Thread: Damage Parser
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Unread 01-17-2005, 04:48 AM
Ainlor Ainlor is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Posts: 2
Default EQ Companion

I would like to recomend EQ Companion .

EQ Companion is a parser for EQI but the developer has released a EQII version.

It parse fights, loot, skills, factions, players and chat.

You can run the parser in the background and have it monitoring your log while playing just remember to type /log when you have logged into the game. You can even turn on speech thus have the parser tell you dps at the end of each fight for instance.

The fights are parsed for you, your group and mobs. It shows a list of the fights and when you clik on a fight you can see detailed info on that fight. The details are in two separet windows, the first window shows details on you, each member in the group and the mob/mobs and contains attack type, dmg, dmg%, dps, hit%, hps, maxh, minh and damage dealth to you. The second window shows all the fight messages like throwing buffs, debuffs, fizzels, hits, resists etc.
The fight list shows per fight your total dmg, your dps, the groups total dmg, the mobs total dmg and mobs max dmg.
The separate fights can be linked and calculated as one fight. Very handy for field researces.

I always have the parser running in the bacground and monitor how the group is doing. This gives me a good tool to adjust my fights and to give advices to my group mates. When grouping with peeps I don't know the first thing I do is telling them I am parsing our fights and ask them I they do mind I throw in some advices here and there. Well, most of them find my advices very usefull.

Items can be looket up in linket item databases like Allakhazam. The parser keeps list over time that keeps tracks on loot and harvested items.

The chat channelse are kept in seperate windows.

The /who keeps a list of people you have found and where and when they last were sighted.

The parser is also able to look for your /loc commands and show location, route and speed on the map on the fly, but so far I have not been able to get it to work in EQII.

If you experience that the parser is slowing your computer you can adjust what the parser should parse. For instance you may cose only to parse fight data.

The log file get big pretty fast. Rename your current log-file once in a while (I do it once a week). The game will create a new one next time you log in and you can always read the old logs into the parser. You can even have the parser to read several log files at once.

There are tons of details to dive into not mentioned here and if you find EQ Companion as usefull as I do you, have found yet another tool that is indispensabel and you are never going to turn it off again

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