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Unread 12-16-2010, 05:55 PM
Macrixen Macrixen is offline
A Brown Bear
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Originally Posted by Landiin View Post
Any one tried reading LocalText? Just a thought, It could be of no use.
text and localtext say the same for me.

I just can't get it to send it to chat... Just getting table entry which is what is used as placeholder in the code ">table entry</text>"
Eureka!! ok so i tried dropping the parent in the code and just did localtext in the onhoverin within the scroll page and it worked hehe
<Text DropToParent="true" Font="/TextStyles.Normal.NormalStyle" Location="1,0" Name="row Icon" PackLocation="right,top" PackSize="f,f" ScrollExtent="68,42" ShadowStyle="/" Size="42,42" TextAlignment="Center" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" OnHoverIn="say=('LocalText')" />
Ok now for the really fun part... How in the world do you simplify this so that you won't have to mouse over every item 200x for both count and name? You can't call the localtext out of any element except the one that houses the data your looking for. SelectedItem doesn't work because it's not a list. few possibilities here, though not sure how to implement it.
1.)create variables in which the localtext of each element gets sent to.(really can't work due to the fact it's a templated format)
2.)Create a data object(don't have any clue as to how to do this)
3.)try and figure out how they named the templated items after it's been filled.

Here is the complete code as I use it.
    <Composite Location="17,125" Name="Items" Orientation="Horizontal" PackSize="a,a" ScrollExtent="316,273" Size="316,273" SpacingType="Fill">
        <Page DropToParent="true" Name="ScrollPage" PackSize="absolute,absolute" ScrollExtent="294,273" ScrollSize="1,44" Size="294,273">
            <Text DropToParent="true" Font="/TextStyles.Normal.NormalStyle" Location="1,0" Name="row Icon" OnHoverIn="Count=(&apos;Count: &apos; ## &apos;LoaclText&apos;)" PackLocation="right,top" PackSize="f,f" ScrollExtent="42,42" ShadowStyle="/" Size="42,42" TextAlignment="Center" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" />
            <Text DropToParent="true" Font="/TextStyles.Normal.NormalStyle" Location="47,0" Name="row Item Name" OnHoverIn="Name=(&apos;Item: &apos; ## &apos;LocalText&apos;)" PackSize="absolute,fixed" ScrollExtent="178,42" ShadowStyle="/" Size="178,42" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" />
            <Text ContextCapable="true" DropToParent="true" Font="/TextStyles.Normal.NormalStyle" Location="226,0" Name="row Level" PackLocation="right,top" PackSize="f,f" ScrollExtent="68,42" ShadowStyle="/" Size="68,42" TextAlignment="Center" TextAlignmentVertical="Center" />
            <Image AbsorbsInput="false" BackgroundColor="#4A404A" BackgroundOpacity="1.000" DropToParent="true" Name="row Selection" PackSize="absolute,fixed" ScrollExtent="293,42" Size="293,42" />
        <Scrollbar ArrowPressSound="sounds/button" Control="ScrollPage" HideIfUnnecessary="false" Location="294,0" MaximumSize="22,16384" MinimumSize="22,60" Name="Scroll" PackLocation="right,top" PackSize="fixed,absolute" ScrollExtent="22,273" Size="22,273" Style="/" />

Last edited by Macrixen : 12-17-2010 at 06:09 AM.
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