasle" Name="RA2" Raid="false" Tell="false"/>
	<Data Ability="Set1 RA3" Group="fasle" Name="RA3" Raid="false" Tell="false"/>
The page name value indicates which "set button" these abilities are attached to. The above example is named Set1 and attaches to Set1Btn.
DO NOT change the page name.

Each Data object has an Ability="value". Edit the value between the quotes to match the name of whatever ability you want in the set.

Similarly, each Data object includes a Group="fasle", Raid="fasle", and Tell="fasle" setting. These control weather the ability activation is announced in one or more of the associated chat channels. To enable any of the announcements, change the value from false to true. Currently the announcement is generic and can't be easily edited. It will prduce a message in roughly the following form..
/raidsay Activating {RaidAbility} on {TargetName}
Due to a limitation in SOE script, chat commands often don't appear the first time they are executed. To ensure each announcement is actually sent at least once, each announcment is attempted twice. This does mean in many cases you'll see both attempts (double annoucements).

The "default" set can be edited in the same way. The only thing special about the default set is that it will automatically load the first time you log in and open the raid window every play session.

To change a "set button" label

Open _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml in NotePad.

About 38 lines down you'll see code for the default button...
<Button LocalText="Default" Location="4,76" MaximumSize="16384,32" MinimumSize="32,20" Name="DefaultBtn" OnPress="
" ScrollExtent="142,20" Size="142,20" Style="/Fetish.ButtonStyles.text_button">Default</Button>
In the above example, the button reads Default. Edit both of the following bits to whatever you want displayed on the button
The following example is edited to display My Button...
<Button LocalText="My Button" Location="4,76" MaximumSize="16384,32" MinimumSize="32,20" Name="DefaultBtn" OnPress="
" ScrollExtent="142,20" Size="142,20" Style="/Fetish.ButtonStyles.text_button">My Button</Button>
You may edit all 7 of the button labels.
DO NOT change the button name vlaues.

To change announcement text
Note: customized announcement text will apply to every annoucement of that type. All /raidsay announcements will use the same text, only the ability and target name will change.

Open _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml in NotePad.

At the very bottom of the file you'll find 3 buttons, one for each announcement type. The following is an example of the Raid button
<Button Location="-10,-10" Name="Raid" OnActivate="
raidsay=(&apos;Activating &apos;)##(Parent.RA)##(&apos; on &apos;)##(Parent.Parent.RATar)
raidsay=(&apos;Activating &apos;)##(Parent.RA)##(&apos; on &apos;)##(Parent.Parent.RATar)
" ScrollExtent="1,1" Size="1,1"></Button>
This may look complex but its easy to understand if we break it into its various parts.
raidsay= This bit sets the channel the announcement will go to. Note there's no need for a leeding slash.

(&apos;Activating &apos This bit contains a plain text portion of the announcement wrapped by parens and apostrophies. You can replace Activating with whatever text you want at the begining of the announcement. Note a space is needed to keep the plain text from butting up against the next bit.

## this bit glues the next bit onto the end of the previous bit. Its known as a concatination operator.

(Parent.RA) this bit contains a variable with the name of the ability we're activating.

## more glue

(&apos; on &apos another bit of plain text. You can replace on with whatever you want. Note the leading and trailing spaces needed to keep this text from butting up against the surrounding variables.

## even more glue

(Parent.Parent.RATar) this bit contains a variable with the name of the person the ability is targeting.

You can glue more bits on as you like, just be sure to use the ## between each bit and be mindfull of the need for spaces to seperate plain text from variables. The following example produces the following message.
raidsay {TargetName} needs help so I'm activating {RaidAbility} in his general direction. Hope {TargetName} lives long enough.
raidsay=(Parent.Parent.RATar)#(&apos; needs help so I'm activating &apos;)##(Parent.RA)##(&apos; in his general direction. Hope &apos;)##(Parent.Parent.RATar)##(&apos; lives long enough&apos;)
Note: you should always repeat the announcement to ensure it executes at least once. Due to SOE script limitations, the first attempt often doesn't execute.

Last edited by Zonx : 08-02-2007 at 01:54 AM.
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