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Unread 01-03-2008, 09:48 AM
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DBurgdorf DBurgdorf is offline
A Griffon
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To each his own, and all that, I suppose. As I said, I harvest all the time, so I understand needing to know if you're ready for a new tier's harvesting, but I've never had any trouble keeping track of that with just a very occasional look at the skills page. I really can't imagine needing (or wanting) to take up screen space with a constant display of my harvesting skills. *Shrug* But then, I've never really bothered with any sort of "stat bar" mod; the only thing even close to a "star bar" that I use is the mod I created that shows my coins and weight. There's nothing else that I can see any need to have on-screen all the time. (The fact that I've always had to play at a relatively low resolution probably has something to do with the matter. My available screen space tends to be limited.)

In any event, though, the whole point is moot. Until and unless Sony changes things, it's not possible to have the harvesting skill info anywhere other than in the one and only Persona window, anyway.

On a side note, as far as "knowing what to concentrate on" is concerned, when I'm harvesting, I harvest from all nodes, whether I specifically need the harvestables or not, and I really wish everyone else would do the same. It's been one of my pet peeves for years, now. When you "cherry-pick" certain node types and leave the rest behind (except of course in KoS zones), you just screw up the node balance for whomever ends up harvesting behind you. :P

(Please don't take that as a personal attack; it's only intended as a general observation. Your comment just happened to bring the point to mind.)

-- Darryl (Milquetowst)
Creator of the various Milquetowst mods
(But no longer actively modding)
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