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Unread 03-28-2016, 06:35 PM
aseop aseop is offline
A Forest Scavenger
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 18
Default Not parsing Target Name


I need to experiment more but I am confused. When a variable mapped to the target name is used as the first command in a list of commands performed in an onpress... it works. However, when the same command and variable is in middle of the commands... nothing... no error, none of the commands are executed. Here is an example of where it does not work:

<Composite Size="230,40" Alignment="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" PackLocation="LEFT,TOP" PackSize="a,f" SpacingType="Fill">
                         <Checkbox Location="10,10" Name="stanza002Check" OnSet="parent.stanza002Tip.TextColor=#FF0000" OnUnset="parent.stanza002Tip.TextColor=#FFFFFF" PackLocation="fff" PackSize="f,f" ScrollExtent="25,40" Size="25,40" MinimumSize="25,40" MaximumSize="25,40" Style="/" Tooltip="Mark/Ubmark" BackgroundOpacity="1.000" />
                         <Button Name="stanza002" OnPress="
                         do_file_commands song000stanza002A.DOS
                         do_file_commands song000stanza002B.DOS
                         Emote reaching out and barely caressing Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.TNAME.text cheek
                         do_file_commands song000stanza002D.DOS
                         do_file_commands song000stanza002E.DOS
                         " ScrollExtent="160,40" Size="160,40" MinimumSize="160,40" MaximumSize="160,40" Style="/" TextVerticalAlignment="Center" TextMaxLines="1" ToolTip="3">3</Button>
                         <Text Font="/Fonts.SegoeUI20" Name="stanza002Tip" ScrollExtent="100,40" Size="100,40" TextColor="#FFFFFF" TextAlignment="Left"  TextAlignmentVertical="Center" Margin="10,0,10,4" MaxLines="1"> stepping off the stage and moving through the audience.</Text>
Any ideas? I am uncertain if I could create the whole set of commands as a single variable or not...

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