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Unread 11-05-2013, 03:21 PM
Quinnos Quinnos is offline
A Brown Bear
Join Date: Sep 2013
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Posts: 9

I tried to conceptualize how I would attempt this and I got this.

Full disclosure, I don't code and the last class i took was high school level yeeeaaars ago.

I think this might work simply though.

Whenever you zone it shows up in your log file as "You have entered Zone."

It might be possible to use that part of the log to turn on and off music.

Define two variables

A = silence
B = silence

Read the log file when it comes across "You have entered " copy variable A to variable B then copy everything in the log file after "You have entered " up to the period to the variable A.

Have an if statement maybe something like this.

If A = "Greater Faydark" then play VariableA.midi ... Stop VariableB.midi

that way if it's not a zone that you want custom music for it won't do anything.

Then every time you zone it will update those two variables.

If A matches a zone that you want custom music for it will start the music.

It will stop the music on B every time you zone that way you don't end up with two music's playing at the same time.

now to see if i can teach myself how to turn that into a program. I kinda got a concept of how to do it, just not sure how to code.

I'm sure the hard part will be figuring out how to have a program turn on and off another program. How would you make a program run a file in windows media player or something. I'm not sure, gonna have to read.
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