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Unread 06-21-2005, 08:27 PM
laotin laotin is offline
A Sea Turtle
Join Date: Nov 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 31

Eloora- I know exactly what you mean

Sometimes I wish I had picked a caster class or scout class that way I could put my group window anywhere and not have to watch my maintained window

As a templar sometimes I have to switch group members very quickly for healing (yes I F1-F6, I know) but I am a "mouse person" I use my mouse for everything. And, the maintained spells window ugggggg it is the bane of my playing! I remember the first time we beat Darathar, I honestly did not see him fall, why? Because I was so glued to watching my debuffs and reactive heals in my maintained window that I actually didn't notice the hps and did not see 90% of the fight. I am dead serious, being a healer in the MT group I rarely see an event, unless it is something we have done 50 times already, or a really easy event.

This is why I have been crying for a total "dashboard" design.

After some thought, I actually went into my ol' paint shop program and drew what I think would do wonders for healers like me, now I know this is very crude, and very simple and basic, but it gives my idea.

things like, a player window within the group window that looks the same as everyone else's character in the group, that you can click on to target to heal. nice big target window, front and center so you can see your tank dying in plain view. small easy to see quest helper. 3 spell bars (i would like 4 but, i just couldnt find room) exp bars for both adven and craft on either side, with number lvls and % and a bar that runs across. nice big chat area. 5 boxes to show what weapon your using, prim and secondary, your ammo and your 2 activate slot items, because us healers switch out the manastone, potions for power regen, and dolls for sta/wis (or at least i do, constantly) an implied target right above the target so you can glance up and see your mob dying. I didnt do much with a compass, /shrug a compass is a compass as far as i am concerned. maintained and spell effects windows that fill up reverse ways in plain view with big icons. and finally a group window that has 4 boxes beside the name for your bad spells from mobs icons, easy to see, easy to know when to cure!

honestly I dont know if you guys will cry laughing at my artwork or not even bother, nor do i know even if you do bother if all this is even possible. but this is what i mean by "flow" it all has a place, it all goes together, and it all fits in the bottom of the screen. final note, would be awesome in 1280x1024

good times, heres the link to my awesome 3yr old's artwork

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